Wednesday, November 29, 2023

Mysterious Jew-Hatred & FBI Turns Secret Police

John R. Houk, Blog Editor

© November 29, 2023


I’m sharing two posts I read on 11/28 but probably won’t make it to my blogs until 11/29 due to personal time constraints.


The first share is about an issue emerging not only in America but also world-wide: Which is the disconcerting emergence Antisemitic Jew-Hatred. It’s CRAZY to blame ALL Jews for the ideology and actions of Leftist Jews who have essentially abandoned the Covenant Promises the Almighty made with the descendants (And yes that includes Covenant-Keeping Converts) of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. The Covenant-Breakers have to be clueless (or incredulously no longer care) the curses for Covenant-Breaking lie at their doorposts as much in this life as in the eternity that follows.


AND TO BE CLEAR I am not a Replacement Theology Christian. I am an Engrafted To The Covenants and Promises Christian via Adoption that comes by faith in the Redemptive Blood of the Risen Savior Jesus Christ. [Basis for this Bible Truth: Romans 11: 11-27; Ephesians 2: 1-22 AMPC]


The Title of the first share: “Israel In The Crosshairs: Part 1 – A Soviet Psy-Op Second to None”. Here’s first paragraph that caught my interest:


The aftermath of Hamas’ Simchat Torah surprise attack on Israel has left us with definitive answers to several questions.


§  The vaunted Two-State Solution, previewed in Hamas’ barbaric October 7th massacre of Israeli civilians, is dead in the water.


§  Arab Muslims are serious about wiping Israel off the map.


§  Jew hatred is alive and well.


§  And yes, it can happen again.


The second share is from is from Leo Hohmann’s Substack page entitled, “FBI tells Newsweek that Trump supporters are enemies of the state and must be secretly tracked, monitored, investigated: Will Trump supporters start to disappear leading up to and following the 2024 election? The FBI appears to be laying a narrative that hints of unprecedented actions on American soil.


So if you are a MAGA proponent that voted for President Trump in the past, the Election Coup installed Biden Administration considers you an ENEMY OF THE STATE as in a Domestic Terrorist. AND IF THAT IS THE CASE, even though you have not committed one act of violence comparable to Islamic Terrorists, Antifa thugs or Black Lives Matters thugs. THEN America’s Modern Secret Police – The FBI (hearken back to Gestapo, NKVD [SHORT VERSION & LONG VERSION], KGB [HISTORY LEADING TO KGB & KGB FOCUSED], Stasi, etc.) – is preparing Secret Police-style actions against YOU.


JRH 11/29/23


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Israel In The Crosshairs: Part 1 – A Soviet Psy-Op Second to None


By Cherie Zaslawsky

November 28, 2023

News With Views


If you tell a lie big enough and keep repeating it, people will eventually come to believe it. –Joseph Goebbels




The aftermath of Hamas’ Simchat Torah surprise attack on Israel has left us with definitive answers to several questions.


·       The vaunted Two-State Solution, previewed in Hamas’ barbaric October 7th massacre of Israeli civilians, is dead in the water.


·       Arab Muslims are serious about wiping Israel off the map.


·       Jew hatred is alive and well.


·       And yes, it can happen again.


These are troubling discoveries, but we ignore the truth at our peril. And in that spirit, I’m going to forge ahead by not only commenting on the war between Hamas and Israel, but also by revisiting the history underlying this conflict in my article to follow.


But first I’d like to take a proverbial bird’s eye view of the whole situation.


There are three groups currently vying for world control. They are: the Chinese Communists, Muslim fundamentalists, and the Luciferian globalist elites with their plan for a New World Order/One World Government/Great Reset. [Bold Text Emphasis is Blog Editor’s]


We might also include the Nazis’ vaunted plan for a Thousand Year Reich—but though we’re seeing Nazi eugenicist elements involving the mRNA vaccines, etc., we can include this element as a subset within the globalist NWO cabal—though to give the Nazi’s their due, the whole global plan is both communistic and fascistic in nature.


The Davos Elites, aka the globalist cabal, are the ultimate people without a state, as they have no loyalty to their own countries where they hold citizenship. Indeed, they coined the phrase “citizens of the world”—but that’s ostensibly meant for We the Serfs, as they prod us closer and closer to their planned Global Government. They clearly plan to be “rulers of the world,” not mere citizens. But they have no army or navy of their own, so how are they going to conquer the rest of us?


In part through the United Nations, which they fund generously—think about those whopping donations from great “philanthropists” like Bill Gates, who gave $1.2 billion in 2022 alone, Warren Buffett, who donates lavishly to the Gates Foundation which funds the UN and the WHO, and Ted Turner, who’s given $1 billion to the UN since 1997, etc. In fact, what they have is trillions of dollars and control of many governments through bought-and-paid-for government officials. As they say, money talks.


And of course we know they plan to force us all to use a digital currency they control, while monitoring and surveilling us 24/7, so they can zap us with Social Credit Score violations, giving them excuses to turn off our access to our money. Shades of the Mark of the Beast, and a dastardly underhanded way to starve the “dissidents” to death who refuse their enslavement.


Still, they have no physical force, no shock troops, no military of their own.




