Monday, June 30, 2014

Intro to ‘The Terrorists Are Among Us’

Geert Wilders
By John R. Houk
© June 30, 2014

I just read a very praiseworthy essay written by Geert Wilders and posted at the Gatestone Institute. The essay reminds me why I like the Dutch politician so much and why Leftists and Muslims despise him so much. Since most Americans probably don’t have a clue who Geert is or if they had heard of him it is probably from our Leftist dominated Mainstream Media. Here is a (probably too long but good to know) profile excerpt from the Legal Project:

Geert Wilders is a member of the Dutch parliament and the head of its third largest party, the Party of Freedom (Partij voor de Vrijheid or PVV). He was criminally charged, and stood trial, for remarks he made that were critical of Islam. Wilders was acquitted of all charges on June 23, 2011.


Wilders is an outspoken critic of what he sees as an Islamist threat to Holland's tolerant culture. In 2008, he released a documentary film, called Fitna (Arabic for "strife"), that juxtaposed violent passages from the Qur'an with video of imams advocating violence and footage of Islamist terrorism. Soon after the film's release, a radical Dutch imam who appeared in it sued Wilders for "hurt feelings," claiming 55,000 euros in damages. Meanwhile, the Jordanian government has requested that Holland extradite Wilders to stand trial for blasphemy, a capital offense under Islamic (Shari'ah) law.

In June 2010, Wilders' party, the PVV, a libertarian and mainstream conservative party he founded in 2004, won 24 of the 150 seats in the Dutch legislature—an enormous feat, especially given that the PVV is the only party in Holland to refuse state subsidies.

Wilders has tapped into genuine concerns surrounding his country's Muslim minority—without appealing to nativist, neo-fascist, or anti-Semitic sentiments. Nevertheless, he has been subjected to a full-on assault, spearheaded and supported by: (1) people seeking to suppress critical expression about Islam-related matters, and (2) people seeking to restrict political debate in the name of multiculturalism and political correctness. A stalwart defender of free speech in the face of such attacks, Wilders was nominated for the European Parliament's 2010 Sakharov Prize for Freedom of Thought in July 2010.

Until his recent acquittal, Wilders' stature as one of Holland's leading and most popular politicians did not protect him. On the contrary, Dutch hate speech laws may have served as a potent tool for his political adversaries.

Indeed, the case against Wilders arose after several leftist and Islamic organizations sought his indictment. The public prosecutor's office initially declined to charge him, characterizing his film and other public statements as a contribution to the public discourse on Islam. However, in 2009, Wilders' opponents convinced an Amsterdam Court of Appeals to order his prosecution for "insulting" Muslims and for "incitement to hatred and discrimination." No court in the United States has similar authority to order prosecution when the prosecutor has declined to go forward.

A month later, British officials denied Wilders entry into READ THE REST

America needs more people in politics willing to stand against the political correctness of the propaganda that Islam is peace.

I debated with myself to show video of just how brutal the Syrian rebels are to the Christians that Geert writes about in Syria. After perusing some of the videos on Youtube I discovered most of videos are pro-Assad propaganda pieces by Iran’s Press TV and Pro-Iranian Russian outlet Russia Today (RT). Then I came across an actual beheading of a Christian forced to convert to Islam and then was beheaded anyway. It was so freaking gruesome I can’t show it. Here is an RT report showing a Catholic Priest beheading (actual footage blurred out thankfully) and the graphic piece NOT FOR the FAINT OF HEART beheading. If you are crazy enough to watch those videos it drives home the point Geert Wilders is making.

JRH 6/30/14
The Terrorists Are Among Us

June 30, 2014 at 5:00 am

Ten concrete measures to prevent Islamic terrorism in the Netherlands.

In several Western countries, the authorities are concerned about the security risk posed by young Muslim immigrants who went to Syria and Iraq to wage jihad and are now returning home. They are considered the most serious security risk in decades.

The risk is not just theoretical. Indeed, on May 24, Mehdi Nemmouche, a young Muslim with a French passport, went on a killing spree with a Kalashnikov assault rifle in the Jewish Museum in Brussels. He killed four people. Nemmouche had previously been in Syria, where he was trained in guerrilla warfare.

