Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Anomalies, Martyrs and Terrorism

No Sharia for USA
Although Justin O. Smith does not mention the term “Islamic Supremacism,” that is what he is actually writing about in this essay.

JRH 4/9/13
Anomalies, Martyrs and Terrorism

By Justin O. Smith
April 8, 2013 at 1:53pm

The greatest threat to the national security of the United States is not Al Qaeda terrorism, but rather the Islamic faith itself, especially now since Barack Obama seems intent on advancing Islamic interests in our nation over those of American citizens; all of us missed numerous warning signs over three decades leading up to the heinous attack on the World Trade Center on 9/11, however, through the lens of history and present day events, one cannot deny the definitive proof of the violent imperialism intrinsic to Islam. And, despite the number of times anyone asserts in clichéd terms that "not all Muslims are terrorists and not all terrorists are Muslims," the fact remains that America is today less secure than it was on what many Muslims refer to as "the Tuesday of God's glory."

Many people are often beguiled by Islamists' explanations of terrorism. Harrison Akins, Ibn Khaldun Chair Research Fellow at the American University in DC, would have us believe the assertions of Akbar Ahmed, Chair of Islamic Studies-American Univ, that terrorism is mainly a product of tribal dynamics and codes and a fight for "their rights," rather than anything emanating from the edicts of Islam. This sort of victimology dismisses the fact that supposedly "civilized and educated" Muslim doctors, lawyers and engineers have engaged in terrorism, the "intellectual elite" supported Iran's Ayatollah Khomenei and U.S. and European educated Islamists/Muslim Brotherhood members have risen to power and the top positions within Egypt's present day government. Then there is Remziya Suleyman.

Remziya Suleyman is the director of the Tennessee American Muslim Advisory Council, and since 2011 she has worked towards Sharia law in Tennessee as well as proselytizing and presenting Islam inside U.S. public schools. She states that she is "working for religious freedom for Muslims... even if everyone else's religious and constitutional freedoms are abridged in the process." Suleyman also involved Hamas affiliated CAIR in her protest at the Tennessee capitol against the anti-terrorism bill.

Although there are many current cases of attempted terrorist acts by islamofascists residing in the U.S., two older cases are more relevant in light of the recent focus on U.S. border security:

On July 28, 2004, custom officials in McAllen, Texas arrested Farida Goolam Mohamed Ahmed at the airport, when they noticed her South African passport lacked an official entry stamp for the United States. It was soon discovered that this Muslim woman had entered the U.S. illegally; she proved to be a terrorist courier operating between the Middle East mujahadeen and an Al Qaeda cell in New York, as she sneaked into the U.S. nearly 300 times before her arrest. Information from her interrogations led to the arrests of several Al Qaeda agents in Mexico.

Also in 2004, during a search for the terrorist Al Qaeda member, U.S. citizen and nuclear technician known as Adnan el-Shukrijumah, another key Al Qaeda operative, Sharif al-Masri, was arrested in Pakistan. Masri had close ties to al-Zawahiri, Al Qaeda's second in command, and during an interrogation he disclosed that Al Qaeda had made arrangements to smuggle tactical nuclear weapons from Mexico to the U.S. with the help of the Mara Savatrucha Latino street gang.

During the 1970s, India fought a fierce war with her Muslim citizens, until the regions known today as Pakistan and Bangladesh were won by the Muslims. Bangladesh, originally tied to Pakistan politically and under the same government, soon fought an internecine war for independence due to Islamic doctrinal differences. And now today, the Muslims currently living in India are attempting to claim the rest of India and impose Sharia law; the conquest never stops!

Just this year, the world has seen new Islamic generated conflicts, as Uighur Muslims in western China (near the Afghanistan border) have stirred in a move towards independence, the Islamic Maghreb and Taureg rebels temporarily held the northern half of Mali and the Rohingya Muslims of Myanmar have attacked the Buddhists. Although the following has occurred often over the centuries, on April 6, the Muslims in Egypt also once more felt compelled to mount an unprovoked attack on Egypt's Coptic Christians.

