Monday, July 30, 2018

Understand the Threat of Islam to Western Culture

John R. Houk
© July 30, 2018
Updated 7/31/18

The Youtube channel VladTepesBlog posted about a 42-minute prepared speech read by a Swedish gal - Nina Drakfors*** - expressing her dire disappoint with Swedish government’s Multiculturalist ideology of planting culture-clashing Muslim immigrants (or migrants) in Sweden. Drakfors explains the horrible consequences on the Swedish populace experiencing violent crimes including massive rape-jihad from these Muslims. The Swedish government and Swedish media has been propagandizing their citizens all is well when the opposite is quite true!

(***You should know about Nina Drakfors. I usually just link to biographical info, however the most reliable info I have found is in Swedish. Thus I have decided to post a Google English translation at the end of the Don Boys post even though it extends the length of this blog post.)

I learned of this video from a Vlad Tepes Blog post of which I am sent email updates. Although the video is at the top of the post, the more interesting portion of the post is the pseudonymous author Eeyore responding to a Youtube comment expressing his opinion about the possible nefarious reason the European Leftist ruling Elites allow Muslim immigration that is obviously disrupting the indigenous Western Culture.

The commenter – identified as  H.J. Indy Nuding – has a great point, but Eeyore’s response is even better and one I fully agree with. Because of that which I find more interesting I’m posting the comment and Eeyore’s response first, then the Swedish gal’s extremely valid points read in Swedish with English subtitles – last.

AND, after the Vlad Tepes thoughts I’m cross posting the thoughts Don Boys, PhD. Boys is a Christian Evangelist born in West Virginia that even had a political career elected to the Indiana House of Representatives. The Boys essay also addresses the infusion of counter-culture Islam in the West and how Eastern European nations are awakening to the threat Islam presents to Western Culture. The implication being America needs to WAKE-UP!

What happened to Sweden?

Posted by Eeyore
July 30, 2018 9:42 am

A question was left for me in the comments at Youtube last night which I thought I would post along with my answer below in case its food for discussion.

Vlad Tepesblog – I’ve been contemplating a lot over the last few years about the Massive influx of Muslims into the West and the endorsing by our Political, Social, Academented Elite of this trend, the slow Islamization of the West.

I came to the conclusion that this is being done by the “Elite” deliberately and not out of Fear being called Names for the one and only reason, the Reason of gaining ABSOLUTE POWER. The Black Africans that are being flooded into Europe would make good Foot Soldiers for Islam, since they are easily influenced by promises of “Legal” Rape, Loot and Violence against Non Muslims (“Whites”).

I looked at Christianity, how it was turned into the Empirical Religion by the Roman Emperor Constantine for simple Political Reasons, to have ABSOLUTE POWER over each and every aspect of Life, to create a Society under ONE Banner. Unfortunately for the “Ruling” Classes, Christianity wasn’t as inflexible as they thought, since in my humble opinion it’s a free flowing Philosophy and not a rigid Ideology and eventually Church and State got separated and through this a lot of State Power over Peoples Lives was lost.

When you look at Islam on the other Hand, it’s an Ideology that is as Rigid and Inflexible as it get’s, it cannot be changed, it’s the “FINAL Word of Allah” and rules through Sharia Law each and every aspect of a Muslims Life, from how to shit, eat, drink, f**k and THINK. What better tool than Islam for Oppression?

What better tool to Enslave the Body and Mind of People? Islam is like an Oubliette with a way in, but NO way out. My believe, through observation of what is happening all over the Western World, is that our “Politicians” and “Big Global Corporations” want to turn the Free World into an Islamic Hellhole to wield again the ABSOLUTE POWER they lost to our Ancestors during the Centuries. What do you think?

H.J. I suspect its leftists using Islam as a battering ram to destroy classical civilization, which they have through great logical acrobatics, made into the great evil of the world, with the intention of replacing it with a communist-post modern ‘civilization, which would have to work this time cause there won’t be any place to escape to.

Something very much like that. The evidence for this is overwhelming really. But two of my favorite bits of it are: A letter to Obama from Carlos the Jackal in a French prison saying the only way to defeat Western civilization was a combination of leftism and islam, and a document from a French MP in 1928 asking for the government to research the odd relationship between European communist groups and Middle Eastern Islamic ones.

But there is a buyers market on this kind of evidence really. Spend a day at any university for the past 100 years. I went briefly to a Canadian one in the 70s. Looking back, the textbooks I was given were all postmodern replacements for real science. People like Money and Erheartd, (sp) the pseudo sex researchers who have destroyed many people’s lives with their PoMo religion pretending to be science.

Leftism has no weapons except their fictions, and weaponized islam. Mind you, the US and Russia used jihadi groups as proxies for decades and decades. So it’s not unique. It’s just horrifying that people in our midst, who benefit from our work and ideas, are using islam against us, instead of as a military asset against a far target which is a threat to us we are more used to.

It isn’t even impossible that Russia is playing a part in weaponizing and sending some of these muslims into our nations. To a degree, Russia does want us to be weaker for its own reasons, and now they don’t have communism slowing them down.

I have read speculation that Soros is a Russian agent. That explains a few things actually. Like how did a broke ex-Nazi Hungarian get into the LSE?

Here is the strategic overview as I see it: Communist groups seek to destroy the west by fractioning it in every possible way. This turned out to be easier than anyone would have thought, using only language. They did so by creating as many groups out of the one, and making them believe that what’s left in the middle had been abusing, exploiting or otherwise disenfranchising them. This goes from physical attributes like race and skin tone, (BLM Etc.) to belief, religions, Jews, Muslims et al, to irrelevant behaviours. Like who or what you want to have sex with, and of course, your physiology. Male female.

That became quite a powerful one in fact. People could be made to identify themselves as their kinks. Also issues could be mal-framed so that we would agree to one thing when really getting another. Much like signing an iTunes agreement.

