Sunday, January 31, 2021

A Dark Day When America Transforms into Marx's Vision

 CCP Joe and Commie Kamala are enabling the heritage of Karl Marx as America’s heritage evaporates daily as more and more Sheeple accept the status quo. Communism makes the lawless lawful while forcing the Big Bro and the propaganda machine opium on the masses so tyranny is unrecognizable.


JRH 1/31/21

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& debit cards are accepted by my PayPal account: 

Please Support SlantRight 2.0

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A Dark Day When America Transforms into Marx's Vision

The retread Socialist Democrats of America today claim that they "own the future." The question remains, how dark is this future going to be and how long are the other Americans going to accept this evil darkness?



Cultural Marxism Destroying America


By Dr. Ileana Johnson Paugh

January 31, 2021

Canada Free Press


Karl Heinrich Marx, a notoriously lazy German who existed with his family as a welfare case of his rich friends, might be surprised that his academic thoughts and ideas shook the 20th century to its core and enslaved millions of people across the world, creating monstrous regimes that killed 100 million of their own citizens for their dissension and unwillingness to accept a proletarian society that dispossessed humans of their own property, land, and freedoms, and turned them into serfs to the omnipotent socialist state imposed and run by the Communist Party.


Marx might be even more surprised that such a failed societal and economic model would be resurrected in the 21st century in the least likely society to accept Marx’s ideas, the United States, the beacon of freedom for the rest of the world. 


Youth of today who protest capitalism in the streets and want it replaced with socialism


Marx’s 1848 pamphlet, The Communist Manifesto, has been resuscitated today by brainwashed American generations who want socialism but have no understanding of what it entails. They hear the word “free” everything and that is enough for them to support such an oppressive form of society and disastrous economic model.


Marx’s pamphlet was written as a critique against capitalism even though he and his family shamelessly lived off his benefactors’ capitalist income. His outrage against the exploitation of capitalism as he saw it, is reminiscent of the youth of today who protest capitalism in the streets and want it replaced with socialism, while holding electronic products and living a lifestyle produced by an abundant capitalist economy.


Marx divided society into the ruling class and the working class, describing the proletariat as an exploited and oppressed segment of society by the ruling class. The working class is forced to sell their labor to exist and survive. It would be hard for the proletariat to find rich supporters like Marx had. He did not work a productive day in his life but lived off the generosity of his friends, instead of honestly providing for his wife and numerous children.


Marx talked about “eternal truths such as Freedom and Justice,” hence the cries of today’s youth for Social Justice, concepts they barely understand or can explain.


Marx wrote that communism would abolish these eternal truths found in all states of society, “it abolishes all religion, and all morality, instead of constituting them on a new basis; it therefore acts in contradiction to all past historical experience.” (p. 92, The Communist Manifesto)


The evil “bourgeoisie” that owned the capital will be dispossessed by its “political supremacy” in order that all instruments of production will be centralized in the hands of the state and the proletariat will be organized as the ruling class. At that time, the total productive forces will be increased as quickly as possible.  (p. 93, The Communist Manifesto)


Ten tenets of Marx’s Communist Manifesto?


As the old social order is being destroyed and class distinctions disappeared, old conditions of production replaced with new ones, and utopian “association” will emerge with “free development” of all.


What were the ten tenets of Marx’s Communist Manifesto?


1. “Abolition of property in land and application of all rents of land to public purposes.”


When the Bolsheviks marched in with the Soviet Army into Romania, the society at large strongly opposed their idea of giving up land and private property to the state for the “public good.” Romania had a thriving economy under the monarchy and people were making an honest living on their own farms, small factories, small businesses. Using coercion, torture, and murder, the Bolsheviks wrested farms, houses, factories, hotels, private buildings, and stores from their rightful owners and turned everything over to the state which was now run by the Communist Party made up of a small group of revolutionaries. As they gained more power, they used this newly acquired state property as their fiefdom and awarded and rewarded their apparatchiks with other people’s homes and wealth. In typical fashion, socialists steal by decrees until they run out of other people’s wealth, money, and property.


2. “A heavy progressive and graduated income tax.”


The masses are taxed until there is nothing left to tax and people have a bare minimum to exist on.


3. “Abolition of all right of inheritance.”


Nothing is yours; it belongs to the state. My grandparents lost everything to the first round of Communist Party confiscation: land, the farm, farm implements, gold coins, family jewelry, savings, and any cash on hand or personal possessions in the home, including a mantle clock. When they died, the home they had lived in became the property of the state, the six children could not dispose of it as they wished. 


4. “Confiscation of the property of all emigrants and rebels.” 


When I emigrated legally to the U.S., everything I owned was confiscated and I was only allowed to leave with two suitcases of clothes and memorabilia.


When my father (a staunch anti-communist) died, all his savings and possessions, including my books, were confiscated by the state. When my mom defected to the U.S., all her savings and possessions were confiscated by the socialist state as well. To add insult to injury, my parents, who worked since they were 18 years old, 43 years for my dad and 30 years for my mom, never received their pensions, it was also confiscated by the state. To this day, the state has made no effort to redress the situation to my mom. And it was not for lack of trying. I have even asked the prime minister in person.


5. “Centralization of credit in the hands of the state, by means of a national bank with state capital and an exclusive monopoly.”


People living in socialist societies had to save their money to purchase anything of value. Credit was seldom given by the only bank and the interest rates were confiscatory, as much as 50% in some cases to discourage borrowing. People would borrow from family members and return the money over time with an agreed upon but much lower interest rate.


6. “Centralization of the means of communication and transport in the hands of the state.”


State’s priorities involved the improvement of the lives of those in control, the communist oligarchs, who had amassed vast wealth confiscated from the population. Communication was state owned and controlled and so was transportation. We could travel by rickety busses or trains; few people owned cars as they were prohibitively expensive and the driving test quite difficult to pass. 


Few owned telephones, it took 14 years to install a phone line from the time a petition was filed, and phones were tapped all the time. Letters were always opened and read by the state. There were few newspapers and a couple of magazines, all content controlled by the state. Rural residents used the party newspaper for toilet paper as it was always difficult to find, even though the country had vast forests. Nothing was published without the approval of the Communist Party and its censors. In America today we have censorship by a handful of tech giants, something nobody had envisioned in the country where freedom of speech is guaranteed in the Constitution. But then we had a Constitution under the socialist regime too, but the overlords thumbed their noses at it and kept changing it to suit their rhetoric.


