Friday, September 14, 2012

Islam Insults Christianity

John R. Houk
© September 14, 2012

In Libya U.S. Ambassador Chris Stevens was murdered by an angry Islamic mob or perhaps an organized terrorist attack using the angry mob as cover. U.S. embassies in various other Muslim nations such as Egypt and Yemen to name a few have also been attacked by angry Muslim mobs.


Muhammed-Mohammed-Muhammad actor 2

The media is reporting that Sam Bacile produced a fill entitled “The Innocence of Muslims”. It is now believed that Bacile (or Bassiel or Bassil) is a pseudonym for a person who might be Nakoula Basseley Nakoula (A separate report on Bacile-Nakoula from CNN). The movie was billed as an action/adventure telling the real story of Mohammed. The thing is this movie got a lot of play on the Internet in the Muslim world including an Arabic translation (the movie was filmed in English). Muslims find that the truth about Mohammed that is even written in their holy writings (Quran, Hadith, Sira, Sunna etc.) is insulting. I am guessing the insult is in the irreverent way non-Muslims disseminate the truth as written in Islamic holy writings. I have difficulty in imagining Mohammed’s story told in its entirety can be told reverently when it comes to the beheadings of Arab Jewish tribes and the taking of Jewish women as sex-slaves, concubines and/or wives. Mo instituted piracy and thieving-slave raids as a good thing because Mo heard from Allah that what benefitted Muslims and Mohammed is good when executed upon non-Muslims.

Mohammed’s example during life became the framework on how to treat non-Muslims when Islamic conquest branched out of the Arab Peninsula terrorizing Christians into converting to Islam to the north and west of the Arab Peninsula. Mohammed’s example was even more brutal in the conquest toward the east of the Arab Peninsula because those poor souls were regarded as polytheists rather than the People of the Book (i.e. Jews and Christians). The initial invasions of the Indian Sub-Continent was a job of convert or be exterminated of the remnant that was not enslaved for male manual labor or female sex-slavery.

This is a short exposé of Mohammed and the civilization he inspired that can be known as the Islamic World or Islamic Culture. Trust me – from a non-Muslim perspective there is much more you should know to understand that Islam is completely antithetical to Christianity and the Secularized Culture in the West that has evolved from Christianity. Islam has never evolved past a Middle Ages mindset.

In the Middle Ages professing Christians were fairly ignorant of what was written in the Holy Bible. Christians from peasantry to royalty for the most part only understood their faith from the Catholic Clergy in the West. The reason for this is that most Europeans were illiterate. Thus the Catholic Church placed a high importance on Church tradition rather than the specifics of Scripture. Tradition and Scripture do not necessarily concur with each other. Some Clergy began to view that Tradition began to stray too far from the Scriptures and began to advocate for the Church to draw closer to the Word of God rather than to stray to a Tradition that looks nothing like Scripture.

The Crusades were initiated out of the weariness of the Christian West being subject to slave and booty raids from Muslims ever encroaching on Christian Europe. Thus when it was reported that Muslims began to rob, prevent and/or kill Christian pilgrims journeying to the Holy Land, it became a good excuse for the Church hierarchy to rabble rouse European nobility and royalty to invade the Holy Land and wrest control away from the Muslims. From a Christian perspective the Crusades to the Holy Land was a Just War against the haters of Jesus Christ. HOWEVER, from a Scriptural perspective the Crusader armies committed ungodly and non-Christ-like actions similar to the same things the Muslims did in their conquest of Christian lands. As a supply line the Crusaders would ravage their way across Europe heading toward Constantinople (renamed Istanbul by Muslim conquerors).

During the era of the Crusades the city of Constantinople was the capital of what was left of the Byzantine Empire (Eastern Roman Empire that evolved into a Greek-centric culture). The Byzantines were a shell of their former glory. When the last Byzantine Emperors began to ask the West for help against the Saracen (Muslims), they did not think the Crusaders would eventually sack Constantinople on the way to the Holy Land.

The First Crusade began in 1096 and was responsible for setting up the near 200 years of the Latin Kingdom. The Fourth Crusade (1202 – 1261) sacked Constantinople in 1204. The Ninth and Last Crusade (1271-1272) began the demise of the Latin Kingdom in the Holy Land (1099-1187 [Fall of Acre 1291] Online book “LATIN KINGDOM OF JERUSALEM).

The Crusades essentially were the result of years of insult against Christianity. The murder of 3,000 Christian pilgrims (1065) making their way to the Holy Land was the last straw for a militant feudal society fairly ignorant of the actual principles laid out in the Holy Bible.

I am dwelling on the revisionism of academic Leftists and Muslim Apologists pertaining to the Crusades because it is the mindset that seeks justification for violence when Islam is insulted. The reality is Islam’s central tenets that Mohammed is the Last Prophet from God which Mo calls Allah with the implication that Allah is the same god of Abraham is offensive to Jews and Christians. The memorized sayings of Mohammed that were eventually recorded as the Quran calls the Holy writings of the Old and New Testament corrupted. Since Mo is plugged into Allah (I’m not sure if Mo is directly plugged into Allah or if Mo heard from Allah only through the Angel Gabriel or both), he can say the Word of God in the Old Testament (Torah and Tanakh for Jews) and the New Testament is corrupt.

