Thursday, July 29, 2021

The Dictatorship is Upon YOU!


John R. Houk

© July 29, 2021


If you watch or read your news from the Mainstream Media (MSM or traitor media or Marxist Media or etc., etc.) you are probably unaware the illegitimate coup-derived Biden Administration is contemplating some Medical Tyranny by employing mandates forcing Americans to receive experimental COVID jabs, forcing a Federal passport proof of said jab, useless mask mandates, more useless quarantine lockdowns, travel restrictions and probably more that I cannot think of at the moment.


Adding to the Medical Tyranny, if you are a Conservative Patriot that merely believes America’s Founding created an Exceptional nation, YOU might end up on the coup-Administration’s Watch List of Domestic Terrorists even though YOU have not EVER acted in violence against local, State or Federal government entities like the Dem-Marxist paramilitary factions of Antifa and Black Lives Matter.


AND if YOU are a Biblical Believing Christian that worships God in Church or stand for the morality prescribed by the CREATOR in the Word of God, YOU might be on a Dem-Marxist Watch List as an enemy of the coup-State.


With all those scenarios in mind, I cam across a couple of posts that highlights the hypocrisy of illegitimate Biden and his Dem-Marxist Comrades in imposing power-retaining Tyranny that essentially transform the onetime Land of the Free and Home of the Brave into a Marxist dictatorship if Americans accept restraints on Liberty, Free Speech and an independent conscience.


The first post as actual history of the occurrences of the Boston Tea Party and the reasons Americans supported it AND how it applies today – KEEP IN MIND the lies being spread about what happened on January 6 in DC.


The second post is about all the COVID despotism that was proven ineffective yet the Medical Tyrants desire reestablished that will have ineffective results EXCEPT increased control of what YOU do, believe, live and interact.


JRH 7/29/21

I need your generosity in 2021 via - credit cards, check cards

& debit cards are accepted by my PayPal account:

Please Support SlantRight 2.0

Or if donating you can support by getting in the Coffee from home business earning yourself extra cash – OR just buy some TASTE GOOD healthy coffee, that includes immune boosting products. Big Tech Censorship is pervasive – Share voluminously on all social media platforms!


What Do Jan 6th and the Boston Tea Party Have in Common? (The history you've never heard!)


Boston Tea Party Crate Dumping


By Lenora Thompson

July 28, 2021

[H/T: MAGABOOK Group - Fed-Up Conservative Patriots]


So what do Jan 6th and the Boston Tea Party have in common?

Easy! The Wickedness in High Places in 1773 and 2021 both claim they were "lawless and violent" events...when, in fact, the opposite was true.

The Patriots of 1773 and the Patriots of 2021 both behaved impeccably. As I wrote on January 7th, "The dawn's early light revealed a sea of innumerable patriots already assembled. They prayed the Lord's Prayer together, pledged allegiance to our flag together, sang our national anthem together and cheered together."

But just as on Jan 6th, 2021, there were bad actors on December 16th, 1773, the date of the Boston Tea Party. "John Adams notes that there were bad actors (not patriots!) who wished, 'that as many dead Carcasses were floating in the Harbor as there are Chests of Tea,'" according to David Barton's Wallbuilders website.

The Bad Actors of 1773 did NOT get their way.

The Bad Actors of 2021 did.

This is the story of the Boston Tea Party as you've never heard it before. The story of Patriots who were as patient as they were peaceful. The story of an event carried out so impeccably, so carefully, so kindly, so ethically that during my research on the Boston Tea Party I turned to Michael and exclaimed, "Our Founding Fathers are adorable."

Read on, Patriots!


It Wasn't About the Money


What were we taught about the Boston Tea Party in school, if you were taught about it at all!? 

That the colonists objected to the British tax on tea. In other words, the colonists' gripe was all about money. Protecting their pocketbook. The almighty pence.




1796 Teapot made by Paul Revere now on display in the Metropolitan Museum of Art


The tea was actually dirt cheap, thanks to the British subsidizing the tea to bribe the colonists into ignoring the illegal tax. This merely pissed off the colonists even more. As Benjamin Franklin wrote, "They believe that three pence on a pound of tea, of which one does not perhaps drink ten pounds in a year, is sufficient to overcome all the patriotism of an American."

While "no taxation without representation" rings in our ears, it was about much more than that. Our childhood history books omitted that by passing the Tea Act of 1773, Britain gave the nearly bankrupt East India Company a monopoly. They and only they could sell tea to the colonies. 


This was tyranny. If Britain could mandate a beverage, what was next? Could they then mandate a state religion, as they would mandate Roman Catholicism the official religion of Quebec in 1774? John Adams wrote: “If Parliament could tax us, they could establish the Church of England, with all its creeds, articles, tests, ceremonies, and tithes, and prohibit all other churches, as conventicles and schism-shops.” (conventicle: def. a secret or unlawful religious meeting, typically of people with nonconformist views.) (schism-shop: def. dissenting meeting house)

In response, the enraged colonists paid more for tea smuggled from Holland or simply drank coffee. 

They knew that money is merely a means to an end. Just numbers, passed around from one person to another. 

But the gift of Freedom from God is priceless.


With Tea, Time is of the Essence


Abigail Adams, Our first Second Lady and second First Lady of the United States as well as the mother of John Quincy Adams

Just like the (equally illegal) IRS, who want their money now...Britain wanted their tea tax money now as well. They allowed a mere twenty (20) day window after the arrival of a shipment of tea wherein the tax must be paid. 