7. “Extension of factories and instruments of production owned by the state; the bringing into cultivation of wastelands, and the improvement of the soil generally in accordance with a common plan.” 


The infamous Five-Year Plans issued by the Communist Party was seldom fulfilled because it was irrational and unreasonable, not based on sound economics. The Party concentrated on developing the country through heavy industrial investments and projects at the expense of the proletariat’s living standards who were pathetic when compared to other countries.


8. “Equal liability of all to labor. Establishment of industrial armies, especially for agriculture.”


Every able-bodied adult had a job with minimum pay established by the state, nobody was idle and on welfare unless they were sick or giving birth. People of all ages, including school children, were forced to do volunteer labor in agriculture, planting or harvesting crops, cleaning streets, and planting grass and flowers.


9. “Combination of agriculture with manufacturing industries; gradual abolition of the distinction between town and country, by a more equable distribution of the population over the country.”


Farmers, whose land had been confiscated, had to commute to nearby cities to find employment in factories, and their wives and children tended to a small garden by their homes to eat. Some young but mostly old men and women were left behind to farm the state’s co-operatives.


Farmers were crowded in homes next to each other in their tightly packed villages or were forcefully moved into concrete bloc apartments in the city so that state-owned co-operative farms could be established with their joined lands.


10. “Free education for all children in public schools. Abolition of children’s factory labor in its present form. Combination of education with industrial production, etc., etc.”


When I emigrated to the U.S., I had to reimburse the omnipotent state for the education I had received up to that point even though we were supposed to receive a free education, including college. But nothing was free unless it benefited the mighty state.


As children we had to labor in the state’s fields to dig up potatoes, onions, pick grapes, pears, apples, and plums. It was volunteer work, and we were taken out of school two weeks in the fall and a few weeks in the spring.


The retread Socialist Democrats of America today claim that they “own the future.” The question remains, how dark is this future going to be and how long are the other Americans going to accept this evil darkness?


Dr. Ileana Johnson PaughIleana Writes is a freelance writer, author, radio commentator, and speaker. Her books, “Echoes of Communism”, “Liberty on Life Support” and “U.N. Agenda 21: Environmental Piracy,” “Communism 2.0: 25 Years Later” are available at Amazon in paperback and Kindle.


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Friday, January 29, 2021

America's New Realm of Tyranny


When Republicans controlled both Houses of Congress and the White House, Conservatives often reminded Dems and their comrades, “Elections have consequences.” Dem-Marxists evidently heeded that maxim. The Communists altered the maxim that can now be read, “Criminally fixing elections only has consequences for the losers not bright enough to resist lawlessness.” Justin Smith presents his case below.


JRH 1/29/21

I need your generosity in 2021 via - credit cards, check cards 

& debit cards are accepted by my PayPal account: 

Please Support SlantRight 2.0

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America's New Realm of Tyranny

Conservative Americans Are Obliged to Abandon Biden - Dictator Joe's Never-Ending Seizure of Power 


By Justin O. Smith

Sent  1/27/2021 8:44 PM


Elections do have consequences. And allowing the Democratic Party Communists to steal and election and get away clean, without any severe punishment has consequences, just as all America is fixin' to find out.


Dictator Joe Biden and his Communist Overlords, aided by Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and her Squad and Susan Rice and others, are moving America down the dark corridors of fascism into a new realm of tyranny, never before seen in our country. There are not any segments of society or government where these Communists of the Democratic Party are working for the betterment of Americans or advancing the cause of true Liberty; and, in fact, they are doing the exact opposite, taking America into a terrible point in history at an accelerated rate, under an empowered and unhinged Far Left that must be stopped and destroyed.


Everything Democrats support and advocate are based in fallacies and purposeful outright lies, and everything they currently are attempting to implement is the antithesis of every good and decent thing that made America the beacon of liberty for the world.


A short four months ago, this same dictator wannabe told ABC that only a dictator relies on executive orders, telling host George Stephanopoulos:


"I have this strange notion. We are a democracy. Some of my Republican friends and some of my Democratic friends even occasionally say, 'Well, if you can't get the votes (use an) executive order ... (for) Things you can't do by executive order unless you're a dictator. We're a democracy. We need consensus."


Having full control of the reins of power, Dictator Joe has signed over thirty Executive Orders in his first week, and one of with several aimed at his new directive to make climate change the new security focus of America, along with white supremacists, domestic terrorists and insurrectionists. He also unilaterally reinstated the Paris Accord and ended the Keystone Pipeline, in a way that has already cost thousands of jobs for U.S. citizens and ensures the United States’ sovereignty and economy are weakened and China is strengthened in the process. At a time of great economic strain, these will only bring further destruction of our economy and hurt all Americans; but this is what Joe and his Commie cohorts need, if they are to drive Americans into the waiting arms of a Communist regime. 


And naturally, what would a Communist inspired Democratic Party administration be without an EO on "Racial Equity", such as the one Biden just signed, since America is a country rife with prejudice and racist views on Her people of color, according to Biden.


Not one single person, regardless of what any government does, can be made equal to others by taking from the majority to give to the minority. Look across the span of the races and one will find Blacks, Whites, Asians, Hispanics and Indians who are dumb as a rock, simply because they do not have the capacity to learn, due to low I.Qs, and likewise, one will find brilliance that spans the races, such as exhibited by the likes of Shelby Steele [Amazingly fair bio at Left-oriented Wikipedia & Hoover Institution profile] and Paul Harvey, and genders too; just look at Oriana Fallaci.


Equity and equality are not the same thing. In the minds and plans of Biden, the Squad and the Communist Overlords, equity isn't equal access for all people and all races to opportunity and protection before the law. They intend to redistribute the benefits of social programs and economic goods in accordance with subjective assessments -- read "their feelings" -- regarding immutable privileges and disadvantages associated with entire demographics. 


This push for "equity" is just one more malignant evil machination designed to redistribute the wealth of the nation, ala Marx-style, with the same miserable failed results as witnessed throughout history, that leave those it purports to help still standing in their ignorance and squalor while the nation has been further fleeced and conned and further impoverished.


