Tuesday, December 31, 2019

The Unacceptable Cost of Refugee Resettlement

Justin Smith tackles the issue of settling refugees from cultures that have zero allegiance to American culture and heritage and idiocy of the American Left complicit in destroying our American heritage. Essentially making the Many eradicate the One - ending E Pluribus Unum.

JRH 12/31/19
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Blog Editor: Rather than capitulate to Facebook censorship by abandoning the platform, I choose to post and share until the Leftist censors ban me. Recently, the Facebook censorship tactic I’ve experienced is a couple of Group shares then jailed under the false accusation of posting too fast. So I ask those that read this, to combat censorship by sharing blog and Facebook posts with your friends or Groups you belong to.
The Unacceptable Cost of Refugee Resettlement
Refugee Resettlement Is Not America's Obligation 

By Justin O. Smith
Sent 12/28/2019 8:19 PM

Americans absolutely have the right to determine who, if anyone, enters the country, and it doesn't violate any law or the Constitution to reject anyone claiming refugee status. So-called refugees do not have any automatic right to be granted entry, despite many leftist assertions to the contrary, and many of us are sick and tired of hearing our leaders' cliched platitudes that suggest they have a "Big Heart", much like Governor Bill Lee (R-TN), while they allow people into the country, who come to America to avoid fighting for their own countries; and, usually, of late, these refugees hold ideas and views so anti-American and so antithetical to the Constitution, that they eventually become a great disruptive factor to any community, as they work to undermine the nation.

On December 18th 2019, Tennessee Governor Bill Lee announced his decision to send a letter of consent to the Trump administration, in order to accept more refugees for resettlement next year. His decision coincides with those of other Republican governors who have also stated their intent to admit more refugees, such as Kim Reynolds of Iowa, Asa Hutchinson of Arkansas, Doug Ducey of Arizona, Kevin Stitt of Oklahoma, Gary Herbert of Utah and Doug Burgum of North Dakota.

And of course, numerous Democratic led states, such as California, New York, Washington, Pennsylvania, Virginia and others have already submitted letters of consent or are making preparations to do so. According to U.S. State Department arrival records, resettlement has occurred in the District of Columbia, every U.S. territory and state since 2003.

The state of Tennessee still has a high-profile Tenth Amendment lawsuit in the works, that Governor Lee has essentially undermined through his consent letter, effectively infuriating legislative leaders who had sued the federal government. The lawsuit questions the constitutionality of the refugee resettlement program.

House Speaker Cameron Sexton and Lt Governor Randy McNally (TN) issued a joint statement: "Our personal preference would have been to exercise the option to hit the pause button on accepting additional refugees in our state."

While more than a third of Tennessee's 95 counties are preparing to challenge any refugee resettlement, so too are other counties around America, from North Dakota to Maine, Massachusetts, Michigan, and Indiana to Vermont, New Hampshire and Wyoming. Burleigh County North Dakota heard its chairman, Brian Bitner, voice citizens' concerns, stating: "North Dakota is already the highest per capita state for refugee resettlement in terms of number of citizens, so in the absence of any sort of number, there's no way we could know the cost to the state or the county, and I simply can't support that."

President Trump signed an executive order that allowed all fifty states to decide whether to accept refugees or not, in September of this year, and it requires a written letter of consent. This isn't any guarantee that refugees won't settle in an area that initially rejected the refugee resettlement program, since they can travel from state to state and county to county; and regardless of this, many Americans simply don't want any more anti-American refugees, such as Somalia born Representative Ilhan Omar (D-MN), or Representative Rashida Tlaib (D-MI) -- American born but raised to hate America by her "palestinian" Muslim mother, given entry to our nation, since they sound and act more like agents of Hamas, the Palestinian Liberation Organization, Hezbollah and Al Shabaab than someone interested in keeping America strong and free.

On August 26th 2019, Representative Ilhan Omar called for the government of Somalia to protect Hormuud Telecom Company, from United Nation peace-keepers, even though HTC has been financing the Al Shabaab terrorist organization for years. This link between Hormuud and Al Shabaab is well documented in the October 19th 2019 report compiled by the International Policy Group, entitled 'Reaping the Whirlwind -- Hormuud Entrepreneurs and the Resurgence of Al Shabaab'.

One should note that 45 Somali Muslims left their homes in Minneapolis to join the Somali based Al Shabaab Islamic terror group or ISIS, in 2007, as documented by FBI statistics. And as of 2018, a dozen more were arrested as they attempted to leave the U.S. for their expressed purpose of fighting for ISIS.

According to Steve Emerson of the Investigative Project, Representative Rashida Tlaib was photographed, in January 2019, with Abbas Hamideh, a Hezbollah supporter, and again in March with Nader Jalajel, a Palestinian activist who mourned the death of a Palestinian terrorist who had murdered a Jewish rabbi the previous year.

America has far too many natural born citizens who seemingly hate Her to be bringing in foreign nationals who hate America too, doesn't She?

Refugees come from many countries across the globe, fleeing specific danger in their homelands, although the bulk of refugees have been from Iraq, Syria and Somalia since 2015; and a large number is comprised of people who simply wouldn't fight for their war-torn countries. They come here too often simply from necessity, in their eyes, and safety, and not out of any sense of kindred spirit or love for the American way of life, our freedom and our liberty. And so, they set about life in their own tradition, with the same associated flaws that created the troubles in their country, regardless of its unseemly and foreign nature and cloistered within an American community.