So when the West was bullied into getting gay marriage, it really got the destruction of real marriage. A powerful western institution. So now the circle around the remainder is powerful and all that is left in the middle is white males. Attacking forces include everything from muslims, to leftists of all types who use their new PoMo labels, Jew, black, woman, homo, whatever, as both a sword and a shield. This is a fairly brilliant plan and could easily work.’ After all. How to you fight a nuclear power when all you have is words? Replace all the people in the chain of command with your people and now YOU have the nuclear weapons. Right? I hope that is the answer you were asking for.

Posted by Vlad Tepesblog
Published on Jul 29, 2018
No Democracy, Republic, Monarchy, or Dictatorship is Safe from Islam!

By Don Boys, PhD
July 30, 2018

Polish lawmaker Dominik Tarczyński admitted on television that Poland had not received a single Muslim refugee! He also stated they had not had any terrorist attacks! He declared, “We can be called populists, nationalists, racists, I don’t care — I care about my family, and about my country.” That’s a smart, honest politician although not politically correct.

And his tribe is increasing at a rapid rate all over Europe—Netherlands, Italy, Austria, Hungary, with others arising in France, Germany, England, etc. And such patriotic leaders give heartburn to open border fanatics and all globalists.

Let me see if I understand this correctly: the nations that refuse to take in Muslims are having no problem with terror and the nations that have almost open borders and are being flooded by Muslims have had numerous terrorist attacks. Maybe America and Canada should take note.

All politicians had better face reality and not snuggle up to the political, social, academic, and media elite: Muslims have an agenda that seeks every nations’ capitulation to their influence.

A Muslim demonstrator in Dearborn, Michigan proudly held a sign stating, “We will use the freedoms of the Constitution to destroy the Constitution!” But political fools refuse to believe such “peaceful” religious people could really be telling the truth as to their intentions!

No democracy or republic or monarchy, dictatorship is safe and many nations are even financing their own fall as in the United Kingdom. Sharia-practicing Muslim organizer Anjem Choudary of Islam4UK stated, as reported in the London Daily Express, “We have had enough of democracy and man-made law.…We will call for a complete upheaval of the British ruling system…and demand full implementation of Shariah in Britain.”

Hardline Iranian Judge Ayatollah Sadegh Khalkhali openly declared, “Those who are against killing have no place in Islam. Our Prophet killed with his own blessed hands…If the survival of the faith requires the shedding of blood, we are there to perform our duty.” He may be a bigot, barbarian, and butcher but he was honest about what Islam is.

Friends, it’s time to wake up!

Dr. Imran Waheed, the London spokesman for the international “peaceful” jihadist group Hizb ut-Tahrir, claimed in May 2005 that 99 percent of the Muslims worldwide want a caliphate to rule the world!

Shukri Abu Baker gave marching instructions of destruction to his followers in a secret meeting with the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) and it was taped by the FBI. “I swear by Allah that war is deception…We are fighting our enemy with a kind heart…Deceive, camouflage, pretend that you’re leaving while you’re walking  that way. Deceive your enemy….” Note that he was speaking at a CAIR meeting–you know, the Muslim group that is only a public relations firm or civil rights group, or so they say. Their actions prove otherwise. Notice the use of war, deception, fighting, enemy, deceive, and pretend, all indicative of confusion, confrontation, and conflict leading to control.

Omar Ahmad is co-founder of CAIR and former Islamic Association for Palestine (IAP) officer. FBI surveillance tapes at secret Hamas meeting in 1993 reveal that IAP could not admit support for the terrorist group Hamas since it would not be politically wise. Of course not. They may be terrorists but they aren’t stupid! The Holy Land Foundation paid for Omar’s travel and lodging for the meeting.

Omar declared, “Those who stay in America should be open to society without  melting, keeping mosques open so anyone can come and learn about Islam. If you choose to live here, you have a responsibility to deliver the message of Islam…Islam isn’t in America to be equal to any other faiths, but to become dominant. The Koran, the Muslim book of scripture, should be the highest authority in America, and Islam the only accepted religion on Earth.” Well, that’s clear.

Omar praised suicide bombers of innocent people, “Fighting for freedom, fighting for Islam, that is not suicide…they kill themselves for Islam.” Remember, that comes from the mouth of the co-founder of CAIR, America’s number one Muslim organization! Wake up!

However, CAIR is a front for Islamic terror groups such as Hamas and Hezbollah, and terrorists are as easily found in their company as a bowling ball in a bathtub. The Hamas Charter states their purpose is terror. “Israel will exist and will continue to exist until Islam will obliterate it, just as it obliterated others before it.” The Bible in Psalm 83:4 predicted this hatred of Israel: “They have said, Come, and let us cut them off from being a nation; that the name of Israel may be no more in remembrance.”

Israel is the most hated nation on earth and is not even on the maps of many Islamic nations! Many Muslim leaders have boldly declared that Israel should be driven into the sea.

Nihad Awad is Co-Founder and CAIR Executive Director and former Public Relations Director for the Islamic Association for Palestine (IAP). He was born in Jordan and is now a U.S. citizen. He boldly declared, “I am in support of the Hamas movement.” He also said, “We do not and will not condemn any liberation movement inside Palestine or Lebanon.”

Randall “Ismail” Royer was CAIR’s National Civil Rights Coordinator and Communications Specialist who was convicted of terrorist crimes while working for CAIR. He was sentenced to twenty years in a Federal Prison. CAIR is a nest of rattlesnakes!

Ghassan Elashi was founder of CAIR-Texas and Chairman of Holy Land Foundation for Relief and Development. He was convicted for committing terrorist crimes while working for CAIR and sentenced to 65 years in a Federal Prison.

Mo Hassan is a Pakistani-American and former CEO of Bridges TV who was convicted of beheading his wife in 2011! In 2007, he received a CAIR Award but his fellow prisoners aren’t that impressed with the honor. Mo will spend 25 years in prison. I wonder why he didn’t get life. After all, how can a beheading not be premediated?