Usually, the colonists were successful in convincing the ship captains to simply turn around and return the tea to Britain without docking. But on November 28th, 1773, the American whaler Dartmouth docked in Boston Harbor bearing a return load of tea from England and Massachusetts' bloody-minded Governor Hutchinson, who was paid by the Crown, refused to allow the Dartmouth to return her load to England. 


Abigail Adams, Our first Second Lady and second First Lady of the United States as well as the mother of John Quincy Adams


Time was of the essence. The tea must be purchased (and the tax paid by the buyer) or auctioned off (and the tax paid by everyone)...or else. The Governor was determined this would happen. The colonists were equally determined it would not.


Abigail Adams wrote, "“The tea (that baneful weed) is arrived. Great, and I hope, effectual opposition has been made to the landing of it.…the proceedings of our Citizens have been united, spirited and firm. The flame is kindled and like lightning it catches from soul to soul. Great will be the devastation if not timely quenched or allayed by some more lenient measures.”


What to do? What to do? This was a deuce of a pickle.


It Must be Done Impeccably


On Thursday, December 16th, 1773, almost seven thousand patriots assembled in and around the Old South Church. Sixteen (16) days had elapsed since the Dartmouth docked. Something must be done, and soon, for the colonists would not work on the Sabbath. (That's also why I don't write nor update my News page on Saturdays.)



They listened as Captain Rotch, a 2nd generation Nantucket Quaker colonist, explained that his ships would be confiscated if he returned to England still loaded with tea, and he might even lose his life. Even as he spoke, patriot leaders were making one last, desperate attempt to contact Governor Hutchinson to implore him to change his mind.  (FUN FACT: The Rotch-owned Bedford was the first ship to fly the American flag on the Thames after we won the Revolutionary War.)


Nothing doing. Hutchinson remained as bloody-minded as Mike Pence on Jan 6th. 

Having exhausted every other option, the patriots had but one choice. A choice that would save Captain Rotch's neck and livelihood while still allowing the colonists to remain true to their principles.

But there was a caveat: It must be done impeccably. It must be done perfectly. It must be done ethically. If one, just one, colonist behaved less than morally, all would be ruined and they would go down in history as heels, not heroes. 

It was Daughters of Liberty member, Sarah Fulton, who had the idea. "Why don't you disguise yourselves as Mohawk Indians?"

And so they did. 

Samuel Adams led the "Mohawks" to Boston Harbor. They boarded the Dartmouth, the Eleanor, the Beaver and the tea party (not "tea riot"!) began. 


Empty Your Pockets!


In the gloaming and presence of thousands of Bostonians silently listening from the shore, one hundred and fifty colonists quietly boarded the Dartmouth, the Eleanor, and the Beaver.


Boston Tea Party a protest against British taxes before the American Revolution circa 1773


Swiftly, they opened 342 cases of tea and dumped them overboard into the harbor. In today's money, that's a loss of approximately £872,553.00 or $1,210,928.18...a debt that was still on the books of Davison, Newman & Co, Ltd as of the mid-1900s. Of course, they petitioned King George III to recoup their loss. Of course, he refused. 

But I'm getting ahead of myself. Back to Boston Harbor.


There's always one bad apple. Jan 6th had their Antifa. The Boston Tea Party had one fella who stuffed handfuls of tea into his pockets. This must not be! The tea party must be about principle...not stealing. It must be impeccable.

And so the patriots stripped the Bad Apple naked and dumped him in the harbor. Mercifully, his name has been lost to history and I reckon he wouldn't mind a bit.


Adorable and Impeccable


This is where we get to the part of the story where I exclaimed, "Our Founding Fathers are adorable!"

In less than three hours, 342 cases of tea had been dumped in the harbor. But the job wasn't done yet. 

First they swept the decks to ensure ever last leaf of tea was indeed steeping in Boston Harbor. Then the colonists lined up, brushed themselves off and emptied all their cuffs and pockets. Then they re-swept the decks of the ships and went ashore leaving the ships, crates and crews unharmed.



Well, there was one broken padlock. But it was anonymously replaced on December 17th. 

And if you don't think that's adorable, you're made of sterner stuff than I am. 

The exasperated patriots on Jan 6th who yelled at the police to do something to protect the Capitol against Antifa were acting in the same spirit of our adorable, impeccable Founding Fathers. 


Spinning the Yarn


But, of course, just as on January 6th, you have those who will spin a yarn, those who will prevaricate (def. lie like a rug) to make out the event was something other than what it was. Nowadays we call them the lyin' MSM!

The British claimed the colonists were lawless and violent during the Boston Tea Party.



John Adams wrote, “The town of Boston, was never more still and calm of a Saturday night than it was last night. All things were conducted with great order, decency, and perfect submission to government.” (Not sure why he wrote Saturday, when it occurred on Thursday but you catch his drift.)

Even Governor Hutchinson admitted, "the whole was done with very little tumult." Ya think, Guv!?


The colonists had won this round through ingenuity and ethics but eventually there would be Hell to pay.

It would be two-and-a-half more years before we declared our Independence from Great Britain proving, yet again, the great patience and peacefulness of our Founding Fathers.


Support Lenora Thompson writing AMERICA The Blog


Stupid is as Stupid Does


By Lex Greene

July 29th, 2021

News With Views


In the famous words of Forest Gump, “stupid is as stupid does” and these days, stupid seems much more common than common sense in the USA. Even Forest was smart enough to know it.


To arrive at the right answers, you only need to ask the right questions. Even the government, doctors, scientists, and their left-wing media con artists can’t win a debate if you simply ask the right questions, such as…


“Why has nothing science told us to do for 19-months worked?” You said mask, so we masked, and it didn’t work. You said social distance, so we social distanced for months and it didn’t work. You said lock healthy people in quarantine, so we locked healthy people in quarantine and gave up our incomes, families, friends, and lives for months, and it didn’t work. Why has nothing you said worked?