Hypothetically speaking, wouldn’t it be possible for the Luciferian elites to fund and otherwise help to inflame the Arab Muslim world, including Hamas and the Palestinians? Why have there been so many fruitless wars in the Middle East in the past two decades or so? And why was Europe forced to open its stable countries to hundreds of thousands of so-called “refugees” all from Muslim countries—i.e. jihadist refugees? Just think what a mess UNHCR, the UN Refugee Agency, has made of Europe. At the very least, they’ve destabilized Europe already, making a thorough takeover that much easier—and with the added benefit from their perspective, of making impressive inroads on destroying Western Civilization.




Recall what Communism under Castro did to the previously flourishing tropical paradise of Cuba, or how Iran prospered and flourished under the Shah, who westernized and modernized the country, gave women the vote, and the right to abandon the chador in favor of Dior New Look glamorous outfits from Paris, etc. Then came Khomeini, the militant Islamist, and suddenly women were not only deprived of many rights, but covered from head to toe in heavy chadors or hijabs, leaving only their eyes visible. No wonder so many fled to the West! It was as if Khomeini thrust them into a time machine that took them back to the 7th century.


These two ideologies, Communism and Islam—which is an ideology as well as a religion—both rule with an iron fist. The resultant oppression, misery and poverty of the people in such nations seems unavoidable. The common denominator? Tyranny—exactly what our Founders sought to guard against in America. [Bold Text Emphasis Blog Editor’s]


And speaking of America, remember when we learned Chinese soldiers were training in Canada, near our northern border? Or that hidden among migrants trooping into America over our non-existent southern border under O’Biden’s regime, are military-aged men some of whom are from Muslim countries and likely jihadists? Do you think that the kind of killing spree and horrific massacre we witnessed on October 7th in Israel could never happen here?


But regardless of what evils the jihadist Muslims and Communist Chinese may yet inflict on other nations, I believe at present they are dangerous pawns in the hands of the psychopathic billionaire “elites.” It remains to be seen if either or both of the Frankensteinian monsters that currently serve the elites’ purpose, will turn on them in the end.




Suppose I were to tell you that the entire narrative about the Palestinians having lost their country was a fiction, a contrivance—a psy-op designed to enlist people’s sympathy for the Arabs living in Gaza and the West Bank, and to provoke anger towards Israel. In that case there would be no “Palestinians” since there never was a country called Palestine—a region, yes; a nation, no.


Who then would the Arab residents of Gaza be? Mostly Egyptians. And the so-called Palestinians in the so-called West Bank? Mostly Jordanians.


And if this were true, would you regard the current situation in Israel in the same light?  Here’s another question:


If there never was an Arab country named Palestine, then what would be the meaning of the phrase, “From the river to the sea, Palestine shall be free”? It could only mean one thing: that Israel, the country nestled between the Jordan River and the Mediterranean Sea, would be eradicated, leaving no Jewish state in the Middle East.


One more point to underscore: if there was no nation of Palestine, there was no country stolen from the so-called Palestinians. [Bold Text Emphasis Blog Editor’s]


Well, hang on to your hats—it just so happens that the seemingly fanciful propositions I listed above are actually true.


Dr. Thomas McCall explains it thus:


It was not until the Romans crushed the second Jewish revolt against Rome in 135 A.D. under Bar Kochba that Emperor Hadrian applied the term Palestine to the Land of Israel. … He took the name of the ancient enemies of Israel, the Philistines, Latinized it to Palestine, and applied it to the Land of Israel. He hoped to erase the name Israel from all memory. Thus, the term Palestine as applied to the Land of Israel was invented by the inveterate enemy of the Bible and the Jewish people, Emperor Hadrian.


… the original Philistines were not Middle Eastern at all. They were European peoples from the Adriatic sea next to Greece… the original “Palestinians” had nothing to do, whatsoever, with any Arabs.


Victor Sharpe, author of the four-volume work Politicide: The Attempted Murder of the Jewish Statesums it up this way: “Arafat twisted history and reality to disinherit the indigenous native Jewish people of the land.”


He quotes British author Melanie Phillips:


For decades, the Arabs have promoted the big lie that they are the indigenous people of the land, that the Jews were the colonizers who deprived them of their rights and that the Israelis continue to oppress and practice “genocide” against them. Every part of that is not only untrue but it is the “Palestinians” who seek aggressive conquest and the Israelis who are victims of their terror.


And Joseph Farah, founder of and a Christian Arab himself, has this to say:


There has never been a land known as Palestine governed by Palestinians. Palestinians are Arabs, indistinguishable from Jordanians (another recent invention), Syrians, Iraqis, etc. Keep in mind that the Arabs control 99.9 per cent of the Middle East lands. Israel represents one-tenth of one per cent of the landmass. But that’s too much for the Arabs. They want it all.




This begs the question: Who got the ball rolling regarding this fictional narrative? So let’s take a look at the origin of the Palestinian psy-op that by now is deeply ingrained in the media and the public square.


Arafat-Fatah - Palestinian Psy-Op [NWV Photo]


As described in great detail by historian David Meir Levy in his book History Upside Down: The Roots of Palestinian Fascism and the Myth of Israeli Aggression, the psy-op got its legs in the late 1960’s when radical Muslim Yassir Arafat was told by North Vietnamese leader Ho Chi Minh’s General Giap, “Stop talking about annihilating Israel and instead turn your terror war into a struggle for human rights. Then you will have the American people eating out of your hand.” Worked like a charm…


Though we have to give the Soviets credit for originating the fiction of the victimized Palestinians. It was pure Soviet disinfo, hatched along with their creation of the Palestinian Liberation Organization (PLO)—one of their many fake “liberation” organizations in the 60s and 70s, along with those the Soviets pursued in Bolivia, Colombia, and Armenia.