During the past three years, thousands of young Islamic immigrants from all Western countries, Europe, Australia, America and even Russia, have gone to fight in Syria, where they have committed the most horrible atrocities. Some of them were killed in action, while others have since returned home. They carry Western passports but they hate the West. They walk our streets as ticking time bombs, eager to cause as much havoc in our cities as they have caused in Syria.

The West cannot just sit idly by and wait for the next terror attack to happen. We must protect ourselves. If we do not, the barbaric scenes that play today in Syria and Iraq will soon be repeated in our countries. Ordinary people are well aware of the urgency of the problem. Last week, I proposed ten concrete measures to prevent Islamic terrorism in the Netherlands. A poll showed that a large majority of the Dutch support the plan.

The first measure I proposed was (1) automatically to strip immigrants with dual nationalities of their Dutch passports if they leave our country to fight for Islam in Syria. This way, they will not be allowed back into our country. Britain already uses such legislation. Last December, the British authorities stripped 20 people with dual nationality of their British nationality because they had traveled to Syria to fight. As Theresa May, the British Home Secretary, rightly declared: "Citizenship is a privilege, not a right."

I also proposed (2) the immediate administrative detention of those fighters who have already returned, as well as (3) the reintroduction of border controls and (4) a halt to immigration of people from Islamic countries. International treaties prohibiting these measures should either be modified or terminated.

Another measure is (5) the encouragement of voluntary repatriation of people originating from Islamic countries. A survey shows that 73% of Dutch Muslims regard fighters in Syria as heroes. Such attitudes do not belong in the Netherlands. We should also (6) deal severely with the supporters of the fighters in Syria. Mosques, Islamic schools and other organizations that provide financial or other support to those who go to fight in Syria must be closed down immediately.

And we should (7) spend more money on security. Money that is currently being wasted on development aid would better be spent on the AIVD (the Dutch General Intelligence and Security Service).

Finally, there are three measures with an international rather than a domestic impact. We should (8) stop Dutch military intervention in the Islamic world and focus on the protection of the Netherlands. We should (9) support Israel and stimulate economic relations with the Jewish state. Israel is the front line in the fight against jihad. If Israel falls, the West falls. And (10) we should break diplomatic relations with countries, such as Saudi Arabia and Qatar, that support terrorist groups such as ISIS

The proposals were well received by the public. An opinion poll this week showed that 82 per cent of the Dutch believe that jihadists returning from Syria and Iraq increase the risk of an attack in the Netherlands. 76 per cent favor stripping jihadists of their Dutch nationality, 67 per cent want to introduce border controls to prevent them from returning, and 75 per cent want additional manpower for the AIVD. 65 per cent of all Dutch believe that Islamic culture does not belong in the Netherlands. Even a majority of the voters of Labour and the far-left Socialist Party share this opinion.

There is an acute awareness among the Dutch that in order to have a safer Netherlands we need to exclude jihadists from our society. We have become so indoctrinated with political correctness that we might consider this as wonderful and surprising news, although it is just plain common sense. Those who travel abroad to kill people for the sake of Islam should not be allowed to walk our streets again.

Geert Wilders MP is a member of the Dutch parliament and leader of the Party for Freedom (PVV). He is the author of Marked for Death: Islam's War against the West and Me (Regnery).

Intro to ‘The Terrorists Are Among Us’
By John R. Houk
© June 30, 2014
The Terrorists Are Among Us

Copyright © 2014 Gatestone Institute.

Get Rid of the Trojan Horse

Muslim Trojan Horse 3
John R. Houk
© June 30, 2014

I read an editorial by Joseph Farah in which the title says everything, “2-State Solution is Dead”. Of course the title is due to the Arab-Israeli conflict that has been going on between Jews desiring the return of their Biblically ordained Homeland, even before Israel became a nation, and Arab that are culturally taught the Islamic Supremacist concept - once conquered for Islam then always owned by Islam (Dar al-Islam).

The premise of Farah’s editorial is based on polls which show that the majority of Arabs that call themselves Palestinians believe in a ONE-State solution in which all Jews are exterminated. In case the word “exterminated” didn’t sink in. These Arabs calling themselves Palestinians desire a Palestinian State in which Jews are ethnically cleansed from the Holy Land.

