Saturday, August 31, 2019


Ilhan Omar demonstrates AGAIN she has no business representing ANY District in the U.S. to be a member of Congress. She actually advocates for the UN to be on the U.S. border to benefit ILLEGAL immigrants.

JRH 8/31/19
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August 30, 2019

We have heard enough of the four, seen their responses in ways that are anti-American, but the one thing we have never stood for was the occupation of our sovereign land, not Ilhan is asking for this by the UN.

Make no mistake, the UN is not the friend of the US, they want all nations controlled by this entity that is not in step with the values we as Americans show, is a wasted and bloated organization, yet she wants them to come here and occupy our land, thus giving up US sovereignty over some of our territory.

Published on Aug 29, 2019

Rep Omar expressed her desire for the US border and the illegal migrant crisis to be handled by the United Nations, rather than the Federal government.]

In a speech Ilhan said that we should do what other nations do, call the UN High Commissioner on Refugees, to allow the UN onto our southern border and control the borders.

She went on to say that our border security, not allowing illegals in is a gross violation of human rights. This was the reason she felt the UN should be called, they, not us, should be in control of our border, that we should step back and allow them to dictate to us our security.

The question I think one should ask, how has this worked out for Europe, not with enclaves that the authorities dare not enter, where people send out morality gangs that attack women they deem are misbehaving or dressed in an immoral way, at least according to their Islamic moral beliefs.

This does not bring up the fact that more people have joined terrorist and other radical Islamic groups around the world than anyplace else in the US than from the area that Ilhan represents, but she wants to see this expanded.

What is more, now we see her embroiled in a host of corruption, marriage to family to give them visa’s, affairs outside of her marriage while lecturing us on her moral superiority, we have had enough.

Calling for the US to give up any sovereignty over any part of our nation is treasonous, not to mention the reaction places like Texas would have towards having foreign troops on our side of the US borders, would most likely quickly escalate into a shooting conflict, yet this is what Ilhan is calling for.

The question we need to ask is, “Do we want Chinese, Iranian, or any other nation’s soldiers under the UN flag ever placed on our sovereign territory?” It seems once more Ilhan has shown how little she understands the US, we value our sovereignty, trying to put troops on our own land would quickly escalate to violence. We must ask ourselves, “Is this really what the ultimate aim is, to bring in forces to control us since she can’t?”

Ilhan Omar is the best politician that we have ever seen to promote the GOP, just listening to her is driving people over to vote for anyone but the DNC. We should be thankful for her, Rashida, and AOC, they have aided more the GOP cause then all the money spent on commercials.

What is also amazing is how little they have changed, the party that brought us the KKK, Jim Crow Laws, Segregation is now trying to reinstitute these laws. They changed the direction of their hate from the African American population to the whites, their sheets for Antifa and Black Lives Matter Shirts.

Ilhan and friends, who we have had to sit and listen to lectures about racism and their great moral resolve, now are showing their true colors. Yesterday, after screaming about Trump’s racism introduced a bill to support the radical anti-Semitic movement BDS.

Ilhan Omar, the darling of the liberal left has now gone so far as to compare Trump to a dictator and say that she is 100% sure that they remove him as they have other dictators. One has to wonder, where are the leaders of the DNC?

Thursday, August 29, 2019

Islam Is America's Enemy

Justin Smith may be embarking on an annual remembrance of the Islamic terrorist attack on American soil that occurred September 11, 2001 (aka 9/11). Last year’s remembrance exercise was entitled “The Lessons of September 11th”.

This year’s remembrance exercise takes as a look at Islamic ideology and Leftist Multicultural enablement.

JRH 8/29/19
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Islam Is America's Enemy
September 11th: A Day Like No Other

By Justin O. Smith
Sent 8/28/2019 1:13 PM

A day like no other, the pain and the hurt from the September 11th 2001 Islamic attack on the United States and the destruction of the Twin Towers and the Pentagon -- the murders of 2977 Americans [Blog Editor: Other sources may list the number as 2,996 as the number of deaths. This number adds the Islamic terrorist hijackers to the dead] -- is still just as fresh in the minds of many Americans, as if it had only happened yesterday. The sun shone bright and the sky was blue and clear, and a beautiful September morning was transformed into horror and death, with nearly 3,000 innocents murdered for simply loving the freedom of living and working in America, and the anguish remains. 

