Thursday, April 10, 2014

An Affront to America

True 5 Pillars of Islam
I usually like to write an intro for guest writers; however Justin does a much job in his email that I am doing the old copy and pasted to use an excerpt of his introductory email. – John R. Houk

… [T]he masses [are] in denial and the media [is] perpetrating fallacies and outright lies.

Recently a Daily News Journal editorial was so outrageous in its suggestion that I couldn't believe my eyes. They suggested that "the faithful" be more supportive of Muslims and the Islamic Center of Murfreesboro. That's like asking a rape victim to hold hands with her rapist

I believe that although I specifically address a Tennessee issue, this piece will resonate across America, and many small communities will recognize themselves within this context too; please also note, I do address the national aspect of the problem in limited fashion within paragraphs 5 and 6. Justin O. Smith

JRH 4/10/14
An Affront to America

By Justin O. Smith
Sent: 4/9/2014 8:28 PM

On March 30, 2014 the Daily News Journal felt the need to chastise many members of the Murfreesboro community, and they seemed to suggest that Christians and Jews, "the faithful", should support the Islamic Center of Murfreesboro, join hands and sing 'Kumbaya', as if in so doing, Islam will reform itself, become America's friend and stop attacking us. The DNJ editorial board called the challenge to the ICM's expansion and burial ground "affronts to this community", and yet, they affront the community themselves by not understanding it is our First Amendment right and our duty to question anything that may harm the U.S. and impede the Constitution; the question is not one of any Muslim's freedom to worship, but instead, it is a question of the harmful effects of the ideology of Islam and the advocacy of Sharia law for the U.S., that occurs daily within the walls of these mosques.

Under the First Amendment, we certainly have the right to question the lack of common sense in our leaders, as they turn their backs on Christians truly in need of refuge and protection from islamofascists in Islamic nations and they continue to allow Muslim "refugees" into our sovereign territory - our nation - a people and an ideology that does, in fact and from their own words, seek supremacy over all, here in the U.S. and across the globe.

Imam Zaid Shakir is a Council on American Islamic Relations advisor and a regular speaker at CAIR events and the Islamic Center of Nashville. In 2013, Shakir told an audience that under Islamic law "the kafir (infidel) won't be equal with the Muslim", and the New York Times quotes him saying that he "still hoped that one day the United States would be a Muslim country ruled by Islamic law.

I pose this question to the editorial board of the Daily News Journal: Do we - the American people, U.S. citizens - [to be denied free speech] or do we not have the right to be vigilant and expose real threats [of] Islam, Sharia law and mosques [that] represent to any community in which they are found? Your editorial suggests not, and that is the real affront to the community.

Currently there are 227 mosques in California alone; 86 in New Jersey; 67 in Pennsylvania and Texas; 66 in Ohio; 57 in Florida and Illinois; 41 in Georgia; 15 in Tennessee and approximately 2000 nationwide. Most of these mosques are funded by Saudi Arabians of the extreme Wahhabist sect of Islam and led by, for lack of a better term, "radical" Egyptian imams/Muslim Brotherhood who are simply following Islam and the words of Mohammed in the strictest sense.

And yes, Muslims do have the right to worship in any manner they choose. They can worship their Three Cranes, the moon, Mohammed, Isa - their false depiction of a Jesus, or Allah. But, they do not have the right to circumvent our laws, create parallel Sharia law courts within our communities and override or supplant every premise and concept of liberty and equality under the supreme law of the land - Our U.S. Constitution - in the name of Islam, as they have already attempted in Michigan, Florida and numerous other states.

Scream as loudly as you wish DNJ editors, as you depict a "peaceful" Murfreesboro mosque and just simply ignore the quiet anger and hatred for the U.S. that simmers just under that quiet calm. Or have you forgotten Nihad Awad and CAIR agents of the terrorist Muslim Brotherhood group align themselves with this mosque - a mosque that supports Hamas terrorists in Gaza and had the "holy warrior"/jihadist Mosaad Rawash on the board of the ICM?

When it pertains to Islamic terrorism, we only see opposition from the Middle Tennessee Islamic community. Remziya Suleyman, islamofascist apologist and "human rights" (read "Muslim") activist, often boasts that she organized all the Muslims in Tennessee, in order to beat alleged anti-Sharia legislation; this bill was actually an anti-terrorism/material support bill, so essentially, Suleyman equates bills aimed at terror and terror finance as anti-Sharia.

In 2010 Awadh Binhazim, a Muslim "chaplain" at Vanderbilt University and a director of the Islamic Center of Tennessee said that as a Muslim, he had no choice but to "go with what Islam teaches", which is homosexuality "is punishable by death". Whether one accepts the homosexual lifestyle or not, what other faith in the 21st century holds such a backward and inhuman belief? Binhazim also taught alongside Abdulhakim Mohamed, a terrorist sympathizer and supporter of bin-Laden, at the Al Farouq mosque in New York (9/11 Commission Report).

Yasir Qadhi, imam of Al-Maghrib Institute in Memphis - TN, studied under Ali al-Timimi, who was sentenced to life in prison after being convicted of encouraging violent jihad against Americans, after 9/11, and Qadhi was on a terror watch list in 2006. In 2003, Timimi stated, "Muslims were overjoyed because of the adversity that befell their greatest enemy" (the U.S.).

Where are the reports from the mainstream media and the Daily News Journal on the hate-filled words of imam Yasir Qadhi and his fellow Muslim Brothers? Their refusal to report such threats is the affront to the community.

In 2013 Qadhi said that he had been "commanded to fight the people" until they testify "there is no god but Allah" (la illaha illa Allah). And he continued, "The life and property of mushrik (one who worships others besides Allah) holds no value in the state of jihad...which means if they don't testify...(above quote)..."their lives and property are halal - that is, permitted to be taken by Muslims, if you are "a filthy Christian or Jew."

The affront is to America and Our American Heritage, because Islam is not just a religion, and the Daily News Journal would have us silenced on the violence, the terror and multiple human rights violations Islam brings with it, such as the institutionalized misogyny depicted in 'Honor Diaries'. They would silence the fact that most of Islam as it exists today, without reform or apology, is incompatible with a free society. These ignorant (see Webster's 1:a, DNJ) enablers on the DNJ's editorial board tear at our vigilance in the name of liberty, as they highlight what Americans are doing to supposedly "repress" the Muslim residents and they accept that Islam has political sovereignty. And yet, these are the same fools who go crazy, when Christians stand in defense of the U.S. Constitution, which was founded upon Judeo-Christian principles; these same Progressive multiculturalist fools refuse to admit that there is a global jihad within Islam__ that it is a political project, an imperial project - in a way that modern Christianity, Judaism, Hinduism and Buddhism are not, and a historically bloodthirsty faith.

Justin O. Smith
Edited by John R. Houk
Brackets indicate additions by the Editor

© Justin O. Smith

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