“If my mask works, why does anyone else need to wear one? You told us we needed to “mask up” and you have also told us we “don’t need to mask up.” Which is it? And no matter your answer, 19-months of masking hasn’t solved the problem, because as we can research for ourselves, none of the masks used are designed to, or capable of, stopping the transmission of any virus.


“How is the vaccine necessary when you admit that the vaccinated can still be infected and die from the unvaccinated?” If the vaccinated can still be infected and die as a result of unvaccinated people, what good is your so-called “vaccine?” Why are you telling the “vaccinated” to still “mask up?”


“Why are you saying your vaccines are approved?” We all know that the FDA has NOT approved your vaccines and we know why. There is no “science” to follow yet, testing won’t be completed for years. If the FDA knows what’s good for them, they won’t approve any of them with so many adverse effect reports!


“Why are you saying your vaccines are safe?” We all know that people are dying from your vaccines daily, at least 300 a day now. Millions are fighting for their lives and have become permanently injured by your vaccines. How “safe” is that?


“Why are you telling people they are safe if they get your vaccine?” Over 53,000 VAERS reports say quite the contrary, as all of these 53,000 Americans died AFTER taking your vaccines!


“Why are you scaring people into thinking they will die from a corona virus that has had a 99.7% survival rate?” We know that 94% of your so-called COVID19 deaths died of something else, the CDC told us so. We know this corona virus has had a 99.7% survival rate, because again, your CDC told us so. This doesn’t even qualify as anything more than a standard flu season.


“Why are you telling us that you have the legal authority to force vaccinate anyone, as if you’re Adolf Hitler and Dr. Mengele?” We all know that our “public servants” have no such authority. We the People run this country, not you!


I can keep going for quite a while here, but if you don’t get the picture by now, you never will. Congratulations, you have agreed to live under boot and doomed all future generations to the same!


Fool us once, shame on you…but fool us twice, shame on us!


Now our illustrious insane federal administration is openly threatening to force vaccinate every citizen, man, woman, and child, regardless of any other health concerns. They are even threatening to come door-to-door complete with U.S. Military armed to the teeth to do it. According to resident Joe, “we will need F-15s and nukes to stop them!”


And now, even Republican Governors like Florida’s DeSantis and Fox News talking heads like Sean Hannity are suddenly “pro-vaccine.” How, why? Didn’t any of them bother to ask the most obvious questions posed above?


No amount of education or indoctrination is a good substitute for fundamental common sense, which is clearly in short supply these days. Does it really matter how many degrees some “expert” has on the wall, if everything they are saying is blatantly false?


Look, no “expert,” politician, court, news media personality, TV or social media entertainer, fact-checker, federal or state agency, member of congress, democrat doctor, lawyer or scientist is going to save us here. It’s not even their job. None of them were elected or appointed to do this, any of it.


WE HAVE TO SAVE OURSELVES HERE… and all we need to do it is basic common sense, fundamental survival instincts and the will to stand up to this insanity before the nuts running the asylum put us all in a coffin or a straight-jacket.


Freedom is NOT for the stupid, the ignorant, the lazy, the cowardly or the fearful! We allowed the “experts” to fool us once, for over 19-months now. If we allow them to fool us again, that’s on us, and no one will survive it.


What’s all of this research and information for? If you’re never going to get out the fire hose, what does it matter that you know the house is on fire? The only reason for knowing, is the doing!


Are you hearing me here?


The Dictatorship is Upon YOU!

John R. Houk

© July 29, 2021


What Do Jan 6th and the Boston Tea Party Have in Common? (The history you've never heard!)


 Copyright © 2015-Present Lenora Thompson


Stupid is as Stupid Does


© 2021 Lex Greene – All Rights Reserved


About the Author: Lex Greene


Comment to Lex Greene at: Lex Greene is a pen name and if you know American history, then you know why this name was chosen. Lex Greene is an avid historian with many years’ professional experience in U.S. and World events. He has not written for publication in several years, for the benefit of family and personal protection. Due to today's cancel-culture, a pen name is used by this writer to protect the writer’s true identity. You can also follow Radio FREE Lex Greene Podcast HERE available on your favorite platforms.


Copyright 2021 All Rights Reserved NEWSWITHVIEWS.COM

Wednesday, July 28, 2021

Disband the FBI


There was a time I bought into the adage that the rank-n-file FBI were good cops and that the majority of the FBI leadership was corrupt. If that was ever true over the 12 to 15 years those so-called good cop rank-n-file FBI would have become massive whistleblowers of their corrupt leadership. THAT HAS NEVER HAPPENED!


It is my opinion if there are good cop FBI Agents among the FBI rank-n-file they are a minority encased in the fear of what would happen to their careers than abiding by the U.S. Constitution-based rule of law or for that matter serving and protecting the well-being of We The People.


With those opening thoughts I discovered a Gatestone Institute article that will likely place that online publication onto the Biden’s ranks of domestic terrorist watchlist for standing for truth. The courageous title: “Disband the FBI”.


On a serious note: As long as Globalist-Marxism infects all levels of U.S. Branches of government under the un-elected thumb of Bureaucracy that appears more like a Fourth Estate Deep State, not only a corrupt FBI will remain, but Federal Bureaucratic Agencies will be infected with corruption. If you are an American Patriot I suspect you comprehend the remedy for a so-far untouchable corruption.