I learned everything I needed to know about Islam on September 11th 2001, to use a coined phrase, even though I was already well versed in the Koran and the cultural proclivities of the adherents of Islam, and I suspect this sentiment is still firmly held by a vast majority of Americans. We all watched as Evil kicked in America's door with one swift blow that morning, and the images of this horrific tragedy have remained with us for these past eighteen years, as we recall hundreds of Americans jumping to their deaths to escape the inferno unleashed inside the Twin Towers, forever searing the harsh realities of that infamous day into our memories. 

News networks across the board carried live footage, as bodies began falling from the blazing, smoke-filled North Tower, hit by American Airlines Flight 11 at 8:46 A.M. (EST), and  shortly followed by the image of US Airlines Flight 175 flying into the South Tower at 9:03. The South Tower collapsed at 9:59, and the North Tower collapsed at 10:28, with the unforgettable incandescence of the images, acts of war, forever burned into America's memories. The images of the Towers of the World Trade Center collapsing into a pile of smoke and rubble, within only 102 minutes shocked all the world and shook America to its core. 

Today, too few Americans have held onto the righteous anger and fury they felt on 9/11.  

In the face of destruction everywhere and much work ahead, for many Americans life simply moved on. The president was still alive, the global balance of power hadn't shifted and the terrorism threat was the same as it was on September 10th, and the Muslim bastards had just been lucky. And from then 'til now, this day was mourned, commercialized and finally trivialized to the point that amnesia has set in, evidenced by thousands of Muslims still immigrating into our country and the fact that hundreds of Muslims are being supported in runs for public office and hundreds more are being appointed, as one Islamic terrorist plot after another unfolds, in an America where the memory of 9/11 has apparently died. 

Many Americans promised each other they would never forget. Memorials to that defiant pledge echo the words "Never Forget". But America has forgotten, and it is a shame that must be cleansed away. 

Due to the 1993 attempt to destroy the World Trade Center, by the Blind Sheikh and his band of Islamic terrorists, on September 11th, 2001, my eyes were already wide open to the existential threat of Islam. Most of America still chose to close their eyes to the threat, as hard as they could, even after the horror of September 11th 2001. They now say "Oh ... I remember that day" as if it’s just another day from eighteen years ago.  And it's time to remind America again.  

American Airlines Flight 11 flew into the North Tower at 440 miles per hour, and within minutes, searing heat coursed through the Tower at roughly 1600 to 1800 degrees Fahrenheit. Americans were trapped inside, and they died in sheer torment and agony as their flesh was burned away from bone. 

At 9:37 American Airlines Flight 77, from Dulles International Airport, flew into the Pentagon, the command center of our military forces. Minutes later, at 10:03, United Airlines 93 went down, in a field near Shanksville, PA, killing all aboard, as heroic passengers fought with their Islamic hijacker terrorists.  

As fate would have it, the ringleader of 9/11, Mohammed Atta, was overheard in a radio transmission just before Flight 93 went down. Quoting the Koran, Atta said, "No prophet should have prisoners until he has soaked the land with blood." As the fight continued inside the airliner, shouts of "Allahu Akbar" are heard. 

By all accounts, in the aftermath, anyone close to the smoldering ruins of the towers could taste the air, and breathing felt strange, since the air had a texture, and it felt as if one were breathing particles of sand and glass mixed with the oxygen. The air tasted like burning rubber, putrid and toxic.  

Millions of Americans watching the horror of it all unfold had the same thought, that "this can't be happening in America -- don't these terrorists know this is the most powerful nation on earth?"

At the 59th Street bridge, Manhattan looked like a scene from the movie 'Deep Impact', with crowds of shocked people walking across the bridge and trying to leave the tiny island of Manhattan as quickly as possible. No matter where one looked, that scene was the same on other New York City bridges, and all of a sudden, the United States of America, the "Shining City On The Hill" seemed vulnerable.  

