Wednesday, June 18, 2014


Soros puppeteer - Obama puppet

Danny Jeffrey sees a global pattern that has emerged under the policies of President Barack Hussein Obama. Obama may be administering the pattern, but Danny believes the real puppet master is uber-Leftist George Soros. Oh yes, what is that global pattern? It is a world falling to pieces because of the eruption of ANARCHY AND CHAOS.

The Danny Jeffrey – George Soros Study:

*** Blog Editor: There are seven other parts to “In a World Gone Mad”. George Soros is only mentioned briefly if at all in those seven parts; nonetheless Danny is such a good writer and researcher it would worth the read.

JRH 6/17/14

By Danny Jeffrey
June 17, 2014 2:06 AM

I spend ten or more hours a day at my keyboard, with a standing record of thirty two hours non-stop, in an unending quest for truth in a world where truth has almost become an anachronism. I must admit getting what is almost a perverse thrill when I find a rare truth on the pages of a propaganda spreading liberal rag such as the New York Times. When they choose to reveal facts that are not complimentary to Obama the Deceptive we know that truth is near and that the walls are indeed closing in. The question then remains; who are those walls closing in on, Obama, or us?

From The New York Times...June 14, 2014
Rebels' fast strike in Iraq was years in the making

With just a few thousand fighters, the group's lightning sweep into Mosul and farther south appeared to catch many Iraqi and American officials by surprise. But the gains were actually the realization of a years long strategy of state building that the group itself promoted publicly.


In 2007 the group published a pamphlet laying out it vision for Iraq. It cited trends in globalization as well as the Qur'an in challenging modern notions of statehood as having absolute control over territory. Mr. Fishman referred to the document as the "Federalist Papers" for what is now ISIS.

In regards to my first highlight above, Osama bin Laden announced that he was declaring war on the United States. Our intelligence gathering groups dismissed his announcement as having come from someone who had spent too much time out in the desert sun. 911 proved them to be mistaken and for that error we paid a very dear price.

Now, as history repeats itself, an offshoot of bin Laden's Al Qaeda again has telegraphed their intent only to be disregarded as was their forebear. Again the warning was ignored and now the streets of Mosul are littered with headless corpses and crucified soldiers.

How, one might ask, can a mere 800 terrorists engage and defeat two divisions of Iraqi military, armed and trained by the U.S. military? For that answer we need to look to the second highlight above. 'Trends in globalization'. George Patton would have laughed at such a scenario, blasted through the ISIS ranks and personally shot their leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, but then Patton was not a globalist, and one such as he would have ruined the whole plan; for there is a Globalist plan and it is nothing short of being both diabolical and brilliant.

Many mistakenly believe that Obama is a Muslim but if you will but apply a bit of logic that belief will go up in smoke. True, Obama was raised within the Muslim culture for a brief time. He knows their ways and knows what to say to please them, or perhaps I should say he knows how to manipulate them, and manipulate them he does, all for the sake of the plan that is being enacted by George Soros and his fellow globalists. They plan to bring down all of western civilization with worldwide
 Anarchy and Chaos.
Think back to Obama's now infamous Cairo speech. Being the leader of the most powerful nation in the world does come with its benefits. The Muslim Brotherhood had long been banned from Egypt but when Obama insisted that they be in attendance as he addressed the Egyptian people, Mubarak acquiesced. Thus began the Arab Spring and we all know how that has turned out.

Mubarak, strongman leader of Egypt, was unseated, replaced by Morsi of the MB and Egypt fell into total disarray. Now Morsi has in turn been replaced by Sisi and once again Egypt is led by a strongman. What was gained? Nothing. What has ensued? Anarchy and Chaos.

Look to Libya. The Joint Chiefs of Staff all advised against our becoming involved on the side of Al Qaeda. They were overruled by Obama's female advisers, Hillary Clinton, Susan Rice, and Samantha Power (All close knit associates of George Soros). We became involved and consider what has happened since. Qaddafi was anti-Al Qaeda and he was murdered. We lost an Ambassador and three good men, and the Al Qaeda flag was hoisted in victory, and another nation succumbed to Anarchy and Chaos.

Take a look at Syria. Once again we have sided with terrorists as they attempt an overthrow of that nation, also ruled by another strongman regime. That episode took us to the abyss of brinkmanship with Russia and Obama timidly retreated. Syria's strongman is still in power but much of the nation is beset by Anarchy and Chaos.

Meanwhile, the most ruthless band of terrorists yet are invading and conquering vast swathes of Iraq, the nation that Obama abandoned. Still more mass murder, rape, crucifixions, Anarchy and Chaos...

Do you see a common link?

Let us go one step farther. We have been supplying arms and ammunition to the terrorists who were trying to unseat Assad in Syria. We left Iraq, fully aware of the fact that they were not yet fully prepared to maintain that government on their own. Now those we supplied in Syria have taken it upon themselves to 'liberate' Iraq and so a new crisis is in play.

Factor in the reality that our long time enemy, Iran, is now offering to help defend Iraq from ISIS, while Maliki is asking the U.S. for help. No irony could be greater than our fighting alongside a long term enemy to save a nation we abandoned from a group of terrorists we have long supplied. Anarchy and Chaos at its very finest.