Farah stating that the 2-State Solution is dead implies (but not actually stated) the only alternative then is a One-State Solution. Didn’t I just write that is exactly what the Arabs that call themselves Palestinians believe? Indeed I did; however the One-State Solution implied by Farah is one sovereign Israel that includes Judea-Samaria (labeled West Bank by Jordan and occupied land by Arabs and blind Liberals – SEE ALSO HERE). Frankly I would include Gaza but the Jews that lived there that actually operated prospering businesses, were forced to leave by now deceased Prime Minister Ariel Sharon. Sharon, whether an actual change in stands or forced by arm twisting by the EU & USA, created a term called Disengagement. Sharon’s Disengagement was to unilaterally transport Jews outside of Gaza as a precursor to an independent Palestine. That mistake resulted in the Islamic terrorist organization Hamas (dedicated to the destruction of Israel and the murder of Jews) seizing control of Gaza and setting up a terrorist military structure armed with ballistic missiles that wasted no time to be aimed at Israeli cities. This should have proved to the world that the Land for Peace concept as a deceptive scam in the agenda to destroy Israel rather than a Palestinian State living in peaceful coexistence with Israel.

The concern of pro-Israel supporters is that extending sovereignty over Judea-Samaria under the current democratic political system in Israel would lead to an Arab birthrate population explosion that would make Jews the minority electorate in their own homeland. In which case a Muslim majority would democratically end the Jewish State in favor of a Muslim State basing the rule of law upon Islamic Sharia. Just view the manner in which Muslim dominated nations treat their minority Christian population to get a snapshot of what would happen to Jews in their own Homeland under Sharia Law. Then realize the hatred in Muslim lands for Jews dwarfs in comparison Muslims disdain Christians in Muslim lands.

Might the Jewish Israel begin their own version of ethnic cleansing JUST as the Muslim neighbors intend for Jews? Israel’s rule of law has a Western orientation. Even though Jews have faced ethnic cleansing for a better part of their existence after their last expulsion from their Homeland, I doubt Israel would utilize the same method to solve a majority Muslim problem. After all Israel is experiencing the same political polarization between Left and Right as America currently is. I am hopefully guessing the cough compassionate Liberal Jews would not stand for anything to do with ethnic cleansing. There might be a very small minority of Israeli Conservatives that favor some sort of ethnic cleansing or actual political apartheid but most politically Conservative Jews are sane enough to join the cough compassionate Liberal Jews. So unlike Muslim Arabs gaining control democratically of the Holy Land that would stoop to ethnic cleansing, Israel would not.

It is my humble politically incorrect opinion the best option for a ONE-State Israel Solution is a forced expulsion of Arabs that hate Jews. This is one practice that Jews have experienced first-hand over thousands of years. However, unlike Jews, an Arab expulsion would be sending them to Muslim majority nations. The Jewish Diaspora NEVER resulted in a Jewish majority in any non-Jewish land.

At this point Liberals (Leftists, Progressives, etc.) are howling for me to experience the noose and Muslims for my stoning or beheading. Think about it though. Because of the Islamic Supremacist concept Dar al-Islam vs. Dar al-Harb, we will always see Muslim nations trying retake the Holy Land. Ergo, the best viability for the Jewish State of Israel is to rid the nation of its Islamic Trojan Horse –expulsion of Jew-hating Muslims.

JRH 6/30/14
Exclusive: Joseph Farah reveals reality behind efforts for Israeli-Palestinian peace deal
June 29, 2014

It’s official – or should be.

The much-championed, so-called two-state solution to the Arab-Israeli conflict should never be mentioned again as even a remote possibility. The “international community,” as it is known, as well as the nation of Israel, needs to declare it dead, buried, pushing up daisies.


Because it is. We just need a coroner to come and make it official. We have to get beyond denial and recognize reality.

The reality is that the very people for whom the two-state solution was dreamed up to satisfy have rejected it resoundingly as an option.

Last week, a poll commissioned by the Washington Institute for Near East Policy found a clear majority of so-called Palestinians in Judea and Samaria and the Gaza Strip rejects the idea of creating a Palestinian state in those territories.

In Judea and Samaria, 55 percent said they reject the idea in favor of exterminating all Jews from the Jordan to the Mediterranean. In Gaza, fully 68 percent took that position.

