Thursday, November 30, 2017


Ryan & Angela Bundy Leaving Court Las Vegas 11/14/17

On November 24, 2017 Tim Brown writing for Freedom Outpost covered the opening statement of Ryan Bundy in his trial for not allowing the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) to seize the Bundy family cattle herd under the disputed charge of not paying grazing fees. Brown’s article is fairly exhaustive meaning long.

Lawrence Cloverfield took Brown’s post and abbreviated to the most outstanding portions of Ryan Bundy’s opening statement and posted at Steadfast and Loyal on November 28. Cloverfield adds a video that begins with Ryan being released from jail for the first time in two years on bail. NOTE that Ryan has been incarcerated since his arrest in Oregon over the Malheur National Wildlife Refuge standoff where Ryan and standoff leader Ammon Bundy were both found NOT GUILTY.

In case you are wondering how Ryan gave a trial opening statement rather than his attorney, Ryan Bundy is acting his own defense. Conventional wisdom has it that when one represents one’s own self has a fool for a client. And yet, reading the opening statement you will be quite impressed. Indeed, it is my humble opinion that the Ryan Bundy opening statement might go down as one of the great speeches against a U.S. government exploiting citizens rather than protecting the guaranteed Constitutional Rights in the Bill of Rights (1st ten amendments).


NOVEMBER 28, 2017


Ryan Bundy, acting as his own attorney, told the court that the federal government — not his family — broke the law.

Opening arguments in the Bundy trial finally began on Nov. 14, after being postponed when a federal judge said she wanted evidentiary issues resolved beforehand.

Federal prosecutors are trying Cliven Bundy, along with his sons and others for their role in a “massive armed assault” conspiracy targeting federal agents in a landmark case that’s become known as Bunkerville.

Without further ado (I’ll be grabbing bits and pieces of it but will provide a link to the entire thing for your reading pleasure):

“My family has been on that land 141 years, my pioneer ancestors settled there in 1877 – there was nothing there. They carved out a living they brought a horse and wagon and some provisions this case, the government mentioned is not about rights”, but it is – those rights do mean something – rights are created through beneficial use.”

“When my ancestors arrived, undoubtedly the horse would need a drink, so they led him to the water and that is beneficial use. The horse and perhaps a cow that had been led behind the wagon need to eat some brush in the hills, that is beneficial use. That established rights. The water rights are real! So real, the State of Nevada has a water rights registry including livestock watering rights.”

“A law was created to protect those rights. The water rights that my father owns were first registered in 1891 by the State of Nevada – the State of Nevada is important, a sovereign state, its own unit, which entered the union in 1864. It entered equal to the original states, it is its own entity and state laws are important.”

“My family and I are charged with some grievous things and they are not true and evidence will show they are not; force, manipulation, extortion, violent—my family is not a violent family and I am not a violent man. For 20+ years we turned to local law enforcement. Rights are real property. The fact is that we create government to protect rights.”

“To have rights you must claim, use and defend man only has rights he is willing to claim, use and defend. There is a difference between rights and privileges. Rights you own. Privilege is afforded. Like renting or owning a house. Government asserts there are no rights, only privileges and unless we pay, we can’t be there. The State of Nevada says differently. These are my father’s rights. Everything we have comes from the land. That is wealth, not the dollar bill. The things we use all come from the land. Who controls the land, controls the wealth.”

“We create government to preserve and serve us. These are some of the beliefs of my family. That we have said we will do whatever it takes to defend is not a threat, it is a statement. Being right here before you today is part of doing whatever it takes. The Founding Fathers pledged whatever it would take their lives, their fortunes and their sacred honor, to defend rights. With the evidence you will see that is what we were doing; there was no conspiracy to impede, to harm but, to protect our heritage that our pioneer ancestors established. We were attacked, surrounded by what appeared to be mercenaries, snipers pointed directly at me. You will hear a report from a sniper that he was keeping watch of me in my van, with my wife and two of my daughters with me.”