I reported in my book Muslim Invasion: The Fuse is Burning! that 60% of Muslim-Americans under 30 told Pew Research they’re more loyal to Islam than America! That is Muslims in America, not Egypt, Pakistan, or Saudi Arabia.

Islam has eyes on every nation in the world! Each one is to be part of their world system called the caliphate. It is already too late for some national leaders to wake up to the truth: Islam, true Islam, is our number one enemy with plans to destroy every legitimate government.

It is dumb, dangerous, and deadly for a nation to disregard Islam; after all, like rattlesnakes, they have warned us of their intentions!
*** Translated to English from Swedish (NINADRAKFORS)
About Nina [Drakfors]

I am an opinion maker with an agenda. My agenda is to make visible and stop the irresponsible immigration policy. I also have an agenda to highlight democratic threats, as I believe that established media has become a part. What drives me is a relentless power, never compromising or losing my children and the welfare of your children.

Why Critical Approach to Islam?

There is an important issue that I want to convey about the reason and motivation of my blog posts about Islam. I am critical of Islam and know that many may think that it is extreme and that my reasons for this are questionable. There is always a reason in all the work I do, both in my private life and in politics. It is about the future of our children and to live with our democratic freedoms.

Apart from what I have learned about current Islam, my judgment is that Islam is fundamental and design is a totalitarian religion that makes people stop thinking about themselves. Islam wants to create a world hero where human beings will be totally subjected.

Short information about who I am and do:

I'm an individual who blogs about politics. During my working life, I have worked in health care and has been a Social Security Officer from Göteborg University since 2010.

Currently working as a social secretary to handle and investigate support applications in the municipality of Skövde since 2010. He also has his own company, The Loving Touch of Lomi, where I perform Hawaiian healing massage as well as instructor in Kundaliniyoga.

Political experience and current situation:

I have been active in SD in Skara since 2015, in the form of being an alternate member of the board and regular in the Children and Education Board. In the past, I have been active in the Social Democrats in Skara and Hjo during the period 2000-2013 for a period of two years.

Has been assigned a mission in Skara Municipality as a regular member of the City Council, the Children's and Educational Board and the Building Board. Has also been in the board of S-women Skaraborg.

READ ENTIRETY (with some translation software – I used Google Translate)
Nina Drakfors: Swedish Politicians Must Put the Welfare of Their Own People Before Anyone Else

Posted by Baron Bodissey
July 30, 2018

Nina Drakfors is a former Social Democrat in Sweden who woke up to what is happening to her country — or, more precisely, what is being done to it by its own political leaders and the globalist elites who are pushing for the erasure of national borders.

She originally gave this talk at a meeting in Copenhagen at the invitation of the Danish anti-sharia group For Frihed.

Many thanks to Tania Groth for the translation, and to Vlad Tepes for the subtitling:

... Watch and/or READ THE REST
Understand the Threat of Islam to Western Culture
John R. Houk
© July 30, 2018
What happened to Sweden?

About Eeyore
Canadian artist and counter-jihad and freedom of speech activist as well as devout Schrödinger's catholic

Copyright © 2018 Vlad Tepes All Rights Reserved.
No Democracy, Republic, Monarchy, or Dictatorship is Safe from Islam!

Boys’ book  Muslim Invasion: The Fuse is Burning! is available here. An eBook edition is also available.

Boys’ new book  The World’s Best Jokes! was published recently as an eBook. To get your copy, click here.

© Copyright by Don Boys, PhD, 2018. All rights reserved.

Dr. Don Boys is a former member of the Indiana House of Representatives, author of 14 books, frequent guest on television and radio talk shows, and wrote columns for USA Today for 8 years. Three years ago, the second edition of ISLAM: America's Trojan Horse! was published, and his new eBook, The God Haters is available for $9.99 from These columns go to newspapers, magazines, television, and radio stations. His other web sites are and Contact Don for an interview or talk show.

Copyright © 2012 - 2018 | Capitol Hill Outsider and Outsider News Publishing

Sunday, July 29, 2018

Yet Another Aspiring Apparatchik Exploits Norway's 9/11

Axel Fjeld

I just read a great article at PJ Media (formerly Pajamas Media) rebutting a European Leftist crying Islamophobe. Bruce Bawer speculates Axel Fjeld is trying to use his academic prowess to make his bones to get a job working in some form of lucrative European Leftist media.

Unfortunately for Fjeld, Bawer shows the racist-Islamophobe accusations against Counterjihad writers is based on barefaced lies.

JRH 7/29/18
Yet Another Aspiring Apparatchik Exploits Norway's 9/11

JULY 25, 2018

The ring-shaped sculpture made of steel which carries the engraved names of the victims of the Utoya massacre on the island of Utoya, Norway, on August 5, 2015. (Sigrid Harms/picture-alliance/dpa/AP Images)

This year I was not going to write about 7/22, often known as Norway's 9/11. It is the date in 2011 on which Anders Behring Breivik bombed government buildings in Oslo, killing eight people, and then gunned down sixty-nine more, mostly kids, on the nearby island of Utøya. Famously, Breivik wrote – or rather cobbled together – a massive “manifesto” consisting mainly of material from various sources that he had cut and pasted. Most of it was critical of Islam, and it was apparently meant as a justification for his actions. But none of the people whose work he borrowed had ever called for violence, let alone violence against children.

Nevertheless, after 7/22, the Norwegian left was quick to insist on a linkage between Breivik and serious critics of Islam, and to argue, moreover, that those critics needed to be silenced in order to avoid any more such atrocities. For a while there things got pretty dicey, with prominent academics, authors, and politicians demanding strict limits on freedom of speech and stiff prison penalties for anyone violating those limits. In one op-ed after another, I saw my name, and that of other writers, dragged through the mud. I ended up writing an e-book about it, The New Quislings.