As our people trudged over bridges or went uptown to escape danger, millions of Muslims delighted in the massacre of our brothers, sisters, husbands, wives, friends and fellow countrymen, and all across the Islamic world they cheered the strike that these Sons of Allah had made against this America I love so well, seen in videos and firsthand, from Gaza and the West Bank, Egypt, and right here in America where large crowds of Muslims were cheering "Allahu Akbar", dancing and handing out candy. Celebrations occurred on John F. Kennedy Blvd. in New Jersey and on Atlantic Ave. in Brooklyn, and they were confirmed by Peter Gallagher, then a police sergeant, and former New York City Police Commissioner Bernard Kerik, as well as former NYC Mayor Rudy Giuliani.  

And everyone surely recalls, that it wasn't long before our houses of God filled with the faithful, from "sea to shining sea", and they stayed packed for months thereafter.

In the years between then and now, and despite having a president who understands the terrorists must be defeated, our nation is still largely led by people not too concerned with defending America against all enemies, and America's leadership, especially in the Democratic Party, wrings its softened hands in fear of offending the mullahs, ayatollahs, sheikhs and imams of Islam and the Islamic world that brought so much death and destruction to our shore eighteen years ago; House Democrats have forgotten the collective national pain and the reasons America was attacked, and they would return to the appeasement that gave way to Islam's most recent ascendancy, if the American people allow it.  

Let us remember too, that immediately after the 9/11/12 Islamic terrorist attack on the U.S. Mission in Benghazi, Libya, Pres. Obama and Secretary of State Hillary Clinton told America it wasn't a terror attack. They hid behind the lie that an angry mob rioted over a Youtube video that insulted Islam. During that despicable tragic attack that resulted in the murders of four more fine Americans, our "leaders" tried to make it seem as if America was to blame.

There are still those -- the "Coexist" nutcases in our government and the media -- who insistently suggest that it's intolerant to suggest the most intolerant vile and evil ideology of Islam is in any way, shape or form the problem. Heaven forbid that anyone reveals the cry of "Allahu Akbar" means that Allah is greater than the gods of non-Muslims; the people must not be forced to reflect on the evil of Islam and the terrorists responsible for 9/11, and Heaven forbid America offends them now.  

Muslim delight was rubbed quite literally in the face of all America, at the very moment our people were in shock and mourning in the immediate aftermath of the attacks. And yet, so many Americans still don't dare to draw cartoons, make speeches, or even offhand remarks, or pen articles that might offend Islam. 

If anything, America should place a ban on all Muslim immigration , since nothing good comes of bringing Islam into a Western nation; nobody with any sense of love for America wants any new Muslim immigrants, while those anti-Americans in the Democratic Party who thrive on the disruption Muslims and Islam bring to America demand millions more be granted entry.

For America's sake, stop falling for the damnable lie that Islam is "a religion of peace" or that we can "coexist" with Islam, especially when the historical record and the empirical data prove otherwise. Muslims are only concerned with justice for all and minority rights, when they are in the minority; after their numbers grow sufficiently, through immigration and procreation, and they become the majority, minority rights cease to exist, and all are forced to submit to Islam and the will of Allah. And this is reason enough to sever our country from all Middle Eastern entanglements and leave the Muslims with fair warning to leave us be and in peace, or suffer the heat of a thousand suns, in a manner suggested by Lt Colonel Matthew Dooley, in June 2011 at the War College. [Blog Editor: Very informative article related to LTC. Dooley - Off with their heads! By Tabitha Korol; Renew America; 11/25/13]

This fateful day of September 11th should be a day to reflect on what America is becoming, when so many of Her people continue to reject absolute truths and the very idea of self-evident truths and inalienable rights, and so many decision makers have been neutered and emasculated by multiculturalism. The evil done in the name of Allah and Islam on that day and the heroic response of America's Ground Zero heroes calls us to assess the direction of the nation, regarding the continuing menace from the evil ideology of Islam, our war with Islam.  

The Islamic attack on 9/11 and the subsequent Islamic attacks that followed taught me everything I needed to know about Islam, without ever having to peek at the first page of the Koran, whether one looks at Boston, Ft Hood, San Bernardino, Orlando or New York and on to Islamic terrorism like Charlie Hebdo and the Bataclan. Muslims see liberal democracy and America and the West as evil, and they hate everything about us, seeking to murder us not by the dozens, but by the thousands -- without any regard for human life -- all in the name of Islam, at the end of rifles, a suicide bomb and the bloody, shining edge of a beheader's blade, in their certain belief and zealotry that they will save the world for their children and Islam, and as such, this is a war between Islam and the United States, and it's just beginning. 