How anyone could think that creating yet another radical Islamic state in the Middle East is a solution for anything is beyond me – poll or no poll. But clearly, the solution that has been de rigueur for 25 years, is not going to make anyone happy – least of all Arab Palestinians.

The poll results are even worse than that when you scrutinize the numbers carefully. They show that less than one-third of Arab Palestinians actually support a two-state solution in which Arabs live peacefully alongside a Jewish state. Nearly two-thirds of the Arab population says “resistance should continue until all of historic Palestine is liberated.”

It shouldn’t be a surprise to anyone.

For decades, the Arab leadership, inside the territories and outside, has been fostering anti-Semitic and anti-Israel hatred and a victimization mentality in its schools, its media, its popular culture and in its own rhetoric. They indoctrinate the population, from the earliest age, to embrace jihad and martyrdom as the only acceptable path. Under the circumstance, it’s amazing the level of anti-Israel and anti-Jewish terrorism and violence is not higher.

The institute’s scholars got it right in their analysis of the poll: “U.S. policy should seriously consider abandoning all hope now of a permanent Israeli-Palestinian peace deal.” They suggested focusing on “immediate steps to lower tensions.”

Those steps should include a complete suspension of aid to the territories until all incendiary and provocative and anti-Semitic government, school and media rhetoric ceases. Since that will never happen, the U.S. and other aid could be put to much more constructive use.

These polls, by the way, are as close to free elections as anything in which Arab Palestinians get a chance to a chance to participate. So it is truly meaningful.

This has always been Israel’s problem, try as it might to make peace.

How do you make peace with a neighbor who doesn’t want it? How do you make peace with a neighbor who is sworn to murder you? How do you make peace with a neighbor who is sworn to killing you, your family, your community, your entire nation?

That’s what Israel is up against and has been up against since it was reborn as a nation-state 66 years ago. Things aren’t getting better. They are getting worse.

So why not try something new?

There’s an old saying, “The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over expecting different results.”

It doesn’t work. It’s not rational. It’s not scientific. It’s no sensible.

Has anyone noticed in the U.S. State Department? Not a chance.

Because the U.S. State Department has never been accused of being pragmatic, rational, scientific or sensible.
Get Rid of the Trojan Horse
John R. Houk
© June 30, 2014

Media wishing to interview Joseph Farah, please contact

© Copyright 1997-2014. All Rights Reserved.
About Joseph Farah:

Joseph Farah is founder, editor and CEO of WND and a nationally syndicated columnist with Creators News Service.. He is the author or co-author of 13 books, including his latest, "The Tea Party Manifesto," and his classic, "Taking America Back," now in its third edition and 14th printing. Farah is the former editor of the legendary Sacramento Union and other major-market dailies.

Sunday, June 29, 2014

The Death of America

Caution Sign- Obama crossguarding child illegal aliens

Justin Smith paints a picture of Obama’s blatant unconstitutional AND illegal policies according to Congressional passed laws. Justin presents figures into the billions of dollars being spent illegally domestically and in foreign aid for the purpose of accommodating the surge of child of illegal aliens.

JRH 6/29/14
The Death of America

By Justin O. Smith
6/28/2014 10:19 PM

"Immigration laws are the only laws that are discussed almost entirely in terms of what can be done to help those who have broken the law." -Thomas Sowell

Along with Obama's propensity for lawless unilateral actions and a lot of loose talk hinting at amnesty for illegal aliens, from the Obama administration's first days, his recent response to the assault on our southern border by tens of thousands of illegal aliens shows that Obama, Eric Holder, Jeh Johnson and a litany of other Democratic Progressives know no bounds, when it comes to betraying America. At every critical juncture during this ongoing crisis, the Obama administration's intent, purpose and agenda have aligned with the desires of the illegal aliens and their advocates, which makes this administration the most dangerous existential threat to America and Her people in American history.

Remember when Obama admitted he didn't have the authority to pass the dream Act on his own and then two weeks later still arbitrarily and capriciously issued an executive order implementing it?

Many Progressives will caustically harangue anyone who equates the Dream Act (DACA), signed into law June 15, 2012, with amnesty. They often ask, "Where does it (the DACA) say "amnesty"? It doesn't, but everything within it certainly embodies the very definition of amnesty: Legal definition - 2. An Amnesty is either expressed or implied; it is expressed when declared in direct terms; and it is implied, when a treaty of peace is made between contending parties.