JRH 7/28/21

I need your generosity in 2021 via - credit cards, check cards

& debit cards are accepted by my PayPal account:

Please Support SlantRight 2.0

Or if donating you can support by getting in the Coffee from home business earning yourself extra cash – OR just buy some TASTE GOOD healthy coffee, that includes immune boosting products. Big Tech Censorship is pervasive – Share voluminously on all social media platforms!


Disband the FBI


By Chris Farrell

July 28, 2021 at 5:00 am

Gatestone Institute


§  In the past few days alone, we have learned that the October 2020 Michigan governor kidnap plot was largely a creation of the FBI; a "senior FBI official" was on the take from media organizations; and another assistant director was in a "romantic relationship with a subordinate" and involved in "other misconduct." The leadership failures documented by the Office of the Inspector General are now almost standard and part of a tiresome media drip-torture for the public to endure.


§  The FBI ran a coup against President Trump. It failed. The following got away: Comey, McCabe, Strzok, Page, Clinesmith, Pientka, Brower, Baker, et al. Any real consequences for attempting to overthrow the government of the United States? No.


§  Questions are now being raised as to whether the FBI had a role in the Capitol Hill protests of January 6, 2021. When one examines the FBI's involvement in the Trump-Russia collusion hoax; Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA) abuses; standing by idly while in possession of Hunter Biden's Ukraine and Burisma-laden laptops, while President Trump endured a second phony impeachment; and the frame-up of Trump's National Security Advisor, Lieutenant General Michael Flynn – it is not too difficult to imagine.


§  The FBI needs to go away. It should happen in an orderly and thoughtful process, over a period of months. Congress should authorize and create an investigative division in the U.S. Marshals Service and open applications for law enforcement officer seeking to be rigorously screened, vetted and then accessed into the new organization. Similar action was taken before in the very creation of the FBI. It is now time to clean house and restore the public's trust in the "premier investigative agency" of federal law enforcement.



(Photo by Eric Baradat/AFP via Getty Images)


The Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) continues its downward spiral into terminal corruption. Sadly, the scandals, criminality and ethical abuses of the organization are largely ignored by the American public and by the institutions of government charged with oversight and correction. Outrage after outrage is reported, hearings are held, Inspector General reports are issued -- but the systemic corruption is never really tackled and dirty cops skate away virtually unscathed.


This situation is constitutionally unacceptable, corrosive to public trust in law enforcement, and a threat to the survival of the republic.


In the past few days alone, we have learned that the October 2020 Michigan governor kidnap plot was largely a creation of the FBI; a "senior FBI official" was on the take from media organizations; and another assistant director was in a "romantic relationship with a subordinate" and involved in "other misconduct." The leadership failures documented by the Office of the Inspector General are now almost standard and part of a tiresome media drip-torture for the public to endure.


Meanwhile, the FBI had the audacity to issue a Stasi-like tweet urging "monitoring of 'family members and peers' for extremism."


Remember: what we learn about the FBI in the press are only the stories that are SO outrageous that the FBI cannot keep a lid on them and is forced to make disclosures via a toothless Inspector General report -- but never anything that results in a criminal indictment. Imagine what the ordinary day-to-day misconduct in FBI offices across the country could be. And these scandals don't just amount to "bad press" – in several of these, federal courts scourge the FBI for lawbreaking. Additionally, Inspector General report after report details FBI abuses such as whistleblowers being retaliated against and ignoring "high-risk" employees who fail polygraph tests.


There are still apologists for the FBI. Some seek to defend the organization with the rationalization that "it's always been that way." That sort of thinking is a cynical effort to inoculate and immunize real criminality as something normal and regular. "Get used to it kid, that's the way of the world," they offer with a shrug and a grin. Others, like Sean Hannity, cling to the "just a few bad apples" excuse. That sort of FBI cheerleading flies in the face of a litany of systemic abuses and pervasive abusers. The FBI ran a coup against President Trump. It failed. The following got away: Comey, McCabe, Strzok, Page, Clinesmith, Pientka, Brower, Baker, et al. Any real consequences for attempting to overthrow the government of the United States? No.


In May 2018, veteran reporter Eric Lichtblau of Time magazine wrote an article titled, "The FBI Is in Crisis. It's Worse Than You Think," wherein he detailed:


"The bureau, which is used to making headlines for nabbing crooks, has been grabbing the spotlight for unwanted reasons: fired leaders, texts between lovers and, most of all, attacks by President Trump ... internal and external reports have found lapses throughout the agency, and longtime observers, looking past the partisan haze, see a troubling picture: something really is wrong at the FBI... other painful, more public failures as well: missed opportunities to prevent mass shootings that go beyond the much-publicized overlooked warnings in the Parkland, Fla., school killings; an anguishing delay in the sexual-molestation probe into Olympic gymnastics doctor Larry Nassar; and evidence of misconduct by agents in the aftermath of standoffs with armed militias in Nevada and Oregon. FBI agents are facing criminal charges ranging from obstruction to leaking classified material."


Four years later and the situation has not improved.


Let us go back to the Michigan governor "kidnap plot" for a moment. The entire operation was an anti-Trump political smear job -- and was called into question for being exactly that back when the story broke in October 2020. Now we find out that the FBI was running at least a dozen paid "confidential informants" in the plot. It was a plot they dreamed up. It was actually a rehash of an Obama-era 2010 FBI plot by the so-called "Hutarees" that fell apart in court.


The FBI worries about "entrapment" in these cases because the FBI must demonstrate that there is reasonable suspicion that the subject in a case is about to be or is engaging in criminal activity. The government then allows the criminal/terrorist the opportunity to commit the act. In these cases, the FBI has good reason to worry.