Americans don't want to see their neighborhoods permanently transformed into United Nations refugee camps filled with welfare dependents, as they now find in Minneapolis where the crime rate has soared exponentially, largely due to the rapid and massive influx of Somali Muslim refugees. According to Steven Camarota's 2015 study (The High Cost of Resettling {Muslim} Middle Eastern Refugees), it costs taxpayers $64,370 for each Muslim refugee, which is twelve times UN estimates to care for one refugee in surrounding Middle Eastern nations. Even worse, the crime rate rose by fifty-six percent in Minneapolis, between 2010 and 2018, due to criminal activity by Somali Muslim gangs.

For God's sake, what is wrong with being a bit more discerning in regards of the refugees America accepts? Why can't we accept more like Ayn Rand, staunch anti-communist defender of liberty, Dith Pran, Pulitzer prize winning photo-journalist and translator for U.S. Military Assistance Command (Cambodia) and Albert Einstein, a genius physicist and Nobel Laureate? 

The United States granted an astronomical number of asylum requests in September 2019 to a combined 70,246 Afghan refugees and Special Immigration Visas (Afghan "allies") and 161,665 Iraqi refugees and SIVs. The war in Iraq ended in 2011, so there really isn't any excuse for U.S. taxpayers to be funding new lives in America for anyone from Iraq, other than the truly persecuted Christians who are still trapped in the region.

America spent enormous sums of money and lost thousands of fine men and women to give Iraqis a better path forward and a new chance to govern themselves as free men and women. Is there any good reason that justifies moving tens of thousands of Iraqis, or Syrians or Somalians for that matter, to any American town?

President Trump is only willing to give 18,000 refugees entry to America this year, which is the lowest number authorized since the program's inception in 1980. In contrast, President Barack Obama was willing to accept 110,000 refugees in 2017.

Amid the current anti-open borders sentiment in America, the open borders crowd, the Leftists of America always seem to manage to move U.S. policy in the opposite direction, just as they are currently attempting through a lawsuit filed against President Trump's executive order on November 21st 2019. Although public support for deceasing the numbers of legal immigration of all kinds is significant, the supporters are not well organized, unlike the Leftist coalition of ethnic churches and organizations that skillfully navigates the political arena in strong opposition to any proposal restricting any segment of legal immigration, including asylum seekers.

The lawsuit was filed in a Maryland federal court by lawyers representing the Lutheran Immigration and Refugee Service, Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society and Church World Service. Shortly afterwards, Krish O'Mara Vignarajah, president of LIRS, stated: "This executive order is unconstitutional and compassionless, and reflects a complete misunderstanding of the refugee resettlement process in this country."

Over the past decade, Ann Corcoran, a refugee law and policy expert, has given America outstanding briefings on the issue. She outlines in great detail the ultimate conflict of interest, by which refugee contractors' entire budgets grow commensurate to the number of refugees they resettle. The more communities they get on board with refugee resettlement, the more money they receive, and so their is nearly a knock down dragged out fight over all 3007 counties across America, with the goal of moving them to send letters of consent to the State Department.

Unbelievable as it seems, most Republican politicians are somewhat amenable to the one-sided pressure for all the wrong reasons, and in some cases, they [Blog Editor: i.e. (alleged) Conservative] are absolutely in the pockets of Open Borders Inc. And although conservatives have ceded a great deal of America to the Left, the refugee coalition has not ceded a single county; and so, thanks to many complacent and corrupt GOP politicians, refugee resettlement has thrived in the most conservative areas of the nation. The financial and cultural costs of refugee resettlement have been unacceptable and enormous. 

On July 5th 2017, a report, entitled 'The U.S. Refugee Admissions Program: A Roadmap for Reform', written by policy analyst David Inserra noted that at least sixty-one people who came to the United States as refugees engaged in terrorist activities between 2002 and 2016. The report detailed scores of other refugees who lied or took part in terror plots, as part of a study aimed at reforming the U.S. Refugee Admissions Program. The report concluded there was a need to place strict limits on refugee numbers and restrictions on the refugees themselves. 

Surely every knowledgeable American understands full well that there isn't any universal right to migrate, and resettlement isn't the solution to mass displacement. Our policymakers have a duty and a responsibility to make certain our nation only accepts as many refugees as can be safely scrutinized, investigated and assimilated. More importantly, America is not obligated to resettle refugees, and the ones we do resettle, America does so from a humane perspective and in hopes that such actions will also benefit our national interests.

So, to all the naive shmucks and corrupt, complicit liars out in Fly-Over-Country, who are playing a dangerous game with American lives, place your "Big Heart" on full display, but ignoring a moral and constitutional duty to place American interests and American lives above those of foreign nationals' needs is unconscionable and treasonous, at its best. Pressure Saudi Arabia, the United Emirates and Qatar to utilize their millions of dollars to resettle Muslim refugees in their own nations, as America works to facilitate the integration and assimilation of refugees it already has accepted, if and when such a feat is possible.  Don't let your "Big Heart" drive all common sense from between your ears, while your platitudes set the further destruction of America in motion, since the perpetrators of future Islamic terror attacks are already here: And as such, America would be most wise to, at the very least, halt any more Muslims from coming to America.

By Justin O. Smith
Blog Editor: Rather than capitulate to Facebook censorship by abandoning the platform, I choose to post and share until the Leftist censors ban me. Recently, the Facebook censorship tactic I’ve experienced is a couple of Group shares then jailed under the false accusation of posting too fast. So I ask those that read this, to combat censorship by sharing blog and Facebook posts with your friends or Groups you belong to.
Edited by John R. Houk
Source links and text enclosed by brackets are by the Editor.