White Americans are being presumed and alleged to be racist on the whole, when nothing could be further from the truth, as seen in today's society, after so many White people, especially 1950s Republicans, have fought long and hard for the rights of Black people and all people to be secured by law. However, the radicalized Communist segments of America's Black population and the Democratic Party are wielding this accusation in order to wield greater power against White Conservatives and Republicans, in order to further consolidate their power and stigmatize all Whites who stand outside the Democratic Party banner.


Dictator Joe's deceptively cries out for all Americans to join his administration in "unity", but it's only an imposed unity, whereby those who agree with him are already on board and those opposed to him are demanded to climb aboard. It's a unity that attempts to force his immoral views on all America, through an authoritarian regime moving to micromanage every aspect of our lives, as Biden tells America in disingenuous fashion:


"We can right wrongs. We can put people to work in good jobs. (even as he destroys thousands of jobs) We can teach our children in safe schools ... we can reward work, rebuild the middle class ... We can deliver racial justice . We can make America, once again, the leading force for good in the world."


Just who in the hell would ever look to this immoral horse's ass to define right and wrong, or decide how to create any job or "rebuild the middle class", when he has been a part of the problem for his entire adult life, advocating flawed and failed policies at every turn in the road?


All America should also be made aware of the fact that the Domestic Terrorism Prevention Act of 2021 was introduced by a large group of Democrat legislators on January 19th, which is basically the same bill introduced in 2017, aimed at "domestic terrorists" and "White Supremacists" and advocated by Representative Jerry Nadler and Senator Dick Durbin, as they scream their heads off about the "terrifying attack on the Capitol", the false flag necessary to ensure this bill's passage. Along with the presstitutes of the Leftist Mainstream Media, these poltroons and quislings to America fail to make any mention of the Black Lives Matter professional provocateurs and agitators in the forefront of many photos taken on January 6th at the Capitol, and many in the public are already wise to their game. 


Even Tulsi Gabbard, a Democratic Party leader, former Representative and Presidential Candidate, has voiced concerns over this Administration’s moves in this area, since Biden is fully supporting this legislation, as she suggests this is a move to undermine civil liberties for a targeted population. Tulsi recently noted in extremely pointed remarks:


 "When you have people like former CIA Director John Brennan openly talking about how he's spoken with or heard from appointees and nominees in the Biden administration who are already starting to look across our country for these types of movements ... he says make up this unholy alliance of religious extremists, racists, bigots, he lists a few others and at the end, even libertarians ... [as she posed the following questions too] ... what are we talking about? Religious extremists, are we talking about Christians, evangelical Christians? What is a religious extremist? Is it somebody who is pro-life? Where do you take this?"


Ms. Gabbard further observed: 


(This legislation could create) "a very dangerous undermining of our civil liberties, our freedoms in our Constitution and a targeting of almost half of the country. ... You start looking at obviously, have to be a white person, obviously likely male, libertarians, anyone who loves freedom, liberty, maybe has an American flag outside their house, or people who, you know, attend a Trump rally."


Some of the usual anti-American resident tormentors of and enemies of Liberty are also supporting this ignoble bill, namely: The Arab American Institute, Center for the Study of Hate and Extremism, Muslim Advocates, The Leadership Conference on Civil and Human Rights (what a joke), NAACP Legal Defense and Educational Fund, the Southern Poverty Law Center, Unidos and others. 


But how quickly the Democrats dismiss all the violence they have perpetrated and condoned, from 2014 to the present, whether in Ferguson, Baltimore or DC itself, during the 2017 Inauguration, They refuse to acknowledge that BLM rioters burned a Church near the White House last year and threatened to enter the White House, and they have a convenient amnesia concerning the fact, that for over a hundred days and throughout this past summer -- "the Summer of Love" -- American cities were destroyed by their fascist Brown Shirts of BLM and Antifa, with hundreds of policemen injured and over $2 billion in damages inflicted, that left thousands of businesses destroyed and many Americans in the grave.


In 'River of Forgetfulness', Victor [Davis] Hanson writes:


"We are to forget all that because destroying the downtowns of major cities (mere 'brick and mortar') was then accepted tit-for-tat social justice. It was certainly not sedition, insurrection, and treason to torch a federal courthouse or incinerate police precincts with all their occupants inside. Slinging around an illegal 'assault weapon,' if you were Seattle rapper Raz Simone, was almost cool and neat, even if four people were shot, and two killed in his 'autonomous zone'."


Part and parcel of this Leftist takeover of America, members of the U.S. military are currently being forced to take a new loyalty oath, swearing that they do not belong to any "extremist groups", after Representative Steve Cohen, Commie rat bastard that he is, suggested some White Supremacists might be in the ranks of the National Guard at the 2021 Inauguration. The definition of "extremist" will soon expand to cover anyone who is not explicitly "woke" and aligned and fully supporting the Marxist/ Maoist Cancel Culture. Any resistance to this move to the Far Left will be regarded as sedition, insurrection and treason. 


And now, even though the initial propaganda show (the false flag) is over, America sees some 25,000 plus U.S. soldiers still holding the streets around the Capitol as a supposed new "threat assessment" from the Department of Homeland Security suggests a possible threat from "right-wing extremists" exists through April. Perhaps this is good public relations imagery to ensure that the First Amendment is criminalized and their domestic terrorism bill passes, after the January 6th U.S. Capitol "Reichstag Riot" left D.C. under de fact martial law and military occupation. And, as this leads to more draconian crackdowns against Conservative America and those who love and defend Freedom and Liberty, this societal death spiral will continue accelerating at lightspeed.


The Biden-Harris administration and its Communist Overlords have no autocorrect, no safety mechanisms in place, as we see them reopen the insane paths of a Leftist agenda that welcomes transsexuals into the military and biological boys back into girls’ sports and girls’ locker rooms. It's the same sort of insanity exhibited in past years from the Paris Commune to the Bolshevik Revolution and throughout the horrors of 20th Century Communism, that has proven time and again, the Communists and/ or Biden's Democratic Party and the Squad, left unchecked, will drive at full speed straight off the cliff of civilized norms of behavior into totalitarian systems of Gulags, forced starvations and killing fields.