As a Christian it would be wrong of me to speak about the Jewish belief of the Quran. I can say as a Christian the Quran is full of bologna written to cast a net upon then polytheistic Arabs to bring them under a charismatic leader and bound with the power of cultic beliefs to strengthen Mo’s and the later Companions’ hold over the Arab people. When the charismatic cultic leader died, the Companions would use the memorized sayings of Mohammed to ensure cultic control of the Arabs – the first believers of Mohammed.

It is obvious to any Christian that rewrote or I guess retold the OT and NT in a way that would make his fellow Arabs feel special and hope Jews and Christian would buy the revamped used car and join the party of blood lust, sex-slavery and conquest.

But you see the New Testament tells Christians that if anything is added or taken away from Scripture it will be an act to deceive Christians out of their Salvation provided in the death, burial and Resurrection of the One and Only Son of God that is also fully human in order to Redeem humanity from Satan’s grasp of this age.

1 But there were also false prophets among the people, even as there will be false teachers among you, who will secretly bring in destructive heresies, even denying the Lord who bought them, and bring on themselves swift destruction. 2 And many will follow their destructive ways, because of whom the way of truth will be blasphemed. 3 By covetousness they will exploit you with deceptive words; for a long time their judgment has not been idle, and their destruction does[a] not slumber. (II Peter 2: 1-3 NKJV)

18 For[a] I testify to everyone who hears the words of the prophecy of this book: If anyone adds to these things, God will add[b] to him the plagues that are written in this book; 19 and if anyone takes away from the words of the book of this prophecy, God shall take away[c] his part from the Book[d] of Life, from the holy city, and from the things which are written in this book.

20 He who testifies to these things says, “Surely I am coming quickly.”
Amen. Even so, come, Lord Jesus! (Rev. 22: 18-20 NKJV)

Islamic existence then is an offense to Christianity. Islam denies that Jesus is the Son of God. Islam denies that Jesus has the nature of being fully God and being fully human. Jesus’ Divinity made His humanity sin free unlike the rest of humanity that inherited Adam’s curse. This is the centrality of Christianity: The sin-free Jesus Christ was crucified to death as a sacrifice once and for all to Redeem humanity from Adam’s Fall from the Presence of God. Jesus is Resurrected as fully God reclaiming His Divine attributes that He gave up to live in a mortal human vessel. Jesus’ bodily Resurrection led Him to Ascend to Heaven to sit at the Right-hand of the Father ever interceding for the Believing Saints. Jesus promises to Return which will lead to the final defeat of all unbelievers that would rather believe in Satan’s deception. After Believers are certified in the Book of Life the New Earth is created. The New Heavenly Jerusalem is united with the New Earth then the New Heaven and the New Earth are united with all Redeemed humanity experientially knowing the very Will of God – no guessing, no tears, no toil and no fear of mortality nor the Second Death.  Islam denies this Christian centrality in totality.

Islam teaches that the Son of Promise is Ishmael rather than Isaac; hence Jacob renamed Israel and his progeny are not God’s Chosen People and Salvation then is not of the Jews. Islam teaches that Jesus is not the Son of God but only a human prophet in a prophetic line leading to Mohammed. Islam teaches that Jesus did not die on the Cross nor did He ever Resurrect in bodily form. Islam teaches eternal sexual pleasures for males that die in Jihad fighting non-Muslims (aka Infidels or kafir).

In essence Islam is a cultic offense to Christ and Christians!

Christians that understand the Word of God as found in the New Testament are taught not to take an offense when insulted for being a Christian. This is probably a key reason Americans as the most Christian-Conscious nation among nations with a Christian heritage don’t riot in the streets when Christ is offended by the ungodliness that Islam presents to the Christian faith in denying the Godhood and the Redemption of humanity in Christ Jesus the Lord.

If Christians were to ever comprehend just how much the religious existence of Islam is an insult to Christianity, those Christians that are more carnal natured than spiritual natured might indeed begin expressing anger toward Muslims living in America. Unlike the Muslim riots in Islamic nations in which the Quran teaches to kill those that insult Mohammed and Allah, Christians are taught in the Bible that vengeance for persecution and injustice against Christianity is the Lord’s to execute. We all know that there are those that tap into the Christian faith that might believe causing harm in the name of Jesus toward insulting non-Christians might indeed strike back on a more individual basis: e.g. Muslim store owners, Mosques, taxi drivers and so on in American society. In such cases I am squarely behind the rule of law and the First Amendment that such offenders that act out violence against Muslims (or any offending group of people: religiously, politically or [gasp] gender challenged) should be duly arrested and prosecuted for their crimes. However, not prosecuted according to Sharia Law which would lead to punishment of cruelty and inhumanity, but rather according the law of the land as backed by the U.S. Constitution.

I have to tell you though. I am becoming extremely wearisome of Muslims targeting Americans because they feel offended by our Free Speech Liberty. I find it more disgusting that Muslim governments are not doing more to protect American sovereign land which is what an Embassy and a Consulate IS.