© Justin O. Smith

Prophetic Prayer for New Year 2020

I’m a Christian with a huge political slant to the Right. My loving wife – God Bless Her Forever – is all about faith and family. Below is a prophetic prayer for 2020 she has sent to family and friends. Be blessed this 2020 in Christ Jesus and thank you Diana Lynn.

JRH 12/31/19
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Blog Editor: Rather than capitulate to Facebook censorship by abandoning the platform, I choose to post and share until the Leftist censors ban me. Recently, the Facebook censorship tactic I’ve experienced is a couple of Group shares then jailed under the false accusation of posting too fast. So I ask those that read this, to combat censorship by sharing blog and Facebook posts with your friends or Groups you belong to.
Prophetic Prayer for New Year 2020
By Diana L. Houk
(Beloved wife of Blog Editor John R. Houk)
© December 31, 2019


May 2020 be filled with much LOVE, JOY, AND PEACE for you and your families. May you fill the Love and Presence of our Father and the Lord Jesus each and every new day!!!!!!!

The new year will be full of surprises. As diligently as you may plan, tomorrow, next week, or next month is a puzzle to all but God. Your supreme purpose, then, for this year is to walk in harmony with His predetermined will by employing three essential disciplines.

🔴1. LAY ASIDE EVERY ENCUMBRANCE AND SIN - Willful sin or unproductive habits hinder your spiritual growth. By His grace ask Him "JESUS" to help you abandon these unnecessary weights.

🔴2. CONCENTRATE ON ENDURANCE - Do not let disappointments or setbacks take you out of the race. Accept that they, too, are part of the course God has divinely planned.

🔴3. FOCUS ON JESUS - Turn away from all that distracts you & the very appearance of bad or evil. Look by faith steadfastly to Him. Cast your burdens on Him. Seek His face daily through personal prayer and sustained intake of His Word (READ THE WORD). The Word of GOD is Him speaking to you, Your PRAYER life is you speaking to GOD - A fixed focus of faith on Jesus Christ will lighten your load, equip you to handle the tough times, and guide you into His will for your life in this new year.......


Blog Editor: Rather than capitulate to Facebook censorship by abandoning the platform, I choose to post and share until the Leftist censors ban me. Recently, the Facebook censorship tactic I’ve experienced is a couple of Group shares then jailed under the false accusation of posting too fast. So I ask those that read this, to combat censorship by sharing blog and Facebook posts with your friends or Groups you belong to.
Edited by John R. Houk
© Diana L. Houk

Saturday, December 28, 2019

We Must Not Allow The Dems To Replace Our Judeo/Christian Foundation

Yesterday I voiced my criticism for the magazine Christianity Today’s (CT) warped Christian values for supporting the removal of President Trump from Office in the post “The Galli Poppycock of Christianity Today”. TODAY I found a post written by Ron Edwards supporting authentic Christian values that CT seems to have forgotten in criticizing Trump – a proven supporter of Christianity since becoming POTUS.

JRH 12/28/19
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Blog Editor: Rather than capitulate to Facebook censorship by abandoning the platform, I choose to post and share until the Leftist censors ban me. Recently, the Facebook censorship tactic I’ve experienced is a couple of Group shares then jailed under the false accusation of posting too fast. So I ask those that read this, to combat censorship by sharing blog and Facebook posts with your friends or Groups you belong to.
We Must Not Allow The Dems To Replace Our Judeo/Christian Foundation

December 27th, 2019

In the Bible, the word of God plainly states Thou shalt not steal, thou shalt not covet thy neighbor’s wife, nor his ox or his lamb, etc.  Though all sin is abhorrent to God almighty, He is gets especially torqued up about the abuse of children.  God is adamant about training up a child in the way he should go, so that he does not permanently wander into damnation.  Since the time predating the massive floods during the time of Noah, people of the dark left have always sought to harm children.  They understood, just as the leftists of today fully comprehend, that to bring about society’s destruction, simply ruin, corrupt, pervert and murder the children.  Even the chosen Jewish people of God had their periods of spiritual and moral devolution and sacrificed their children to an imaginary god called Molech.  They would literally force their own children to walk into a roaring fire, just to appease a fictitious god that does not exist.  It is stressful to watch police officers preventing parents from protecting little children from perverted transgender adults at libraries.  The perverts sit the young ones on their laps or lie with them on the floor while indoctrinating their fertile minds with utter filth.

When I was a little boy, I would hear the older folks exclaiming “just when I think it couldn’t get any worse, it does.”  Even though I am not old, I now find myself making the same statement with increasing regularity.  It is heartbreaking to witness how in the greatest nation ever formulated by man there are now, so-called human beings who want to force society into legalizing pedophilia.  Perhaps the number one reason the freaks are now so emboldened is because of a concerted effort to abolish the teaching of and adherence to good moral standards.  In fact, that is one of the noted Cloward/Piven strategies to as Aliobama put it, “To fundamentally transform America.”  Our Heavenly Father stated, “do not harm the children.”  For hundreds of years, the Islamists have systematically raped boys for sport.  During the Obama administration an American soldier got into deep trouble for rescuing an eleven year old boy from being raped in Afghanistan by adults.  The reason given was because it is their religious culture.