It's an unbelievable thing for any American to watch one's country go down in flames, due to a diabolical Democratic Party betrayal and a Color Revolution implemented with foreign globalists' help and Soros financing, in a mammoth historic tragedy. Even with the knowledge that it's happened in other countries around the world, no one ever imagined that it could happen in America, and, in fact, most Americans who actually voted for Biden do not have any idea that it has happened here.


The people behind the seizure of power in America, the Establishment Deep State agents and their Communist Overlords are engaged in a never-ending seizure of ever more power and the infliction of even greater punishment, as they engage in a war against all people, who oppose them, especially Conservative and Christian Americans, without imaginable end. This is not quite the outcome expected by Wall Street and many bureaucrats, or any senior professor still holding some modicum of common sense, but it is demanded by the identity politics and the crazed Leftists who wield the intersectional passions that put Biden and the Commie Squad and the Communist oligarchy in power. 


Reveling in their new, raw power, with their tyrannical intentions revealed and exposed, they have moved to relegate Conservative America onto the servile sidelines of society, as second-class citizens, as the members of The-Powers-That-Be draw a clear, sharp line between themselves and Americans who stand for the Founding, American traditions and principles and Freedom and Liberty. They've made it especially clear that there really isn't going to be any place for Conservative America in the institutions of government, and as such, Conservative America is freed of any moral obligations toward them. By treating us as the enemy, they have proven what we already knew; they have always been the Enemy From Within, and we -- the Conservative, Christian Americans -- are obliged to abandon them and seek our own way, in the defense of Freedom and Liberty, in every manner available to us, whenever and wherever we are threatened and put upon and suppressed in any immoral manner.


By Justin O. Smith


Edited by John R. Houk

Embedded links and text embedded by brackets are by the Editor. Bold text indicates Editor agreement with Justin.


© Justin O. Smith

Wednesday, January 27, 2021

The Republican Party is an Utter Failure

 Even in Oklahoma


John R. Houk

© January 27, 2021


Just to be clear – I AM EXTREMELY UPSET with the Republican Party. If the so-called Grand Old Party (GOP) actually supported the Constitution, the tenets of America’s Founding and President Donald Trump; then Trump would still be President.


It was bad enough the Courts REFUSED to even look at the volumes of evidence of election fraud with arbitrary rulings of a lack Standing, but Republican leadership on both the State and Federal level WOULD NOT force the issue legislatively to expose the election crimes.


I began with my anger with the Republican Party because I am on Oklahoma’s Sooner Tea Party email list.


I am inclined to dump the Republican Party for another political party; however, the Sooner Tea Party though angry at members of the Republican Party failing Trump, rightfully calling for the resignation of Oklahoma Senators Inhofe and Lankford for their betrayal of President Trump; the Sooner Tea Party wants to work in local GOP precinct meetings across Oklahoma to influence change.


Although local grassroots meetings are a necessity to begin reclaiming America, it is my sense the National version of the Republican Party is far too corrupted by Establishment thinking for local Republican precinct meetings to affect ANYTHING on a national level. That means Inhofe and Lankford will not be resigning from local pressure.


Below is the Sooner Tea Party displeasure with treasonous Republicans.


JRH 1/27/21

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& debit cards are accepted by my PayPal account: 

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President Betrayed – There is No Doubt

Sooner Tea Party Logo – President Trump


Sooner Tea Party Newsletter

Sent Jan 24 at 11:04 PM


Our President has been betrayed and the election stolen.  Of that there is no doubt.  


The only question is what you are going to do about it.  Trump was what I once thought impossible, the silver bullet.  The one thing that could turn around our country and give us a chance to push back the forces of evil.  


I never believed in silver bullets because they gave people an excuse to avoid the fight, that is just human nature to protect oneself and avoid conflict if possible, to put their faith and hope in a miracle.  That leaves a people weak, for it is by fighting that humans become both strong and noble.


But now Trump has been cheated out of the election and it is clear that before we fight back, we must first clear out the traitors and weak  that refuse to fight back.  We do that  by taking control of the GOP, banding with other GOP leaders that are willing to fight and to lead their counties and elect new leadership of the Oklahoma GOP.  We do that by becoming a delegate to the State GOP  Convention so we can support better leadership and to drive out the traitors in the Party.


One of the crucial reasons we need every single conservative Republican to attend their precinct meeting and qualify as a county and state GOP convention delegate is to deal with our disgusting traitor senators that threw us and President Trump under the bus.


Below is the resolution.   Print a few copies, date it and sign it, and turn it in with your precinct meeting paper work by describing the resolution on the actual paperwork and stating that the resolution is attached to the precinct meeting forms.  Give your extra copies to others, the more that get filed the greater the chance of the County GOP convention putting the resolution on the agenda.


Once you have attended the precinct meeting and your County GOP Convention, you get to vote for this man who is running for the GOP State Chairman slot. Cleaning up Oklahoma is needed and once done we can focus on helping other states that need the GOP cleaned up or their election laws fixed.


Now a trick learned from the 2012 Ron Paul effort, take pictures of all of your paperwork and resolutions that you turn in so you can prove you attended the precinct meetings and applied as a delegate.  And pictures of the resolution you turned in.


You will elect yourself as precinct chair or vice chair if no one else shows up or elect whoever wins the informal election.  You can choose an open or closed delegation.  This is your choice once elected as the Precinct chair or vice chair, not the person running the precinct meetings, not the County GOP officials.  In all matters at the precinct level the precinct is the final say once voting upon an issue.


You can choose which committee you wish to volunteer on, Rules Committee which sets the rules for the convention, Credentials which decide any appeals for anyone rejected as a delegate (very rare), or the Platform which helps modify the Party Platform.


If you have more attendees than delegate votes (which will be written on your precinct paperwork given to you) you might choose to have a closed delegation so that the County GOP officials cannot dilute your vote by adding late comers to the delegates from your precinct.  One delegate can carry up to two convention votes or if more delegates than votes, the votes are equally divided up among the precinct delegates.


If that fails, have several copies with you at the County GOP convention and get as many signatures as possible and we can file the resolution at the convention from the floor.


And lastly, if you have any problem being seated as a delegate call me after business hours at 405-942-2644 and give me the name of whoever is standing in your way.  If you are a registered Republican and can prove that with a voter ID card or printing out proof from the Election Board you have the right to attend your precinct meeting and become a delegate.  It is possible in a precinct with a large turnout to specify and elect delegates, in that case lobby hard to be one of the delegates.  That is rare though, inclusion usually is expected by dividing the votes among attendees.


