Monday, June 30, 2014

Get Rid of the Trojan Horse

Muslim Trojan Horse 3
John R. Houk
© June 30, 2014

I read an editorial by Joseph Farah in which the title says everything, “2-State Solution is Dead”. Of course the title is due to the Arab-Israeli conflict that has been going on between Jews desiring the return of their Biblically ordained Homeland, even before Israel became a nation, and Arab that are culturally taught the Islamic Supremacist concept - once conquered for Islam then always owned by Islam (Dar al-Islam).

The premise of Farah’s editorial is based on polls which show that the majority of Arabs that call themselves Palestinians believe in a ONE-State solution in which all Jews are exterminated. In case the word “exterminated” didn’t sink in. These Arabs calling themselves Palestinians desire a Palestinian State in which Jews are ethnically cleansed from the Holy Land.

Farah stating that the 2-State Solution is dead implies (but not actually stated) the only alternative then is a One-State Solution. Didn’t I just write that is exactly what the Arabs that call themselves Palestinians believe? Indeed I did; however the One-State Solution implied by Farah is one sovereign Israel that includes Judea-Samaria (labeled West Bank by Jordan and occupied land by Arabs and blind Liberals – SEE ALSO HERE). Frankly I would include Gaza but the Jews that lived there that actually operated prospering businesses, were forced to leave by now deceased Prime Minister Ariel Sharon. Sharon, whether an actual change in stands or forced by arm twisting by the EU & USA, created a term called Disengagement. Sharon’s Disengagement was to unilaterally transport Jews outside of Gaza as a precursor to an independent Palestine. That mistake resulted in the Islamic terrorist organization Hamas (dedicated to the destruction of Israel and the murder of Jews) seizing control of Gaza and setting up a terrorist military structure armed with ballistic missiles that wasted no time to be aimed at Israeli cities. This should have proved to the world that the Land for Peace concept as a deceptive scam in the agenda to destroy Israel rather than a Palestinian State living in peaceful coexistence with Israel.

The concern of pro-Israel supporters is that extending sovereignty over Judea-Samaria under the current democratic political system in Israel would lead to an Arab birthrate population explosion that would make Jews the minority electorate in their own homeland. In which case a Muslim majority would democratically end the Jewish State in favor of a Muslim State basing the rule of law upon Islamic Sharia. Just view the manner in which Muslim dominated nations treat their minority Christian population to get a snapshot of what would happen to Jews in their own Homeland under Sharia Law. Then realize the hatred in Muslim lands for Jews dwarfs in comparison Muslims disdain Christians in Muslim lands.

Might the Jewish Israel begin their own version of ethnic cleansing JUST as the Muslim neighbors intend for Jews? Israel’s rule of law has a Western orientation. Even though Jews have faced ethnic cleansing for a better part of their existence after their last expulsion from their Homeland, I doubt Israel would utilize the same method to solve a majority Muslim problem. After all Israel is experiencing the same political polarization between Left and Right as America currently is. I am hopefully guessing the cough compassionate Liberal Jews would not stand for anything to do with ethnic cleansing. There might be a very small minority of Israeli Conservatives that favor some sort of ethnic cleansing or actual political apartheid but most politically Conservative Jews are sane enough to join the cough compassionate Liberal Jews. So unlike Muslim Arabs gaining control democratically of the Holy Land that would stoop to ethnic cleansing, Israel would not.

It is my humble politically incorrect opinion the best option for a ONE-State Israel Solution is a forced expulsion of Arabs that hate Jews. This is one practice that Jews have experienced first-hand over thousands of years. However, unlike Jews, an Arab expulsion would be sending them to Muslim majority nations. The Jewish Diaspora NEVER resulted in a Jewish majority in any non-Jewish land.