Today in the United States pedophiles are calling themselves “Minor Attracted Persons” and desire inclusion in the unnatural LGBTQ community. YIKES!! Pedophiles are rebranding themselves as “MAPS”, or minor attracted Persons”, all part of an evil effort to gain acceptance and to try to normalize their horrible desires in the minds of the increasing numbers of ignorant individuals.  According to Urban Dictionary, the blanket term MAP includes infantophiles (infants), pedophiles (pre-pubescent children), and ephebophiles (post-pubescent children).  Some MAPs or Non-offending Minor Attracted Persons”. These pedophiles seek to be a part of the LGBTQ gaggle of unnatural sexual practitioners, even going so far as to make a “Pride” flag for Gay Pride Month.

The Bible warned us that there would come a time when what’s right would be called wrong and what’s wrong would be called right.  At first, very quietly, but in recent years with an increasingly bold in your face attitude the Social “injustice” left has been working and lobbying to change the classification of pedophilia, from a deviant sin and mental illness, to a sexual orientation.  If you naively believe this type of leap is not possible, let’s not forget that until 1973, the American Psychiatric Association classified homosexuality as a mental illness.  But that was reversed after nonstop lobbying and leftist social pressure.  In 2018, the World Health Organization announced that they would no longer consider people who wanted to become transgender as a mental disorder, then changed it to an orientation.  Now ask yourself if you still believe it is impossible for the destructive leftists who run many organizations and boards won’t at least try to reclassify pedophilia as well.

“We The people” cannot stupidly sit on the sidelines, but must stand and push back against the evil darkness that would force society to accept adults raping babies.  It is wicked enough to still allow abortion murders, but to compound the evil being perpetrated against children via pedophile/child rapists would set our nation up for a justified punishment from our heavenly Creator.  It is my sincere prayer and belief that we Americans will soon return to the blessed principles enumerated in Holy Scripture.  For the word of God is the pathway to Life, liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.  For if we will not step up and protect those among us who cannot protect themselves, then we shall give up the right to even expect the blessings and protection of God who shed HIS grace upon the United States of America.  God bless you, God bless America and may America bless God.
Blog Editor: Rather than capitulate to Facebook censorship by abandoning the platform, I choose to post and share until the Leftist censors ban me. Recently, the Facebook censorship tactic I’ve experienced is a couple of Group shares then jailed under the false accusation of posting too fast. So I ask those that read this, to combat censorship by sharing blog and Facebook posts with your friends or Groups you belong to.
© 2019 Ron Edwards – All Rights Reserved
E-Mail Ron Edwards: ronedwards@edwardsnotebook.com

About the Author: Ron Edwards

Ron Edwards, producer and host of The Edwards Notebook, a syndicated radio commentary, is a talented and gifted commentator with over two decades of experience. Ron Edwards is a well versed journalist with a fiery delivery of information, thought provoking conversation, and humor. The Edwards Notebook delivers a wealth of knowledge in an entertaining and educational format. Ron Edwards brings to the airwaves unapologetic truth sure to keep his listening audience tuned in every time. He is respected by friends and foe alike for is consistency of conviction and originality in commentary. Ron Edwards has served for over 25 years as a news anchor in several Midwest markets including Cleveland and Detroit. He has been a guest of television, radio, and has had numerous articles written about him throughout the United States including, The Detroit News, Headway Magazine, Houston and The Call and Post, Cleveland. Ron Edwards broadcasting history includes news anchor in major markets, such as WJMO, WCPN, and WGAR, Cleveland and WWJ, WJR and WDTK, Metro Detroit.

The Edwards Notebook can be heard on many radio stations throughout the U.S., daily on Constitutional Patriot Radio and coming in October, Ron Edwards will host his own show with Constitutional Patriot Radio. The Edwards Notebook airs on WDTK FM 92.7 and AM 1400 on Fridays at 7:30 AM EST, Saturdays at 9:30 AM EST, WWII 720 AM, Harrisburg, PA, The Rick Swier Show on WWPR AM 1490, Talk Sun Coast Radio in Florida. Ron Edwards also guest hosts "The Freedom's Journal" every Wednesday 11:00 AM on Urban Family Talk and the American Family Radio Network. He is also a weekly contributor with Fairfax Free Citizen, an online newspaper, www.fairfaxfreecitizen.com Ron Edwards is also a highly sought after reoccurring guest on the top rated talk show "Let It Rip" on Fox2 TV, Detroit.

Ron Edwards is a recurring guest host for the syndicated "Bob Dutko Show" which airs on the Crawford Broadcasting Network. Ron Edwards tours the United States to address this republic on where we are as a nation and to illuminate the path on where we go from here. Visit at: twitter@theronedwards, Facebook Ron at Friends of The Edwards Notebook. Website: www.theronedwards.com E-Mail: ronedwards@edwardsnotebook.com

Copyright 2019 All Rights Reserved NEWSWITHVIEWS.COM

[Blog Editor: Spell Check Editing used.]

Friday, December 27, 2019

The Galli Poppycock of Christianity Today

John R. Houk
© December 27, 2019

Christianity Today’s Editor calls for President Trump’s removal from Office not based on crimes (because no one can actually name a broken law), but rather for past moral grievances. HMMM… I wonder if that means Dem crimes are just fine to commit or past Dem President moral failures should be ascribed to current Dem policies? Christianity Today’s Editor should be more cognizant President Trump’s actions supporting the Christian Faith Today and the future more than the President’s past. Christ came, died and Resurrected to Life to offer forgiveness to the Lost and judgment for those who refuse the Risen Savior at the Last Judgment.

