Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Distinguish Facts from Sensationalism

Conspiracy Theories & Misinformation
John R. Houk
© February 26, 2014

Danny Jeffrey utilizes a Liberal drilling of Allen West from 2012 to launch an editorial that is critical of websites that are dubious in presenting valid facts. Danny begins by praising Allen West for defending his position made at a fund raiser which Red Alert Politics writes, “…Rep. Allen West, R-Fla., isn’t backing down from comments he made at a fundraiser two weeks ago calling members of the Congressional Progressive Caucus, including former Speaker Nancy Pelosi, “communists.” In fact, he’s coming out swinging.” The Allen West thing is what piqued my interest in reading Danny’s essay.

Danny lists some locations that tops his list of dubious factoid websites.

o   EU Times

o   Info Wars

o   Singling out Alex Jones (Ironically Left Wing SPLC profile concurs with Danny Jeffrey)

o   Noting the list is not exhaustive

This is what Danny Jeffrey summarizes about the authenticity of these websites:

…knowing these to be some major hoax sites ... but believed to be reliable by oh so many. Another dead give away of sensationalist sites are images that are apparently photoshopped. Still another are claims that are too good to be true, or claims designed to scare the daylights out of you, validated only by anonymous or unverifiable sources.”

I have to confess I have used some of these websites as a resource. That would place me on Danny’s gullible list. But I have to admit I love a good Conspiracy Theory. Knowing that I love Conspiracy Theories I have learned to pick and choose between the plausible and the ridiculous. Unlike Danny I read these websites to discover non-Mainstream Media news, BUT Danny is correct! If you do as I do then do not accept the information found in these websites as truth. Do the research and discover what is real, what is iffy and/or what is a downright hoax printed for sensationalism.

Danny correctly singles out the 911 Truthers as being one of those ridiculous Conspiracy Theories. I am certain if Danny had the time to exposit on other ridiculous Conspiracy Theories he would have, but I think his point is that bloggers need to do their research to verify the information they are using. I would be interested in an exposition of ludicrous Conspiracy Theories from Danny but I sense that would be a long wait because he would consider that a waste of his valuable time in writing about valid issues.

Of late Danny is bringing the somewhat shadowy Leftist George Soros to the light to expose some of his nefarious actions hidden in the darkness. You should do a search on his to blog sites to be filled in on Soros. But don’t stop with Soros. Danny focuses on many issues that will pique your fascination with many things that don’t make it to the light of day except in some of those websites that Danny criticizes.

I encourage you to read his blog posts at his original (but now not updated) Freedom Rings 1776 and (his current blog location) Fix Bayonets. You will find volumes of informative essays that you mostly agree with but some that might rub you the wrong way (face it disagreement sharpens the mind to bring clarity).

JRH 2/26/14

By Danny Jeffrey
February 24, 2014

Earlier today a Facebook friend posted a video of Allen West being grilled by a few liberal reporters. He took the grilling quite well and turned them into toast. Being the polite gentleman that he is, Colonel West did not call either of them an idiot, but proceeded to prove that they were. He simply told them to do their research, and then proved to the nation that he had done his. The topic under debate was his statement that there are a great many communists in Congress operating under the banner of the Congressional Progressive Caucus. The initial question was did he have any regrets about his original statement. His answer was no, and then he proved his point, based on his own research, and without the aid of a teleprompter. I love it when these liberals attack him because without fail he shreds them and they succeed only in giving him an opportunity to make his point. Such people should never try to belittle their intellectual superiors.

Funny thing about the truth; it is out there, and thanks to the search capabilities of the internet, is available to everyone ... if they will but do their research. The sad fact of the matter is that so few are so inclined. Consequently we have millions of frightened Americans stumbling around in an advanced state of confusion, all the time wondering what in the hell is going on, while calling upon fellow Americans to wake up. An old phrase comes to mind: 'The blind, leading the blind.'

Another very old phrase: 'Seek and ye shall find.' Those words are as true today as they were then, but thanks to the internet, the search is much easier and faster than at any time in our history. That being said I must also insert a warning: There has never been any field of endeavor that is immune to the influence of those who are less than truthful, it is therefore up to you to apply judgement (sic) in all that you read and believe. Failing to do so will leave you lost and stumbling about in the fog.

That reality applies to your everyday life, your job, politics, religion, daily news, and most assuredly those who would like to separate you from your hard earned money. It is up to you to separate the truth from deception. Unless you can do this, you are, and will continue to be, the victim of those who promote their agenda instead of the truth.

Recently an internet friend from the UK left a comment in response to one of my essays. His closing thought was
"When I look at the hard work that goes into bringing facts to the public, which the public then ignores, I have trouble understanding why anyone would bother."

Admittedly it is a lot of hard work, but even were I not writing, the search would go on, for I do not like being lost and confused. The pursuit of knowledge and truth are fundamental to my very nature. Anything less must be rejected. My early days on the internet proved embarrassing on two separate occasions believing what I read without further research. Those days are gone and I have become a hard core skeptic, believing nothing that cannot be validated.