At this point Liberals (Leftists, Progressives, etc.) are howling for me to experience the noose and Muslims for my stoning or beheading. Think about it though. Because of the Islamic Supremacist concept Dar al-Islam vs. Dar al-Harb, we will always see Muslim nations trying retake the Holy Land. Ergo, the best viability for the Jewish State of Israel is to rid the nation of its Islamic Trojan Horse –expulsion of Jew-hating Muslims.

JRH 6/30/14
Exclusive: Joseph Farah reveals reality behind efforts for Israeli-Palestinian peace deal
June 29, 2014

It’s official – or should be.

The much-championed, so-called two-state solution to the Arab-Israeli conflict should never be mentioned again as even a remote possibility. The “international community,” as it is known, as well as the nation of Israel, needs to declare it dead, buried, pushing up daisies.


Because it is. We just need a coroner to come and make it official. We have to get beyond denial and recognize reality.

The reality is that the very people for whom the two-state solution was dreamed up to satisfy have rejected it resoundingly as an option.

Last week, a poll commissioned by the Washington Institute for Near East Policy found a clear majority of so-called Palestinians in Judea and Samaria and the Gaza Strip rejects the idea of creating a Palestinian state in those territories.

In Judea and Samaria, 55 percent said they reject the idea in favor of exterminating all Jews from the Jordan to the Mediterranean. In Gaza, fully 68 percent took that position.

How anyone could think that creating yet another radical Islamic state in the Middle East is a solution for anything is beyond me – poll or no poll. But clearly, the solution that has been de rigueur for 25 years, is not going to make anyone happy – least of all Arab Palestinians.

The poll results are even worse than that when you scrutinize the numbers carefully. They show that less than one-third of Arab Palestinians actually support a two-state solution in which Arabs live peacefully alongside a Jewish state. Nearly two-thirds of the Arab population says “resistance should continue until all of historic Palestine is liberated.”

It shouldn’t be a surprise to anyone.

For decades, the Arab leadership, inside the territories and outside, has been fostering anti-Semitic and anti-Israel hatred and a victimization mentality in its schools, its media, its popular culture and in its own rhetoric. They indoctrinate the population, from the earliest age, to embrace jihad and martyrdom as the only acceptable path. Under the circumstance, it’s amazing the level of anti-Israel and anti-Jewish terrorism and violence is not higher.

The institute’s scholars got it right in their analysis of the poll: “U.S. policy should seriously consider abandoning all hope now of a permanent Israeli-Palestinian peace deal.” They suggested focusing on “immediate steps to lower tensions.”

Those steps should include a complete suspension of aid to the territories until all incendiary and provocative and anti-Semitic government, school and media rhetoric ceases. Since that will never happen, the U.S. and other aid could be put to much more constructive use.

These polls, by the way, are as close to free elections as anything in which Arab Palestinians get a chance to a chance to participate. So it is truly meaningful.

This has always been Israel’s problem, try as it might to make peace.

How do you make peace with a neighbor who doesn’t want it? How do you make peace with a neighbor who is sworn to murder you? How do you make peace with a neighbor who is sworn to killing you, your family, your community, your entire nation?

That’s what Israel is up against and has been up against since it was reborn as a nation-state 66 years ago. Things aren’t getting better. They are getting worse.

So why not try something new?

There’s an old saying, “The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over expecting different results.”

It doesn’t work. It’s not rational. It’s not scientific. It’s no sensible.

Has anyone noticed in the U.S. State Department? Not a chance.

Because the U.S. State Department has never been accused of being pragmatic, rational, scientific or sensible.
Get Rid of the Trojan Horse
John R. Houk
© June 30, 2014

Media wishing to interview Joseph Farah, please contact

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About Joseph Farah:

Joseph Farah is founder, editor and CEO of WND and a nationally syndicated columnist with Creators News Service.. He is the author or co-author of 13 books, including his latest, "The Tea Party Manifesto," and his classic, "Taking America Back," now in its third edition and 14th printing. Farah is the former editor of the legendary Sacramento Union and other major-market dailies.

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