Generally, any shenanigans happen at the County Convention in the Credentials Committee.  Save that phone number and call while you are in the room if they reject you so we can document the fraud and get the names of those responsible.  We will have no problem making them pariahs in the GOP if they are acting irresponsibly.  No better friend, no worse enemy is our adopted motto.


Lankford and Inhofe Resolution



Whereas Senator Jim Inhofe and Senator James Lankford have betrayed the Oklahoma Republican Party and their Republican, Independent, and conservative Democrat constituents.


Whereas neither Inhofe nor Lankford represented the desires or interests of their constituents on January 6th 2021 by refusing to support the effort to delay the counting of the Electoral Ballots until a ten-day investigation had occurred.


Whereas their subsequent vote to confirm Joe Biden as the president elect was a complete betrayal of  Oklahoma, the Republican Party,  and President Trump.


Be it resolved that both men shall be stripped from the Executive Committee of the Republican Party of Oklahoma, along with any representatives they might send or have sent in the past.


Be it  also resolved that both Inhofe and Lankford are hereby stripped of Republican Party membership and any right to speak at any Oklahoma Republican Party event or meeting.


Be it also resolved that both Inhofe and Lankford are stripped of any right to run as a Republican candidate or use the Republican brand or name from the day this resolution passes.


Be it finally resolved that a copy of this resolution once passed shall be sent to all Oklahoma GOP County Chairmen, to the National Republican Party, to all State Republican Parties, and to all media outlets in the state of Oklahoma.


Please print off several copies of this resolution  to take to the Precinct meetings for attendees to sign and for them to file their own copy with signatures.



Osage County Republican Party message screen grab


Osage County GOP Convention Censures Lankford and Inhofe


Osage County held their precinct meetings/county convention on Saturday and led the state in censuring Oklahoma's two traitorous Senators for their attack on President Trump and their refusal to represent the will of the voters of Oklahoma.


Osage County censure picture


 What a great job by some great Americans.


We need to follow this up with dozens of counties passing even stricter resolutions condemning Lankford and Inhofe for cowardice and treachery and removing them from the Republican Party.  


Let them run as Democrats.


The Arizona GOP censured three leading Arizona Republicans, Cindy McCain the widow of  John McCain, Governor Doug Ducey, and Senator Jeff Flake.



READ THE REST for Oklahoma GOP County Precinct Meetings


The Republican Party is an Utter Failure

Even in Oklahoma


John R. Houk

© January 27, 2021


President Betrayed – There is No Doubt [Title by Blog Editor]


Sooner Tea Party Homepage

Monday, January 25, 2021

Intro to MeWe CEO Response to ‘False’ Accusations

 Intro by John R. Houk, Blog Editor

Posted January 25, 2021


On a couple of non-Big Tech Social Media platforms, I have run into very adamant posters that the MeWe Social Media is owned by or supportive of the Dem-Marxist Agenda. I commented to one such post and the fellow went off after my comment that I share on numerous Conservative and Patriot Groups on MeWe with a zero-censorship experience.



Mark Weinstein – MeWe CEO


The anti-MeWe accusations have become so pervasive that MeWe CEO Mark Weinstein addressed the accusations with a near complete denial of the rumors. I say “near” because he admits to donating to Dems, BUT he ALSO donated to Republicans equally. Weinstein explains he was attempting to head off Left-Wing anger. Well…Good luck with that, Leftists have developed into venomous intolerant perpetrators of hate.


Below is Weinstein’s denial of rumors that culminates with a Youtube video on a Newsmax interview on where MeWe is on Big Tech Censorship. U Agree some & disagree some with MeWe CEO Mark Weinstein. The interview shows MeWe moderates against incitement of violence and insinuates Parler did not implying his belief for the reason Parler was deplatformed. I don’t know that I buy that since Amazon Twitter, Facebook, etc. has no problem with Leftist incitement of violence against Conservatives. The part that is important - regardless of vilification rumors - MeWe is NOT censoring Conservatives.


JRH 1/25/21

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Setting the Record Straight: "FAKE NEWS" about MeWe 


By Mark Weinstein – MeWe Administrator

Posted January 25, 2021 (edited)



MeWe Members and Friends,

As we all know, the web is full of entertaining rumors and falsehoods (both harmless and harmful). You may have heard that MeWe is owned by Facebook (or Mark Z's wife πŸ˜‚) , the Democratic Party, by China; or that MeWe is censoring content for political reasons. HUH? πŸ§


Facebook is often the source of these kinds of rumors. They are a known dirty player using smear tactics whenever they can to thwart upstarts daring to challenge them. πŸ€₯πŸ‘Ž




Here's the TRUTH:


1) No affiliation with FB, the Democratic Party, China, or ANY political party or government ever. πŸš«. MeWe is 100% funded by high-net-worth investors, period. Investors include good Americans of all views, shapes and sizes.


2) MeWe is for all good people of all backgrounds, countries, political views, religious affiliations, lifestyles, etc. MeWe supports the fundamental principles of Democracy worldwide, plain and simple. This is the American way! πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡Έ


3) I am a registered Libertarian and neither my politics nor any MeWe team member's will ever influence how MeWe is run. (Full disclosure: I contributed to both candidates to ensure that MeWe retains goodwill with all sides πŸ™‚


MeWe Solves all the Problems of Social Media πŸ₯


MeWe is built to solve the problems perpetrated by the Big Tech giants. All the features people love and no ads, no targeting, no political bias, no data mining, no newsfeed manipulation, and no BS.


Regardless of your politics, background, religion, or lifestyle, MeWe protects Free Speech for all law-abiding and TOS-abiding members. The freedom to disagree and debate different ideas is what democracy is all about! πŸ€


MeWe is all about great social networking with NO BS. There are hundreds of thousands of open groups on MeWe. Popular group categories include sports, technology, entertainment, video games, travel, health, travel, foodies, animal lovers, politics left and right, and more. 


