Sunday, July 18, 2010

Radical Islamic Ground Zero Mosque

John R. Houk
© July 18, 2010

I received a heads up a few days ago when I was not able to access my email about this article by Alyssa A. Lappen writing for Family Security Matters concerning what anti-Islamists as I call the Ground Zero Mosque and what Muslim propagandists call the Cordoba House.

In case you only watch the liberal Mainstream Media (MSM) a group of radical Muslims are attempting pass themselves off as Muslim moderate pacifists by expressing the desire to build their Cordoba House in the very shadow of what once was the Twin Towers taken down in a radical Islamic terrorist sneak attack declaration of war on the United States of America on September 11, 2010. These radical Muslims call their Islamic program the Cordoba Initiative which makes the claim that they are a Muslim group trying to build an interfaith bridge between Islam and non-Muslim faiths.

The reason Lappen’s article strung a cord in my mind is I listened to Brigitte Gabriel of ACT for America and a blue-eyed American-Muslim convert debate the actual intentions of the Cordoba House. The brief debate was on Sean Hannity’s show of FOX News. Unfortunately for the Muslim apologist both Hannity and Gabriel had the facts of the Cordoba Initiative honcho and every time they would correct the Muslim apologist she would look into the eye of the camera and say the quotes read by Hannity and Gabriel were not true or that famous obfuscation – taken out of context. The funny thing is when Hannity made efforts to read the quotes for the television audience the Muslim apologist would shout Hannity down enough that he could not continue to get past one or two words. So Hannity and Gabriel simply in a nicer way than I would have, called her defense blatantly not true. I would have looked into the camera’s eye and called her bald-faced liar. But I guess all that litigation would follow from the legal jihad if Hannity would have taken my path.

Lappen’s article focuses on “Muslim Pledge for Religious Freedom and Safety from Harm for Former Muslims” and that the Cordoba Initiative Grand Pooh-Bahs Feisal Abdul Rauf and his wife Daisy Khan refused to sign it. Lappen also throws in some Quran and Hadith exposing the Cordoba Initiative and its purist Islamic agenda is to take down the USA by Rauf’s analogies with said Islamic writings and Islamic goals.

JRH 7/18/10

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