Moreover, Egyptian-born Arafat, soon to become the leader of the PLO (Palestinian Liberation Organization), was coached by the masters, including Romanian Communist dictator Ceausescu. Here’s a telling fact:


In the PLO Charter preamble they actually had to use the phrase “Palestinian Arab People” to exclude those Jews who had retained a presence in Palestine since Biblical times and had been a majority population in Jerusalem as early as 1845.


In other words, in the region referred to as “Palestine”—which is basically a synonym for The Holy Land, The Promised Land, Zion, and Israel itself—there were Palestinian Jews, Arabs and Christians.


Interestingly, Arafat proved an unruly pupil at first, fixated on obliterating Israel and impatient with the Soviet subterfuge. But he eventually got with the Soviet program after Ceausescu worked on him:


Romanian Communist dictator Ceausescu, at Soviet urging, persuaded Arafat to abandon his claim of wanting to annihilate the Jews in Israel in favor of “liberating the Palestinian People” in Israel.


That it was a deception was admitted by PLO members themselves. For instance, in 1977, in an interview for a Dutch newspaper, PLO board member Zahir Muhsein stated that… there is no such thing as the “Palestinian People”, that the term’s use is a political ploy, and there is no quest for political self-determination —as soon as the Jews have been wiped out, sovereignty would be turned over to Jordan.


And Hafez Assad is on record stating that prior to 1964, Arabs we’re told are Palestinians, called themselves “citizens of Greater Syria.”


All this and more can be found in an article by Wallace Edward Brand, entitled, Soviet Russia, the Creators of the PLO and the Palestinian People. Through Soviet Orwellian doublespeak, jihad became “liberation,” and tiny Israel surrounded by hostile Arab Muslim nations became an “oppressor,” while the jihadists were recast as freedom fighters and oppressed victims, in a seemingly diabolical inversion of reality.


Ion Mihai Pacepa, the highest ranking Soviet defector of all time, was one of Arafat’s coaches. Here’s his revelation from a conversation he had with KGB Chairman Yury Andropov:


According to Andropov, the Islamic world was a waiting petri dish in which we could nurture a virulent strain of America-hatred, grown from the bacterium of Marxist-Leninist thought. Islamic anti-Semitism ran deep. The Muslims had a taste for nationalism, jingoism, and victimology. Their illiterate, oppressed mobs could be whipped up to a fever pitch.


Chronicles of a Communist Spy Chief in Romania - Mihai Pacepa [NWV Photo]


rabid, demented hatred for American Zionism by manipulating the ancestral abhorrence for Jews felt by the people in that part of the world.


In the mid-1970s we also started showering the Islamic world with an Arabic translation of the Protocols of the Elders of Zion, a tsarist Russian forgery that had been used by Hitler as the foundation for his anti-Semitic philosophy. We also disseminated a KGB-fabricated “documentary” paper in Arabic alleging that Israel and its main supporter, the United States, were Zionist countries dedicated to converting the Islamic world into a Jewish colony.


We in the Soviet bloc tried to conquer minds, because we knew we could not win any military battles. (Emphasis mine [i.e., Cherie Zaslawsky].)


And conquer minds they did, as one can see today by reading anti-Semitic and pro-Hamas articles galore in the news and online, and many more in readers’ comments. In fact, I’ve come across whole websites that spew the anti-Semitic rubbish about Zionists planning to take over the world, as well as people referring to the long-debunked “Protocols of the Elders of Zion” as if they’d just found the Holy Grail.


Of course myths die hard, and this one has become so entrenched many people will likely experience cognitive dissonance when learning the truth, and be tempted to shut it out. Nevertheless, it is essential to understand the actual facts if we’re to keep our moral compasses pointed to the true north.


Stay tuned for Part 2 – Israel in the Crosshairs: More Forgotten History


© 2023 Cherie Zaslawsky – All Rights Reserved.



Cherie Zaslawsky is a writer, freelance editor, and private educator/teacher/writing coach for high school students, as well as a confirmed Constitutionalist who nevertheless lives in California. Her work appears in Renew America, Lew Rockwell, American Thinker, Canada Free Press, WND, The Post & Email, and more. See her Substack: Cherie Z’s Truth Be Told!


Copyright 2021 All Rights Reserved NEWSWITHVIEWS.COM



FBI tells Newsweek that Trump supporters are enemies of the state and must be secretly tracked, monitored, investigated:

Will Trump supporters start to disappear leading up to and following the 2024 election? The FBI appears to be laying a narrative that hints of unprecedented actions on American soil.



November 28, 2023

Leo’s Newsletter [Substack]

Roger Stone FBI Arrest - Heinrich Himmler Nazi SS Reichsfรผhrer [Leo’s Newsletter Photo]


Have you ever voted for Donald J. Trump?


Have you ever posted a comment to any social-media platform that was even remotely favorable towards Trump?


If so, you may be on an FBI watchlist.


According to an October 4 report in Newsweek, “the federal government believes that the threat of violence and major civil disturbance around the 2024 U.S. presidential election is so great that it has quietly created a new category of extremists that it seeks to track and counter: Donald Trump's army of MAGA followers.”


Notice the term “army.” There’s a sinister purpose behind that word. The government, in cooperation with its corporate partners at Newsweek, are trying to paint a picture of an organized military force ready to go to war with Trump as its leader.


