Saturday, June 21, 2014

Islam: Radical and Moderate or just Islam

Chris Plante, Clare Lopez, Brigitte Gabriel & Frank Gaffney
John R. Houk
© June 21, 2014

Justin O. Smith shared a Right Scoop article that largely contained a video of a Heritage Foundation panel Townhall question-answer session with the topic being, “Benghazi: The Difference it makes is Accountability”. At the Right Scoop link the post takes about 9 minutes of the panel discussion that focused on a question form a self-indicated Moderate Muslim gal by the name of Saba Ahmed.

Saba Ahmed’s question is roughly: How does America fight an ideological war with weapons? (In full disclosure I probably just gave an insufficient paraphrase. You’ll have watch the video to hear the full gist of her question.)

Frank Gaffney JR was the first panel member to respond, but Right Scoop wants you to focus on the answer provided by panel member Brigitte Gabriel. Gabriel’s reply was greatly passionate making it clear that not all Muslims are radicalized. Roughly she explains that about 25% of Muslims are proponents of Radical Islam and that the other roughly 75% are Moderate. I have read at various sources that may imply there is disagreement with Gabriel’s percentages. The thinking being more like 10% radical and 90% moderate. Frankly, if you are into the percentages I suspect Gabriel’s figures are probably closer.

Gabrielle points out that the 25% of Radical Muslims still represents approximately hundreds of millions Muslims dedicated to killing Christians, Jews and Americans. That is a bunch of ridiculously angry people!

Gabriel says since there are so many Radical Muslims, the 75% Moderate Muslims are irrelevant in the sense that their peace-loving nature cannot compare to the violent hatred of the agenda of Radical Islam.

I’ll post the video below in order for you to see just how passionate Brigitte Gabriel’s explanation was to Saba Ahmed. BUT that which piqued my interest in the Justin Smith Facebook share of the Right Scoop post was his reaction to the concept of their being a division of Radicals and Moderates practicing the Islamic theopolitical religion. Justin categorically believes any difference between Radical and Moderate Muslims is a politically correct mentality that non-Muslims should view with extreme skepticism.

On my part I have wavered over the years between siding with counterjihad writers in the Brigitte Gabriel camp and the counterjihad writers that specifically read the Islamic text of the Quran, Hadith and Sira (Sunna) who are convinced ultimately that Islam is fully violent in nature. I have wavered because I have known Muslims that are very offended to be included in the group that are the Radical Muslim faithful. But then I witness on the news how huge populations of Muslims in Islamic lands go nutso-crazy over what the West – especially America – that would consider Free Speech issues like when some European Newspapers published parodies mocking Mohammed. Parodies I might add that were actually derived from Quranic, Hadith and Sira text that portrayed Mohammed in a negative light. Crowds went crazy in town squares, at Western Embassies of the host nations that published the cartoons, the publishers and cartoonists had to actually go into hiding in their own nation because of the death fatwas and assassination threats. AND the Mo-Cartoons is just one such issue in Muslims became howling lunatics over their prophet being shown in such a negative light.

These days I am leaning with the counterjihad writers that believe Islam is evil – period. My current reasoning for this are the Muslims own considered holy writings of the – wait for it – the Quran, Hadith and Sira.

So I have given you the gist of Brigitte Gabriel’s thoughts on Radical and Moderate Muslims. I might add those thoughts were quite convincing due to her passionate delivery. Below are Justin Smith’s thoughts on Gabriel’s impassioned reply. I do concur with Justin by the way; however I am reluctant to be as critical of the Radical-Moderate proponents in counterjihad writing. People like Brigitte Gabriel and Frank Gaffney JR are huge in the effort to educate Americans that there is a nefarious side to Islam. Whether or not you believe that Islamic nefarious side is limited to the practice of a few Radical Muslims or is the totality of the essence of Islamic theopolitical ideology is up to you. Dear God either way, understand the demands of Islam especially as required under Sharia Law is oppressively anti-Bill of Rights which means anti-U.S. Constitution. Allowing Muslims to practice the unconstitutional aspects of Sharia Law will transform America in ways that our traditional Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness will cease to exist.

Below are Justin’s response to Brigitte Gabriel which I will follow with the entire 9 minute and 17 seconds Youtube video of Saba Ahmed’s question followed by Frank Gaffney’s response and then by Gabriel’s passionate response. Brigitte Gabriel speaks at about the 4 minute 17 second point. Right Scoop has a video that just shows only the Gabriel portion of the video.

JRH 6/21/14
Justin Smith: There are NO Moderate Muslims
(Title by Editor)

By Justin O. Smith
Justin Smith Facebook Page

I am one who does not subscribe to the belief there are "moderate" Muslims, however "peaceful" they may appear initially. Just as Ms. Gabriel remarked, this young Muslim woman essentially took the focus from the deaths of four Americans in Benghazi to make her point about so-called "peaceful" Muslims, even though she is a U.S. citizen. One sees this all too often - The Muslim is worried about Islamic and Muslim concerns, the concerns of their "ummah"/worldwide community, before they are worried for the nation; they are "peaceful", until called upon, issued fatwas, to be otherwise.

I normally do not like disagreeing with fellow American Patriots, but I would ask the panel, just how in the hell do they think most of the known free world at the time was either conquered or under siege by 1500 A.D. by Islam and Its warriors? Ms. Gabriel says the "peaceful" Muslims were irrelevant and draws an excellent correlation between historical and cultural settings in Germany, Russia and Japan. But more than irrelevant, too often the "peaceful" Muslims, while not actively engaging in violence themselves, perhaps from their own fears, were silently cheering the jihadis on. Case in point, hundreds of thousands of Muslims danced on the rooftops of Europe, the Middle East and the U.S. when the World Trade Center collapsed.

Were the jubilant Muslims yelling "Allahu Akbar" as the Twin Towers crashed to the ground part of the 15-25% Ms. Gabrielle speaks about? How can anyone know the "REAL" statistical figure? From my studies alone, I place the most radical of Muslims at 400 million, but all 1.2 to 1.8 billion of them (depending on stat source) are "radical" in the sense that they always support Islam and the "ummah" over their host nation, whether through their tacit approval and vocal and financial support or through active and violent jihad. And for Gaffney to suggest that not all Muslims seek adherence to Sharia law is surreal. In order to be truly Muslim one is commanded by the Sira and Hadith and the Koran to follow the Sharia - Sharia is central to Islam for ALL Muslims.

This Heritage event on Benghazi has gotten a lot of press over the last day...

Published June 17, 2014

Islam: Radical and Moderate or just Islam
John R. Houk
© June 21, 2014
Justin Smith: There are NO Moderate Muslims
(Title by Editor)

© Justin O. Smith

Justin O. Smith is a concerned citizen with a B.S.-MTSU/ International Relations & Cultural Geography, ex-firefighter, U.S. Army and freelance writer.

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