Eventually it all died down. But every now and then the whole ugly business flares up again, especially when an anniversary of 7/22 rolls around. Ambitious young ideologues who are eager to kick off a career in politics, writing, media, or the public sector have discovered that a splendid way to do so is to join the pile-on. It's easy enough to pull off: the point is not to soberly challenge the arguments made by critics of Islam, or to say any[t]hing [sic] remotely original, but to name-call – to smear them as Islamophobes, racists, and “Eurabia conspiracy theorists.” (I'll explain that last one in a minute.)

Meet Axel Fjeld. On July 25, the newspaper Bergensavisen published a long essay by the thirty-year-old, who is studying for his master's degree in philosophy. The essay was entitled “Is it possible to stop racism?” Its targets were the usual ones. For example, Hans Rustad, editor of, which runs Islam-related news and commentary. Describing as “Breivik's old hunting grounds” (because he, like thousands of others, used to read it), Fjeld deplores the fact that Rustad has been invited to take part in debates in mainstream media. Similarly, he complains that Fritt Ord, a free-speech foundation, awarded a stipend to the Islam critic Peder Are Nøstvold Jensen, a.k.a. Fjordman, whom Fjeld smears as a “genocide ideologist.” In the same way, recycling a years-old leftist gripe, Fjeld rebukes a certain former Aftenposten editor for having actually had a kind word to say about my 2006 book While Europe Slept.

Fjeld would have his readers believe that Rustad, Jensen, and I are all racists. He doesn't make any effort to prove that we are. In fact we are not. I am not a racist, and I have never read a remotely racist word either at or in Jensen's voluminous writings. Fjeld, then, is barefaced liar. But this is how all of these people operate. We have the facts on our side. They have no good arguments for their position. So all they can do is hurl slurs. Moreover, even as they avoid representing our opinions fairly and honestly, they pretend that we have nothing reasonable to offer, and that they, in fact, are the reasonable ones. And why should reasonable people have to “debate” unreasonable people? As Fjeld puts it: “When we are tempted to debate rationally against opinions that are not based on reason, we cannot achieve anything other than to legitimize the irrational as something that is worth discussing.”

Fjeld pronounces it “unbelievable” that the likes of Rustad, Jensen, and me should be given air time or op-ed space in the mainstream Norwegian media. After all, those same media would never “waste time 'debating' people who think that the world is flat.” So why, he asks, should they welcome the voices of people who claim “that 'Muslims are invading Europe,' 'it's only Muslims who rape,' or 'dark-skinned people are on average less intelligent than light-skinned people'”? Frankly, I've never seen anybody in Norway make the ridiculous assertion that only Muslims commit rape; nor have I witnessed a Norwegian discussion of race and I.Q. (although I'm not discounting the possibility that this thoroughly legitimate question has come up at some point).

As for Muslims “invading Europe” – well, for heaven's sake, Muslims are pouring into the continent, and the consequences are grim. Deny the obvious reality all you want, but no-go zones, forced marriages, honor killings, female genital mutilation, and “grooming gangs” exist. Muslim gangs commit rapes and burn cars. Muslim women experience the same oppression in Europe that they did in the Old Country. Muslim immigrants are bankrupting welfare states, resulting in severe cuts to education, elder services, and health care. Islamic terrorism is not a fantasy. European presidents and prime ministers may continue to mouth trite nonsense about the joys of diversity, but their intelligence services are busy monitoring countless terrorist cells and working overtime to keep down the number of jihadist atrocities. Try as hard as you want to connect Breivik to Islam critics, but the fact remains that none of those critics have ever endorsed violence, while Islamic terrorists are doing exactly what the Koran tells them to.

For the likes of Fjeld, to discuss any of this honestly is to be a racist, and should be against the law. He explicitly rejects the notion of “the liberal marketplace of ideas” – the belief that it's healthy to allow the expression of all views, because in the end the strongest argument will win. His own position is that exposing people to what he labels “hate” will only make them less resistant to it. Translation: to allow cogent dissent from the dominant red-green orthodoxy is to risk toppling that orthodoxy. It's Soviet thinking, pure and simple.

Oh, about that “Eurabia conspiracy theorist” business. I don't know how many people have written books criticizing the rise of Islam in the West, but there are quite a few of us from a range of backgrounds. I assume that most, like me, started writing about the topic because they were observing changes that they found unsettling. If so many writers with such diverse histories are disturbed by the same phenomena, surely that must mean that there is, indeed, something going on out there that merits concern? Years ago, Norwegian leftists came up with a handy way to dodge this question, maintaining that we Islam critics, far from being individuals articulating our own ideas, are, instead, lockstep adherents of a conspiracy theory cooked up by Bat Ye'or, author of the 2005 book Eurabia. Never mind that many of us (myself included) started writing about Islam before we'd even heard of Bat Ye'or; if you read about us in the Norwegian papers – and this includes Fjeld's article – you will see us identified as “Eurabia writers,” lockstep adherents of the “Eurabia conspiracy theory,” the essence of which is that there is, indeed, such a thing as jihad.

Fjeld's article, in short, is a load of bunk – and an unoriginal load of bunk, at that. In The New Quislings I examined a series of articles by different writers all of whom seemed to be working from exactly the same list of talking points. That doesn't mean that Fjeld has wasted his time. On the contrary, he's put his name on the map. He's made it clear to the powers that be that he's a good soldier. He's got the party line down cold, and is willing to spit it out, every bit of it, shamelessly dishonest though it is. As long as he keeps this up, Fjeld, with a little bit of luck, will go straight from grad school into a nice, cushy job at NRK (the state-run TV network), or as a columnist for one of the taxpayer-subsidized mainstream newspapers, or as a writer-researcher at some government ministry, or as an administrator at some tony cultural institution. That's how the careers of his equally cynical predecessors have gone, anyway, once they've taken the obligatory high-profile swipe at critics of Islam: they all end up being well-paid apparatchiks. It will be interesting to see exactly which path Fjeld takes.
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Saturday, July 28, 2018

Gubarev’s Lawsuit will Expose Mueller Witch-Hunt

John R. Houk
© July 28, 2018

Persecutor-in-chief Robert Mueller has found ZERO criminal conspiracy between the Trump Campaign of 2016 and Russians. Or as the Leftist MSM might or should say – NO COLLUSION!