America came together in unity that day, to fight the long war, after witnessing Islam's soulless savagery, with many awakened to the reality of Islam's intent to murder us all when it could. However, eighteen years later and still faced with this evil ideology, that is still growing and spreading and focused particularly on Christians and Jews in America, with murder in mind, far too many people have forgotten the chaotic sights and sounds of 9/11, the taste of the air, the curtain of black smoke, the scenes of horror and the acts of bravery, and the impenetrable black cloud that replaced the Towers, as our world was changed forever.

September 11th 2001 only reaffirmed for me the truth I reached on my own, after the 1979 takeover of the U.S. Embassy in Iran, hardening my resolve to keep my white-hot fury burning, until this war with Islam is decisively won. I became more certain than ever that Islam is the enemy of all non-Muslims and infidels, of all Americans. And that is something no one can afford to forget.

[Blog Editor:

o   Conservapedia on 1979 Iran Hostage Crisis

o   The Jawa Report on Mahmoud Ahmadinejad Controversy in 1979 Iran Hostage Crisis]
Edited by John R. Houk
Text enclosed by brackets and all source links are by the Editor.

© Justin O. Smith

21st Century Left & Soylent Green

John R. Houk
© August 29, 2009

Have you ever watched the 1973 Sci-Fi flick “Soylent Green”? Here’s the descriptive scenario:

In the NYC of 2022 … the temperature never drops below a humid 90. Over 20 million people are out of work. There is no middle class. The poor sleep where they can and join together for the daily food riots. The rich live in high-rise furnished apartments that come complete with young women. The apartments also feature unheard-of amenities like hot water and free-flowing electricity, and the people who can afford them can also afford black market luxuries like eggs, jam, and the rarest of all, real beef.

The cops are as corrupt as ever, and the government is merely a small branch of the Soylent Corporation—the international conglomerate that controls two-thirds of the world’s food supply by manufacturing cheap crackers out of chemicals and vegetable matter. There are no trees, there are no animals, water is rationed, and the city averages about a hundred murders a day.” (Why Soylent Green is More Relevant Now Than Ever; By Jim Knipfel; Den of Geek; 5/9/18)

Soylent Green is the apocalyptic Leftist vision of overpopulation, Climate Change and the scarcity of food. What was the Soylent Green solution? Lie to people and tell them a mass produced food product made from ocean plankton will stave global hunger. The truth hidden from people – the Left are experts in hiding truth – Soylent Green is made from PEOPLE. Thus legitimizing cannibalism for the good of humanity!

Posted by Marc Moyer
Published on Jan 26, 2011

Charlton Heston in the 1973 sci-fi classic.

Is it far fetched alarmism? NOT ANYMORE!

Brought to you by the psychologists and Left Stream Media who have normalized homosexuality and hatred of all morality from the Bible – Cannibalism will solve the hunger crisis that doesn’t exist where Western methodology prevails over Third World nation and Marxist methodologies.

Soylent Green is PEOPLE

JRH 8/29/19
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Left-wing media now pushing CANNIBALISM in America


Is it time for people to start eating other people in order to solve the crisis of world hunger? Newsweek seems to think so, as the left-leaning media outlet recently published an outlandish piece pushing the notion that it might be time for human beings to rethink the “ultimate taboo” of cannibalismas the next step forward for “progress.”

Citing a paper published by psychologists Jared Piazza and Neil McLatchie from the University of Lancaster in the United Kingdom, Newsweek makes the proposition that cannibalism might not be all that bad after all because some cultures throughout the world have been doing it since the beginning of time.

According to Piazza and McLatchie, most people find cannibalism disgusting and abhorrent not because it actually is, but because society has trained everyone to think this way. If it weren’t for the concept being “overridden by our feelings of repulsion and disgust,” more people would accept cannibalism as normal, these two contend, with the apparent approval of Newsweek.