Now it is apparent that more amnesty is forthcoming. Obama and Eric Holder's Justice Department are attempting to efface the illegal aliens' crimes by spending $2 million and providing them with 100 lawyers and paralegals, at taxpayer expense; however, this is in direct violation of Federal immigration law 1229a (b/4/A), which clearly allows illegal aliens to be represented at their own expense, not at the expense of the government.

"Reports from ICE officers and agents on the ground corroborate reports that the majority are motivated more by rumors of amnesty than the situation in their home countries," stated Chris Crane, president of National ICE Council 118 of the American Federation of Government Employees. Crane added, "Impoverished countries don't read our laws or read cut-off dates."

In a startling move, the Obama administration also has promised to reward those Central American nations that are unloading the unaccompanied children (UAC) and other illegal aliens on us, by sending them more money. Obama wants $161.5 million sent to the so-called Central American Regional Security Initiative and nearly $100 million to El Salvador, Guatemala and Honduras. Essentially, these payments are additional incentives for them to do nothing to correct their current situation.

Reuters previously reported that the administration was seeking $2 billion for the Department of Health and Human Services to handle the influx of illegal aliens in fiscal 2015, which begins on October 1, 2014. This is more than double the $868 million appropriated this year.

The U.S. taxpayer is also paying for the new illegal alien children's facility now opening in Tucson, Arizona. This is the 17th such facility operated by Southwest Key, with an annual budget of more than $150 million that is heavily supported by government contracts, according to KVOA, an NBC affiliate. And, incredibly or unbelievably, the chairman of Southwest Key's board of directors, Victor Garza, is an official of LaRaza, which hopes to reclaim the Southwest for Mexico.

On June 5th, 2014 (and proudly displayed on DHS homepage) Homeland Secretary Jeh Johnson exclaimed after a verbal jab at Republicans, "Almost all of us agree a child who crossed our border illegally with a parent, or in search of a parent or a better life...should be treated differently than adult law breakers." Two weeks later, after the surge of illegals made front-page news across the country, the administration started reversing its previous pro-amnesty messaging. But, VP Joe Biden seems to have other ideas, and he recently implied publicly that some of these illegal aliens would not be deported.

There is literally nothing in America's interest in the entire mission statement of the Office of Refugee Resettlement (ORR), which is now handling "unaccompanied children" (most are adults) and delivering them to shelters located throughout the United States. "Resettlement", in other words, means these illegals are staying, at least if Obama has his way. According to the UAC services webpage of the ORR, their mission is to assist these illegal aliens "in becoming integrated members of our global society" - not our "American" society.

Also, as reported in the June 25th Congressional hearing titled "An Administration-Made Disaster...,"** the sheer numbers in the cascading flood of illegal immigrants and the associated health and public safety risks should preclude any consideration of legalization or naturalization for these illegal aliens. There have already been numerous positive tests within their ranks for tuberculosis and H1N1, swine flu.

When, ever, did Americans vote for this?

Members of both parties, mainly RINOs and Progressives such as Senator Alexander (R-TN) and Senator Schumer (D-NY), have supported de facto open borders for decades; however, one true conservative, President Ronald Reagan granted amnesty in 1986 against his own better judgment, on the advice of advisors. Then in a series of memos issued after the 1996 Illegal Immigration Reform and Responsibility Act, a law that sought to curtail illegal immigration, officials in both the Clinton and Bush administrations established guidelines and limits for when authorities could exercise leniency in dealing with illegal aliens. And if these years proved anything, America learned that any hint of amnesty always catalyzes illegal immigration.

A normal government would halt these illegal aliens, the drug mules entering with the UACs (documented) and violent interventions by the Mexican military helicopters directed against plainly marked U.S. Border Patrol vehicles, as it worked to halt the other dire threats to public health and safety. A normal government would be mobilizing deportation efforts immediately and returning these illegal aliens to their home countries, which would be less costly than keeping them here in the U.S.

Granting amnesty to illegal immigrants in a welfare state, such as ours, is an economic disaster of epic proportions. The U.S. is over $17 trillion in debt right now. Adding 11-30 million people into our entitlement programs would be devastating to our economy.

