Monday, November 25, 2013

Are YOU a Bigot if YOU Hate Islam?

Mahdi Antichrist
John R. Houk
© November 25, 2013

Here come the accusations of hater and bigot.

Islam is an evil religion. Its adherents love to call their faith the religion of peace. That is a bit of a deceptive moniker. There are a lot of Quranic suras that indeed extol peace and family; however an equal or greater amount of Islamic theology extols violence to those who refuse to submit to allah or to those who insult allah and the antichrist prophet Mohammed. The verbal anger in the newest suras of the Quran reflect Mohammed’s frustration of being rejected as a prophet by Jews and Christians. The rejection is easy to understand. Mohammed goes from calling the People of the Book (i.e. the Torah and Bible) as people to be respected as receiving – cough – allah’s revelations first to calling Jews and Christians as evil twisted deceivers of allah’s word who corrupted scripture ensuring their place in hell. So if you happen to see a Jew hiding then kill’em.

And so although I believe those who call themselves Muslims may be decent and upright in character kind-of-people, their theology when honored as pure is evil toward non-Muslims (aka kafir).

As an American devoted to the Freedom and Rights inherent in the First Amendment I have struggled with Islam as being a religion that should be freely practiced in the USA.

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances. (Bold Emphasis Mine - 1st Amendment to U.S. Constitution)

Americans are guaranteed to not have an established religion by the government AND Americans are guaranteed that the government will not prohibit the free exercise of religion. So how do Constitutional honoring Americans who are not Muslims deal with a religion in which a part of its theology is to transform the social-political nature of nature by force if necessary. In other words a devoted Muslim would not be off base towards his faith to fight against the U.S. Constitution as the basis for the rule of law by changing the legal foundation to Sharia Law. Sharia Law stands against everything the U.S. Constitution stands and in particular Sharia Law is a contradiction to the Constitution’s Bill of Rights (Amendments 1 – 10).

In Islam there is no Religious Freedom because Islam is supreme and the non-Muslim is an insult.

In Islam there is no Free Speech because if Islam, its deity allah and/or its prophet Mohammed are insulted punishment must follow up to and including the death penalty.

In Islam Non-Muslims cannot assemble peaceably especially to worship their faith openly because that would be an insult to the supremacy of Islam – punishment will follow.

If non-Muslims petition the government with a grievance that might be contrary to Sharia Law it would be considered an effrontery to Islam – punishment will follow.

AND this just addresses the First Amendment!

Islam is a religion that is beyond an individual seeking the spiritual answers to that which is divine. Islam is an ideological-political religion that absolutely demands the government to enforce the precepts of Islam as derived from the Quran, Hadith and Sira (Sunna). When you here a Muslim inform you that their Quran claims there is no compulsion of religion in Islam – it is a deception. If one chooses to retain their non-Muslim faith and are lucky enough to be a member of the People of the Book, you are not compelled to convert to Islam. The deception is – especially in a Muslim dominated nation – your life is made a living hell of humiliation and religious taxation that only the most ardent non-Muslims choose not to convert. That is how the Christian Middle East and North Africa changed from a Christian majority into a Muslim majority. Converting to Islam removed 2nd class humiliation status to the Muslim family of the Umma. So always remember the ‘Islam is Peace’ and ‘there is no compulsion of religion in Islam’ are deceptions meant to entice the kafir to enter Islam.

It is thus my opinion that Islam that adheres to a purist belief – i.e. an original loyalty to the early meanings of Islamic theology – should be banned in America as not a religion but as a political element dedicated to the overthrow of the U.S. Constitution. Frankly such a reform for Muslim-Americans is something they will not stomach. Just as Christians are taught the Bible is Holy and Jews are taught the Torah is Holy, Muslims are taught that the Quran is the irrefutable word of allah (what they call god). The difference for Jews and Christians is that our theology tells to submit to the ruling authorities as appointed by God even if they are heathen because the political authority is the instrument that administers right over wrong in society. If you do no wrong then there should be a peaceful life. Contrarily Islamic theology is to fight the kafir until they submit or fool the kafir until the Ummah is strong enough to force kafir to submit. Jews and Christians pray for peace. Muslims force submission to enfranchise an Islamic Supremacist peace. The Islamic political nature is contrary to the U.S. Constitution.

So I advocate a ban on any Islamic theology that is politically motivated to utilize violence to achieve the ends of destroying the U.S. Constitution. This is where the hater and bigot accusations should really begin to fly.

There is an essence of truth to the accusations. As a Christian I can say without any remorse that Islam is an antichrist religion. Islam denies the Sonship and Godhood of Jesus Christ. The New Testament specifically tells Christians that such a belief is an antichrist spirit. HOWEVER, the New Testament also teaches us to love our enemies and to pray for those who persecute you.  So I can confidently say I hate Islam the theo-political religion but I pray for the peace and Salvation of all Muslim adherents.

Allow me to briefly switch gears on you. I have a different perspective on Jews. In Christian history Jews have often been vilified as Christ-Killers. Merely that sentiment alone would make Judaism an antichrist religion. HOWEVER, Christians forget that Christ came first to the lost sheep of Israel. At the Resurrection the disciples wondered if this was the time that Israel would be restored the Lord Jesus told them to the effect not yet and then gave last instructions to go into all the world witness of Jesus Christ first to “…Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the end of the earth.” (Matt. 28: 18-20; Mk.16: 15-16; Acts 1: 6-8). The ONLY Christians when Jesus spoke to his disciples were indeed Jews. God’s Promises are to the Jews. Salvation is of the Jews. When non-Jews receive Christ Jesus they are engrafted (NOT REPLACING) into God’s Promises to the Jews. It is my unlearned opinion that although the majority of Jews reject Christ’s Messiahship now, there will be a time when they embrace Jesus. Remember the Twelve Apostles did not immediately believe Jesus Christ arose from the dead and the Apostle Thomas was the last hold-out in that non-belief. I believe the Jews of today are the modern doubting Thomases that will believe when they see the return of King Jesus. So I honor Jews as the Chosen People rather than as Christ-killers.