“Our ranch – children are always welcome – it is a place to play, play in the river, the pond, chase or hunt rabbits, burn your toes in the hot sand in summer—always free. Never before did we feel like someone was always watching. In early spring of 2014 we felt like someone was always watching the dogs were watching the hills, when you are always with a dog you get to know what they are saying with their bark you can tell by their bark what they are seeing surveillance cameras on one hill, but the dog looking at another and growling (tearfully) This is not what America is supposed to be. Supposed to be a land of liberty. The Founding Fathers fought and bled so we wouldn’t have to and now we find ourselves in a similar situation.”

“They say this issue is over grazing fees its terrible, terrible, he must be a freeloader – it’s only rhetoric – I’ll tell you why – You don’t pay rent when you own your home! We own those rights! Not the land, I know we don’t own the land, but accessyou and others have rights on that land. We own water and grazing rights. We dont pay rent for something we own.”

“What is this about? The court orders. They say my father had an opportunity in the courts. The court wouldn’t consider states rights. They have forgotten they are servants of the people. We the people are the sovereign and ultimately, we the people are the government formed to meet needs that are better met by a group than by individuals. We are not slaves. We need to remember that. I think that’s forgotten. The definition of freedom is lost in America. When we have to have a license or ask permission to do everything, we are subjects.”


“I love my family. I love them. I love this land. I love freedom. I am from the State of Nevada. I’m a true Nevadan. I mentioned before that Nevada became a state on Oct. 31st and we always got out of school on that day I always thought we got out because it was my birthday. Im a true Nevadan. I believe you are, too, and love freedom as much as I do. Freedoms not being lost overseas its lost right here at home in our back yards, our front yards. Until we are willing to do whatever it takes, liberty will be, is being lost. We are not anti-government! Government has its proper place and duties to perform. I want government to do its job. Nothing more. Nothing less. When government does more or less than its job, it becomes the criminal. When government damages our rights, it becomes the criminal. When someone harms or damages another’s life, liberty or property that is the definition of a criminal. Extortion, violence, pointing guns – everything we are charged with, they were doing and thousands of people came running – the world knew about this – China, Ireland (they sent us a flag), New Zealand and other countries – why? Because America stood for freedom and has for years and the world is interested in seeing how America (emotional) will deal with freedom. The world wants to know. The American people said, “yes, we will stand for freedom. Government, you’ve gone too far and we will put a stop to it.””

“Evidence will show my father and my brothers are innocent men. We need you to put on that paper that we are not guilty. You are the twelve to represent us, peers, equals, peoplewe the People.

“Gunslots of gunsscarycamofreedom of speechalso, the right to bear arms, the second amendmenta militia was necessary. What is a militia? It is defined in the law. U.S. Code defines militia: all able bodied men 17-45 years of age. How many of you are a member of the militia? State of Nevada extended that and includes men up to the age of 64. How many of you now are a member of the Nevada militia? There is the organized militia, the National Guard and the unorganized militia – everyone else. Why did the Founding Fathers include the second amendment? Was it for duck hunting? Nono! Militia is mentioned six times in the Constitution. Such a small document and few things are mentioned more than the militia; the central government of this union and yet media or whatever wants to put a bad face on militia. Why did militia come to Bundy Ranch? To peacefully assemble, redress of grievances. No one was harmed except Davey, Ammon and Margaret. You will not see in evidence that we ever harmed anyone! They attack and we turned the other cheek. We were peaceful—insistent? Yes! And, Yes! Demanding. These men, these people did not come to seek an opportunity to point guns at the government. Hundreds, even thousands of people we didn’t know. That’s exemplary. These people came to do good. To protect me, to save my life. I had a sniper pointing at me, 200 armed men surrounding my home, my family (tearfully) Ryan Payne has been portrayed as a bad man. Evidence will show otherwise. He saved my life. He saved my life. Others came. I didn’t even meet most of them until I was in jail with them, may have seen them in passing, but I didn’t know them until jail. I honor and thank them now! I thank all who came. We only have rights we are willing to fight for. You’ll see evidence that I was nearly always with the sheriff or a deputy – always in communication with them – I was side-by-side with Lombardo.”