As a member of the conservative movement in America, I can tell you that it is the most unorganized, disjointed and fragmented movement in the country. It is not in any way monolithic and as such poses no threat to the government or anyone else.


But this is who our government has targeted for monitoring and tracking.


They’re not worried about the Chinese men of military age pouring over the open border at a rate of 2,000 to 4,000 per month under Biden. They’re not worried about Iranian sleeper cells. NO, they’re worried about American citizens on the Trump team who want to see their candidate in the White House.


Here’s a blurb from the article:


The challenge for the Federal Bureau of Investigation, the primary federal agency charged with law enforcement, is to pursue and prevent what it calls domestic terrorism without direct reference to political parties or affiliations—even though the vast majority of its current "anti-government" investigations are of Trump supporters, according to classified data obtained by Newsweek.


"The FBI is in an almost impossible position," says a current FBI official, who supposedly requested anonymity to discuss highly sensitive internal matters.


The official told Newsweek that the FBI is intent on stopping domestic terrorism and any repeat of the January 6, 2021, “attack on the Capitol.”


But the FBI source told Newsweek that the agency must also preserve the Constitutional right of all Americans to campaign, speak freely and protest the government, as if it holds its nose and begrudgingly goes through the motions of “preserving” any of our rights.


This article is a laughing stock. Pure propaganda. [Bold Text Emphasis Blog Editor’s] But they’re not even good at creating propaganda because nobody with half of a working brain cell still believes the FBI has any respect for the Constitution. This is the same agency that threatened to investigate parents attending school board meetings and traditional Catholics who attend Latin masses. This is the same FBI that breaks down the doors of unarmed senior citizens like Roger Stone (see photo above from 2019), and arrests elderly women praying in front of abortion clinics.


By focusing on Trump and his MAGA supporters, the FBI official said, the Bureau runs the risk of provoking the very anti-government activists that the terrorism agencies hope to counter.


"Especially at a time when the White House is facing Congressional Republican opposition claiming that the Biden administration has 'weaponized' the Bureau against the right wing, it has to tread very carefully," says the official.


Oh, such a poor FBI, crying crocodile tears because it has to at least pretend like it has constitutional boundaries within which it can conduct its Gestapo operations on American soil, violating households under cover of darkness, forcing its victims into black SUVs and hauling them off in handcuffs and leg irons to the American gulag as they await their show trials. [Bold Text Emphasis Blog Editor’s]


Their crime? These Americans are “anti-government” in their thinking.


Hmm. Unless there is a new category of crime passed by Congress, the thought crime, and I don’t recall such a law being passed, then it is no crime at all to be “anti-government.”


Any government that prosecutes one of its citizens for being “anti-government” is by nature tyrannical, because people living under a legitimate constitutional government would have no reason to be anti-government. By even accusing us of being guilty of being “anti-government,” our government has admitted to its own crimes against humanity. [Bold Text Emphasis Blog Editor’s]


This Newsweek article was perhaps the most pathetic psy op disguised as a news article I’ve ever seen. Its purpose was not to inform but to intimidate while presenting a facade of respect for our Constitutional rights.


This is exactly why the FBI should have never been created in the first place. Our founding fathers would have rolled over in their graves at the thought of a national police force. Even if it started out with a mission that focused on legitimate federal crimes such as foreign terrorists who infiltrated America, any freedom-respecting constitutionalist could have predicted with a little common sense that it would one day be weaponized and turned against the domestic political opponents of an empowered elite.


This is why I am of the belief that the FBI should be totally defunded and permanently disbanded. If allowed to exist at all, it should be disarmed. You do not need to be armed in order to be a strictly investigative agency. Do your investigations and then turn the information over to state or local law enforcement, which could then make the decisions about whether to make any arrests.


Anyone who is a regular reader of mine knows I am no fan of Donald Trump. I turned against him when he rolled out a militarized vaccine program with an injection that wasn’t even a vaccine, using mRNA technology to tinker with human genetics. He’s also now gone soft on abortion, saying Republicans need to moderate their pro-life position. You’re either pro-life or you’re not, Donald. You can’t have it both ways. So I am done with Trump. I think he could even be a plant who is working for the other globalists, a type of Emmanuel Goldstein character from Orwell’s 1984. In short, controlled opposition.


But to say that Trump’s followers comprise the main threat to stability in the United States is utter nonsense and the FBI knows it. In fact, I would say that the FBI is a much bigger threat to American stability than the followers of Trump, Joe Biden, Robert F. Kennedy Jr., or any other political candidate.


For the record, I am not anti-government. I believe wholeheartedly in the need for government, but it must be legitimate government that exercises powers clearly delineated in the U.S. Constitution. Any powers not specifically enumerated to the federal government in that document rest with the states. That’s just a fact. Those at the top of the U.S. Justice Department and FBI know this. Don’t believe their lies. [Bold Text Emphasis Blog Editor’s] Don’t bite on their fake corporate “news.” The truth is that the FBI is an enforcer for what’s become a one-party state with the Democrats as the lead organ of oppression and the Republicans playing the role of fake opposition. They speak of an uprising because that’s what they want, the more violent the better. Don’t take the bait.