Here's my recent Newsmax interview calling out Facebook and Twitter's privacy violations and unfair censorship of good people and groups:


[Youtube VIDEO: MeWe CEO Mark Weinstein on National Report, Newsmax 1/21/21


Posted by MeWe

132 subscribers - Jan 21, 2021]


Here's my NY POST op-ed on this topic:


MeWe gives you the industry's first Privacy Bill of Rights guaranteeing that you have total control of your data, newsfeeds, and privacy. πŸ“œ


MeWe is the social network that serves YOU, our members. Not advertisers, politicians, or governments. πŸŽ―


No Ads, No Targeting, No Newsfeed Manipulation, No BS. πŸ€πŸ”❤


#LetsMeWe πŸ‘


Sunday, January 24, 2021

Don't Let The Sun Set On Freedom


[Intro updated 1/25/21]

Watch and read even the unfiltered MSM headlines. A Ministry of Truth is in preparation to educate you how to think, talk and believe. Will you join the Sheeple in submission or resist when they POUND on your door? Justin Smith lays out the scenario below.


JRH 1/24/21

I need your generosity in 2021 via - credit cards, check cards 

& debit cards are accepted by my PayPal account: 

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Don't Let The Sun Set On Freedom

With A Cleansing Of The MAGA Movement and The Silencing of America 


By Justin O. Smith

Sent 1/22/2021 7:33 PM


"You and I Have a rendezvous with destiny. We'll preserve for our children this, the last best hope of man on earth, or we'll sentence them to take the last step into a thousand years of darkness." If we fail, at least let our children and our children's children say of us we justified our brief moment here. We did all that could be done."  ~ President Ronald Reagan


Americans cannot yet say that they have done "all that could be done". In a moral, sane and logical country there isn't any way the Democratic Party lunatics and a multitude of Communists should now have control of the United States’ reigns of power. However, today we see these red, radical Democrats moving to implement a system through an emerging cooperation between corporations and this rising socialist government, that controls and cancels Conservatives, Christians, "deplorables" and "Trump supporters" en masse, while also seeking to implement a sort of "social credit" system, that intends to make America more closely resemble totalitarian Communist China; and before we fail our children any further, now more than ever, those who love this country must resist and fight harder than ever, to prevent the sun from setting on Freedom and Liberty.


A soft sort of fascism has always been present within our government and institutions, since the days of President Woodrow Wilson, but now, emboldened by the lack of any counters against the Communist backed Antifa and Black Lives Matter, Joe Biden and the socialists and Communists of the Democratic Party are merging government and corporations in a massive cooperative effort that is also implementing a hardcore style of fascism aimed at destroying any and all who fail to fall completely in line with their dystopian view of America and the "solutions" they believe to be necessary, flawed as they are.


All most Americans have ever really wanted was for the government to leave us alone and let us live our lives. The Americans that are worth a damn, I should say.


The Communists of America are rejoicing, even as a few thousand Antifa continue to riot, burn, loot and destroy in Portland, Seattle, Denver and elsewhere across the country, and every single government agency and bureaucratic institution is currently being further weaponized and politicized by Joe "Not My President" Biden, the Imposter, to exert an extreme control in public education, the media and our workplaces in a manner that will go after Conservative America without one hint of mercy.


John Brennan, CIA killer and liar, tweets about the necessity for re-education camps for Conservatives and Trump followers. At the same time, America hears major media outlets crying out for "a cleansing of the (Make America Great Again) movement.


If anything good came from President Trump's term, he actually served as a useful conduit that laid bare just how corrupt the DC Establishment really is. He revealed the U.S. government's manipulation by corporations that left the ordinary American without any real representation, along with exposing an utterly corrupt judiciary, where even the President of the United States cannot get a fair hearing. And then of course, if nothing else, his term exposed the fact that the two-party paradigm is one huge, monstrous lie.


The curtain was completely slashed away from the illusion of Freedom recently with the unconscionable, dastardly squashing and removing of the free speech social media site Parler in recent days, through a coordinated effort from the Big Tech oligarchy of Apple, Amazon, Twitter, Google and Facebook, because Parler was giving them a hard run for their money. Although this was a clear example of anti-trust collusion, these amoral tyrants understood they had the nod to do whatever they wanted, since all had suppressed Hunter Biden's criminal activities regarding China, and Zuckerberg had handed Democrats $400 million in swing states to ensure a Biden victory. 


Millions of Conservative and Christian Americans have been banned from the various Big Tech social media sites, during this election season. America even witnessed a sitting U.S. President -- President Donald J. Trump -- forced to bear a historical first and the censorship of the President. Freedom of speech no longer exists on these fascist websites, and the Democratic Party leadership, arrogant as always and full of themselves in their arrogance, are now also calling for an end to free speech in America, at least an end for "Conservative Free Speech".


Representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez wants to create a "media literacy initiative" whereby the Democratic controlled Congress, under Speaker Nancy Pelosi, determines what Americans are allowed to say -- think EU-style "hate speech" laws on the horizon -- hear, watch and think. It is Orwellian by nature to hear her propose what amounts to a "Ministry of Truth" that would target anyone who spreads "misinformation", with the Democratic Party Communists getting to say what is or isn't true, even if that means calling a bare-faced lie that supports their communist agenda "the Truth", as they silence everybody else.


Who is going to head this committee to find and identify "the Truth"? Adam Schiff? Eric Swalwell? Both of these Democrats have been exposed as the worse sort of liars and traitors to America, during their Congressional terms. Schiff -- one of the most dishonest, militaristic and authoritarian members of Congress -- has also had a bill proposal in play for over a year to expand the Patriot Act mechanisms for use against "domestic terrorists" in America.


To exhibit where this is headed, the Democratic Party sponsored violence of Antifa and Black Lives Matter that has raged and destroyed American cities everywhere, from months back to this day, is called their "Free Speech Right" and "Peaceful Protest", by Democrats, while the mostly peaceful one day January 6th rally for President Trump to fight against a stolen election was called an "Insurrection", because many Antifa provocateurs and actual insurrectionists initially wreaked havoc inside the Capitol, and a few Trump supporters unfortunately followed, giving the Democrats cannon fodder to use against Republicans.


Shortly after January 6th, speaking on MSNBC, Jeremy Bash, Chief of Staff for the CIA under Obama, demanded that "we reset our entire intelligence approach" including "looking at greater surveillance of them (Conservatives, "deplorables", MAGA), as he added, "the FBI is going to have to run confidential sources."