More disturbingly, this is nothing new. Look at the "Herald Square Bomber" case as another instance in which the FBI identifies, recruits, trains, dispatches and then arrests the very informant they recruited in the first place. The FBI appears to have fabricated plots and terrorists to advance their own agenda and statistics. It looks, walks, and talks like "entrapment." Are there really no other bad guys out there for the FBI to go after? They need to focus on this modus operandi?


Questions are now being raised as to whether the FBI had a role in the Capitol Hill protests of January 6, 2021. When one examines the FBI's involvement in the Trump-Russia collusion hoax; Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA) abuses; standing by idly while in possession of Hunter Biden's Ukraine and Burisma-laden laptops, while President Trump endured a second phony impeachment; and the frame-up of Trump's National Security Advisor, Lieutenant General Michael Flynn – it is not too difficult to imagine. And that is just the problem: It is not difficult to imagine. It should be an "impossibility."


The FBI needs to go away. It should happen in an orderly and thoughtful process, over a period of months. Congress should authorize and create an investigative division in the U.S. Marshals Service and open applications for law enforcement officer seeking to be rigorously screened, vetted and then accessed into the new organization. Similar action was taken before in the very creation of the FBI. It is now time to clean house and restore the public's trust in the "premier investigative agency" of federal law enforcement.


Chris Farrell is Director of Investigations at Judicial Watch and Distinguished Senior Fellow at Gatestone Institute.


© 2021 Gatestone Institute. All rights reserved. The articles printed here do not necessarily reflect the views of the Editors or of Gatestone Institute. No part of the Gatestone website or any of its contents may be reproduced, copied or modified, without the prior written consent of Gatestone Institute.


[Blog Editor Disclosure: I have not attained the GI consent thus if GI requests removal of this cross post I will comply.]

Monday, July 26, 2021

Malthusian Madmen, Mask Mandates and the COVID Vaccine

 LOOK UP! Tyranny is about to be increased against the will of WE THE PEOPLE. The propaganda and brainwashing have been become ever-present. EVEN reputed Conservatives seem to be on the propaganda-brainwash bus. Even if you are labeled a domestic terrorist for peacefully yet vocally resisting, RESIST YOU MUST. It begins in your neighborhood, your community, your school board, your City Councils – just begin. Justin Smith talks tyranny.


JRH 7/26/21

I need your generosity in 2021 via - credit cards, check cards

& debit cards are accepted by my PayPal account:

Please Support SlantRight 2.0

Or if donating you can support by getting in the Coffee from home business earning yourself extra cash – OR just buy some TASTE GOOD healthy coffee, that includes immune boosting products. Big Tech Censorship is pervasive – Share voluminously on all social media platforms!


Malthusian Madmen, Mask Mandates and the COVID Vaccine

American Liberty: Let Us Engage the Enemy


By Justin O. Smith

Sent  7/25/2021 4:59 AM


America has barely emerged from over a year of nationwide economically destructive lockdowns and mask mandates that made nearly all Americans' life miserable and exponentially worse in every way imaginable, crippling entire sectors of our society, especially the Church and small businesses, that stood fairly well and independent of the elitist oligarchs, and now the Biden regime and Democratic Party Marxist mayors and governors, and at least one badly misguided Republican governor, from Alabama and Louisiana to New York and California and on to Missouri, Nevada and DC, want to repeat this mess, along with mandatory vaccines and vaccine passports, despite the illegal and unconstitutional nature of such measures. The American people are weary and angry, to see such an insistent advocacy once more from elected officials that constitute an overreach of authority and violations of our inalienable God-given rights, as little by little, they move to end Freedom and Liberty in America.


From our nation's very beginnings, the Founding Fathers were well aware of pandemics, like smallpox, and yet, they placed nothing in the U.S. Constitution to address any concerns they may have had regarding pandemics. They did pass quarantine laws long after the Republic was formed, but never did they, nor would they, consider placing restrictions on individual Liberty, like forcing people to wear masks or take dangerous experimental medical treatments. Doesn't anyone recognize that they probably would have done this at the time, if they thought it was a good idea?


Executive orders are not law, and one's inalienable God-given Rights never cease to exist, even in time of crisis -- especially in the time of crisis.


We hear them speak of "saving lives" and acting together "for the general welfare of the public", even after we saw how the COVID virus was hyped and weaponized by Democrats, wherever they held power and misapplied executive orders as they allowed strip bars to remain open and demanded Christian Churches close their doors. If one was of a Conservative or Christian mind and worldview, one was subjected to a far different standard than if one was on board with what was being presented as the "new normal" and the new economic model the Establishment was hawking through the Great Reset of the Davos group and the World Economic Forum; one was treated far different for simply utilizing one's own common sense and following one's own choices and act accordingly to what served them best, while keeping their health status between themselves and their personal doctors.


All of a sudden, America is once again being inundated with fearful cries, this time of "the Delta Variant, the Delta Variant". It may be more contagious than regular COVID -- approximately fifty percent more contagious --  but it isn't as deadly, despite several reports that suggest it is, without medical and scientific support, and regularly COVID isn't so deadly for most of us anyway, with a known 99.62% survival rate. Variants typically become less deadly in order to ensure they don't kill off all their hosts, so they can continue to survive, as proven by science, time and again.