© 2023 Leo Hohmann

Leo’s Newsletter HOMEPAGE


Sunday, November 26, 2023

Hillsdale College ‘Great Reset’ Video Series

John R. Houk, Blog Editor

© November 26, 2023

Rectenwald, Ramaswamy, Rickards, Mills, Goldman & Wesbury


I get occasional emails from Hillsdale College which is essentially a politically Conservative university – an academic rarity in this day and age. I don’t even recall how I signed up to be on the Hillsdale College email list but I am certain it had something to do with their Conservative reputation.


So anyway, I must have received an email to see if I was interested in this Great Reset lecture videos. When I said, “Yes,” I did not realize the lectures took place in early November 2021 – smack dab in the middle of COVID Fearmongering. I suspect most Hillsdale students either were forced to watch with useless masks or view remotely by video.


The video links show the series of lectures that took place between November 7-10. Yet the last video is dated 11/9/21. If any lectures took place on 11/10/21, they did not make my list of links.


Also interestingly, Vivek Ramaswamy is the second lecture (11/7/21). Ramaswamy announced a GOP candidacy for President 2/21/23 according to Ballotpedia which means he lectured prior to Presidential politics. In full disclosure, it is my sense Ramaswamy speaks a good game, but there is something fishy about him that I question. He’s a practicing Hindu – I’m a practicing Christian. He has Big Pharma connections – I don’t trust Big Pharma. He accepted Soros scholarship money – What Conservative trusts anything to do with the Soros family? (SEE HERE, HERE, HERE & HERE) In discussions with my son who is a DeSantis supporter, I’ve come to realize that all candidates have an issue to criticize. For example I am a Trump supporter yet he has some stands I have taken extreme issue with among them Trump’s mRNA Jab promotion.


Here is the Hillsdale College email (received 11/16/2023) which includes a donation link for support:


“Thank you for requesting Hillsdale College’s video series, “The Great Reset?”


Filmed on the Hillsdale campus, the series considers the idea of the Great Reset, its ramifications for America, and pro-freedom alternatives.


Below are links to each of the six videos in the series:


1. “What is the Great Reset?” by Michael Rectenwald


2. “Woke Capitalism vs. Profit” by Vivek Ramaswamy


3. “Cashless Society” by James Rickards


4. “Is ‘Environmental Justice’ Good for the Environment?” by Mark P. Mills


5. “The Great Reset from China’s Perspective” by David P. Goldman


6. “The Alternative to the Great Reset” by Brian Wesbury


It’s important to mention that Hillsdale College does all of its work while refusing to accept ONE PENNY of government support—not even indirectly in the form of federal or state student grants or loans.


The support of informed patriots like you allows us to remain the best-positioned college in the nation to reach and teach millions of Americans about the Constitution and liberty.


Please enjoy your free video series about the Great Reset.


And if possible, consider supporting our efforts—including Imprimis, free online courses, and K-12 education initiatives—to reach and teach Americans of all ages.


You can easily give a tax-deductible gift using this secure link: 


Warm regards,


Larry P. Arnn

President, Hillsdale College

Pursuing Truth and Defending Liberty Since 1844”


^^^^>BLOG EDITOR SAD REALIZATION: In the process of the video download of the Hillsdale College lecture series, video number 4 and video number 6 have error glitches in them. The videos operate fine on the Hillsdale College website; HOWEVER, the error is bad enough that my Bitchute Channel will not process those particular videos and my UGETube Channel will play until the error occurs at about the 30-minute (give or take) mark then freezes. I’ll embed videos 4 and 6 with UGETube but that means my Wordpress readers will have click the link to view. AND to my Substack readers, as I type this I am unsure if video 4 and 6 will upload there. TO ALL WHO INTERESTED, the videos function/operate just fine on the Hillsdale College website. You can to the links provided in the email or each video I share has a shortened tinyurl to each original video. <^^^^


CCA II: The Great Reset?

November 7-10, 2021


“In 2020, members of the world’s elite met at the World Economic Forum and launched the Great Reset initiative to transform the world economy. Klaus Schwab, the founder and executive director of the  Forum, wrote, “Every country, from the United States to China, must participate, and every industry, from oil and gas to tech, must be transformed. In short, we need a ‘Great Reset’ of capitalism.” This second CCA of the 2021-2022 academic year will consider the idea of the Great Reset, its ramifications for America, and pro-freedom alternatives.” [Intro at top of page of each Hillsdale College video]


Bitchute VIDEO: What Is the Great Reset? - Michael Rectenwald

Posted by SlantRight2

First Published November 25th, 2023 21:17 UTC


This is the first of six videos I received via email from Hillsdale College ( The videos are a part of a lecture series that took place between 11/7 to 11/9/21 examining the Great Reset. Here’s an excerpt that appears at the top of each video web-page from Hillsdale College:


“This second CCA of the 2021-2022 academic year will consider the idea of the Great Reset, its ramifications for America, and pro-freedom alternatives.”


Nov 7, 2021

Michael Rectenwald

Author, Beyond Woke



Bitchute VIDEO: Woke Capitalism vs. Profit - Vivek Ramaswamy

Posted by SlantRight2

First Published November 25th, 2023 21:35 UTC


This is the Second of six videos I received via email from Hillsdale College ( The videos are a part of a lecture series that took place between 11/7 to 11/9/21 examining the Great Reset. Here’s an excerpt that appears at the top of each video web-page from Hillsdale College:


“This second CCA of the 2021-2022 academic year will consider the idea of the Great Reset, its ramifications for America, and pro-freedom alternatives.”