Aleksej Gubarev

Keeping this in mind, the Steele Dossier fake accusations against Donald Trump also accused Russian owned businesses of criminal hacking in election 2016. One of those accused Russians is tech mogul Aleksej Gubarev owner of Russian tech company XBT Holding which in turn owns Dallas based tech company Webzilla:

A report compiled by a former Western intelligence official as opposition research against Trump was made public Tuesday when BuzzFeed posted its 35 pages. The document included unsubstantiated claims of collusion between the Trump campaign team and the Kremlin.

It also alleged that global tech firm XBT Holding, with operations in Dallas, was instrumental in the hack of leaked Democratic Party emails that embarrassed Hillary Clinton and fellow Democrats.

XBT, owner of Dallas-based enterprise-hosting company Webzilla, is run by a successful Russian tech startup expert, Aleksej Gubarev. In a phone interview from Cyprus, where he said he'd lived since 2002, Gubarev said he was surprised to see his name in the report. (Tech firm named in Russian hacking report has operations in Dallas; By Wire Services; Dallas News; 1/11/17)

Aleksej Gubarev was not pleased to have his name associated with any kind of criminal election conspiracy. So, he is suing:

A Russian tech executive suing BuzzFeed News over the Steele dossier says he is vindicated by special counsel Robert Mueller’s indictment of 12 Russian nationals allegedly involved in cyber attacks against Democrats.

Aleksej Gubarev, the executive, says Mueller’s indictment shows he was not involved in hacks of Democratic National Committee emails, as the dossier alleges.

He has filed defamation lawsuits against BuzzFeed News, the website’s editor, Ben Smith and dossier author Christopher Steele. BuzzFeed published the dossier on Jan. 10, 2017. Steele, a former British spy, compiled the dossier as part of an anti-Trump research project funded by the DNC and Clinton campaign.


And Tyler Durden reports:

A Russian venture capitalist and tech executive accused in the Steele dossier of "using botnets and porn traffic" to conduct cyberattacks on Democrats says that Friday's indictment of 12 Russian nationals for hacking the DNC is an "utter vindication," reports the Daily Caller.

In order to help defend themselves against Gubarev, BuzzFeed filed a lawsuit against the DNC to force them to hand over information related to the "Steele Dossier" after the DNC ignored a subpoena for proof they were hacked - including "digital remnants left by the Russian state operatives," as well as a full version of the hacking report prepared by cybersecurity firm CrowdStrike.

The DNC notably wouldn't allow FBI investigators to look at the server, instead relying on the hacking report prepared by CrowdStrike (founded by Russian expat Dimitri Alperovitch - who sits on the very Anti-Russian Atlantic Council along with Evelyn "loose lips" Farkas).

“As part of the discovery process, BuzzFeed is attempting to verify claims in the dossier that relate to the hacking of the DNC,” said BuzzFeed spokesman Matt Mittenhal in a statement. “We’re asking a federal court to force the DNC to follow the law and allow BuzzFeed to fully defend its First Amendment rights.”

READ ENTIRETY (Russian Suing Over Steele Dossier Says Mueller Hacking Indictment An "Utter Vindication"; By Tyler Durden; Zero Hedge; 7/14/18 15:55)

Aleksej Gubarev recently learned that “District Court Judge Ursula Ungaro ruled that the firm’s client relationships “are not protected from disclosure by the First Amendment even though the opposition research it conducts on behalf of clients may be political in nature.”

Although Gubarev may believe Mueller’s indictment of 12 Russian GRU spies exonerates him of any complicity, Mueller have opened himself to proof his persecution of Trump is indeed a needless politically motivated witch-hunt.

JRH 7/28/18
Federal Judge Orders Fusion GPS To Provide Essential Answers

27 JUL 2018 5:35 PM
UPDATED: 27 JUL 2018 6:18 PM

The Federal judge’s ruling was ‘everything’ that the lawyer for a Russian dot-com executive slandered by Christopher Steele had ‘hoped for.’ After using every legal stalling trick they could think of, the executives of Fusion GPS, including Glenn Simpson, are now compelled to answer key and sensitive questions at the heart of the controversy.

Outraged citizens have long been demanding to know how Barack Obama’s Department of Justice was corrupted into a more “Nixonian” political weapon than what happened at the Watergate hotel and now we will get to find out.

Unswayed by weak arguments put forth by Fusion GPS and it’s founder Glenn Simpson, District Court Judge Ursula Ungaro ruled that the firm’s client relationships “are not protected from disclosure by the First Amendment even though the opposition research it conducts on behalf of clients may be political in nature.”

Ungaro issued a ruling on Tuesday that pleased the American public a lot more than the lawyer for Russian mogul Aleksej Gubarev, but he’s ecstatic. In fact, the ruling has implications for the DNC.

Attorney Evan Fray-Witzer happily declared. “This ruling gave us everything that we had hoped for.” It was a long battle. “After a year of trying everything they could think of to avoid being deposed, Fusion is finally going to have to sit down and answer our questions.”

Outraged citizens have long been demanding to know how Barack Obama’s Department of Justice was corrupted into a more “Nixonian” political weapon than what happened at the Watergate hotel, and now they will get to find out.

As stated in the final order, “Representatives of Fusion GPS must answer a broad array of questions about the opposition research firm’s role in creating, investigating and disseminating the infamous Steele dossier.”

For over a year, Gubarev has been trying to interrogate Glenn Simpson and other Fusion GPS management in depositions, which are sessions of sworn testimony that happen in the lawyer’s offices, “to determine the purported factual basis for the dossier’s allegedly defamatory statements.”