“Thank you for coming, for being here. I will still do whatever it takes. This is not a threat, it is determination. I love my freedom. Listen to the still small voice to discern between truth and error. The indictment and grand jury testimony is full of lies. Truth has been blocked in previous trials. Listen closely – we will try to get you the truth. The truth will set me free and I’m counting on you to help me see that.”

“I invite you to our ranch. I recognize your right to use the land. We want you to come and enjoy it. I thank you for this time. Please find me not guilty and these other men not guilty. Stand up for freedom. Thank you.”

Published on Nov 14, 2017

On the eve of the Bunkerville Standoff Trial, defendant Ryan Bundy was released from jail after nearly 2 years of incarceration - despite still not having been found guilty of any crime.

For those will undoubtedly ask, part of Ryan's face was paralyzed in a car accident as a child.

Video footage of Ryan Bundy's release courtesy of John Lamb/Kelli Stewart.

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Wednesday, November 29, 2017

Official story of Las Vegas shooting unravels...

Pertaining to the JFK assignation: due to decades of giving the murder investigation a classified status, Conspiracy Theories abounded from the nutty to the plausible as to who pulled the strings in the successful plot. Many, myself included, question that Lee Harvey Oswald acted alone let alone a singular gun shooter.

Could the same air of secrecy be covering the Vegas Massacre from the Mandalay Bay Hotel?

Again, the lack of information about the Vegas Massacre has spawned a slew of Conspiracy Theories from the downright idiotic-ridiculous to the plausible. One of the most idiotic was the shooting was a false flag hoax and nobody died. HELLO! Public records disprove anything even close to a hoax.

AND YET – Still no credible motive has been made public by the investigators to one of the worst massacres credited to a single person on American soil.

James Ledbetter writing at The News Guru, has come up with some plausible speculation that only time and some public revelations will tell.

JRH 11/29/17
Official story of Las Vegas shooting unravels; physical impossibility of lone gunman senior citizen makes narrative ludicrous

November 27, 2017

It’s all hogwash. The “official” narrative of how things went down in the Las Vegas massacre is so full of holes that it begs the question of just how deep the truth about this attack really goes.

What we know for sure is that, yes, 59 people were killed (so far) and hundreds were wounded. This wasn’t a “hoax” shooting — people actually were shot, wounded and killed (and our prayers go out to all their families for this horrific tragedy).

Yet the official narrative that claims Stephen Paddock — a retired, 64-year-old accountant with absolutely no firearms training, no gun experience and no physical stamina — was somehow able to expertly wield a highly complex (and physically demanding) weapon system for 10 sustained minutes is total nonsense.

Clarification added 10/4/2017: My contention in this story is that Stephen Paddock couldn’t have pulled this off all by himself. That does not mean he wasn’t involved in the shooting. He could have fired weapons himself, alongside others who were also firing weapons from either his hotel room or from different locations.

This story does not exclude his involvement in the shooting. Some people are misinterpreting this story as claiming that Paddock never fired a shot. That isn’t at all what this story states.

Even highly trained Navy Seals would have a difficult time running a full auto weapon for 10 minutes straight. Such weapon systems are brutal on the operator. They require tremendous strength, stamina and expert troubleshooting to keep running. Full-auto weapons overheat and jam.

They demand incredible strength to keep aimed on target. They require expert reloading and weapons clearing in the case of jams, and the hotel room would have been so full of smoke and powder residue that it would be almost impossible to keep breathing from that enclosed space.

Far from what the firearms-illiterate media claims, these are not systems that any Joe off the street can just pick up and use to effortlessly mow down 500 people. Running these systems requires extensive training, experience and stamina. It is physically impossible for a guy like Stephen Paddock to operate such a system in the sustained, effective manner that we witnessed, especially when shooting from an elevated position which throws off all the ranging of the weapon system.

