Sunday, October 9, 2011

Help Pay the Bills

smiley-money larger

John R. Houk
Chief Editor

As Chief Editor of it has come time to do something I am not very good at. We need some extra dough. I spend a lot of time writing and researching for My significant other (my beautiful wife) has been bugging me for some time. The reality is we do need the money.

Instead of spending a lot of time coming up with some impressive prose that will inspire you to be a supporter of I am going to lay it for you.

This is really a low budget Website. A mere $500/month will do wonders in the financial realm. I need some committed people wishing to donate. I am not going to send out begging emails to a SlantRight list. I have decided to place this post up at least once a week and perhaps more until SlantRight reaches the $500 monthly goal.

I will not send out reminders to those who donate. I am not even going to place a commitment page online to pressure loyalty. Really I probably irritate the same people who at another time are in complete agreement with the posts at is not a non-profit organization. You donation will not be tax deductible. Sorry about that.

In order to give simply click on the donate button at on the right panel of the page OR you can use the PAYPAL DONATE BUTTON at the top of this blog. If you have a PAYPAL account you can use that but you do not need PAYPAL. You can use your Credit Card or Check Card as well.

So here is the plan:

·       1 person: $500.00 (yeah I know a bit ambitious)

·       5 people: $100.00

·       10 People: $50.00

·       20 People: $25.00

·       30 People: $17.00

·       40 People: $12.50

·       50 People: $10.00

·       100 People: $5.00

·       500 People: $1.00

This is pretty simplistic. If you wish to make a onetime donation don’t let the simple plan stop you.

7 “Ask, and it will be given to you; seek, and you will find; knock, and it will be opened to you. 8 For everyone who asks receives, and he who seeks finds, and to him who knocks it will be opened.    (Matthew 7: 7-8 NKJV)

JRH 10/9/11

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