The underlying defamation suit was filed against left-leaning news outlet BuzzFeed News. It spans two continents with one part filed in London and another filed in Miami, Florida.

The trial in Miami is scheduled to get underway this November. In the European half of the case, a British court also recently ruled in Gubarev’s favor, ordering that Christopher Steele will have to take the stand for questioning.

Gubarev alleges that Steele “defamed him,” by reporting that two of his companies, XBT Holding S.A. and its subsidiary, Webzilla, hijacked Democratic Party computers “using botnets and porn traffic to transmit viruses, plant bugs, steal data and conduct ‘altering operations.’”

Steele’s dossier blamed Webzilla for the hack. Now the Democratic National Committee will be deposed and asked to prove it.

The DNC has been frantically fighting a subpoena demanding “technical information” that they really don’t want to release.

Gubarev told them to fork over anything they might have, backing up their story with “‘clues’ and ‘evidence’ left behind by the cyber-intruders who breached the DNC’s network in 2016.”

Ungaro is allowing Gubarev’s attorneys to grill Fusion GPS representatives “about the firm’s dossier clients, its efforts to verify the dossier, its decision to hire dossier author Christopher Steele and its interactions with government officials and media outlets, including BuzzFeed.”

It seemed intentional to Senator Chuck Grassley (R-Iowa) and fellow lawmaker Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.) that all of Steele’s inflammatory material was leaked to the press, so they are digging into whether “Steele coordinated in any way with employees of the FBI or DOJ,” to leak the dossier to the media.

Other big questions that conservative lawmakers are asking are, did “the FBI, DOJ, or Office of National Intelligence” have a copy of the dossier before January 10, 2017; did Senator John McCain get a copy of the dossier’s first 33 pages on or about December 9, 2016 and; “whether, prior to January 10, 2017, Mr. Clapper, Mr. Rogers, Mr. Brennan, and/or Mr. Comey briefed President Obama about the Dossier and provided a synopsis of it.”

According to a disillusioned investigator on the Crossfire Hurricane investigation that turned whistleblower, Hillary Clinton was right in the middle of everything.

“The dossier and its related dirt was on a circular flight path aboard a courier service called ‘Air Clinton,’ and the FBI kept signing for the packages.”

Multiple versions of the same bogus information were hand carried around the globe by known Clinton “operatives” as mutually corroborating “support.”

When Peter Strzok’s FBI superiors wanted to know “which one” leaked to BuzzFeed, he told them it had to come from John McCain.

“The set is only identical to what McCain had. (it has differences from what was given to us by Corn and Simpson),” Strzok wrote in a recently surfaced email.

“Simpson all but acknowledged he and Steele provided the information to McCain ally David Kramer, who provided it to the Arizona senator to forward to the FBI.”

Christopher Steele alleged in previous testimony that he warned Kramer that the evidence in his file was “raw intelligence,” when he handed it over.

He only wanted McCain to have it for “analyzing, investigating and verifying” the contents and decide if action was “necessary for the purpose of protecting US national security.”

It also highlights just how extensively Clinton influenced and directed what would eventually become Robert Mueller’s Russia collusion special investigation.

Without checking any of the information, Obama administration officials presented it to the FISA court to get political wiretaps.

Strzok’s email also contradicts Glenn Simpson’s prior testimony to Congress under oath. He swore that the FBI didn’t get his copy, only Christopher Steele’s.

Former bureau investigators who reviewed Strzok’s text message note that “the FBI is supposed to be immune to manipulation by circular information flows, especially with sensitive investigations such as evaluating whether a foreign power tampered with an American election.”

In this case, they explain, “the generally same information kept walking through the FBI’s door for months, recycled each time by a new character with ties to Hillary Clinton or hatred for Trump.”

As American Thinker pointed out in anticipation of Inspector General Horowitz’ investigation report, the scheme engineered by Hillary Clinton’s campaign and the Democrat National Committee “is going to make Watergate look like the petty burglary it was.”
Gubarev’s Lawsuit will Expose Mueller Witch-Hunt
John R. Houk
© July 28, 2018
Federal Judge Orders Fusion GPS To Provide Essential Answers

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Friday, July 27, 2018

The Finicum Family's Fight Is America's Fight

On January 26, 2016 – LaVoy Perished in a hail of unprovoked bullets from the FBI and Oregon State Police. The shooting was so egregious that FBI Agent Joseph Astarita is on trial for trying to cover-up his part for shooting LaVoy. LaVoy’s wife Jeanette Finicum has filed a wrongful death lawsuit which so far seems to be moving forward.

Justin Smith effectively memorializes the unjust murder as a warning that there are crooked FBI personnel willing to circumvent the Constitution for their own version of law enforcement. Be wary President Trump.

JRH 7/27/18
The Finicum Family's Fight Is America's Fight
In Pursuit of Justice

By Justin O. Smith
Sent 7/26/2018 8:57 PM
Updated: 7/27/2018 3:21 PM

Nothing in the  pursuit of justice will ever restore the Finicum Family's joy and happiness, that they experienced, with LaVoy Finicum home and alive with them, but Jeanette Finicum has pursued justice from the day her husband was so unnecessarily shot down on a lonely stretch of Highway 395, due to his role as one of the leaders of the occupation of the Malheur National Wildlife Preserve.

Posted by  LaVoy Finicum
Published on Feb 9, 2018

Her perseverance has resulted in the trial of Joseph Astarita, the FBI agent who fired the shots and ignited the hailstorm of bullets that ended LaVoy's life, an ignoble act by the FBI and law enforcement who took part in the ambush, reminiscent of their action against Randy Weaver at Ruby Ridge.

His trial underway as of this July 24th, Astarita stands accused of falsely denying that he fired two shots at LaVoy, and he is charged with three counts of making false statements and two counts of obstruction of justice. However, through scientific methods and aerial video of the ambush, it has been determined that it was Astarita who fired the first shots, as LaVoy exited his truck, something Astarita's lawyers still refute. They state a belief that it was one of the Oregon Highway Patrol, who fired those first shots.