Even worse, we are also seeing a hard push to turn the Patriot Act into a one-shoe-fits-all solution to "domestic terrorism" as the designation of a "domestic terrorist" is redefined under Commie Joe to mean only the Conservatives, Christians, independents and other "Deplorables" who oppose him and his total restructuring of the government's structure away from the Founding Principles and under a command control from a massive centralized government. Just days ago, Biden assured his followers that he intended to advocate for harsh laws against "domestic terrorism" [Blog Editor: In case you missed it, domestic terrorists are now defined as Trump supporters, Conservative-Patriots and Bible-Believing Christians]. This follows numerous accusations of sedition, treason and terrorism against sitting members of Congress and hundreds of U.S. citizens, driven by a radical expansion of the definition of "incitement to violence".


Don't we already have enough aggressive criminal "laws" that cover any and all criminal acts? Just what else needs to be criminalized under an expansion of the Patriot Act and a new set of "domestic terrorism" laws that are not already considered a criminal act? More than an act to stop any real crime, their actual intent is to criminalize those principles that heretofore have been protected under our Bill of Rights, in order to more effectively suppress speech, association and freedom of assembly, dissent and opposition to their emerging authoritarian Marxist/Maoist regime.


And as the Leftstream Media zoomed their cameras in to focus on the Mummy reading a teleprompter -- "president" Joe Biden, America hears his angry ominous words, shortly after January 6th: "Don't dare call them protesters. They were a riotous mob. Insurrectionists. Domestic terrorists."


And now, Americans find themselves deep into a hardcore class warfare, largely directed at wiping out America's Middle Class, with the Big Tech and Democratic Party radicals in full control. The path ahead is filled with danger and more chaos, as the remains of the Republic are disposed of by people who are preparing to engage in a ruthless purge, and an extended crackdown, blanket surveillance and the smashing of our civil liberties and the Bill of Rights, as the employ the mechanisms found in their cancel culture doctrine. 


With an ideology set in stone, guised as "fundamental progressivism", the Communists have the Big Tech oligarchy establishing the Marx/Mao ideology as a new religion, with all its orthodoxies, rituals and harsh penalties for all who oppose the faith's strictures and its psychopathic narratives, and the Commie Mobs are now interfering in every aspect of our daily lives, silencing, battering and ruining the heretics and blasphemers. Now corporations and companies emboldened by the Democratic Party's political victories are ruining people's lives, by refusing to give them jobs, firing them from career positions, withholding credit and any assorted method one may imagine preventing Conservatives from stopping their agenda. And all who stand against this Communist agenda, this new anti-American anti-God religion, Conservative and independent and all others alike, must stand firm and strong together on all fronts and all public arenas or we will be the new members of an American gulag.


First - they come for the President of the United States and then they come for the rest of us, not aligned with The [Dem-Marxist] Party. Anyone in the country refusing to follow Big Tech's feudalistic diktat will face re-education camps and cancellation, of one sort or another, perhaps even to eventually become the ultimate cancellation as witnessed in the old Soviet Union when men and women were disappeared, never to be heard from again. 


Too many so-called Conservatives, such as the duplicitous Senator Mitch McConnell and Representative Liz Cheney, still act as if they are dealing with Democrat Representatives and Senators who actually still uphold the Constitution and that they are honorable men and women, even though they know better. This makes them [i.e., backstabbing treasonous RINO and Establishment Republicans] complicit for whatever the reason, whether it's ploy of appeasement or a knowing complicity in the subversion of the Constitution, the Republic and the American people's Inalienable Rights. Their choices of appeasement and compromise leave us no real choice between peace and war, and rather, pushes us to decide between fight or surrender.


Too many other Americans are nothing but complacent, apathetic, do-nothing cowards, who go along to get along with whoever is in power on any given day. They hold to a belief beyond foreign and ugly to me and so many patriots, that makes them plead for peace at any price [Blog Editor: The “any price” a repressed life devoid of Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness – Sheeples kiss it goodbye], as though they admit they'd rather be Red than dead. These are the cowards that they would rather live on their knees than die on their feet, as free men and women, and therein lies the road to the next civil war, because those voices don't speak for me and mine and so many other good and decent Americans. 


So many of my Brethren, My Fellow Countrymen, reject such cowardice, for we do not believe that life is so dear and peace so sweet that is must come at the price of chains and slavery. If nothing in life moves us to recognize something bigger than ourselves worth dying for, at what juncture in history did this begin? Just recently in the face of these Democratic Party enemies from within? Or should Moses have told the children of Israel to live in slavery under the Pharaohs? 


If you believe there is a compromise to be found with this new Communist run Democratic Party, that demands a fundamental transformation of our very Founding, and in essence its ultimate destruction, you are blind to the reality of our situation. Our situation has become even more dire over the decades, in that so many within the Republican Party are Republicans In Name Only and just as likely to go along with the Marxists as they are to stick with their Party's block.


Short of an all-out civil war, if one opposes what the Democrats are doing, at the very least, stop doing business with any corporation that advocates and supports their agenda. Withhold taxes. Form a parallel economy that caters to conservatives, with only dependable Conservative wholesalers and supply chains and manufacturing bases to ensure a predictable stable economy within this failing one, for all participants. Essentially, if one isn't keen on resorting to a violent defense of one's Liberty, simply pull a John Galt and hurt the Democrats' purse; stop feeding the Takers with the hard-earned products of the Producers, and let these red, radical Commies either produce something themselves or starve to death. [Blog Editor: John Galt is fiction from Ayn Rand’s Atlas Shrugged (a great read – perhaps a manual for the new civil war). He is fictitious BUT, WE need a John Galt figure. Galt in the book: HERE & HERE]


Americans, who want to leave this world with a clear conscience and the knowledge that they truly did do all that could be done to preserve Freedom and Liberty for America's Children and Their Children's Children, must fight these red, radical Communists in the legislative and judicial halls at the local and state levels -- in Congress itself -- whenever possible; we must face them as occupiers, since that is how they present themselves -- as conquerors rather than government servants in service to all America, who are rolling out their pacification plans as we speak. And we must meet them in the streets wherever and whenever they come to burn and destroy, as we also refuse to submit to any illegal diktat, refuse to comply with any illegitimate, unconstitutional order, nullify and reject their ant-American, anti-God agenda, and yes, even pick up a rifle should that final act be forced upon us, in order that we may finish our lives here on earth as Free men and women.