Ever willing to knock America down a notch, to weaken America and make Her less prosperous, Obama has announced repeatedly his egregious intent to sign an executive order granting amnesty to this massive swarm of illegal aliens. Rather than send these Central American nations sizable bills for the cost of transporting these children back, he chooses to hit the U.S. taxpayer for the cost of their day care and health care. Obama is openly breaking U.S. law, as he continues with his flagrant executive overreach of power, and Republicans must immediately use their power of the purse to deny funding for Obama's immigration machinations, or accept their own role in the Death of America.

By Justin O. Smith
**Blog Editor: It is a good idea to read a report summary of the 25th Congressional hearing on the real factors for the surge of child illegal aliens across the U.S./Mexican border. In essence President Obama’s directives allowing this is breaking the law. YES, and yet another good reason for impeachment.


Jun 25 2014

There is a tsunami hitting our nation’s southern border – unaccompanied alien minors (UAMs) and adults traveling with minors are arriving in unprecedented numbers. Central American minors, largely teenagers, are making a perilous journey through Mexico and then walking miles across a hostile border environment, assisted by smugglers, and coming to the United States in violation of the law.

According to Deputy Border Patrol Chief, Ronald Vitiello, who will testify today, the Department of Homeland Security expects to apprehend more than 90,000 unaccompanied minors on the border this year.  The estimated number of “UAMs” apprehended in 2014 represents a 1,381% increase since 2011, while the projected number of 142,000 apprehensions in 2015 represents a 2,232% increase.  It is not just UAMs who are arriving – adults bringing along minors are also coming. Since 2011 the number of apprehended individuals comprising family units has increased from 13,600 to 42,000 for this year as of June 16th.  Taking into account just half of this year, we have seen a 143% increase in families apprehended at the border since 2012.

The Administration claims that these unlawful aliens are coming to the U.S. based upon generalized violence, strife, conflict, and discord in their home countries. It is true that these factors have always played a role in Central Americans coming to the U.S. illegally.

Undoubtedly, seeing strife in economically disadvantaged countries along with seeing impoverished women and children showing up at our nation’s door step arouses the deepest of sympathies.   However, the factors causing the recent and unprecedented surge are very different than those claimed by the Administration.
A May 28, 2014, Rio Grande Valley (RGV) Sector Intelligence Report tells a story that is strikingly different than the claimed humanitarian crisis the Administration paints as responsible for the surge.  The report summarized interviews conducted with hundreds of apprehended Central Americans minors and quite frankly paints a very different picture of the situation.

According to the report, when these individuals were asked why they made the journey to the United States, approximately 95% indicated that the main reason was to take advantage of the “new” U.S. “law” that grants a “free pass” or permit (referred to as “permisos”) being issued by the U.S. government to women traveling with minors and unaccompanied alien minors. While no new law has been enacted, the truth is that this Administration has dramatically altered immigration enforcement policies.  The timing of the change in policies correlates closely with the steep uptick of individuals showing up at the border.  Apparently, word has gotten out that once encountered by Border Patrol agents and processed, thanks to this Administration’s lax enforcement policies, one will likely never be removed.

Word has spread to the Americas and beyond that the Obama Administration has taken unprecedented, and most likely unconstitutional, steps in order to shut down the enforcement of our immigration laws for millions of unlawful and criminal aliens not considered high enough “priorities,” especially minors and adults with minors.  The world seems to know that DHS refuses to enforce the law under the guise of “prosecutorial discretion.” The beneficiaries of these policies even include many thousands of aliens who have been arrested by state and local law enforcement or convicted criminals who have been put in removal proceedings and who DHS has simply let back onto our streets.

And now those beneficiaries include those minors and families who continue to arrive at our border and the Administration ushers in via “100% reverse escorts” into the interior of the United States.  Most are ultimately released, often into the hands of those who paid smugglers to bring them here in the first place.
In addition to simply not pursuing removable aliens, DHS has been granting hundreds of thousands of these individuals administrative legalization and work authorization.  DHS does this under many guises, invoking doctrines with esoteric names such as “deferred action” and “parole-in-place”. The net effect of these policies has been described by former ICE Acting Director John Sandweg -- “If you are a run-of-the mill immigrant here illegally, your odds of getting deported are close to zero . . . .”  Apparently, those arriving at our borders now know this.