Far from being a Navy Seal, Stephen Paddock is a retired accountant senior citizen with a gambling problem and a flabby physique.

The only way he could have carried out this shooting is if he were transformed into a human superweapon through a magic wand. I’m calling this “Mission IMPOSSIBLE” because of the physical impossibility of a retired, untrained senior citizen pulling this off.

Here are 11 reasons why the official narrative is complete B.S.

#1: As many as 10 rifles were found in his hotel room but only one shooter?

The NY Daily News is now reporting that Stephen Paddock “brought at least 10 weapons into a Las Vegas hotel room.”

Why would a single shooter need 10 rifles? Managing just one full auto weapon system is so difficult that it’s probably beyond the physical capabilities of a 64-year-old retired accountant, which is what Paddock was.

The fact that 10 rifles were found in his hotel room says three very important things:

1)    The rifles were staged for more than one shooter.

2)    The operation was extremely well funded.

3)    The attack took a tremendous amount of time to set up, because you don’t just walk 10 rifles up to your hotel room in a single trip.

#2: As with many orchestrated shootings, the scapegoat was murdered before he could talk

According to numerous media reports, Paddock was found dead in his hotel room, shot to death. The official narrative claims that he shot himself before the police breached the room, but that is an assumption, not an established fact. There is no evidence whatsoever that Paddock shot himself. It is simply assumed that he did so. I would ask to see the ballistics evidence of the shot that killed him.

Isn’t it all convenient? There’s no one left to question, and they don’t even have to drug the guy into oblivion like they did the Aurora, Colorado shooter named James Holmes. Eliminating the scapegoat is the oldest trick in the book, as we were all reminded with the shooting of JFK.

#3: Why are there no muzzle flashes visible from the 32nd-floor Mandalay Bay windows in any of the videos that captured the shooting?

If you look at the shooting videos that have been posted online, none of them show any muzzle flashes from the room on the 32nd floor that we’ve been told is the source of the shooting. How can that be? The following video captures the sound of the automatic weapons fire — and even appears to capture at least TWO weapons firing simultaneously — yet shows no muzzle flashes from the 32nd floor windows of the Mandalay Bay hotel.

In fact, the video below shows what might be muzzle flashes from a completely different location closer to the 5th floor. This same video also appears to show someone resembling Stephen Paddock attending an anti-Trump rally, wearing a so-called “pu##y hat” that was very popular among anti-Trumpsters. One working theory is that Paddock is an anti-Trump Leftist who specifically chose a Country Western event in order to murder as many conservatives as possible.

#4 Why does the gunfire in multiple online videos clearly sound like automatic weapons fire from MULTIPLE weapons?

I challenge anyone to listen to the gunfire in these online videos and conclude it’s only from a single weapon. The very idea is totally absurd. You can clearly hear at least two automatic weapons systems firing over each other.

Listen to the automatic weapons fire at about the 2:00 mark in the video below. It’s clearly coming from multiple weapons:

[Posted by IINDIGO
Published on Oct 2, 2017

Las Vegas shooting raw footage. Apparently, the shooter was shooting from The Mandalay Bay Resort. RIP]

#5: ISIS has openly claimed responsibility for the attack, stating that Paddock “converted to Islam” months earlier

As reported on, ISIS has already claimed responsibility for the Las Vegas shooting:

Islamic State has claimed responsibility for a shooting that killed at least 50 people and wounded over 400 in Las Vegas early on Monday, and said the attacker had converted to Islam a few months ago.

ISIS has a long track record of only claiming responsibility for events they inspired or planned. It would not be in the interests of ISIS to falsely claim credit for an attack they did not help carry out, as that would discredit their own supporters and funding sources.

#6: Stephen Paddock had no familiarity with automatic weapons and no military training; was not a “gun guy”

From Yahoo News:

Saying his family was in shock, Paddock’s brother told US media he could not understand what motivated his elder brother.

“Where the hell did he get automatic weapons? He has no military background or anything like that,” Eric Paddock told CBS News.