Nov 7, 2021

Vivek Ramaswamy

Author, Woke Inc.



Bitchute VIDEO: Cashless Society - James Rickards

Posted by SlantRight2

First Published November 25th, 2023 21:59 UTC


This is the Third of six videos I received via email from Hillsdale College ( The videos are a part of a lecture series that took place between 11/7 to 11/9/21 examining the Great Reset. Here’s an excerpt that appears at the top of each video web-page from Hillsdale College:


“This second CCA of the 2021-2022 academic year will consider the idea of the Great Reset, its ramifications for America, and pro-freedom alternatives.”


Nov 8, 2021

James Rickards

Author, ‘The New Great Depression: Winners and Losers in a Post-Pandemic World’



UGETube VIDEO: Is ‘Environmental Justice’ Good for the Environment? - Mark P. Mills

Posted by John Houk

First Published November 26, 2023


This is the Fourth of six videos I received via email from Hillsdale College ( The videos are a part of a lecture series that took place between 11/7 to 11/9/21 examining the Great Reset. Here’s an excerpt that appears at the top of each video web-page from Hillsdale College:


“This second CCA of the 2021-2022 academic year will consider the idea of the Great Reset, its ramifications for America, and pro-freedom alternatives.”


Nov 8, 2021

Mark P. Mills

Author, ‘The Cloud Revolution: How the Convergence of New Technologies Will Unleash the Next Economic Boom and a Roaring 2020s’



Bitchute VIDEO: The Great Reset from China’s Perspective - David P. Goldman

Posted by SlantRight2

First Published November 26th, 2023 16:17 UTC


This is the Fifth of six videos I received via email from Hillsdale College ( The videos are a part of a lecture series that took place between 11/7 to 11/9/21 examining the Great Reset. Here’s an excerpt that appears at the top of each video web-page from Hillsdale College:


“This second CCA of the 2021-2022 academic year will consider the idea of the Great Reset, its ramifications for America, and pro-freedom alternatives.”


Nov 9, 2021

David P. Goldman

Asia Times

CCP Perspective Great Reset


UGETube VIDEO: The Alternative to the Great Reset - Brian Wesbury

Posted by John Houk

First Published November 25, 2023


This is the Sixth of six videos I received via email from Hillsdale College ( The videos are a part of a lecture series that took place between 11/7 to 11/9/21 examining the Great Reset. Here’s an excerpt that appears at the top of each video web-page from Hillsdale College:


“This second CCA of the 2021-2022 academic year will consider the idea of the Great Reset, its ramifications for America, and pro-freedom alternatives.”


Nov 9, 2021

Brian Wesbury

First Trust Advisors



JRH 11/26/23


PLEASE! I need more Patriots to step up. I need Readers willing to chip in $5 - $10 - $25 - $50 - $100. PLEASE YOUR generosity is NEEDED. PLEASE GIVE to Help me be a voice for Liberty:

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Big Tech Censorship is pervasive – Share voluminously on all social media platforms!

Friday, November 24, 2023

A Look at Medical Tyranny & Antisemitism Tyranny

John R. Houk, Blog Editor

© November 24, 2023


I’m embarking on what I can term a time-conservation share due to Thanksgiving weekend activities.


The theme: TYRANNY.


Share #ONE is Medical Tyranny as experienced by Dr. Simon Goddek. Dr. Goddek’s experience with Medical Tyranny led him from being a medical researcher in the Netherlands to living off-the-grid (kind of) in a Brazilian jungle. He shares via his Substack post on Thanksgiving Day 2023.


Share #TWO is the tyranny of Antisemitism. The insights of Pam Kohler posted on her Salvation and Survival blog on 11/21/23 should provide some interesting historical perspective. SADLY, the recent Israel/Hamas conflict has brought emboldened Jew-Haters out of the woodwork like cockroaches no longer afraid of the racist darkness that held them back. That includes many respected Conservatives and anti-Medical Tyranny advocates I still admire yet they seem to have forgotten (or perhaps ignorant thereof) of the inherent evil within Islamic ideology that not only specifically calls for the destruction of Jews and Christians but also for the bloody destruction of ANYONE who refuses to submit to the domination of Islam. HATE is encoded in the Islamic revered writings of the Quran, Hadith and Sira. (A good place to learn what Islam ACTUALLY teaches is from the writings of Bill Warner at his old yet still relevant Political Islam website.)


JRH 11/24/23


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From Academic Rigor to Jungle Living: My Journey of Defiance and Self-Sustainability


By DR. SIMON [Goddek]

November 23, 2023

Dr. Simon [Substack]


Many followers and subscribers have been curious about why I chose to live in the Brazilian jungle. I want to share this personal story for those interested.


I am Simon. Once a researcher at a prestigious university, I now reside in the Brazilian jungle. Here's how this unexpected transition happened.


Dr. Simon Goddek Brazilian Jungle Living – Dr. Simon Photo


In early 2021, I publicly criticized the flawed peer-review process of Christian Drosten’s Covid PCR protocol paper. This led to significant repercussions: I was dismissed from my position at Wageningen University in the Netherlands, faced actions like the freezing of my bank account, and even had police encounters.


How Scientific Fraud took the World Hostage

Drosten's test is the pest.


In January 2021, I wrote two Twitter threads on the peer-review procedure of Christian Drosten’s scientific publication about the Covid PCR test that formed the basis for the current political agenda. As an Editor of a Scientific Journal, I will give you some more insights into scientific peer-review processes and why fraudulent manipulation concerning-READ FULL STORY


Being unvaccinated, which is still the case, made my life in the Netherlands increasingly difficult. I desperately needed a change.