Indeed, Father Heyman Vazquez, the director of a migrant shelter in Mexico, told news outlets that children and families are encouraged to cross into the U.S. illegally because they think they will be given amnesty. Vazquez said, "I remember a little boy of 9 years old and I asked if he was going to go meet someone and he told me ‘No, I’m just going to hand myself over because I hear they help kids.'" In addition, like so many others across Central America, Robin Tulio, a 13-year-old, said his mother believed that the Obama Administration had quietly changed its policy regarding unaccompanied minors, and that if he made it across, he would have a better shot at staying. In the meantime, Central American media touts an open door to the U.S. for minors and families.

Based on information the Committee has received, it seems that the Administration has known about this problem for some time.  Rev. Richard Ryscavage, who serves on the White House immigration advisory panel, agrees.  He stated that “Officials hid the fast-growing migration crisis from the media because they’re still trying to pass a very unpopular immigration rewrite.”  He indicated, “That’s the [Administration’s] priority – to get that Senate-type bill passed. They didn’t do anything public about it, they didn’t want to tell anyone about it… [and] they’re now in a stage where they’re feeling ‘We have to figure out a strategy.’” Ryscavage concludes, “That’s what the administration is most afraid of – that [the border surge] will derail any discussion of reform of the immigration laws.”

Unfortunately, these statements show that the Administration has made a fundamental miscalculation.  Its failure to secure our borders, mitigate threats to national security, or enforce our immigration laws only undermines Congress’s ability to reform our immigration laws.

It was easy to predict that people in South and Central America, as well as in Mexico, would recognize a veiled invitation from the Administration to send their children and families to the United States with little chance of deportation.

These individuals know that the Administration’s policy of non-enforcement of our immigration laws presents a golden opportunity for unaccompanied minors and families with minors to come to the U.S., most likely to be released with very little chance of ever being removed.  The Administration’s message is tragic because the journey the Administration encourages is so dangerous and results in death, disease, and harm to so many minors along the way.  It is often said that Nero fiddled while Rome burned.  Unfortunately, it seems Obama fiddles while our borders implode.

I look forward to finding out from the witnesses today what if anything, the Obama Administration plans to do about this crisis and what solutions could work to end it. I’d like to thank all of the witnesses – many of whom are career law enforcement professionals – for taking the time to testify today.

The Death of America

© Justin O. Smith

Saturday, June 28, 2014

Pakistani Christians Doomed to Oppression under Islamic Rule of Law

John R. Houk
© June 28, 2014

I started this post as an introduction to Shamim Masih’s latest journalistic contribution about Christian life in Pakistan. My intro became too long ergo I am posting it followed by Shamim’s report entitled “Care for Christians in Pakistan”.

Shamim demands social justice for Pakistan minorities with his emphasis on Pakistan’s Christians. Some of the questions Shamim asks:

Will I be safe today? Do I actually have the right to live freely? Can I walk on my own?

Shamim is typical of Pakistani-Christians. As a Christian he desires religious liberty without oppression. As a Pakistani Shamim is wholly devoted to Pakistan as the nation of his birth – he is a Pakistani patriot.

A lot of Pakistani-Christians because of birth and once experiencing the British legal system prior to 1947, have a difficult time realizing the obvious. As long as Pakistan calls itself a Muslim Republic Christians and all non-Muslims will be second class citizens (Pakistan is a Sunni majority nation so Shi’ites are included in minority discrimination).

Pakistani-Christians look back to Pakistan independence in 1947 (carved away from India with the intention of providing Muslims political security from the Hindu majority of India proper). Pakistan’s founder - Muhammad Ali Jinnah – in speech stumping for independence expressed a desire for a secular Pakistan in which all religions and ethnicities were to be respected. Because of this even the Pakistani-Christians loved Jinnah and his legacy. Due to the nature of Islam, if Jinnah was ever sincere, I doubt he would have succeeded. At any rate the Jinnah legacy lives on among Pakistani-Christians because Jinnah did not live long enough to maintain the original Constitution. After Jinnah’s death in 1948 of lung cancer, Pakistan began to devolve into an Islamic State. Z.A. Bhutto (latter hung in 1979) expressly began to use Islam as a unifier of the Sunni Muslim ethnicities of Pakistan followed by the Quran and Sharia Law becoming the standard of the rule of law. It is my opinion as long as the rule of law is based on Islam, Christians are doomed to be persecuted and marginalized in Pakistan.