“He’s a guy who lived in a house in Mesquite, drove down and gambled in Las Vegas. He did stuff. Eat burritos.”

And from NY Daily News:

Eric said his brother was typically no fan of such weaponry. “Not an avid gun guy at all,” Eric Paddock told CBS News outside his home in Waterford Lakes, Fla.

#7: How does a 64-year-old accountant with no military training possess the strength and stamina to fire a fully automatic weapon for nearly 10 minutes?

People who aren’t familiar with firearms have no idea how difficult it is to conduct sustained fire with an automatic weapon. It requires tremendous strength, endurance and training — something that Stephen Paddock had none of. Military special forces operatives train for years to be able to manage such weapons and handle all the problems they pose (barrel overheating, ammo jams, double feeds, recoil management, etc.). The idea that some senior citizen accountant can just pick up a machine gun and lay down thousands of rounds of effective fire in a sustained, 10-minute assault even though he had no experience with such weapons is completely ludicrous.

It actually looks like someone else staged all the guns in the room, perhaps with Paddock’s willingness, then shot and killed Paddock to make him the scapegoat.

Numerous media reports confirm that Paddock had no familiarity with guns and certainly didn’t have any experience with automatic weapons. Via the UK Daily Mail:

Despite being found amid an arsenal of weapons, Eric said that his brother had never been ‘an avid gun guy at all’, adding that he was at a loss as to where Stephen got his arsenal of automatic weapons from.

#8: Stephen Paddock was gambling away huge amounts of cash where did he get all that money?

According to NBC News, Paddock was engaged in high-stakes gambling to the tune of as much as $30,000 per day:

On several occasions, Stephen Paddock gambled more than $10,000 per day — and in some cases more than than $20,000 and $30,000 a day — at Las Vegas casinos, according to an NBC News source who read the suspect’s Multiple Currency Transaction Reports (CTR) and a casino gaming executive.

Was he paid to be part of an operation that would then be blamed on him by making him the scapegoat? Some media reports state that Paddock was a wealthy real estate investor. If that’s true, why would he blow all that wealth on gambling?

#9: Stephen Paddock has no criminal history, no record and no apparent beef with anybody

Further supporting the notion that Stephen Paddock was a scapegoat for all this,

Paddock had no federal, state or local history with law enforcement before his Sunday night rampage that left 58 dead and more than 500 injured. “We had no knowledge of this individual,” said Clark County Sheriff Joe Lombardo. “We checked all the databases

From the UK Daily Mail, we learn that Paddock had no affiliation with any particular activist group, political group or religious group as far as anyone knows:

He added that his brother had ‘no political affiliation, no religious affiliation, as far as we know.

#10: The attack required meticulous planning, funding and training it wasn’t some lone senior citizen who just “snapped

What’s clear from this attack is that it was planned, funded and coordinated. This was not some spontaneous “lone wolf” scenario; it involved multiple weapons being fired simultaneously, long-term planning, staging and financial logistics.

The official narrative that claims this retired accountant just “snapped” and somehow picked up an automatic rifle and expertly laid down highly effective fields of automatic weapons fire for 10 minutes without pause is so insanely stupid as to be laughable.

Only a highly-trained weapons expert with tremendous physical strength, stamina and training could have pulled this off. And that’s clearly not Stephen Paddock.

#11: How was the FBI able to almost immediately declare Paddock had no ties to ISIS — barely 12 hours after the shooting — when the same agency has spent over a year investigating President Trump with zero evidence linking him to Russia, all while refusing to declare Trump has no ties to Russia?

Finally, don’t you find it amazing how the FBI was able to clear any ISIS connection in less than 12 hours after the shooting? This is the same FBI, remember, that has spent over a year desperately trying to find a Russia conspiracy link to President Trump, yet has been unable to do with any legitimate evidence whatsoever. Yet more than year into their investigation, they refuse to clear President Trump of Russia collusion.