My friends, I have long ago given up on the effort to wake up those Americans who are still in a daze. I simply do not have that much time to waste. Instead I direct my efforts toward those who are largely aware of the dangers we face. The following links are quite indicative of the totally insane position in which we find ourselves. Please do follow these links. I shall continue to post excerpts to indicate the importance of what you will find within.

Fox News ... June 16, 2014
State Department warned Iran was aiding Iraq militias, now weighs possible alliance

The Iranian government, which the White House is now looking to as a possible partner to help counter the insurgency threatening to split Iraq, was cited just months ago by the Obama administration's own State Department as a prime instigator in that country.

Counterterrorism officials warned about Iran's meddling in Iraq as part of its report on state sponsors of terrorism.

"Despite its pledge to support Iraq's stabilization, Iran trained, funded, and provided guidance to Iraqi Shia militant groups," the report said.

State Department counterterrorism officials warned in late April that Iran had "trained, funded, and provided guidance" to ethnic Iraqi terror groups bent on destabilizing the country.

The April warning appears to directly contradict and undermine comments last week by a State Department spokeswoman claiming that the United States and Iran have a "shared interest."

These are, mind you, the same Sunni Jihadists whose friends and allies the U.S. is arming in Syria. The incoherence of the Obama foreign policy is reaching comic proportions. It is now possible for a man to be a freedom fighter and receive American assistance in Syria, and then cross over the (Bulldozed) border into Iraq and be regarded as an "extremist" and a "terrorist". All of this proceeds from the Washington establishment's unshakable unwillingness to examine the ideology and belief system motivating the Jihadists.


President Barrack Obama considered options for military action to support Iraq's besieged government on Monday, and U.S. and Iranian officials held talks to stabilize the region, which has been roiled by the advance of Sunni rebels toward Baghdad.

Many who probably spend fifteen minutes a week on the internet are totally convinced that Obama is incompetent. Nothing could be farther from the truth, for the fact of the matter is that this nation is now orchestrating Anarchy and Chaos worldwide, and it is doing so by design.

No one could be wrong on all issues all of the time. The law of averages tells us that one will be right fifty percent of the time without even trying. To be consistently and dangerously wrong on everything takes careful planning.

Others believe Obama to be a Muslim intent on establishing a new 21st century Caliphate. They could not be more mistaken. Hussein Obama has no loyalty toward Islam; a commonality yes, loyalty none. His long term affiliations have been communism even to the Chicago church that he attended; not a mosque.

They believe that Obama's vast involvement in Middle Eastern affairs prove him to be a Muslim. Let us look to our southern border and the administration's efforts to promote amnesty. Does that prove that Obama is a Mexican? Better still think back to Fast and Furious. Does that prove that he is not only a Mexican but also a member of the Mexican drug cartels?

Consider his racist agenda. Does that prove him to be a black man? Most certainly not, as we all know him to be a mulatto. All that his racist actions proves is that he is anti-whites. Does his attacks on big business prove that he supports the little man or is simply anti big business; unless of course those in big business join him in his crony capitalist agenda?

What of education? The liberals tells us that poor black people living in ghettos have no chance because we deny them a decent education. Anyone heard of Common Core, that will deny an education to all? And of energy independence, a long sought condition? Obama denies American oil companies the right to explore for oil in the Gulf while awarding contracts to foreign nations.

What of the Green movement? Obama is dumping billions of American dollars into that effort and the companies who receive this vast wealth promptly go bankrupt, producing nothing but helping to destroy our economy.

Such a list could go on and on but I believe that I have proven that his political moves do not necessarily mean that he is for something. Collectively the entire list above would indicate that he is against something and that something is the U.S.A. for everything he does is an assault on liberty and security.

Anarchy and Chaos! That is the plan as designed by George Soros and his followers and is what we see taking place around us and as chaos grows many will simply shake their heads in bewilderment and drop out.

Islam was a well-chosen group to advance the goals of the globalists. There is no group in the world that is so full of hatred for life and their fellow human being, but the simple fact of the matter is that they are to be no more than cannon fodder for the elite. We all see people such as Hillary Clinton, Samantha Power, Susan Rice, and John Kerry promoting Islam but do you believe that they are Muslims or that the three women I mentioned have aspirations of becoming the property of some Arabian warlord?

The plan to use Islam to disrupt the entire world was laid out well in advance. Obama made his Cairo speech in June of 2009 and began the Arab Spring.

The Clarion Project ... June 13, 2014
Rand study finds: Number of Jihadists doubled since 2010
Now that anarchy and chaos is spreading worldwide and many who lack knowledge about the true intricacies of the plan are predicting Obama's fall as the situation worsens. They are mistaken! None dare stand against him and his allies. The game is afoot and it will be played out, and if you think it bad now, wait until the true collapse is triggered. Then define Anarchy and Chaos.

Above I asked this question: 'The question then remains; who are those walls closing in on, Obama, or us?'

I leave the answer to you.

Suggested Reading...
© Danny Jeffrey

Seeking answers to today's issues.

Some see, few know, many choose to wander aimlessly in a fog, devoid of sunlight. I seek the light of day and leave the others to their chosen realm of ignorance. They are the ones who have brought this great nation down. I write only for the benefit of those who possess the courage required to restore our birthright. [Danny Jeffrey]

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