My options at that time were very limited, as medical tyranny had taken the whole world hostage. Since I had already worked as a professor in Brazil in the previous years and Bolsonaro was critical of both the plandemic and the 'vaccination', my choice quickly fell on Brazil to be my refuge.


Seeking solace from the chaos, I purchased land in the jungle, situated on a 1500m high mountain accessible only by 4x4 vehicles, and just 30 minutes from the nearest small village. Utilizing my skills in Adobe Illustrator and QR code generation, I prepared required documents, got on a plane, and escaped the societal madness in mid-2021.


Now, I live a fully self-sustainable life:


๐Ÿ… I've built two greenhouses for growing tomatoes, strawberries, passion fruits, and various vegetables.


๐ŸŸ A recirculating aquaculture system allows me to cultivate trouts.


My home is powered by solar panels and a 50Ah battery system, ensuring 24/7 electricity.


๐Ÿ’ฆ The property's multiple water sources are harnessed using a ram pump for water supply.


๐Ÿ”ฅ Water heating is achieved through solar collectors and a stove with a heat exchanger.


๐Ÿ— I raise Rhode Island Red chickens for eggs and meat.


๐Ÿ— Wild boars roam my land, providing an additional food source.


In the meantime, I lost another job when SINTEF terminated my contract in February for “exceeding my rights to freedom of expression on Twitter.” Currently, my livelihood depends on vitamin D and Omega-3 sales through (Your support would be greatly appreciated, as it benefits not just me, but especially you! And don't forget: There is no flu season, only a vitamin D deficiency season.).


Life here can be lonely, distanced from home and Western culture. However, services like Starlink keep me connected, and I'm well-prepared for any future crises. Thankfully, I still have the freedom to travel, at least until new policies might restrict that.


As for transportation, my car runs on ethanol, produced from local biomass, making me self-reliant in that aspect too, so Klaus Schwab can kiss my a$$.


If you've read this far, let's turn this post into a platform for sharing ideas: How do you or would you resist the Great Reset?





© 2023 Dr. Simon





The Cost of Being A Jew Today

Israel Map & Surrounding Nations


By Pam Kohler

November 21, 2023

Salvation And Survival


Before I get to the point of this post, I want to share a particular testimony ... There are times I discern something in my spirit so strongly and unexpectedly, that I know without a doubt, that it is coming from God. Somehow, I know that the thoughts I am experiencing are not my thoughts, and their sudden emergence is either from God or Satan. This happened to me in 2015 during a visit to #Holocaust Museum Houston. My husband and I had visited the much larger national #Holocaust Memorial Museum in Washington D.C. in 2012, and it was a specific story that drew us to its counterpart in Houston.


The pictures and possessions of the children and parents and grandparents who were incinerated in the ovens broke my heart, and my emotions were overwhelmed as I noticed how many of the photos [of those who survived] were donated by their descendants who were part of the huge Jewish population in Houston -- and I recognized some of the names of college friends from my days as a University of Texas student, making it even more personal. But it was the little known WWII story that had compelled Mark and me to make the trip to this honored Museum.


There was to be a rededication of a WWII Danish rescue boat, named #Hanne Frankwhat the Houston Chronicle called "a rare World War II artifact that was part of an even rarer effort". The article when on to report ... "While the Nazis were marching across Europe, the Danes made a remarkable decision. They were going to make sure the German war machine did not take Danish Jews to concentration camps. Denmark was the only country to make a nationwide effort to save their Jewish population with fisherman ferrying more than 7,200 Jews to safety in Sweden.' They never considered themselves heroes,' said Consul Anna Thomsen Holliday of Denmark. 'They were just doing what was right.' " I invite you to read the entire #article for a detailed picture of what this boat meant to the community. 


It was this exhibit and its story that preceded the strong prompting that my spirit received. I found myself approaching the docent at the Museum. I told her, "This is going to sound strange to you, but if you would consider it, I would like to leave our name and phone number, because I believe there will soon come a time when we Christians will once again need to protect Jews -- only it will happen here in our own country". Well, you can imagine that she looked at me like I was a lunatic, and stammered some polite response, but took down our information. Once again, God had called us to be #Watchmen on the Wall; to warn of some impending event that He wanted His people to be made aware of.  As I look back at that moment 8 years ago, no events were in sight, yet like the Danish boatmen in WWII, Mark and I just wanted to make ourselves available to "do what is right".


Today, my prompting no longer seems so crazy or impossible. The rise in anti-Semitism around the world is climbing at an alarming rate. As the American Church, there are many Christians who automatically assumed that the nations of the world would rally around Israel in her time of need. And Christians assumed they knew who Israel was, but I invite you to read a couple of recent posts I've written about the #history of Israel in the Middle East, and the reality of #who Israel is today.  Above all, I urge you to read and study your Bible! I am amazed at how little Western Christians know the Biblical Truth about God's chosen people, and the near total lack of understanding [by Christians] of spiritual Israel versus worldly Israel.


Mark and I have been blessed that God has led us to people who have deep connections with #Messianic Jews and their faith organizations in Israel. So, we have been able to get their perspective on the war in Israel and how this minority population of Believers in Jesus [as the Messiah] are faring in the midst of rising persecution. I'd like to share the thoughts of one of the Messianic ministers in Israel [in his own words]. Rather than relying on the news media and social media to tell you what the reality is for a believing Jew in Israel, let Youval Yanay of #Revive Israel share his truth ....