JRH 6/28/14 [Please scroll toward the end to view Shamim’s donation info]
Care for Christians in Pakistan

By Shamim Masih
Sent: 6/28/2014 12:58 PM

ISLAMABAD: Social evil is one of the most brutal and biggest curses to any nation which plays the vital role in the destruction of the society in any country or state. Pakistan is amongst one of those countries which are facing various disparaging social evils which have affected the law and order situation in the country, national harmony and peace.

Will I be safe today? Do I actually have the right to live freely? Can I walk on my own? These are just some questions every Pakistani asks himself every day. But as a religious minority member, I feel 200% insecure [more] than Sunni Muslims. There has been an unprecedented number heinous acts committed against religious minorities lately, whether it be violence, blasphemy, rape cases. Justice is still pending for countless cases in the country and the state has failed to deliver what is promised since independence – equality and justice for all. Development is not mere statistics based on only economic growth. What position does Pakistan have, when the cries of the minorities are stifled and the meek are silenced? On one hand we boast of a nation and its unity in diversity and on the other hand religious minorities has no voice of their own. They are merely shunted to the periphery for the society.

Sometimes I feel nothing can stir the consciousness of the people. We live in a materialistic era where money presides over the social issues, our own humanity. We all suffer from the ostrich syndrome. We think nothing is wrong till we start suffering. We fail to push forward the need for a change, a revolution.

September 22, 2013, witnessed the most brutal act that created ripples of protest all over the world. Twin explosions at All Saints Church in Peshawar killed more than 80 people and wounded over 100 others. The heinous act was strongly condemned in Pakistan and the world as well. Many houses in Joseph Colony, Lahore were set ablaze including two churches. I thought that the leaders and police would have more empathy for the sufferings of the weaker segment of the society. Finally the Supreme Court of Pakistan took Suo Moto [Latin Literally translated, it means "on its own motion," and the term generally refers to a situation wherein a judge acts without request by either party to the action before the court – in Pakistan] action and the Supreme Court of Pakistan has brought smiles on the faces of the poor strata of the society.

The Supreme Court (SC) of Pakistan ordered the federal government to form a national council of minorities’ rights for protection of minority rights and ensuring religious harmony. The order further stated that those responsible for religious hate speech on social media must be brought to justice and children who face harassment at their schools because of their religious beliefs should be protected. The apex court also ordered the formation of a special force to protect of worship. [Blog Editor: Pakistan SC 32 page in pdf and in English]

Chief Justice (CJ) Tassaduq Hussain Jilani ordered federal and provincial governments to meet a quota of minorities in employments in all services. The court asked the registrar to form a three-member bench to ensure the order is carried out. The new bench will also take up any cases related to the abuse of minorities. The said rulings were made in the detailed judgment on a suo moto case pertaining to the suicide bombing attack on a church in Peshawar in September, 2013.

Although the CJ has ordered the formation of a National Council of Minority Rights the fact is - extremism is on the rise and especially when blasphemy laws are still on the statute book. If we observe the past practice of the government, it is difficult to say whether government will take interest immediately to implement the order. The past practice is minority faith groups including Christians, are frequently targeted and the misuse of the blasphemy laws in particular has been blamed for increasing inter-religious tensions across the country. And Pakistan was also named the sixth most violent place for Christians to live by leading persecution charity Open Doors. [Blog Editor: Actually the Open Doors WWL has Pakistan at number 8. I am guessing Shamim’s source for 6th as a persecutor of Christians comes from Carey Lodge writing]

Pakistani Christians have welcomed the CJ orders but ground reality is totally different. We've viewed the past practice of the Pakistani government and society, in this situation we can only hope that after clear and cogent instruction from the CJ, the Pakistani government especially during the PML-N ruling takes positive steps towards making minorities feel secure in the country.

Be Blessed,
Shamim Masih
Pakistani Christians Doomed to Oppression under Islamic Rule of Law
John R. Houk
© June 28, 2014
Care for Christians in Pakistan

Shamim’s report is an edited version by John R. Houk
All links and text enclosed brackets are from the Editor

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