Now when encountering a post left in a group the first thing I do is check the link source. If it comes from Before It's News, Godlike Productions, Above Top Secret, EU Times, and such, I go no further, knowing these to be some major hoax sites ... but believed to be reliable by oh so many. Another dead give away (sic) of sensationalist sites are images that are apparently photoshopped. Still another are claims that are too good to be true, or claims designed to scare the daylights out of you, validated only by anonymous or unverifiable sources. One of the best guides is simply to employ common sense. That term, unfortunately, is almost a contradiction as common sense is none too common, but it never hurts to put forth the effort.

One such example: Look at all of the people who believe the 'evidence' that both twin towers fell just like buildings intentionally destroyed by explosives planted on the framework of those buildings. Listen to Alex Jones's 'evidence' and you will believe, but only if you lack the common sense to see through his nonsense. For this theory to be true teams of men would have had to go into a thousand offices, rip out the walls exposing the structural members, planted their explosives, and then replace those walls. Of course such logic never enters the mind of those 'truthers' who wouldn't know the truth if it bit them on the ass; and one day it will.

How many board meetings would have had to have been interrupted; how many corporate president's (sic) would have had to vacate their office while this sabotage was performed? Alex Jones, his 'Prison Planet', and 'Infowars', are more sites that I will not click. My time is far too valuable for such nonsense.

However; lies and absurdities are far easier to find than the truth, perhaps indicating why so many are so confused. I use Google, but whatever your search engine the process is the same. Type '911 inside job' into your search window and let the search begin. Google returns page after page of conspiracy theorists and sites, naturally including Alex Jones. Fifteen minutes of fame, royalties on a book, or a daily talk show that caters to the ignorant; that is what it is all about, and gullible Americans line up for their daily dose of misinformation.

I am about to embark on what may seem a lost cause, revealing the true agenda of George Soros. It will not be a lost cause although I am the first to acknowledge that it will be poorly attended, due to an overwhelming lack of interest. Americans really do not want to know, and even most of those who realize that Soros endangers our every liberty do not want to know any more. They are not the audience that I choose to address.

Though few in number there yet remains a scattering of hard core patriots with a burning need to understand what is taking place in our failing society. I shall not attempt to entertain, promote half truths (sic), blatant lies, or show photoshopped images of Soros and Obama. Sensationalism is unbecoming of the truth, and it is the truth that I shall endeavor to present. It is an awful truth that many shy away from, for this man's agenda reeks of pure evil. He is the most powerful misanthrope this world has ever known, and he hates us all with an equal passion. That hatred is being used to reshape the human race, eliminating a large portion of it in the process.

In an odd way I have come to admire George Soros, evil incarnate though he be. He has a grasp of human nature that few, if any, can equal. This man is one of the wealthiest people in this world and I do not believe him to be greedy. Money to him is but a tool that grants him the power to reshape the world in his image. Though not personally greedy, he well understands the greed that is part of human nature, and that understanding is the part of the power that he wields over us. Greed, laziness, ignorance, and those who seek to dominate. These traits are the Sword of Damocles that he holds over our heads.

In future installments of The World According To Soros I shall put before you the facts concerning this king maker and this man who would re-engineer the human race. His tentacles of power reach far and wide, destroying the economies of nations, leading the weak into revolutions, and wreaking havoc on all that humanity has accomplished. I ask but one thing, the same thing that Allen West suggests ... Do your research.

Suggested Reading...
Distinguish Facts from Sensationalism
John R. Houk
© February 26, 2014

Some see, few know, many choose to wander aimlessly in a fog, devoid of sunlight. I seek the light of day and leave the others to their chosen realm of ignorance. They are the ones who have brought this great nation down. I write only for the benefit of those who possess the courage required to restore our birthright.


For the sake of long term readers, I must briefly explain my need for a new website:

I have an insurmountable problem with my previous blog that has to do with the 'feed'. Everything about it works just fine with the exception of it not being able to send Emails to my followers whenever I post a new essay. I have learned what caused the cumulative problem but am still unable to repair it, and so today I turn a new page. Armed with a new knowledge of how to avoid future problems, I am relegating Freedom Rings 1776
 to a background archive, totally accessible but no longer serving my needs.

There is also a second reason for what I have begun. My first website was named with a sense of optimism, while this one is from a sense of desperation, for we are most assuredly losing in the political arena. Since Obama was first chosen by the Progressive overlords, we have been subjected to betrayal, deceit, a loss of liberty, and rampant corruption, and as an honest people, we simply do not know how to engage on their terms.

We seek truth while they propagate lies. We hope to engage in honest debate, but the Progressives shun that honesty for it exposes their plan of domination, while liberals turn away choosing not to know the truth. We hear epithets such as 'Racists', "Bigots', 'War on Women', and 'Islamophobia', while they delude America with feel good platitudes about 'equality', 'fairness', 'helping the poor', and 'sharing the wealth'; the very things the Founders warned about.

Look at the vicious attacks launched on those such as

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