I watched the trailer to “The Innocence of Muslims’. The acting is horrible. The dialogue is worthy of a homemade video made at someone’s house is idiotic. From an American perspective this movie would be more a parody of Mohammed’s negative side of life. From a Muslim perspective this movie would indeed be highly offensive. BUT COME ON! Attacking American Embassies in the Middle East who until the riots began had no connection or idea that such a movie was made is insanely STUPID!

(Since the last time I viewed this video YouTube has placed a warning before viewing message. I don’t know how long YouTube will allow a video that insults Islam to stay up. Such is the hypocrisy of politically correct Free Speech.)

WORSE! Many of these rioting Muslims overseas are desecrating the American flag and raising the Black Flag of al Qaeda with praise for Osama bin Laden roughly on the anniversary of the Islamic terrorist attack on American soil on September 1, 2001.

As I was writing this I just saw Secretary State Hillary Clinton correctly condemn the “anti-Islam” movie; However Clinton finished her condemnation by saying something to the effect that “how dare someone make such a movie that insults ‘a great religion’ like Islam.”

I have to apologize to the Muslims that have chosen to live the peaceful tenets of Islam. I have probably already the realm of the insult for you. There is a side of Islam that I often describe as the dark side that is insidious, especially to Jews, Christians and Hindus. Quranic suras specifically led Imperialist Islam of the past to conquer, convert, dehumanize non-converters or kill non-believers of Islam for daring not to submit to Islamic Supremacism.

Sure Christianity had their share of atrocities in history, especially against Jews; however those atrocities were contrary to the Word of God. The atrocities of past Muslim Imperialism were in accordance to the Quran, Hadith and Sira of Islam.

This is where a Muslim Apologist invariables writes to me to say BS and other epithets I typically do not write. The favorite response is that there is no compulsion of religion in Islam. The Quranic sura is extremely deceptive. Lack of compulsion means there are choices offered to a non-Muslim which I have already touched on. The choice is Convert, become a subhuman dhimmi or die. You see, Islam does not compel your religious choice. When you freely choose between the three offers from Islam you are choosing rather than Islam compelling you.

The Muslim riots across the Muslim world are an example of Muslim intolerance to the civil rights of non-Muslims that the Left-Stain-Media cannot fail to show you. However, there are loads of Christians in the Muslim world that experience religious intolerance. Many Christians are menaced by Islamic Blasphemy laws in which Mohammed, Quran, Allah or Islam in general assign the accusation of insult. If a Christian shares about Redemption in Christ to a non-Muslim you have blasphemed Islam. If a Christian drinks out of a Muslim well you have blasphemed Islam. If a Muslim converts to Christianity you have blasphemed Islam. If you say in defense of your Christianity that Jesus is better than Mohammed is, you have blasphemed Islam. If you accuse Muslims of kidnapping your Christian daughter for marriage you have blasphemed Islam for interfering with Islamic conversion. If your Christian daughters are raped by a Muslim, your daughter is stoned to death for fornication or adultery. In honesty Muslim men pull the same junk on Muslim women as well. The message: if women are in a position where a rape can happen it is the woman’s fault and she must be punished. Welcome to Sharia Law.

I gotta tell ya.

Risking being told that I am an Islamophobic bigot against Muslims, I have come to the point that I am fed up with protecting the feelings of Muslims when the truth of the dark side of Islam is exposed. Muslims have no problem talking about the unscriptural dark side of Christianity’s history AND trust there is plenty of dark side in Christianity’s history. But I must reiterate that Christianity’s dark side was perpetrated by Christians doing atrocities that the Bible specifically condemns. Unlike in Islam in which theological duality can make contrary suras both true depending on the situation favorable to Islam or the concept of abrogation, Christianity has no such duality. There is right and wrong and forgiveness or unrepentance in Christianity.

So here’s the thing. Christians would not AND should not riot in the streets or single out Muslims with vigilante justice – it is not Scriptural. On the other hand it is time for Christians to speak up in Churches, at political precinct meetings or do something like join an ACT for America Chapter in your local area.

It is only when Christians are willing to promote their faith even if such promotion is insulting to Mohammed and Islam, will one not have to be embarrassed when a Leftist or Islamic Apologist tries to shut you down with the ad hominem insult of Islamophobe or bigot. Street Preachers go to the streets and proclaim the Good News of Jesus Christ. Go in extremely large groups to places like Dearborn, MI where Muslims began pelting Christians holding signs with cans, bottles and eventually stones. Even if you feel like a minority you must remember that Islam ONLY represents less than 2% of the U.S. population. America is a nation with a Christian heritage and NOT a Muslim heritage.

But REMEMBER! You are in America. Just because you have the First Amendment Right to speak and practice your faith peacefully, so also do the misled Muslims that are ignorant of Christ’s Salvation because of Quranic lies. It is not illegal to be a Muslim in America. Muslims have the right to be deceived by Islam as much as you have the right to enlighten a Muslim about the Salvation in Christ to a new and living life now in this age and the next life.

I am saying DO NOT BE ALLOWED TO BE SHOUTED DOWN from your Christian faith.

JRH 9/14/12

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