President Trump’s - what have you done for Christ lately? – is working much better than any past indiscretions.

Pro-Life assessment from Fr. Mark Hodges (11/16/17 6:56 pm EST):

‘“The Donald” is the most pro-life, pro-marriage, and pro-family president in the history of the republic.’

White House Fact Sheet issued 2/8/18:

STANDING UP FOR RELIGIOUS FREEDOM: In his first year in office, President Trump has taken strong action to restore the foundational link between freedom and faith in the United States of America.

§  On May 4, 2017, the President signed an executive order to greatly enhance religious freedom and freedom of speech:

o   taking action to ensure that religious institutions may freely exercise their First Amendment right to support and advocate for candidates and causes in line with their values; and

o   ensuring that religious Americans and their organizations, such as the Little Sisters of the Poor, would not be forced to choose between violating their religious beliefs by complying with Obamacare’s contraceptive mandate or shutting their doors.

§  The President has announced a reversal of the Obama administration’s policy denying disaster aid to houses of worship, allowing houses of worship to receive crucial aid in times of crisis.

§  The Trump administration has taken a stand on behalf of religious liberty in the courts:

o   supported students declared ineligible for a scholarship because they attended a religious school;

o   supported the Archdiocese of Washington in its effort to buy ads for the holidays on public transportation; and

o   supported baker Jack Phillips’s right to operate his bakery in accordance with his religious beliefs.

§  In January 2018, the Trump administration took a stand for international religious freedom by placing Pakistan on a “Special Watch List” for severe violations of religious freedom and designated 10 others as countries of particular concern.

§  The President declared January 18, 2018 to be Religious Freedom Day to “celebrate the many faiths that make up our country.”

PRIORITIZING RELIGIOUS FREEDOM IN THE ADMINISTRATION: President Trump has issued new policies to ensure religious freedom is a priority throughout the Federal Government.

§  In October 2017, the Department of Justice issued twenty principles of religious liberty to guide the Administration’s litigation strategy to protect religious freedom.

§  In January 2018, the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) announced three major policy changes to protect freedom of religion:

o   forming a new Conscience and Religious Freedom Division, providing HHS with the focus it needs to more vigorously and effectively enforce existing laws protecting the rights of conscience and religious freedom; and

o   proposing to more vigorously enforce 25 existing statutory conscience protections for Americans involved in HHS programs, protecting Americans who have religious or moral convictions related to certain health care services.

PRESERVING THE SANCTITY OF LIFE: President Trump has stopped the attack on pro-life policies, implementing policies to enshrine sanctity of life as an American value.

§  Within a week of taking office, President Trump reinstated and expanded the Mexico City Policy, which protects $9 billion in foreign aid from being used to fund the global abortion industry and its advocates.

§  President Trump cut off taxpayer funding for the U.N. Population Fund.

§  President Trump signed H.J. Res. 43 into law, overturning a midnight regulation by the Obama Administration, which prohibited States from defunding certain abortion facilities in their Federally funded family planning programs.

§  President Trump expressed strong support for the Pain-Capable Unborn Child Protection Act, which would have stopped late-term abortions after 20 weeks of pregnancy—the point at which science tells us that an unborn child can experience pain.

§  President Trump’s Administration issued guidance to enforce the requirement that taxpayer dollars not support abortion coverage in Obamacare exchange plans.

§  President Trump rescinded an Obama-era policy that hindered States in their efforts to direct Medicaid funding away from abortion facilities that violate the law or fail to meet relevant standards of care.

BRINGING RELIGIOUS GROUPS BACK INTO THE FOLD: President Trump has made a consistent effort to reach out to religious groups and partners to bring them back into the policy making process.

§  On February 2, 2017, just two weeks into his first term in office, President Trump spoke at the National Prayer Breakfast.

§  On June 8, 2017, President Trump spoke at the Faith and Freedom Coalition’s Road to Majority Conference.

§  On October 13, 2017, President Trump spoke at the Value Voters Summit.

§  On January 19, 2018, President Trump became the first President to address the March for Life rally live via satellite.

o   Vice President Mike Pence addressed the March for Life in 2017, becoming the first sitting Vice President to do so in person.

PRESIDENT DONALD TRUMP: The United States is founded on the principle that our rights do not come from government, they come from God. This immortal truth is proclaimed in our Declaration of Independence and enshrined in the First Amendment to our Constitution's Bill of Rights. Our founders understood that no right is more fundamental to a peaceful, prosperous and virtuous society than the right to follow one's religious convictions.

Regrettably the religious freedom enjoyed by American citizens is rare in the world. Approximately 80% of the world's population live in countries where religious liberty is threatened, restricted or even banned and when I heard the number I said please go back and check it because it can't possibly be correct and sadly it was, 80%.

As we speak Jews, Christians, Muslims, Buddhists, Hindus (INAUDIBLE) and many other people of faith are being jailed, sanctioned, tortured, and even murdered often at the hands of their own government simply for expressing their deeply held religious beliefs, so hard to believe. Today with one clear voice the United States of America calls upon the nations of the world to end religious persecution—

--to stop the crimes against people of faith, release prisoners of conscience, repeal laws restricting freedom of religion and belief, protect the vulnerable, the defenseless and the oppressed. America stands with believers in every country who ask only for the freedom to live according to the faith that is within their own hearts. As president protecting religious freedom is one of my highest priorities and always has been.