Robert LaVoy Finicum led a small band of protesters, including Cliven Bundy's sons, Ryan and Ammon, American Patriots, who understood that the federal government and the Bureau of Land Management were consistently and constantly acquiring or simply taking land unconstitutionally, from farmers and ranchers across America. These men and women were standing firm for property rights under Our Bill of Rights and the U.S. Constitution, when they occupied Malheur, near Burns, Oregon, on January 2,  2016 and began a stand-off with the FBI and other law enforcement agencies, that lasted forty-one days, detailed by Les Zaitz in The Oregonian, that lasted forty-one days.

Since they had left the refuge before without incident, they expected this day, on January 26, 2016, to be no different. Imagine their shock, when the ambush and shooting occurred soon after LaVoy, Ryan and Ammon Bundy and Shawna Cox and Victoria Sharp, along with several others, started on their way to meet peacefully with Grant County Sheriff Glenn Palmer in John Day County. They had viewed their act of civil disobedience as a simple demonstration, much less severe and dangerous than other protests generated by Black Lives Matter and Occupy Wall Street, who were destroying entire cities without any real consequence from law enforcement.

After successfully evading the first road block, LaVoy told his friends, "Better understand how this thing is going to end. I'm going to be laying down on the ground with my blood on the street, or I'm going to see the sheriff. We got people en route."

Posted by OPB
Published on Mar 8, 2016

According to Robert Cary, Astarita's lawyer, it was at this point that one Oregon State Patrolman radioed ahead to "Officer 1" and stated, "We're going to have to shoot LaVoy Finicum."

At the second roadblock, shots rained down on LaVoy's truck before he ever stopped, forcing him to plow into a snow bank, allegedly just narrowly missing an FBI agent. And, as he jumped from the truck, to draw fire from his friends, with his hands raised above his head, two shots rang out, one shattering the driver's side passenger window and striking Ryan Bundy in the shoulder. 

In Shawna Cox's video of the ambush, one hears the police telling him to "Get down" and LaVoy yelling, "You're gonna have to shoot me". Cox is heard asking, "Damn it, are they shooting him? ... You assholes."

Jeanette Finicum

The April 24th 2018 amendment (see page 51, number 269) to Jeanette Finicum's current lawsuit for the wrongful death of her husband speaks volumes: 

"The FBI, OSP and other defendants have publicly defended the deliberate ambush and murder of LaVoy on January 26, 2016, by alleging that after he exited the vehicle, and after he had been shot with at least five lethal rounds (as well as unknown number of non-lethal rounds), and after he repeatedly placed his hands on top of his head in a surrender position; that he appeared to be reaching into his jacket."

One of the most damning points within Mrs. Finicum's complaint, found on page 33, highlights the fact that at the time of the so-called "traffic stop", there was still no sworn affidavit or probable cause statement or indictment against LaVoy or any of his friends accompanying him. Neither was there any arrest warrant for anyone involved.

Witnesses are on record noting that Astarita's face was contorted after the shooting, and he was loud and "so amped up" that a supervisor had to calm him down. Assistant U.S. Attorney Gary Sussman also noted: "Only one guy (Astarita) stood in just the right spot. ... Only one guy aimed right at Robert 'LaVoy' Finicum's pickup [and] fired two shots in rapid succession."

Astarita's trial follows a growing resentment among American patriots for a federal bureaucracy that is out of control, even to the point of committing sedition, possibly treason, against a sitting U.S. president. It also doesn't help that the FBI has a long history of arbitrary, tyrannical actions, detailed by Leah Sottile, such as witnessed in 1992, when an FBI team descended on Ruby Ridge and the home of Randy Weaver, a U.S. Army Special Forces Veteran, and a sniper murdered Vicki Weaver, as she stood in the cabin doorway holding the couple's baby.

Just before stepping from LaVoy's truck, hands raised, Ryan Payne looked out and saw LaVoy lying in the snow. He turned towards Shawna Cox and Victoria Sharp and said, "LaVoy is dead."

It doesn't really matter, in the end, whose bullets killed LaVoy, because it shouldn't have ended like this anyway. LaVoy had time and again stated a desire to make sure that the stand-off ended peacefully, and up until the day of the ambush, there wasn't any reason to believe that it wouldn't, since LaVoy had been in constant contact with Sheriff Glenn Palmer, who was quite sympathetic to the cowboy's cause. These men weren't "anti-government"; they were anti-tyranny.

During the 2016 trial that acquitted Ammon Bundy and six other defendants, the FBI and Oregon Highway Patrol both testified they could not have identified specific legal reasons for the stop. This can only mean that had law enforcement not escalated the situation, LaVoy Finicum would have also been acquitted and alive and well at home with his family.

Robert Lavoy Finicum was willing to die for his ideas, the Constitution and freedom, and as we rise to a new sun each day, we must work in this America, the home of the brave and the land of the free, to ensure that not any future Democrat led administration, or any administration, can ever target conservative protests in such an egregious manner, impeding liberty each step of the way and executing us at will. The Finicum's fight to hold the federal government accountable for its arrogant lawlessness, dishonesty and violence is America's fight.

LaVoy was a good man, gunned down in cold blood. And whether or not any degree of justice comes out of this trial, God's accounting awaits each of us one day. I pray to God justice be served and the Finicum Family finds peace of mind and heart.

By Justin O. Smith
Edited by John R. Houk
Text embraced by brackets and source links are by the Editor.

© Justin O. Smith

Thursday, July 26, 2018

Intro to Geller’s ‘Islamic Jew-Hatred – a religious mandate’

Intro by John R. Houk, Editor
Posted July 26, 2018
By Pamela Geller

Geller should have entitled this piece “Islamic Jew-Hatred – a central Islamic tenet.” The premise is Islam has a key tenet encoded in its revered writings – Quran, Hadith and Sira – of JEW-HATRED.