"The Word of God describes a great war that will break out in the last days, a war in which all nations will gather, lay siege, and attack Jerusalem and Judah. This war will be an intense and cruel war, the mountains will be filled with the bodies of the dead, and cruel acts will take place in the cities (Ezekiel 30-30, Zechariah 12, 14, Revelation 16:14-16, Revelation 19:19-21, and more).


Over the years, when I read these prophecies, such a war seemed unimaginable. After all, while we have many enemies, there are so many countries that would never attack Israel. Following World War II and the atrocities committed during the Holocaust, countries throughout the West became loyal friends of the State of Israel whom we believed would never turn against us.


Today, we see something different, a wave of anti-Semitism spreading like fire throughout the entire world, even in countries once considered loyal friends of Israel.


In the well-known and esteemed Harvard University, where many world leaders are shaped and educated, the slogan #“From the river to the sea” has emerged as a prominent rallying cry in today’s protests against Israel. It is prominently displayed throughout this university campus. But what does this slogan signify? It refers to the territory between the Jordan River and the Mediterranean Sea. For anyone familiar with the map of the Middle East, this slogan implies Israel ceases to exist, conveying a message for the destruction of Israel.


Will this wave of anti-Semitism calm once the war ends as has happened in the past? Maybe this time something different is happening before our eyes. For every nation to engage in an attack against Israel, there must be widespread hatred toward Israel, compelling them to attack. It will include leaders from every nation, people of culture, intellectuals, and academics with educated and influential leaders leading their nations to war against Israel. The present circumstance doesn’t currently exist, but are we witnessing the initial stages of a process that could give rise to such a situation? Is this a seed of hate that, when cultivated and matured, may lead to decisions triggering the prophesied great war at the end of days?


Before World War II, anti-Semitism was widely tolerated in Western societies. While not everyone was anti-Semitic, there were varying degrees of anti-Semitism. Some wanted to see the destruction of Jews while others didn’t like them, or just found them unpleasant.


World War II, and the shock of what happened during the Holocaust, delegitimized anti-Semitism. For several decades, it became much more difficult to publicly express anti-Semitic tendencies and be considered a member of culture. For several decades, anti-Semitism was marginalized. It didn’t disappear but was pushed to the margins. It was a golden age that allowed for the rapid growth of the American Jewish community, and its unprecedented prosperity, and an era that allowed some communities in Europe, Canada, Australia, and Argentina to exist with a sense of security.


A few years ago it became clear that this era was coming to an end. The Second World War, a vivid and recent memory for the preceding generation, has become in this generation a historical event that is far away. Demographic, ideological, and geopolitical changes allowed anti-Semitism to rise. First, hesitantly, and now suddenly in capital cities throughout Western Europe. You have to rub your eyes to really believe what you are seeing: Jewish homes in Paris marked with the Star of David and respected academics expressing satisfaction with the brutal murder of Jews.


Is this something that will pass until another time or is it here to stay—setting the anti-Semitism bar to a new and higher level? If so, how high will this bar be? Is it now, once again, possible to express anti-Semitic ideas and still be considered an educated person of culture, just as it was before World War II? Are we standing at the beginning of the great war at the end of time (Mark 13:33)?


Maybe, maybe not. We need to be careful to make such predictions. Our part is to pray, study, read the Word, and be busy with what God has prepared for us:  Draw near to Him, long for His presence, listen to Him, and obey His commandments as we leave our old selves behind, conform to the image of Jesus (Romans 8:29) and proclaim His Kingdom (Acts 1:8).


When we do these things, we prepare ourselves, our family, and our community for whatever is to come. In peace or war, we have nothing to fear, our strength is in the faithfulness and love of Jesus"....


You have just heard the heart of a faithful Messianic Jewish man, who is not even respected in his own nation of Israel. He is hated by the ultra-Orthodox Jewish community; despised by the majority of his fellow countrymen, who are secular; and discounted by the political non-religious leaders of his government. But he knows the Bible and the prophecies of the End Times, and he understands what is coming; he recognizes it because the warnings are in his DNA.


I pray that we have not yet reached the level of Satan's hate that will come against the Jews and Christians. I pray that mankind might yet turn back from evil and seek the Most High God and His forgiveness. But, I'll be honest, I see the prophecies unfolding rather quickly and like Youval, I am trying to prepare family and friends for whatever may come, while remaining strong in obedience and faithfulness to my Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. And I pray that my prompting of 8 years ago -- to make ourselves available to harbor Jews during another holocaust and persecution --  will not be necessary. May the Lord protect His #Jewish remnant until all who will call upon His Name are identified and fall to their knees and worship Him.


 #Holocaustmuseumhouston #Holocaustmemorialmuseum #hannefrank #watchmanonthewall #historyofisrael #biblicalhistoryofisrael #messianicjews #reviveisrael #fromtherivertothesea #jewishremnant #godsisrael 


Zechariah 14:2-3    For I will gather all nations against Jerusalem to battle, and the city will be captured and the houses plundered and the women ravished; and half of the city will be exiled, but the rest of the people will not be cut off from the city. Then the Lord will go forth and fight against those nations, as when He fights on a day of battle.


All posts © Belle Ringer and