It is estimated that 11 Christians are killed every day for the following--I mean just think of this 11 Christians a day for following the teachings of Christ. Who would even think that's possible in this day and age? Who would think it's possible? [Blog Editor: The President didn’t indicate but it is true to point out most of those 11 Christian daily deaths occur in Muslim dominated lands.]

AND I am not listing here for time sake, BUT you should take a look at Conservapedia’s self-described “non-exhaustive list” on Christian Liberty and moral values that includes a quote correct disdain for the LGBTQ value system stretching from 2017 – 2019 as of this posting last updated 12/26/19 21:27.

AS FAR AS I AM CONCERNED Christianity Today’s Editor Mark Galli pro-impeachment editorial is full of Dem Party Propaganda Poppycock talking points ignoring the essence of Jesus the Messiah’s message of Redemption for today that forgives yesterday. Prager U’s Dennis Prager (who is Jewish acting more Christian) has some decent criticism for Mr. Galli.

JRH 12/27/19
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Blog Editor: Rather than capitulate to Facebook censorship by abandoning the platform, I choose to post and share until the Leftist censors ban me. Recently, the Facebook censorship tactic I’ve experienced is a couple of Group shares then jailed under the false accusation of posting too fast. So I ask those that read this, to combat censorship by sharing blog and Facebook posts with your friends or Groups you belong to.
A Response to the Editor of Christianity Today

The magazine's amoral view says more about its editor than about Trump.

By Dennis Prager
December 27, 2019

The editor-in-chief of Christianity Today, Mark Galli, wrote an editorial calling for the impeachment of President Donald Trump.

In my view, this editorial only serves to confirm one of the sadder realizations of my life: that religious conviction guarantees neither moral clarity nor common sense.

The gist of the editorial — and of most religious and conservative opposition to President Trump — is that any good the president has done is dwarfed by his character defects.

This is an amoral view that says more about Galli than it does about the president. He and the people who share his opinion are making the following statement: No matter how much good this president does, it is less important than his character flaws.

Why is this wrong?

First, because it devalues policies that benefit millions of people.

And second, because it is a simplistic view of character.

I do not know how to assess a person's character — including my own — outside of how one's actions affect others. Since I agree with almost all of President Trump's actions as president and believe they have positively affected millions of people, I have to conclude that as president, Trump thus far has been a man of particularly good character.

Of course, if you think his policies have harmed millions of people, you will assess his character negatively. But that is not what never-Trump conservatives or Christians such as the Christianity Today editor-in-chief argue. They argue that his policies have indeed helped America (and even the world), but this fact is far less significant than his character.

In the words of Galli: "(I)t's time to call a spade a spade, to say that no matter how many hands we win in this political poker game, we are playing with a stacked deck of gross immorality and ethical incompetence."

This rhetorical sleight of hand reflects poorly on Galli's intellectual and moral honesty.

Galli and every other Christian and conservative opponent of the president believe their concerns are moral, and that the president's Christian and other conservative supporters are political.

This is simply wrong.

I and every other supporter of the president I know support him for moral reasons, not to win a "political poker game." Galli's view is purely self-serving; he's saying, "We Christian and other conservative opponents of the president think in moral terms, while Christian and other conservative supporters of the president think in political terms."

So, permit me to inform Galli and all the other people who consider themselves conservative and/or Christian that our support for the president is entirely moral.

— To us, putting pressure on the Iranian regime — one of the most evil and dangerous regimes on Earth — by getting out of the Iran nuclear deal made by former President Barack Obama is a moral issue. Even New York Times columnist Bret Stephens, who loathes Trump, has written how important the president's rejection of the Obama-Iran agreement has been.

— To us, enabling millions of black Americans to find work — resulting in the lowest black unemployment rate ever recorded — is a moral issue.

— To us, more Americans than ever being employed and almost 4 million Americans freed from reliance on food stamps is a moral issue.

— To us, appointing more conservative judges than any president in history — over the same period of time — is a moral issue. That whether the courts, including the Supreme Court, are dominated by the left or by conservatives is dismissed by Galli as "political poker" makes one question not only Galli's moral thinking but also his moral theology.

— To us, moving the American embassy to Israel's capital city, Jerusalem — something promised by almost every presidential candidate — is a moral issue, not to mention profoundly courageous. And courage is a moral virtue.

— To us, increasing the U.S. military budget — after the severe cuts of the previous eight years — is a moral issue. As conservatives see it, the American military is the world's greatest guarantor of world peace.

Yet, none of these things matter to Galli and other misguided Christians and conservatives. What matters more to them is Trump's occasional crude language and intemperate tweets, what he said about women in a private conversation and his having committed adultery.

Regarding adultery, that sin is for spouses and God to judge. There is no connection between marital sexual fidelity and moral leadership. I wish there were. And as regards the "Access Hollywood" tape, every religious person, indeed every thinking person, should understand that there is no connection between what people say privately and their ability to be a moral leader. That's why I wrote a column for the Wall Street Journal 20 years ago defending Hillary Clinton when she was charged with having privately expressed anti-Semitic sentiments.