On January 13, 2013, America was once again forced to watch Muslims mock our U.S. Constitution, as Mustafaa Carroll, Executive Director of CAIR/Dallas-Ft Worth area, stated at an Islamic rally in Austin, Texas: "If we are practicing Muslims, we are above the law of the land." He also dismissed critics of Sharia law as being "anti-foreign." But one should also note that numerous current and ex-FBI agents, such as Mike Rolf ('Muslim Mafia') and John Guandolo have referred to CAIR offices as "a turnstile for terrorists and their supporters."

In February 2013, a Syrian born Arab-American woman and psychiatrist, Dr. Wafa Sultan wrote in part in 'The Rutherford Reader': "I do not view Islam as a religion. Islam is a political doctrine, which imposes itself by force. Any doctrine whatsoever that calls to kill those who do not believe in it is not a religion." This same view is held by Stephen Coughlin, Navy War College lecturer, Lt Colonel Matthew Dooley, Joint Forces Staff College, Shireen Burki (JFSC), General William G. Boykin (ex-Commander/US Special Forces), myself and many others across America.

A few years ago, Salman Rushdie gave a lecture on C-SPAN from New York. The complete essence of his message was that when a Muslim moves from the Middle East to any place else, say Shelbyville or Murfreesboro, Tennessee, he is not looking to take advantage of the American way of life to better himself. Rather, he sees himself as part of the advance guard to spread Islam to his new country, whether he arrives legally or illegally; it is long past time that we demand of our leaders the expulsion of all Muslims not holding U.S. citizenship!

Some of the world's so-called "intellectuals" saw a seeming shift within the ummah/worldwide Islamic community, when The Islamic Society (operates Denmark's largest mosque) and Minhaj ul Quran (Danish offshoot of a Pakistani anti-blasphemy group) denounced the failed assassination attempt on Lars Hedegaard, an anti-Islam polemicist, and they defended his right to speak freely; however, America and any nation that harbors Muslims should not take away too much hope from this anomaly, because, holistically, an easily estimated 400 million islamofascists across the globe still don't mind burning or beheading people simply on the charge of blasphemy, adultery, insulting Mohammed or apostasy... and, three-fourths of the remainder stand back and allow it in tacit approval.

America needs a few extremists of Her own to grasp the mantle of truthful, credible leadership... men and women who exhibit various combinations of eloquence, strategic vision, patience, combat record and managerial skills. Remember Senator Barry Goldwater's words delivered to the 1964 Republican National Convention: "I would remind you that extremism in the defense of liberty is no vice. Moderation in the pursuit of justice is no virtue." This is not to suggest we recruit our own murderous terrorists after the fashion of Mariam Farhat, Palestinian Legislative Council member and "Mother of Martyrs" (died March 17, 2013 in Gaza City), who encouraged three sons to die in suicide attacks against Israel and told her four year old grandson in 2004, "You will be a martyr one day." It simply means we fight with every means available to save our nation and our freedom, not shrinking from combat in any arena that may prove necessary, as we hope for the emergence of a leader the caliber of Washington, Jefferson and Reagan... a leader who understands that while there may be shades of opinion among Muslims, as a totalitarian system of thought Islam has remained unchanged for 1200 years, and there is no such thing as a peaceful, tolerant, coexistent and "moderate" Islam"!

By Justin O Smith
© Justin O. Smith
Edited by John R. Houk

1 comment:

  1. A comment from pseudonym 'Dajjal' wrote this comment to this post on another blog:

    "530 American citizens, zealots for Life & Liberty, have signed this petition, emailing it to their Representative and Senators. Islam must be outlawed because its core doctrines violate ICERD, ICCFR & CPPCG. Who will demand enforcement if not us? When will it be done if not now?


    There is a 1st Amendment issue with this petition pertaining to religious freedom; HOWEVER the concern is the political extremism inherent in Islamic holy writings. Anything that intrinsically is counter-Constitution or UNConstitutional needs to be made illegal. You can't outlaw a religion constitutionally but you can out the aspects that are UNConstitutional. Because of this I support this petition!