[Blog Editor: Justin ain’t just whistlin’ Dixie here. Delta Variant more contagious BUT not any more deadly than the last COVID spread of infections. MEANING the 99% survival rate still stands. AND there are safe and inexpensive alternative therapies that Medical Tyrants making money on unsafe Jabs still wish your ignorance of their existence. In any case here is some COVID science that counters fearmongering:


o   COVID Delta Variant Reignites Fear — How Real Is the Threat? By
Dr. Joseph Mercola; The Defender – Children’s Health Defense News & Views; 6/23/21


o   Debunking the scaremongering over the ‘delta variant’ of COVID; By Thomas Lifson; American Thinker; 6/27/21


o   Johns Hopkins Doctor Blasts Delta Variant 'Fearmongering,' Calls More Masking 'Overkill'; By Scott Morefield; Townhall; 6/29/21




o   Doherty: Murphy may use Delta variant 'fear-mongering' to bring back restrictions; By Mike Deak; my central jersey; 7/21/21


AND video from American Thinker above that is remarkably still on Youtube:


Delta or Indian Variant - Real World Impact? We Now have the DATA!


Posted by Ivor Cummins

Jun 21, 2021


The title says it all! Download this short informative vid here, to help your friends and family understand:




America must not forget that the CDC and Dr. Anthony Fauci and his Technocratic globalist masters, the One World Order types and the petty tyrants of the World Health Organization, regularly lied and inflated the death numbers associated with COVID-19 to justify the lockdowns and mask mandates. And when it served their purpose, their agenda and coverups, they lied and under-reported the number of deaths in nursing homes, where people were held as virtual prisoners unable to receive guests or see their loved ones, just as Governor Andrew Cuomo (D-NY) did all across New York state; he also stands prepared to do more of the same and he brags about it, laughing in the face of all America.


[Blog Editor: Actual science refuting Medical Tyrants including a lengthy video you may wish to bookmark to refer back to as your time allows:


o   INFLATED REPORTING OF COVID DEATHS IS A REAL CONSPIRACY; By Dr. Joseph Mercola; Truth Talk News; 7/23/21


o   13 Experts Dispose of COVID-19 Myths; Posted by klevon; Undercurrents (Originally:; 6/5/21



odysee VIDEO: The Truth About COVID-19

Posted by Organic Consumers Association

April 29th, 2021


This exclusive event features a panel of expert scientists, doctors, authors, activists and attorneys gathered together to share their extraordinary research and insights into the most important topic of our lifetime. Learn more at]



The Polymerase Chain Reaction tests currently being used to test for COVID are dependent on cycles, as well as many more factors, but they cannot distinguish between live micro-organisms and dead ones, since they both contain genetic material; and the experts agree that it must never be used as a diagnostic tool, in order to "diagnose" COVID in non-symptomatic people. No clinician worth the time of day would use PCR as a diagnostic. Cycles amplified thirty times or greater are guaranteed to find viral remnants or contaminants, and in the case of many U.S. labs that received CDC guidance to conduct cycles at forty to forty-five, this guaranteed a "discovery" of a high rate of positive tests, that were, in fact, FALSE POSITIVES. 


Among the unvaccinated, the Delta Variant is simply another flu; however, a recent [JOS] U.K report has shown that those who received a COVID-19 vaccine are at over three times more likely to die from the Delta Variant than the unvaccinated folks. Out of 117 total deaths occurring within the first month of being infected, forty-four were unvaccinated individuals and fifty people took the two dose COVID-19 vaccine. Out of 27,192 vaccinated folks in the study, seventy died, which exhibits a very high 0.26 percent mortality rate. Conversely, forty-four of 53,822 unvaccinated folks in the study died, exhibiting a significantly lower 0.08 percent mortality rate, with the difference revealing a 3.25 greater death rate in the vaccinated. 


I have virtually exhausted the subject of the efficacy of masks over the past year and a half, and I could go into some great detail to prove they do not work to halt any disease. The [JOS] CDC says as much, and even Dr Anthony Fauci has admitted this fact, although he waffles back and forth using twisted logic to coerce people, in order to stay true to his globalist masters at the World Health Organization and this Biden regime. Many fine doctors are on the record in support of my assertion, too, including Senator Rand Paul (R-KY) who is a licensed medical doctor.


In a December 2020 interview with Breitbart News, Senator Rand Paul (R-KY) [JOS] stated:


"It'd be one thing if we were told you have to give up your liberty, you have to give up your freedom, we're going to save your life. But what if you have to give up all your freedoms and they're wrong on the science?

Every one of the mandates -- and you look in country after country, state after state -- you look at when the mask mandates went in -- the incidents went up exponentially after the mandates. Restaurants, nobody can eat in a restaurant, there's no science behind any of that." 

On July 14th 2021, Senators Paul, Tom Cotton (R-AR), Roger Marshall (R-KS), Roger Wicker (R-MS), and Mike Braun (R-IN) introduced legislation -- the Travel Mask Mandate Repeal Act of 2021 -- in the Senate to prohibit the enforcement of mask mandates on any public transportation. A companion piece of legislation was introduced a few days later in the House of Representatives by Representative Andy Biggs (R-AZ). But whether they can get it passed is an entirely different obstacle given the current numbers split in Congress.

Senator Braun [JOS] declared:

"It is far, far past time to end the federal government's contradictory one-size-fits-all COVID mandates, including the rule requiring masks on planes and public transportation."

Each year ten million people are infected with tuberculosis by those 1.8 billion infected folks across the globe, and it is a fact that 1.5 million die from this illness each year. It's quite telling that healthy people have never been required by any law to don masks to prevent TB, nor the infected either. 

Despite the much touted "success" of the Covid vaccines, report after report has revealed the numerous dangers underlying its use in people, as some six thousand people have died as a direct result of receiving it. [Blog Editor: Due to cover-ups and manipulated data by VAERS, the death by JAB could 45,000 and some say higher.] These vaccines cause blood disorders and coagulopathy -- impaired blood clotting -- in all age groups, along with thrombocytipenia and thrombotic organ failure caused by spike proteins created through the transhumanist gene therapy and mechanisms of the mRNA vaccines. 