That the editor of Christianity Today thinks the president's personal flaws, whatever they might be, are more important than all the good he has done for conservatives, for Christians, for Jews, for blacks and for America tells us a lot ... about Galli and the decline of Christian moral thought.
Blog Editor: Rather than capitulate to Facebook censorship by abandoning the platform, I choose to post and share until the Leftist censors ban me. Recently, the Facebook censorship tactic I’ve experienced is a couple of Group shares then jailed under the false accusation of posting too fast. So I ask those that read this, to combat censorship by sharing blog and Facebook posts with your friends or Groups you belong to.
The Galli Poppycock of Christianity Today
John R. Houk
© December 27, 2019
A Response to the Editor of Christianity Today

© Copyright 2019, FrontPageMag.com

Thursday, December 26, 2019

UN, UK Treating Persecuted Christians as “Enemies”

How long will Christians in America and however many Christians left in Multiculturalist Europe remain silent as Christians are exterminated in Muslim dominated lands AND the same persecuted Christians refused asylum in a safer (BUT not safe as long as there is Muslim influence) West? EVEN the Western Press ignores persecuted Christians as one has to go to alternative news sources to learn the UN and UK dominated by intolerant Islamic influences goes along with exterminating Christianity.

JRH 12/26/19
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Blog Editor: Rather than capitulate to Facebook censorship by abandoning the platform, I choose to post and share until the Leftist censors ban me. Recently, the Facebook censorship tactic I’ve experienced is a couple of Group shares then jailed under the false accusation of posting too fast. So I ask those that read this, to combat censorship by sharing blog and Facebook posts with your friends or Groups you belong to.
UN, UK Treating Persecuted Christians as “Enemies”

Originally posted at Gatestone Institute

The United Nations Refugee Agency appears to be committed to blocking persecuted Christians from receiving any assistance.  According to a recent CBN News report:

Christian Syrian refugees … have been blocked from getting help from the United Nations Refugee Agency, the UNHCR, by Muslim UN officials in Jordan.

One of the refugees, Hasan, a Syrian convert to Christianity, told us in a phone call that Muslim UN camp officials “knew that we were Muslims and became Christians and they dealt with us with persecution and mockery. They didn’t let us into the office. They ignored our request.”

Hasan and his family are now in hiding, afraid that they will be arrested by Jordanian police, or even killed. Converting to Christianity is a serious crime in Jordan.

According to Timothy, a Jordanian Muslim who converted to Christianity, “All of the United Nations officials [apparently in Jordan], most of them, 99 percent, they are Muslims, and they were treating us as enemies.”

Addressing this issue, Paul Diamond, a British human rights lawyer, recently elaborated:

You have this absurd situation where the scheme is set up to help Syrian refugees and the people most in need, Christians who have been “genocided,” they can’t even get into the U.N. camps to get the food. If you enter and say I am a Christian or convert, the Muslim U.N. guards will block you [from] getting in and laugh at you and mock you and even threaten you…. [saying]  “You shouldn’t have converted. You’re an idiot for converting. You get what you get,” words to that effect.

The next obstacle those few Christians who make it past U.N. refugee camps face are the immigration centers of Western nations themselves.  For example, the discrimination is apparently so obvious in the United Kingdom that Lord George Carey is suing the U.K.’s Home Office for allegedly being “institutionally biased” against Christian refugees and therefore complicit in what he calls “the steady crucifixion of Middle East Christians.”

He is hardly the only one making such charges.  One independent report said that when it comes to offering asylum, the UK “appears to discriminate in favour of Muslims” instead of Christians. Statistics seemed to confirm this allegation:  “out of 4,850 Syrian refugees accepted for resettlement by the Home Office in 2017, only eleven were Christian, representing just 0.2% of all Syrian refugees accepted by the UK.”

Due to such figures, Lord David Alton of Liverpool, a life peer in the House of Lords, wrote to Home Secretary Sajid Javid, who then headed the Home Office:

It is widely accepted that Christians, who constituted around 10 per cent of Syria’s pre-war population, were specifically targeted by jihadi rebels and continue to be at risk….  As last year’s statistics more than amply demonstrate, this [ratio imbalance between Muslim and Christian refugees taken in] is not a statistical blip. It shows a pattern of discrimination that the Government has a legal duty to take concrete steps to address.

Such imbalances appear even stranger on the realization that the Islamic State, which precipitated the refugee crisis, is itself a Sunni organization that only targets non-Sunnis—primarily Christians, Yazidis, and Shia—all minority groups that the U.S. has acknowledged experienced a “genocide.”

Two of the strangest individual cases of anti-Christian bias were reported earlier this year, when the U.K. denied asylum to persecuted Christians by bizarrely citing the Bible and Islam.  Both Christians, a man and a woman, were former Muslims separately seeking asylum from the Islamic Republic of Iran, the ninth worst persecutor of Christians, particularly former Muslims.

In his rejection letter from the UK’s Home Office, the Iranian man was told that several biblical passages were “inconsistent” with his claim to have converted to Christianity after discovering it was a “peaceful” faith.  The letter cited biblical excerpts—including from Exodus, Leviticus, and Matthew—as supposed proof that the Bible is violent; it said Revelation was “filled with imagery of revenge, destruction, death and violence.”  The rejection letter then concluded: “These examples are inconsistent with your claim that you converted to Christianity after discovering it is a ‘peaceful’ religion, as opposed to Islam which contains violence, rage and revenge.”

In the second case, an Iranian female asylum seeker was sarcastically informed in her rejection letter that “You affirmed in your AIR [Asylum Interview Record] that Jesus is your saviour, but then claimed that He would not be able to save you from the Iranian regime. It is therefore considered that you have no conviction in your faith and your belief in Jesus is half-hearted.”

Discussing her experiences, the rejected woman said: “When I was in Iran I converted to Christianity and the situation changed and the government were [sic] looking for me and I had to flee from Iran….  In my country if someone converts to Christianity their punishment is death or execution.”  Concerning the asylum process, she said that whenever she responded to her Home Office interviewer, “he was either chuckling or maybe just kind of mocking when he was talking to me….  [H]e asked me why Jesus didn’t help you from the Iranian regime or Iranian authorities.”

