Friday, April 26, 2013

United State Senator Sarah Palin

Sarah Palin - Draft for Senate
It is about time for Sarah Palin to enter a political office again. I was praying she would have run for President in 2012. Her decision not to run was a huge disappointment to me and many other Palin supporters.

NOW there is a draft Palin for the Senate in her home State of Alaska because the current Dem Party Senator Mark Begich would receive less than 50% of the vote according to The Tea Party Leadership Fund.

JRH 4/26/13
United State Senator Sarah Palin

By Todd Cefaratti
Sent: April 26, 2013 3:35PM
Sent by The Tea Party Leadership Fund

Do the words "Senator Sarah Palin" excite you?
If we do our job, they could become reality.

You see, recent polling in the 2014 Alaska U.S. Senate Race shows incumbent Democrat Senator Mark Begich with less than 50% of the vote, and a clear path for Sarah to win. This means the only thing that is standing in her way is deciding to run, and that's why we're launching a petition today to draft her for the Republican nomination.

You and I both know that Sarah Palin is a fighter who will stand up to Harry Reid and his pals in the Senate to protect our Constitution on issues like amnesty, gun control, and our nation's crushing debt. We know that, with Sarah in the Senate, conservatives across America can rest a little easier at night knowing that she's at the watch.

That's why it's so important that you join with me in signing our petition to draft Sarah Palin for Alaska's U.S. Senate seat.

As Karl Rove and the "Republican" campaign establishment prepare to spend hundreds of millions defeating the Tea Party in primaries next fall, campaign insiders know what they're really afraid of--they're not afraid of gaffes, they're not afraid of weak candidates, and they're not afraid of losing.

They're afraid of those who stand up for our liberties;

of those who stand up when everyone else sits down;

of those who refuse to water down our Constitution with the "Democrat lite" message currently curried by the establishment.

Basically, they're afraid of Sarah Palin.

At this year's CPAC, Sarah knew this and took it to heart, rejecting the establishment and imploring all Tea Party Americans to stick to our guns and support the candidates who truly embrace our first principles. Even when it was unpopular, Sarah supported true patriots like Ted Cruz, Rand Paul and Marco Rubio, and now it's time that we throw our support behind her.

That's why I need you to sign our petition today to draft Sarah to run in the upcoming U.S. Senate race in Alaska. Will you visit this link and join me in signing it?

When you think about it, Senator Sarah Palin just makes sense.

Who would be better to stand up, simultaneously, to the hyper-liberal arrogance of Harry Reid and the cool indifference of the establishment to our values? Who would be better to stand arm-in-arm with Ted Cruz and Rand Paul in defense of our Constitution?

The answer, of course, is Sarah, the proven Maverick who stood up to the special interests in Alaska and has been a tireless advocate for our Tea Party values ever since her introduction to the national stage.

So will you stand with her by signing our petition to draft her into the U.S. Senate and, after signing, consider making a contribution so that we have the resources necessary to back her up if she needs it?

Visit this link and add your signature to our petition.

The establishment declared war against the Tea Party long ago, and election day is only getting closer. It's 100% crystal clear that Karl Rove and his loser buddies will stop at nothing to make sure we lose.

Let's show them we're serious about fighting back by drafting Sarah Palin. Visit this link and sign our petition today.


Todd Cefaratti
Freedom Organizer

P.S. What better way is there to show the establishment we mean business than to nominate Sarah Palin for U.S. Senate? By signing our petition, you can make a bold statement that you're tired of the wishy-washy sellout establishment and ready to put a real leader in the Senate chamber.
Visit this link, sign your name to our petition, and tell Sarah that you're ready for her.

The Tea Party Leadership Fund is a leader in this freedom movement putting your nationwide support into local action…

Paid for by The Tea Party Leadership Fund PAC.

Not authorized by any candidate or candidate's committee. Contributions from foreign nationals or entities are prohibited. Contributions are not tax deductible for federal income tax purposes.

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