Fortunately, the COVID Vaccines being distributed under the "Emergency Use Authorization" cannot currently be mandated by employers and state funded universities, under U.S. law, but that isn't stopping the Biden regime from seeking cooperation from their Marxist and Maoist Cancel Culture cronies in Corporate America to coerce Americans to accept the dangerous vaccines or face loss of jobs anyway under other pretenses, educational opportunities and all other regularly normal social events, from dining in restaurants to attending movies and concerts, or entry to any business or government office demanding COVID Vaccine Passports.

Essentially, the vaccines aren't near as safe and effective as the Biden regime and CDC propaganda would suggest. 

Searching through the CDC document [PDF download link] entitled 'COVID-19 Vaccines: Update on Allergic Reactions, Contraindications, and Precautions', one of the ingredients found in the Moderna vaccine, on page 20, is "heptadecan-9-yl 8 (2-hydroxyethyl) (6-oxo-6-(undecyloxy) hexyl) amino) octanoate" also known as "SM-102". It is a substance known to cause cancer, damage fertility in women and unborn children, and also damage the central nervous system, kidneys, liver and respiratory system through repeated exposure, and it is also known to be extremely toxic to aquatic life. 


In the meantime, America and the world has witnessed an explosion of bizarre symptoms in unvaccinated folks who are merely coming in close contact with the vaccinated, a phenomenon that has been seen with alarm by many front line physicians, and the experimental "vaccine" injections are being aggressively pushed upon Americans, through Biden regime coercion, despite the complete lack of any credible evidence that shows these medical treatments, i.e. "vaccines", are safe and effective for widespread, long-term use in healthy, asymptomatic individuals. 

On July 16th, [JOS] Megan Redshaw reported:


"Data released today show that between December 14, 2020 and July 9, 2021, a total of 463,457 total adverse events were reported to VAERS, including 10,991 deaths -- an increase of 1,943 over the previous week. There were 48,385 serious injuries reported during the same period -- up 7,370 compared with the previous week."

One of the main concerns focus on the mechanisms used to passively spread the vaccine and its "immunization qualities" to others through all manner of contact and social interaction, with a primary concern centered on the vaccines' possible dual use, that allows them to deliberately cause harm by way of immune system failures triggered by the same mechanisms that help them prevent disease. Basically, these vaccines can also be used to cause an autoimmune failure that causes one's body to attack its own healthy cells and tissues, in the manner of a dastardly bioweapon, that is unstable and may prove uncontrollable and irreversible.

The COVID-19 "vaccine" is an experimental medical treatment and not a true vaccine, that was allowed to be distributed under an "Emergency Authorization". Currently, no coronavirus vaccine is fully approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration, a fact that even Google admits.

In April 2021, [JOS] Dr. Janci Chunn Lindsay suggested that the evidence strongly indicated the new COVID-19 vaccines were the factors behind the emergence of the new variants, some of which may become more lethal, that are infecting a younger age group and causing more deaths associated with COVID than the country would have seen without intervention, making the pandemic worse. 


[Blog Editor: Here is the Dr. Lindsay video referred by Justin in the above paragraph. UPDATE: Just as I was preparing to post this video, I discovered Youtube removed it. So I found a Bitchute version which has a different title than Youtube.


Youtube VIDEO: Dr. Janci Chunn Lindsay - CDC ACIP public comment - April 23, 2021 [PULLED BY YOUTUBE]


Posted by Gina Harrison

Apr 23, 2021




 May 2nd, 2021 09:59 UTC


And this Bitchute version of the video scrolls a transcript after the 3-plus minute mark of what Dr. Lindsay testified then in the description has  a link to a post providing more precise details of Dr. Lindsay’s scientific analysis entitled, “Halt Covid Vaccine, Prominent Scientist Tells CDC”:



Posted by Denied-Truth

May 3rd, 2021 17:04 UTC


Dr. J. C. Lindsay talks about the adverse reaction causing infertility due to impaired spermatogenesis in men and placental pathology in women with the risk of pregnancy loss.


This is genocide: death by injection.


Time and time again through the ages, mankind has heard one Malthusian madman after another suggest genocide, in one form or fashion for a litany of unsound, mentally unhinged reasons. Ted Turner wanted to see America's population reduced by 95 percent, and Jacques Cousteau, renown adventurer, suggested 350,000 people a day needed to be "eliminated" in order to "stabilize the world population." Henry Kissinger, former U.S. Secretary of State, wanted to see the world population reduced by fifty percent, while another Secretary of State, Hillary Clinton saw population control as one of the central policies of the U.S. government under the Obama administration.

Thousands of folks are dying from these poisonous brews, and so many more have had terrible adverse reactions, such as the loss of bodily functions and speech, strokes, paralysis, cardiac arrest, anaphylactic shock and numerous other detrimental side effects. An exponentially higher death rate has been seen in many countries using the Pfizer vaccine than the death rate seen from the actual COVID-19 virus during the same time frame, and as more folks accept the toxic lethal jab, the death counts will rise. In time, as new vaccine "updates" are claimed to be necessary or required, we will see the death count explode.

America is witnessing murder by vaccine committed against the masses across the globe, and there doesn't seem to be anyone from any of the major media news outlets willing to say anyone has suffered harm or death from the vaccines. Too many may simply be cowards and afraid of the measures taken against anyone raising objections, applied through bans, blacklisting and smearing one's public reputation. One may even find the complicit media targeting them, as though it's the propaganda enforcement arm of the medical mafia; just look at Sean Hannity now as he cheeps out night after night, "Get the vaccine, it's safe."