Stopping short of actually promoting cannibalism, since they claim “there is no need to overcome our repulsion for the foreseeable future,” Piazza and McLatchie contend that humans should start trying to overcome their aversion to human flesh because one day they might have to eat human flesh in order to survive.

“Many people develop disgust for all kinds of meat, while morticians and surgeons quickly adapt to the initially difficult experience of handling dead bodies,” the two authors write in their paper. “Our ongoing research with butchers in England suggests that they easily adapt to working with animal parts that the average consumer finds quite disgusting.”

It’s unreasonable for people to not want to eat human flesh, claim academics

If you’re still too grossed out by the thought of consuming human flesh despite all of this, that revulsion isn’t a matter of reason, these two academics further claim. You’re actually being unreasonable, they insist, because some people throughout history have had to eat other people in order to survive.

In their paper, they propose the story of the famous 1972 Andes plane crash as one prominent example, citing the fact that survivors almost starved to death before “succumbing to reason” and “eating those who had already died.”

In other words, it’s completely reasonable for people to eat other people – and if you don’t agree, then you’re the problem.

This is the type of new-wave leftist thinking that’s apparently sweeping the editorial room at Newsweek, which gladly republished the manifesto on this topic, which first appeared in The Conversation.

Its stated goal is to get readers to rethink the idea of cannibalism by de-coupling it from the notion of “personhood and flesh.” In other words, these two academics, along with Newsweek and The Conversation, want readers to stop thinking about human flesh as being human at all, and pretend as though it doesn’t come from actual people.

If “we can’t silence our thoughts about the person [the meat] came from,” they claim, then this is simply a manifestation of our anti-cannibalism “bias” rearing its ugly head.

“For now,” these two authors insist that it’s okay to not embrace cannibalism because it isn’t yet a necessity. But in their mind, it one day could be, seeing as how “philosophers have argued that burying the dead could be wasteful in the context of the fight against world hunger.”

“… we’re as happy as you are to continue accepting the ‘wisdom of repugnance,'” they conclude, satisfied with at least having put the idea out there for people to chew on – no pun intended.

To keep up with the latest derangements coming out of academia, be sure to visit

Sources for this article include:

21st Century Left & Soylent Green
John R. Houk
© August 29, 2009
Left-wing media now pushing CANNIBALISM in America


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Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Ilhan Omar Adulteress & Probable Criminal

An intro by John R. Houk
August 28, 2019

It’s all Conservative media that Rep. Ilhan Omar is an adulteress. I’m the Left Stream Media isn’t reporting much on America’s now famous adulteress. After all the Left Stream has failed America in other crimes, such as immigration fraud, marriage fraud and perjury come to mind. I wouldn’t be surprised if I forgot or are unaware of other crimes Omar committed but has been given a pass for being a Dem.

Speaking of Omar crimes, I’m hearing in conjunction with her adulteress lifestyle, Omar has doled out Campaign funds to her adulterer lover under the guise of consulting fees. AGAIN Dems seem able to break laws at will without consequences.

Whew! Sharia loving Ms. Omar should be glad she didn’t commit Adultery in Saudi Arabia.

JRH 8/28/19
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Yikes: Did Ilhan Omar’s Campaign Funds Mostly Go Toward Her Alleged Affair?

Aug 28, 2019 2:00 PM

Source: (AP Photo/J. Scott Applewhite) - Ilhan Omar & AOC

Yesterday the New York Post reported that Congresswoman Ilhan Omar is having an affair with Democratic strategist Tim Mynett. The allegation was made in divorce papers filed by his wife. In July, Omar filed for divorce from her current husband. A refresher:

Dr. Beth Jordan Mynett says her cheating spouse, Tim Mynett, told her in April that he was having an affair with the Somali-born US representative and that he even made a “shocking declaration of love” for the Minnesota congresswoman before he ditched his wife, alleges the filing, submitted in DC Superior Court on Tuesday. 

It turns out Mynett's firm was funneled a boat load of Omar's campaign cash. He was paid more than $200,000 for consulting and the campaign reimbursed at least $21,000 for his personal travel. That travel wasn't properly reported or itemized.

An official complaint regarding the large payments to Mynett's firm has already been filed, alleging she broke the law.