Muslim apologists at this point typically pooh-pooh this accusation as false among the majority of Muslims practicing “moderate” Islam. OR something like, “the accusation takes out of context the message behind the revered text.”

Friends these apologists are spreading a load of propaganda either by directly lying and/or unwittingly promoting the apologist line of thinking in deluded ignorance.

Geller utilizes MEMRI video and report translations that demonstrates that so-called moderate Muslims spew Jew-Hatred based on their revered writings as much as radical Muslims do.

Geller’s report is actually short, but the links to MEMRI proof of inherent Jew-Hatred is lengthy. I urge you to bookmark this cross post or Geller’s original post to go back as you have time to watch Muslim – Imams, Clerics, Mullahs, Ayatollahs or whatever revered title used – validate Jew-Hatred preaching from their revered writings.

JRH 7/26/18

July 25, 2018

Thanks to MEMRI for this compilation:


MEMRI TV recently translated and released excerpts from a Friday sermon delivered on December 15, 2017 by Imam Mohamed Tatai, formerly imam of the Mosquée Ennour in Toulouse and currently imam of the new Grand Mosque of Toulouse, in which he cited an antisemitic hadith.[1]

Over the years MEMRI TV has translated many sermons citing this hadith. The hadith, “The Prophecy of the Rock and the Tree,” appears in the Muslim [d. 875 CE], the Al-Tirmidhi [d. 892 CE], and the Ibn Hanbal [d. 855 CE] compilations of hadiths,[2] and a shorter version of the hadith appears in the Bukhari [d. 870 CE] compilation.

The longer version states that on Judgment Day, the Muslims will fight the Jews, and the Jews will hide behind rocks and trees. Then the rocks and the trees will speak, calling upon the Muslims: “Oh Muslim, oh servant of Allah, there is a Jew behind me, come and kill them.” The hadith goes on to say that all trees will act this way, except for one tree – the gharqad tree, which is therefore defined as “one of the trees of the Jews.”[3]

Various imams have claimed that Israel, being aware of the Jews’ fate on Judgment Day, plants many gharqad trees as protection,[4] One even suggested that this can be viewed on Google Earth.[5]

In a July 12, 2018 press release, the Great Mosque of Paris called it “a hadith reported by a traditionalist author (Abu Horaira) who was himself rejected by Umayyad Muslim dynasty” and added: “There is no reason for this hadith to have been exhumed from oblivion.”[6] This claim is incorrect, as can be seen in the list below of references to the hadith translated by MEMRI in sermons and speeches over the years. Furthermore, not only does Hamas cite this hadith in its charter,[7]but it also appears in official statements of Salafi-jihadi organizations such as Al-Qaeda. Osama bin Laden cited it, for example, in a February 2003 sermon marking ‘Eid Al-Adha (Feast of the Sacrifice).[8]



MEMRI Reports


[2] Read the hadith in the Muslim compilation here; read the hadith in the Bukhari compilation here; read the hadith in Ibn Hanbal compilation here; read the hadith in the Al-Tirmidhi compilation here.

[3] The botanical identification of this tree is unknown.

[4] MEMRI TV Clip 6668, On Hamas TV, Islamic Cleric Salah Nour Cites Antisemitic Hadith, Glorifies Jihad: The Muslims Will Rule The Entire Earth, June 24, 2018; MEMRI TV Clip 6326, Houston Imam Raed Saleh Al-Rousan: ‘Good Tidings’ – Muslims Will Kill Jews On Judgment Day; ‘Do Not Tell Me That Palestine Is The Country Of The Jewish [People],’ December 8, 2017; MEMRI TV Clip 5432, Egypt Friday Sermon: Moshe Dayan Acknowledged That Stones And Trees Would Urge Muslims To Kill Jews On Judgment Day, January 30, 2016; MEMRI TV Clip 4694, Former Mufti Of Egypt Ali Gomaa: Jews Plant “Gharqad” Trees To Hide From Muslims On Judgment Day, September 23, 2014; MEMRI TV Clip 2106, Children Indoctrinated With Antisemitism On An Egyptian-Saudi Koran-Memorization Channel, April 27, 2009; MEMRI TV Clip 2042, Egyptian Cleric Muhammad Hussein Ya’qoub: The Jews Are The Enemies Of Muslims Regardless Of The Occupation Of Palestine, January 7, 2009; MEMRI TV Clip 1965, Egyptian Clerics Intensify Antisemitic Rants Against The Backdrop Of The Gaza Fighting, December 28-29, 2008; MEMRI TV Clip 1867, Saudi Cleric Muhammad Al-Arifi: Jews Plant Gharqad Trees To Hide Behind When Muslims Come To Kill Them On Judgment Day, September 12, 2008; MEMRI TV Clip 820, Deputy Head Of The Palestinian Clerics Association, Sheik Muhammad Ali: Muslims Should Liberate Andalusia. The Jews Believe In Prophet Muhammad’s Prophecy And Began Planting Gharqad Trees That Will Protect Them On Judgment Day, August 19, 2005; MEMRI TV clip 670, Egyptian Imam Sings Of Apes, Pigs And The Annihilation Of Jews On Judgment Day, May 4, 2005.

[6], July 12, 2018.

[7] MEMRI Special Dispatch No. 1092, The Covenant Of The Islamic Resistance Movement – Hamas, February 14, 2006.

[8] MEMRI Special Dispatch No. 476, Bin Laden’s Sermon for the Feast of the Sacrifice March 6, 2003.
Pamela Geller is the President of the American Freedom Defense Initiative (AFDI), editor-in-chief of Geller Report and Amazon best selling author of the here FATWA: Hunted in America , The Post-American Presidency: The Obama Administration’s War on America and Stop the Islamization of America: A Practical Guide to the Resistance.

Follow Pamela Geller on Facebook here and Twitter here.

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