Don't allow these Communist Democrats to dispossess Us and our descendants of their birthright to an America founded on Judeo-Christian and Western principles. Don't let them suppress our Inalienable God-Given Rights in any manner they deem "necessary". Don't let them destroy the Founding, just because they have stolen the keys to the Kingdom and sing a death chant for its passing, as they believe they are already dancing on the ghost of America. Instead, exact a price from them and send them on a fast path to hell. 

By Justin O. Smith


Edited by John R. Houk


Text embraced by brackets are by the Editor. Embedded links are by the Editor. Bold text indicates Editor agreement with Justin Smith.


© Justin O. Smith

Saturday, January 23, 2021

Election Fraud Coup to Fundamentally Change America

 I discovered a MeWe Social Media post by Herb Myers that explains perfectly why it is idiocy for Conservatives to believe a free and fair election will EVER  be conducted again. Which translates into a Dem-Marxist majority in Congress forever exacting one ideological will on the entire nation. ALSO, it has become from Election 2020 crimes; State and Federal Courts will never address election criminal activity telling ALL voters they have NO STANDING to sue for the truth EVEN if a crime in one State invalidates a fair and free election in another State.


Unfortunately, Herb didn’t place a title on his thoughts. I hope doesn’t mind the title I construct for him.


JRH 1/23/21

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Election Fraud Coup to Fundamentally Change America


By Herb Myers

January 22, 2021

From the Herb Myers MeWe Timeline


I think we all know now that we are the victims of a conspiracy to “Fundamentally Change” our nation. (Where have we heard that before?) I would call it a “Coup by Election Fraud”. The Conservative Media seems reluctant to call it exactly what it is, preferring instead to err on the side of, well, Conservatism, but that serves no one. Only the truth will allow our people to put it all in perspective and have some idea of what to expect in the future and how we must respond.


This reluctance by our leaders in Government and media to face truth plays directly into the hands of the Left…the Socialists and Communists who now control our government. They will be able to slowly, one step at a time, legislate the changes that will transform our nation from one of a free people to that of a Socialist/Communist “Pewtopia”, while we stand by and wonder which of their steps will be the last. Unfortunately, in their plan the ultimate last step is total control of our citizenry, our money, our property, our businesses, and our freedom.


No one wants to admit this. Our leaders go on day to day as if our Republic is safe and we will be able to take it back in the next election, but let me ask you this: After what we have all seen in this most recent Presidential cycle do you really believe they will allow a fair and legal election in 2022 or 2024? After committing fraud in this election, and getting away Scot-free while having a so-called “Republican Party” watching over them, do you think they will be less corrupt next time? Do you believe they will be afraid to steal another election? I have no doubt they will see this past election as proof that they may do as they will without fear of repercussion.


Fear of being caught? They were caught this time, red handed, and look where our nation is today.


Let’s be clear. We have been the victims of an “openly covert” Socialist/Communist Revolution, even if no one wants to call it that, and once in control Marxists do not give away their power. Do they care what the people of “The Proletariat” think? No. Will they abide by our Constitution, to possibly allow another political party to subsume their control and negate their Leftist ideology? Of course not.


After all they have done to take control of the Executive and Legislative branches of our government do you really believe Marxists would give away that hard earned control? After all the lies and all the corruption they are not suddenly going to see the light, throw their arms around us, and declare “My bad”.


So, let’s call it what it is so we know what we are up against and know how we will resist. We cannot say, ”Oh, it’s just President Joe or President Kamala signing another little bill that must be in our self-interest, because they told us it was, and besides, if it doesn’t work, we can always vote against them in 2024”. That is the way to destruction. Instead we must say, “No!” to anything that does not fall within the purview of our Constitution, and we must do this as a united front. If our elected leaders, the Republican Party, will not do this for us, then we as a people must.


And if they should say, “Resistance is futile”, we must say, “Hold my beer!”.


Anything less and our Founding Fathers would be angry and ashamed, and millions of our men and woman will have died for nothing.

Thursday, January 21, 2021

Improbable Thomas-Faith and a Better Resurrection-Faith

 John R. Houk

© January 21, 2021


Charlie Ward, Simon Parkes, David Nino Rodriguez and Tiana Islam made a video by what it sounds on 1/20. I found it posted on 1/21/21 on Bitchute. These guys are sticking to their guns of mass arrests and the deposing of Biden/Harris. This video is saturated with “Q” adulation. From what I have observed NOT A SINGLE Q-prediction in regard to President Trump has come into existence.


In a second video with only Parkes talking, he addresses his reasoning for previous predictions not unfolding.


I pray Mr. Parkes is correct, but at this point, based on past predictive failures that never came to fruition or was acted upon; I am taking a Thomas-Faith path: Seeing is believing with Q-laced predictions.


When or if Biden's fall from government happens, I will be 100% behind getting rid of the Dem-Marxist traitors. Otherwise, it will be the grassroots of We The People calling on the Name of Jesus for the next American Great Awakening as the Hebrews enslaved by Egyptians called for a Deliverer.




Just to be clear, I find it difficult President Trump is that Deliverer in the fashion of Moses or even a leader to the Promised Land as a Joshua.


HOWEVER, under Thomas-Faith, if anything from these guys begins to happen – PAY ATTENTION!


My advice for the PRESENT is the effectual faith of Mary Magdalene, Peter and John who ran to see the Resurrection power of God of the Empty Tomb.


BUT JUST IN CASE Thomas-Faith has an inkling here are the two videos. The first is about 39-minutes. Simon Parkes’ stand-alone video is about 36-minutes.


JRH 1/21/21

I need your generosity in 2021 via - credit cards, check cards 

& debit cards are accepted by my PayPal account: 

Please Support SlantRight 2.0

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Posted by wil paranormal

21153 subscribers - January 21st, 2021 14:47 UTC


… The UK was watching the Fake Inauguration 10 hours before it was shown to the American audience.

Everything you saw was an illusion, totally fake.


Biden was sworn in 10 minutes before Noon while Trump was still the President. This cannot happen.

The Celebration party with Tom Hanks in the evening was also prerecorded.




Posted by Simon_Parkes

149787 subscribers - January 21st, 2021 15:40 UTC




Bitchute Channel:

