Monday, April 15, 2013

Christian PTI leader in trouble

Sajid Ishaq Sindhu
Shamim Masih writes about Sajid Ishaq Sindhu a Christian leader involved in Human Rights and Political Activism in Pakistan. Sindhu is a prominent leader that has become embroiled in an adultery scandal with one Shazia Zafar. Shamim paints a scathing picture of Shazia’s extramarital affairs which her husband Zafar Iqbal accuses Sindhu of being instrumental. That which I have read so far has Sajid Ishaq Sindhu denying any accusation of impropriety; nevertheless the political party Sindhu is involved with has removed him from activity at least until the legal issues are resolved.

See Also:

JRH 4/15/13
Christian PTI leader in trouble
To be and not to be

By Shamim Masih
Sent: 4/14/2013 3:21 AM

Islamabad Pakistan (Shamim Masih): During the past week, Pakistani print media has raised a disruptive issue against the PTI Christian leader [SlantRight Editor: Sajid Ishaq Sindhu]. Below links will make it clear that all have upturned the issue leaving Pakistan Today - PT.

During the past time, it is observed that Pakistani media avoid raising minority issues; it is either Gojra incident or Rimsha’s blasphemy case. I do remember when Rimsha was arrested and Pakistani media stepped in second to international media, and I wrote about it as well. But when it a matter comes of character assassination, it’s active and has crossed journalist’s ethics as well.  It’s not the first time but Pakistani Christians have always been facing different kind of discrimination and its one of them. Let me give you the clear picture; during the said time I remain busy with my family matters and was not in the field.

There is no marriage that is problem free. Some marriages endure the ups and downs while others unfortunately fall to one of the very many reasons for divorce. Yet, it is not always the main causes for divorce that break marriages down. In many cases the marriage partners do not actually know the reasons and when those reasons become a problem.

Regarding this case [of accusing Sajid Ishaq Sindhu] I had few of the documents earlier and before writing this story I did get the copy of the First Investigation Report [according to Google better known as First Information Report] – FIR, which said that Mr. Zafar [Iqbal] (complainant) got married to Shazia in April 27, 1998 in Sainte Thomas Church, G-7/2 Islamabad.

According to Zafar (the complainant) after one year, Shazia Zafar was found in a love affair with her colleague Moen ul Islam Saddiqui, who was manager at Prime Commercial Bank, Islamabad.  After some time she was involved with another banker Asad Ali Noon, who works in Askari Bank. In 2007, Zafar found that she had relations with Sajid Ishaq (the accused) in this FIR. Zafar also claimed that he found many dirty pictures of Shazia with Asad Ali Noon. In his FIR, Zafar complained against many unknown people that were involved in this case.

Now see the links below, none of them have mentioned about these other people accused by Zafar, either they have not seen the copy of the FIR or they deliberately omit those people at the time of printing this news.

Zafar has also submitted the telephone calls’ record as part of the prosecution’s evidence which shows that Shazia had been handling others as well during the mean time. I am not defending Sajid Ishaq nor presenting him a virtuous but giving you the facts.

The rumor was in the vicinity for the last few months as Zafar had been in the court for the custody of the daughters and separation suit against his wife Shazia for months.

Both [Sajid Ishaq and Zafar Iqbal] were acquaintances for 20 years and were aware of each other and now one of them has become legendary in position in the main stream political party - Pakistan Tehreek e Insaf – PTI and it’s clearly seen that all allegations leveled against PTI the leader is to blackmail him.

The police official also seems inclined to either the complainant or the accused or both. Because the police didn’t register the FIR during the past months and now after the PTI leader has submitted his nomination papers with the Election Commission, doubt is created.
The couple [SlantRight Editor: I am guessing the couple referred to are Zafar Iqbal and his wife Shazia] has been living discretely for years, and the husband claimed that Sajid has played a pivotal role in ruining his life, but the fact written in his FIR says that they had not been leading happy life since one year of their marriage [SlantRight Editor: I am uncertain if the “one year” refers the first year of their marriage or to one year out of their marriage]. His wife had been involved with other men as well. So how come he claims that only Sajid Ishaq has ruined their family life? What about Moen ul Islam Saddiqui, and Asad Ali Noon who is still with her and finally his wife? If he has been faithful to his partner and remained in the union, they would have lived a happy life. Shazia might be annoyed of his behavior or character. The case is in the court and we should wait until the court’s judgment.

I wish that the local media would always raise the minority persecution issues and should bring in the usage of constitutional discrimination against religious minorities.

Be Blessed,

Shamim Masih
Edited by John R. Houk
Brackets indicate editor additions or a guess of intended meaning.
Many links are added by the editor.

© Shamim Masih
Christian Rights Activist
Freelance Journalist 
Public Affairs coordinator

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