Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Herman Cain Tax Plan

Herman Cain

John R. Houk
© October 25, 2011

It is beginning to appear the Obama/Dem Party plan to upright the listing ship the USS America is by taxing the rich to provide entitlement money to the poorer Americans to begin spending money that will lead businesses to hire more people for jobs and thus produce jobs and revenue for the US government.

If you are a Conservative this plan is stealing property from the backs of owners on a gamble that has failed repeatedly in the past that creates NO jobs and thus decreases revenue to the American government keeping the American Economy on an ever shrinking wheel of sustainability for the livelihood of all Americans.

Some GOP candidates have figured out that one way to bring voters to their side is to create jobs by less taxation or by revamping the tax code altogether to a Conservative version of spreading the wealth. The Conservative version of spreading the wealth is to make a fairer and simpler tax code that the largest bloc of voters can understand and get on board to infuse money into the economy and thus raising more revenue for the American government that is fair to the entire economic scale between poor through Middle Class and on toward the wealthy.

I decided to take a closer look at the vision of the GOP candidates that have a plan for jobs in which the underlying premise is some form of fairer tax which may run from modifying the current tax code, to flat taxes or to national sales taxes or combinations of all the tax ideas.

When I first thought of doing this I thought I could find some inclusive breakdown of the GOP Candidates in the old Google Search Engine. Remarkably I discovered the top search engine results were criticisms of GOP tax ideas rather than evaluation. I guess I should not have been surprised be such Search Engine bias favoring the Left spectrum more than the Right spectrum. So I have decided to search out GOP candidates on an individual basis. I will attempt to post each individual GOP candidate tax and/or job plan based on their intentions rather than the criticisms of the Left or the Right; however keep in mind this is a Slanted Right Blog there will be a smattering of a positive Slanted Right filter.

I am going to begin with Herman Cain because it is the simplicity of his 9-9-9 tax plan that has given him a boost in polls without the huge war chest campaign funds.

JRH 10/25/11

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