"Today, NLPC filed a Complaint with the Federal Election Commission (FEC) against Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-MN) alleging that she and her campaign violated the prohibition on the personal use of campaign funds by reimbursing political consultant Tim Mynett for his travel in 2019. The Complaint also alleges that Omar and her campaign failed to itemize the travel reimbursements, as required," the National Legal and Policy Center released in a statement Wednesday.

"Although Mynett's formal relationship with Rep. Omar's campaign began in July 2018, with the payment of $7000 directly to Mynett, the reimbursements for Mynett's travel did not commence until April 2019, the same month that Dr. Mynett alleges in her filing that her husband told her of the affair, and made a 'shocking declaration of love' for Rep. Omar," the complaint states. 

According to the divorce filing, Mynett's "more recent travel and long work hours now appear to be more related to his affair with Rep. Omar than his actual work commitments."

And then there are these timing details from the Washington Examiner:

Here's the odd thing: The overwhelming majority of Omar's funds spent on the E Street Group were paid after she won the contested primary and during the totally noncompetitive general election race in her D+26 district. Contrary to FEC rules, Omar's filings did not designate whether her E Street Group disbursements (or any of her disbursements) were for the primary election or the general election.

Omar is refusing to discuss her "personal life" and has not commented on the issue of campaign funds being improperly used.

"I have no interest in allowing the conversation about my personal life to continue and so I have no desire to discuss it," Omar told CBS Minnesota today.

[Blog Editor: It appears a video of CBS Minnesota was attempted to be embedded. At least in my browser the embed was a fail. Here is a direct link to the CBS Minnesota story referred to in the Pavlich post: And here is the video link:  It’s local news and may disappear]
Ilhan Omar’s Campaign Has Paid Over $200,000 to Her Alleged Lover for ‘Fundraising Consulting’

August 28, 2019 8:51 AM

Congresswoman Ilhan Omar and Rashida Tlaib on Capitol Hill in Washington, D.C., July 15, 2019. (Erin Scott/Reuters)

Representative Ilhan Omar’s (D., Minn.) campaigns have, since 2018, disbursed roughly $230,000 to a consulting firm owned by Tim Mynett, a fundraising strategist whose wife accused him of having an affair with Omar in a recent divorce filing obtained by the New York Post.

Omar’s 2018 campaign spent $62,674 on “fundraising consulting” services provided by the E Street Group and the spending has only increased since. The freshman Democrat’s 2020 reelection campaign has, according to FEC data, spent $160,000 on Mynett’s services thus far in 2019, nearly one-third of its total expenditures, despite it being an off year.

Mynett, who has a partnership stake in E Street, told his wife that he had fallen in love with Omar over the months they had been working together and rejected her attempts to salvage their marriage.

“The parties physically separated on or about April 7, 2019, when Defendant told Plaintiff that he was romantically involved with and in love with another woman, Ilhan Omar,” reads the divorce filing, submitted in D.C. court on Tuesday.

Less than one week after Mynett disclosed the affair, Omar’s reelection campaign began paying for Mynett’s travel. Mynett’s wife believes the travel, which has cost the campaign more than 20,000 since April, was not work-related.

“Defendant’s more recent travel and long work hours now appear to be more related to his affair with Rep. Omar than with his actual work commitments,” the divorce filing reads.

The conservative National Legal and Policy Center filed an FEC complaint Wednesday morning alleging that Omar violated the law by funding her romantic partner’s travel.

“If Ilhan for Congress reimbursed Mynett’s LLC for travel so that Rep. Omar would have the benefit of Mynett’s romantic companionship, the expenditures must be considered personal in nature,” NLPC said in its complaint, which was obtained by the Daily Caller.

It’s not the first time Omar has faced FEC violations; she was hit with a $500 fine in June for improperly using campaign funds to travel to a conference in Florida.