Now what was it that got me thinking about Islam and the U.S. Constitution and First Amendment Religious Freedom?

I subscribe to Sharia Unveiled. One of my favorite blogs has come across some information that the nation of Angola (western neighbor of Congo, Zambia & Namibia) has banned Islam from being legal. The government has even taken the step of destroying Mosques in Angola. Now it being Africa I suspect this will not be a non-violent situation in Angola.

The Angola government has had a Marxist-Leninist domination from about the 1970s. Apparently Angola place a new Constitution in 1991 and again 2002 that changed the government into a multiparty system; however elections seem plagued by corruption. The (Marxist) Popular Movement for the Liberation of Angola (MPLA) has been the primary power holder since Angolan independence from Portugal in 1975. There had been an Angolan civil war off and on especially in the old Cold War days of the USSR vs. USA. As the word “Marxist” implies the Communism á la Marxist-Leninism was the dominant rule of law factor in Angola. Meaning not friendly to religion. Apparently after 2002 (and beyond) the still dominant MPLA eased up religious intolerance under an official democratic socialism rather than a Marxist dictatorship. However the way the Angolan Constitution is framed almost absolute power is vested into the Office of President. The President is chosen by the majority party in Parliament.

The power structure is important to understand the ability of the government to move against the Muslim minority of Angola. The Marxist influence the quarter century inspired the Angolan government to move against the legality of Islam when it determined that al Qaeda began using its influence among the 80-90 thousand Muslims via NGOs. So in Angola Islam is illegal to keep Radical Islam out. The only problem I have with this Angolan move is that if the government reverts back to an anti-religion policy that would include the shutdown of all religions in the despotic nation.

JRH 11/25/13
Angola has ordered the shutdown of all mosques and declared Islam illegal.  Becomes the first nation in the world to issue a ban on Islam.

Posted by Sharia Unveiled
Posted on November 25, 2013
By Umm Ayoub
Originally Ajib – France
President Jose Eduardo dos Santos of Angola

President Jose Eduardo dos Santos of Angola

The fight against Islam does not seem to be exclusive to westerners.  According to the African press, Angola is determined to eradicate Islam from its territory.

Thus Muslims Luanda saw their mosque being destroyed.  The municipality of the town was radically breaking the only mosque in the city. Just days later, this is the Mosque of Viana was reduced to dust.

To excuse these unjust acts, the governor of the city said that the government of the country was not ready to legalize the construction of mosques. Similarly, earlier this week, the Minister of Culture, Rosa Cruz e Silva said: “With regard to Islam, the legalization process has not been approved by the Ministry of Justice and Human Man, their mosques will be closed until further notice. ”

Now the main task of the Angolan government would destroy all the mosques located in the country because their status is considered “illegal”. This “illegal” status is further enhanced by the fact that the Muslim religion is considered contrary to the customs and the habits of the country. Therefore, leaders want the ban at all costs.

Although the proportion of Muslims is small, it prevents our Angolan brothers are suffering from this anti-Islam political regime. Allah assists and facilitates the Hijra!

A report has been issued stating the following:

“The legalisation of Islam has not been approved by the Ministry of Justice and Human Rights [and] their mosques will be closed until further notice,” said minister of culture Rosa Cruz e Silva.

The minister called Islam a “sect” which would be banned as counter to Angolan customs and culture.

Following the ban, there were unconfirmed reports that mosques across the vast southern African nation were being destroyed.

“This is the final end of Islamic influence in our country,” President Jose Edurado dos Santos told the Osun Defence daily.

Muslims account for less than 1% of the population of 19 million, while more than half of this former Portuguese colony subscribe to Christianity.

Clashes between the two communities are frequently reported in the local media. Muslims, many of whom migrated from west Africa and Lebanon, often face hostility from lawmakers in Angola.

Along with Islam, 194 other “sects” have been outlawed.

“Besides these, there is a long list of more than 1,000 applications to be authorised,” said Silva.

Are YOU a Bigot if YOU Hate Islam?
John R. Houk
© November 25, 2013
Angola has ordered the shutdown of all mosques and declared Islam illegal.  Becomes the first nation in the world to issue a ban on Islam.

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sharia unveiled is committed to seeking and sharing the truth.  In all things, there is only one truth.  There is no “middle ground” in truth.  There is no “compromise” in truth and there is no “tolerance” in truth.  There is no “leuke warm” in truth.  There are no “grey areas” in truth.  Truth is black and white.  Wrong or Right.  There is truth and everything else is just a lie.

We live in this world although we are not of it.

We live in a world of darkness, lies and deception.  We live in a world that protects, defends and rewards those who lie.  Why?  Primarily due to the fact that faith is being forced out of the world and evil is being invited in.  When we force God out essentially, we are creating a vacuum in society.  We are creating a void of empty space and the natural tendency is for that space to be filled.  The door has been left open and evil has been invited in.  Evil comes in many forms although rarely does it present itself as evil.  In most cases, it hides itself beneath a cloak of deception and a pretty name.  Sometimes evil even hides beneath the facade of “Peace and Love.”

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sharia unveiled is absolutely and unequivocally devoted to the protection and defense of human rights.  There are READ THE REST

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