Monday, October 17, 2011

Melanie Sloan: CREW’s Malicious Director

Melanie Sloan

As November 2012 draws near you need to become aware of Leftists and Leftist organizations that exist to supply false propaganda to smear Conservatives and Republicans. One such case is Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington (CREW) and it’s Director Melanie Sloan. Under Sloan’s direction CREW filed a complaint against Christine O’Donnell for misusing campaign funds. Sloan has publically pronounced that O’Donnell was a criminal. The problem for CREW and Sloan is the complaint information was bogus and the complaint was strategically filed to paint O’Donnell as a Conservative criminal in the Republican Party while she was running for a Senate against the Democrat Chris Coons. O’Donnell won the GOP nomination by an upset victory with the voice of the Tea Party Movement behind her. O’Donnell lost handily to Coons with undoubtedly a lot of credit to be given to the false complaint delivered by CREW and Melanie Sloan’s unjustly vilifying Christine O’Donnell as a crook.

JRH 10/17/11

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