Omar has also previously faced questions about her marital history. In 2012, a series of social media posts identified her then-husband, Ahmed Elmi, as her child’s uncle, prompting speculation that she married her brother to skirt U.S. immigration law. She has refused to address the controversy, which gained traction earlier this year after evidence emerged that she likely lied to Minnesota authorities about her knowledge of Elmi’s whereabouts in order to obtain a no-fault divorce. Omar is now married to another man, Ahmed Hirsi.
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Ilhan Omar’s Campaign Has Paid Over $200,000 to Her Alleged Lover for ‘Fundraising Consulting’

Another victory: Texas city stops "Drag Queen Story Hour" after MassResistance pressure

Certainly you’ve of LGBTQ agenda Drag Queen hours in Public Libraries across the United States of  America by now? BUT I found out from MassResistance there are at least five moral City council members out of seven in the Texas city of Leander.

JRH 8/28/19
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Another victory: Texas city stops "Drag Queen Story Hour" after MassResistance pressure

August 25, 2019

City Council discontinues all library room rentals

Council also votes to require background checks for people presenting to children in library

Months of phone calls, emails by local citizens made the difference!

MassResistance notches another victory in the battle against “Drag Queens” targeting young children in public libraries!

KXAN bi-line on Drag Queen Hour - This was the local TV station's report in Leander, Texas, the day after the City Council vote!

On August 15, The Leander, Texas, City Council voted 5-2 to stop renting out their public library meeting rooms to outside organizations. The Council also voted 6-1 to require background checks for guest presenters for programs in the library involving children 17 and younger. By all accounts, these policy changes will completely stop the “Drag Queen Story Hour” events in the public library.

The Leander City Council votes on the new library policy.

Both of these moves are a direct result of Texas MassResistance activism targeting the “Drag Queen Story Hour” events at the Leander Public Library this year - a story which ultimately made national news.

Here’s how it happened:

1. Public library sponsors Drag Queen event – until MassResistance gets involved!

As we reported earlier local residents in Leander, a suburb of Austin, contacted MassResistance asking for help. They were outraged that the Leander Public Library was sponsoring a Drag Queen Story Hour, to take place on June 15.

Our Houston MassResistance chapter helped the Leander parents organize and leaflet the community. Soon the Mayor and City Council were flooded with phone calls and emails from angry citizens.

Then Houston MassResistance released a revolting 57-page exposé of the “Drag Queen” who was to be reading to the children at the Public Library event. The social media photos shown in the report are repulsive and pornographic. One could easily see this is definitely not a person you would want teaching anything to young children.

This is the "Drag Queen" that library officials and LGBT activists invited to read to children in their library - exposed by MassResistance.

The City Council quickly reacted to the outrage and decided that the public library could not be the sponsors of the Drag Queen event! Two of the City Council members even contacted MassResistance to cover for themselves, blaming the previous City Council members for scheduling the event!

2. Library lets local pro-LGBT church rent the room so Drag Queen event to go on

But as we subsequently reported, this was a short-lived victory. Unfortunately. the local library policies had been changed about a year ago to allow community use of the library building by churches and political organizations.  This allowed a local LGBTQ-affirming church to step in and rent the library room, so the Drag Queen Story Hour could still take place on June 15.

Texas MassResistance announced it would protest the event along with Leander parents and other groups outside the library that day. Almost immediately, the Antifa chapter in nearby Austin announced they were also coming – presumably to harass and intimidate the pro-family protesters.

3. The Left begins to cave in

Texas MassResistance made it clear that they weren’t afraid of the Antifa threats. The Leander police also announced that they intended to protect the pro-family protesters from any possible violence. As a result, Antifa basically backed down and had no visible presence at the protest.

People in town were incensed that this “Drag Queen,” who clearly had no business being around children, was still being scheduled for the event. And they continued flood the library with angry calls and emails.

It worked. The day before the June 15 event, the pro-LGBT church announced that the scheduled “Drag Queen” would not be coming to read to the children – and it would not be a “Drag Queen Story Hour.” Instead, they were re-naming it “Leander Family Pride Festival and Story Time.” But people would still be reading homosexual-themed books to young children, but there would not be Drag Queens in attendance.

4. Successful protest outside the library against the LGBT agenda

MassResistance organized about 100 local Leander pro-family people to show up on June 15 outside the library – to protest the LGBT agenda in their library and in their city. About 75 pro-LGBT people were also came to oppose the pro-family protesters. But they appeared to be just a bunch of random gay activists from out of town, milling about and mouthing their predictable slogans and chants about “hate” and “bigotry.”