Once again, just as we experienced last July, the American people are still being spoon-fed a bunch of psycho-babble, pseudo-science bullshit, as the Establishment tries to justify a return of mask mandates, contact tracing, possibly more lockdowns and mandated COVID vaccines, even though the actual science points in the absolute opposite direction. And anyone who attempts to refute the Biden regime's COVID narrative by presenting the real science is shamed, ridiculed and bullied and ostracized professionally for having "such narrow-minded views."

It's almost as if Ol Joe Biden has taken a page from the Darkest Winter bioterrorism exercise that unfolded at Andrews Air Force Base in Camp Springs, Maryland in June of 2001, that simulated the use of smallpox as a biological weapon to be used against the American public. Just as in the exercise, the Biden regime is stopping the spread of the TRUTH under the pretense that it is "misinformation". His regime has weaponized the Department of Homeland Defense and the FBI against Conservative Americans, while Biden signed a thirty-two page National Security Agency strategy that also largely focuses on White Conservative males as national security threats. Biden's regime has set the stage for law enforcement and any so-inclined governor to move against Conservatives and basically suspend the Constitution, giving way to its potential move to mobilize the military, declare martial law, and replace the Courts with military tribunals under a newly purged military that has also been politicized and weaponized in the upper echelon of its commanders against Conservative America.

In a video interview from the 1990s, Kary Mullis, Nobel Prize winner and inventor of the Polymerase Chain Reaction tests used by the CDC to detect COVID-19, [JOS] stated:


"Guys like Fauci get up there and start talking, you know, he doesn't know anything really about anything, and I'd say that to his face. Nothing. The man thinks you can take a blood sample and stick it in an electron microscope and if it's got a virus in there, you'll know it. He doesn't understand electron microscopy and he doesn't understand medicine, and he should not be in a position like he's in. Most of those guys up there on the top are just total administrative people, and they don't know anything about what's going on in the body. You know, those guys have got an agenda, which is not what we would like them to have being that we pay for them to take care of our health in some way. They've got a personal kind of agenda. They make up their own rules as they go. They change them when they want to. And they smugly, like Tony Fauci does not mind going on television in front of the people who pay his salary and lie directly into the camera." 


[The video referred by Justin of the Kary Mullis interview on Fauci:



Posted by Free Speech Warrior

March 17th, 2021 00:17 UTC


Description is above quote]


Initially, Fauci and his ilk urgently called for just a "fifteen day shutdown" to allow the COVID curve to flatten some and herd immunity to get underway, but then it became a lockdown until further notice with mask mandates everywhere, "just until we get the vaccine". And now, it's wear a mask indoors, regardless of who is or isn't vaccinated, because we now know that the vaccines aren't really working and they too don't really stop anyone from contracting this disease. But the Biden regime and other Democratic Marxists say we must keep getting vaccinated and wearing masks, as though this and any and all future lockdowns will be necessary, until we stamp out COVID completely, all the way to zero COVID cases -- which will be never. And so too, we will never see their push for total control over all America [come to an] end. 


Already Patriotic Americans are sickened to hear the Democratic Party apparatchiks telling us "it's just the monuments; it's just the Anthem; it's just any books and movies we don't like; it's just the police; it's just your firearms; it's just Christianity". Soon it will be "It's just a microchip", while the radical ten percent or so of America's population continues its nightly threats of mob violence against the rest of America screaming "it's just your freedom and liberty."


Not one single individual, not the first executive of any branch of government, nor any governor, and not the President of the United States, and certainly not any mayor of any city or county, has any legal or legitimate authority to mandate that the entire healthy population don masks, under the pretense that these masks stop the spread of any disease, when the CDC's own information and numerous studies state the contrary, and they sure as hell don't have any authority to force anyone to accept the toxic and deadly vaccine. They only hold the authority to enhance and facilitate the implementation of existing legislation passed by a sitting legislative body, and there isn't one single law on the books that gives them the power they have taken for themselves under this COVID imbroglio, as they move against the entire population.


I was not born to be forced to do anything, and I imagine many more Americans take a similar stance. We will breathe and travel about America without masks and without vaccine certificates or passports, as we see fit by way of our own individual choices; so, let us engage the enemy from within and discover once and for all who is the strongest, the tyrants who would see us become serfs or those who yearn to breathe and live free.


Americans must not let these petty tyrants succeed in facilitating government rule-making for the sake of government rule-making, just to prove that they command and we are to obey. Resist and refuse to comply at every turn in the road, and fight this regime and any other government entity like your life and the lives of your loved ones depends on our eventual victory, so we may prevent the deep entrenchment of a government that demands our total obedience, with the ability to force obedience from many. Our Liberty, our lives and futures depend on what we all do from this day forward.


These attacks on Liberty are insufferable attacks upon our nation, our Freedom, especially when taken in conjunction with all the other abuses of our inalienable God-given Rights, the rule by fear and force without proper representation or legislation. So egregious have been the acts of our "leaders", the situation demands all Americans must take a hard stand against mandatory mask orders and COVID vaccines, as well as COVID Passports and any other act of tyranny associated with the overblown, hyped COVID-19 event, by refusing to comply. We must fight back with every fiber in our minds, heart and body, in the courts, the public arena, city councils, state legislatures, and even the streets if need be to save American Liberty now and forever more. 


By Justin O. Smith


Edited by John R. Houk

Embedded links except by the indication of “JOS” are by the Editor. Text embraced by brackets are by the Editor. Bold text indicates this Editor’s agreement with Justin.


© Justin O. Smith