Similarly, when Sister Ban Madleen, a Christian nun who was chased out of Iraq by the Islamic State, wanted to visit her sick sister in the U.K., she was denied a visa—twice.  A number of other Christian orderlies were also denied visas, including another nun with a PhD in Biblical Theology from Oxford; another nun denied for not having a personal bank account; and a Catholic priest denied for not being married.

In another case, Britain’s Home Office not only denied entry to three Christian leaders—archbishops celebrated for their heroic efforts to aid persecuted Christians in Syria and Iraq who had been invited to attend the consecration of the U.K.’s first Syriac Cathedral, an event attended by Prince Charles—but also mockingly told them there was “no room at the inn.”

Considering that persecuted Christian minorities—including priests and nuns—are denied visas, one may conclude that the Home Office is extremely stringent concerning its asylum requirements.  However, this notion is quickly dispelled on the realization that the Home Office regularly grants visas and refugee status to extremist Muslims (not to mention one has yet to hear about Muslim asylum seekers being denied because the Koran is too violent, or because they do not have enough faith in Muhammad).

For example,  despite having no papers on him—and despite telling the Home Office that “he had been trained as an ISIS soldier”—Ahmed Hassan was still granted asylum two years before he launched a terrorist attack on a London train station that left 30 injured in September 2017.  The Home Office also allowed a foreign Muslim cleric to enter and lecture in London, even though he advocates decapitating, burning, and/or throwing homosexuals from cliffs.  According to another report, “British teenagers are being forced to marry abroad and are raped and impregnated while the Home Office ‘turns a blind eye’ by handing visas to their [mostly Muslim] husbands.”

The case of Asia Bibi—a Christian wife and mother of five who spent the last decade of her life on death row in Pakistan for challenging the authority of Muhammad—best sheds light on the immigration situation in the UK.  After she was finally acquitted in November, 2018, Muslims rioted throughout Pakistan; in one march, more than 11,000 Muslims demanded her instant and public hanging.

As Pakistanis make for the majority of the U.K.’s significant Muslim population—Sajid Javid, then head of the Home Office, is himself Pakistani—when they got wind that the U.K. might offer Asia Bibi asylum, they too rioted.   As a result, then Prime Minister Theresa May personally blocked Bibi’s asylum application, “despite UK playing host to [Muslim] hijackers, extremists and rapists,” to quote from one headline.  In other words, Britain was openly allowing “asylum policy to be dictated to by a Pakistan mob,” reported the Guardian, “after it was confirmed it urged the Home Office not to grant Asia Bibi political asylum in the UK…”

On the other hand, the Home Office allowed a Pakistani cleric who celebrated the slaughter of a politician because he had defended Asia Bibi—a cleric deemed so extreme as to be banned from his native Pakistan—to enter and lecture in U.K. mosques.

Discussing how “visas were granted [by the Home Office] in July [2016] to two Pakistani Islamic leaders who have called for the killing of Christians accused of blasphemy,” Dr. Martin Parsons, a human rights activist, expressed his frustration: “It’s unbelievable that these persecuted Christians who come from the cradle of Christianity are being told there is no room at the inn, when the UK is offering a welcome to Islamists who persecute Christians.”

In short, Muslim influence against Christians is not only at work in U.N. refugee camps, as recent evidence indicates, but in the U.K’s immigration policy as well: Christian “infidels” need not apply, whereas radical Muslims are welcomed with open arms.
Blog Editor: Rather than capitulate to Facebook censorship by abandoning the platform, I choose to post and share until the Leftist censors ban me. Recently, the Facebook censorship tactic I’ve experienced is a couple of Group shares then jailed under the false accusation of posting too fast. So I ask those that read this, to combat censorship by sharing blog and Facebook posts with your friends or Groups you belong to.
© 2019 · RaymondIbrahim.com

About Raymond Ibrahim

RAYMOND IBRAHIM is a widely published author, public speaker, and Middle East and Islam specialist.  His books include Sword and Scimitar: Fourteen Centuries of War between Islam and the West (Da Capo, 2018), Crucified Again: Exposing Islam’s New War on Christians (Regnery, 2013), and The Al Qaeda Reader (Doubleday, 2007).

Ibrahim’s dual-background—born and raised in the U.S. by Egyptian parents born and raised in the Middle East—has provided him with unique advantages, from equal fluency in English and Arabic, to an equal understanding of the Western and Middle Eastern mindsets, positioning him to explain the latter to the former. His interest in Islamic civilization was first piqued when he began visiting the Middle East as a child in the 1970s. Interacting and conversing with the locals throughout the decades has provided him with an intimate appreciation for that part of the world, complementing his academic training.

After a brief athletic career—including winning the 1993 NPC Los Angeles Bodybuilding Championship as a teenager—Raymond went on to receive his B.A. and M.A. (both in History, focusing on the ancient and medieval Near East, with dual-minors in Philosophy and Literature) from California State University, Fresno. There he studied closely with noted military-historian Victor Davis Hanson. He also took graduate courses at Georgetown University’s Center for Contemporary Arab Studies—including classes on the history, politics, and economics of the Arab world—and studied Medieval Islam and Semitic languages at Catholic University of America. His M.A. thesis examined an early military encounter between Islam and Byzantium based on arcane Arabic and Greek texts.