Due to the threats by Antifa to counter-protest and likely cause violence, the city went to great expense to secure the rights of all residents to safely practice their freedom to assemble and protest. There were police everywhere. In all, the city spent over $20,000 for protection for the protest – which only added to the outcry against this program.  

At the library protest on June 15 Texas MassResistance leader Tracy Shannon shows her winning smile!

Dueling banners at the protest. Man in the foreground is reporter for InfoWars.

In addition, Leander residents were fuming that the city decided to close the library that day except for the exclusive use of the “pride” event – due to “safety concerns.”  This measure seemed a bit over-the-top and unnecessary, according to many people.

The sign outside the Leander Public Library that day infuriated parents.

But the pro-family protest was a big success. It sent a huge message to the politicians in Leander.

5. The City Council is forced to solve the problem!

National far-left organizations such as the ACLU, the NCAC (National Coalition Against Censorship), and Texas Library Association had already sent letters threatening lawsuits if the Leander City Council were to enact policies to make groups renting the library facilities pay for their own security costs – claiming it would be a “First Amendment violation..” But there was huge city-wide outrage against these sexual programs targeting young children. So the Councilors had to make some tough decisions. They ultimately did what was best for the children and the community.

Thus, on August 15 the City Council voted 5-2 to restrict the use of the library meeting rooms to city departments in their official capacities. The new policies for approving outside presenters brought into the library by city departments will involve background checks if they are presenting to children under 17.

This was a very busy street corner on June 15!

As of now, the city residents are protected from “Drag Queen Story Hour” events in their public library -- and other programming from outside groups that is pushes LGBTQ content and ideology onto children.

Vile, unhinged attack from a left-wing City Council member
One of the dissenting City Council members, Christine Sederquist, an ally of the LGBT movement, blamed the expense of the security for the protests on Tracy Shannon and MassResistance.

Pro-LGBT Councilwoman Christine Sederquist poses with homosexual-themed children's book "Love Makes a Family."

When Tracy Shannon responded that it was actually the expected violence from Antifa that required the need for expensive police protection – not the peaceful parents from Leander organized by MassResistance – Councilwoman Sederquist posted a vile, unhinged attack against Tracy on social media that included a disgusting sexual invective.

Councilwoman Christine Sederquist Social Media Screen Capture being vile to Tracy Shannon

This is unfortunately how the Left reacts to any pushback to their horrible activities – with blatant lies and disgusting verbal abuse. In fact, Tracy Shannon is a very calm person who has NEVER screamed at anyone, certainly not children. Tracy’s online activity is simply exposing the depraved “Drag Queens” that people like Sederquist push on kids.

(How low can the Councilwoman go? She claims to possess dignity, class, and discretion. Yet only an extremely crude person would use the repulsive phrase “get bent” in public discourse.)

The city of Leander deserves better from an elected official. Sederquist’s City Council email address is:  The entire City Council can be reached at:

Going forward …

The City Council, strengthened by the resolve of many residents who opposed Drag Queen Story Hour, made the right decision to protect the children in their community. Most cities have ordinances to keep sexually-oriented businesses away from libraries, churches, and schools because they should not be around children. Now Leander has enacted further policy to ensure that sexually explicit entertainers stay away from children in what would otherwise be benign, less controversial programs.

But we're not done cleaning house yet.  We’ve just learned that the Leander Library has scheduled a “Pride Storytime” on Oct. 12. There will be no Drag Queens and any adults participating will require a background check. We have a strong feeling that local parents getting tired of the LGBT agenda being pushed to children by their city. We’ll see what happens with that!

Going forward, MassResistance activists will continuing putting pressure on locally-elected and countywide bodies to adopt strict policies to ensure that sexually perverse Drag Queen Story Hours targeting children are kept out of their libraries and other public venues.

We’ve already heard reports that other cities will be adopting ordinances similar to Leander, Texas to restrict inappropriate use of public spaces in taxpayer-funded venues like local libraries. We will keep you apprised of future successes!
Please help us continue to do our uncompromising work! Our successes depend on people like you. Donate to MassResistance. Your support will make the difference!

Copyright © 2019 MassResistance
PO Box 1612, Waltham, Massachusetts 02454