Monday, October 20, 2014

Be Free Once More

Comrade BHO will Straighten Out (EO) Constitution Musunderstanding

As a nation that is systematically being dismantled piece by piece by the Obama transformation agenda to turn the USA into a Socialist Western European style society favoring government-down defined forms of representative government, Free Speech and Religious Freedom. Under the Western European paradigm any speech that insults ungodly lifestyles or denigrates any religion that is specifically an antichrist political ideology is a hate-crime punishable by fines, incarceration and/or both.

This essay by Justin Smith addresses the Obama transformation. Justin correctly observes the American voters have placed America in this position believing the lofty lies of Leftist Democrats. It will only be the discernment of American voters that will end the Obama transformation that desires the termination of the Founding Fathers’ grand experiment that brought the greatest nation into existence the world has known to date.

JRH 10/20/14
Be Free Once More

By Justin O. Smith
Sent: 10/19/2014 3:54 PM

Our Constitutional Republic, once a free republic, is failing through the ignorant, uneducated and ill-informed choices of its Congressmen, Senators and American voters, and it is also failing because many Americans are culpable and willful in their support of actions and policies that negatively impact America. Far too many Americans do not understand or do not care that Obama's Siren's call for the Progressive fundamental transformation of America is found nowhere in the principles that built America, and many do not care that this is being done by unconstitutional means.

There was a time when there existed fine, decent Democrats, liberal only in the classical sense, who loved America and worked for Her in a benevolent fashion. Senator Joe Lieberman (CT) was one such Democrat, who was a foreign policy hawk. Another such Democrat was Senator Henry "Scoop" Jackson (WA _served from 1953-1983), who was a leading "anti-communist" hawk. But today, the Democratic Party and nearly all Democrats are ultra-socialist, right on the verge of being outright communists and fascists.

Democrats Kaye Hagan (NC), Mark Begich (Alaska), Mary Landrieu (LA), Mark Udall (CO), Jeanne Shaheen (NH) and many other Democrats are all currently distancing themselves from President Obama in preparation for the November 4th election. All of these Senators voted with Obama's agenda 95% of the time, according to the Congressional Quarterly Roll Call calculators. Voting for any Democratic leader is voting for the Progressive Movement's legislative agenda and Obama's fundamental transformation of America.

For six years America has careened through a sluggish economy worsened by Democrat economic policies advocated by Obama that come straight from Franklin Roosevelt's New Deal. They didn't work then and they haven't worked today, as we find approximately 100 million Americans now receiving government assistance of some sort.

Democrat policies from Roosevelt's era have been greatly expanded upon by the Progressives of Obama's new marxofascist based Democratic Party, because dependent people equal an easily controlled population. Many Americans on welfare today could have been productive, if only they had been encouraged to be independent. But, their entire lives the Democrats so convinced them that they could not succeed under the free market system and Adam Smith's Capitalism, which they never really tried. And this is immoral, but then immoral pretty well describes the entire Progressive platform of ideas.

Increasingly Americans are experiencing Progressive Democrats' tyranny, just as in California where Democrat Governor Jerry Brown and a Democrat supermajority in the legislature seized control of all ground water supplies in the state this past September, under the guise of conservation and due to a drought of their own making. More of these Agenda 21 based regulations are due to go into effect nationally in November, despite efforts to block them (HR5078), and they are setting the stage for the biggest land grab in U.S. history, in terms of power over land use, at the hands of Progressive Democrat bureaucratic political hacks and unelected despots.

President Obama can only use an Executive Order to supplement previously existing law passed by Congress, not to make new law in his current manner. When Obama issues Executive Orders, such as the Dream Act, that go astray of Constitutional limits and when bureaucracies, such as the EPA, are able to bind Americans through regulations, not law, it is extra-legal. One also is denied their Constitutional rights if forced to arbitrate any disputed matter through a bureaucrat, as this places administrative power above the law, side-stepping the courts and judges.

Along with Obama's boastful disregard for the Constitution, Obama and the Progressive Democrats have worked tirelessly to undermine Christianity and Our American Heritage, as witnessed by their support of homosexual "marriages" (nothing "gay" about it) and their assault on Hobby Lobby's position regarding birth control. They don't "mean well" and they don't give a damn about America or anything outside their Progressive ideology.

Disagree with the Democrat divisive platform and the opposition is accused of hatred: If you oppose illegal immigration, you hate Hispanics. If you have concerns about Islam in America, you hate Muslims. If you oppose Affirmative Action, you must hate blacks. And if you oppose "gay" marriage, you must hate homosexuals - "well - hmmm?" One out of four ain't bad. I'll let Ya'll figure it out. (Just joking folks - please, no hate mail).

Six years of Democratic failed policies have shown that voting for the Democratic Party is both foolish and dangerous for the nation. Our border patrol agents are used to nullify immigration law, allowing terrorists to cross our borders. The Justice Department now enforces U.S. law through race-based initiatives. Every vote for Obamacare and its death panels, the most destructive legislation in U.S. history, came from the Democratic Party. The Islamic State has set the Middle East ablaze due to Obama's and Democratic support of the Muslim Brotherhood and Obama's insistence on complete withdrawal from Iraq. And now, the incurable and deadly Ebola virus and previously eradicated diseases, like tuberculosis, are in America due Obama's "open borders" policy and his ideological idiocy.

But isn't this what Americans wanted after all - "Hope and Change"?

Americans themselves are largely responsible for their own misery. One hundred and eleven million eligible voters, 45%, stayed home in 2012, while 27.4% believed Obama's lies and pie in the sky promises and voted for "free" handouts and government benefits. 25.3% voted to be left alone by the government.

Incompetence has become the rule at many of the highest levels of government and in private businesses. Corporations like GM now seek protections and monopolies. Obama's and John Kerry's bungling will soon ensure that Iran has nuclear ICBMs, while the U.S. space program is compromised by its reliance on Russian, an old enemy renewing its adversarial position. It takes 10-15 years now to build a bridge that used to take 3 years, because of environmental studies required by the EPA. It takes an average of seven years to get a mining permit. And $7.2 trillion of new Obama debt has the U.S. debt at $17.8 trillion, undermining our fiscal responsibility to future generations.

Friederich Hayek, renowned economist, once remarked that having "seen millions voting themselves into complete dependence on a tyrant (Hitler) has made our generation understand that to choose one's government is not necessarily to secure one's freedom."

Thomas Jefferson, the third U.S. President, simply stated, "Educate and inform the whole mass of the people ... They are the only sure reliance for the preservation of our liberty."

Our Founding Fathers didn't expect government to control every aspect of the American people's lives, as Obama and the Progressives are now doing by using the IRS against political opponents and telling us what medical insurance we can purchase. The Founders had survived tyranny, and they wrote the Constitution as a promise to the American people that government would be kept out of our private lives. Nobody - not elected Progressive officials, not Obama - gets to dictate how we live our lives, and Americans can remain a free people, a republic, despite Obama's numerous lawless edicts and threats of one man rule, by sending the message in November that WE are restoring Our U.S. Constitution.

By Justin O. Smith
Edited by John R. Houk

© Justin O. Smith

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