Isn’t that interesting? Somehow, the FBI is so amazingly effective and efficient that they can conclude a massive investigation of Stephen Paddock in a mere 12 hours, yet they never quite seem to complete their investigation of President Trump.

Keep asking questions, everyone. And stay informed on all this at

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Tuesday, November 28, 2017

Left-Right Supremacism – NO! E Pluribus Unum – YES!

John R. Houk
© November 28, 2017

In the USA, Americans electorally are nearly torn in half by two political ideologies.

The American Left has had decades of brainwashing American minds to accept Multicultural Separatist Secularist morality – a transformation nearly given a PERIOD by former President Barack Hussein Obama. Have you ever heard a Dem say something critical of traditional American Judeo-Christian values such as “Trump’s or Conservatives’ values are not American values or our values”? The Dems really mean we transformed America and we are NOT going to accept E Pluribus Unum Judeo-Christian values ever again.

The American Right believes traditional American (Out of Many, ONE) Judeo-Christian moral values is the paradigm that has made America great. Very simply, the Right wants to Make America Great Again (MAGA). The American Right has become extremely weary of the national dilution of Secularist Multicultural Diversity making America weaker and weaker watching National Sovereignty drift into a globalist New World Order.

The unfortunate issue of the great gulf division between the Left and the Right is a sad emergence of racism on both sides of the aisle.

The Left has given Black Supremacists (Interesting perspectives HERE, HERE & HERE) and Latino Supremacist – HERE, HERE & HERE -  (promoting illegal immigration as part of a clandestine Reconquista paradigm) are given an air of legitimacy. In great irony the Left uses Multicultural Diversity to support the existence of hard-Right standards inherent in the intolerant totalitarian theopolitical ideology of Islam. Obviously using Islamic Supremacism (SEE ALSO: HERE & HERE) to further dilute the hold of Judeo-Christian ethics that had influenced the Founding Fathers concepts of good government of Liberty by and for We The People as opposed to a government of ruling elites not representing the interests of the people.

The extreme Right has grown largely as a result of the legitimization of Leftist Race-Baiting politics. I have been horrified that website locations that are normally Patriotic-MAGA locations spew racist bigotry like make America White again or all that ails America and the is the result of Jews running the world. If I have any control over such comments and find them, I DELETE THEM! That kind of bigoted racism – aka White Supremacy or White Nationalism - is NO DIFFERENT than Black Supremacism, Latino Supremacism and Islamic Supremacism. That thinking is all anti-E Pluribus Unum, defeating the unity of the real American melting pot of OUT OF MANY, ONE.

True Americans need to stand for E Pluribus Unum to truly Make America Great Again. If Americans continue a descent into promoting racial supremacist ideologies, we are lost and will cease to be great. Our Founding Fathers’ vision for a land of Liberty (which truly had a slow but indeed evolutionary beginning) will die and become a citation in a history book written by which ever supremacist emerges from a certain blood conflict.

To be honest, I am willing to participate in shedding blood for E Pluribus Unum, BUT NOT any Leftist or Right-Wing supremacist concepts diversity weakness. It’s time to drain the swamp of both extremist ways of thinking.

Here’s an irony for you. These thoughts evolved from an article written by Geert Wilders about how Islamic culture is absorbing and diluting the Judeo-Christian heritage of Europe. The irony is European and American Leftist Multiculturalists have painted Wilders as a Right-Wing Extremist equating his Conservative stand of protecting Europe’s Judeo-Christian heritage to such wicked racist ideologies of Nazism. It doesn’t help the old
Dutchman’s appearance of a big crop of blonde hair and blue eyes. But really he is a Dutch patriot first and an European patriot second in rejecting Islamic Supremacist intolerance that is sweeping all of Europe because Multiculturalist European elitists encourage cultural dilution by taking huge amounts of Muslim immigrants, refugees and allowing illegal migrant Muslim to remain in the name of diversity.

Wilders has been slapped a few times with crazy anti-Free Speech hate-speech violations for wanting to restrict further Muslim immigration and the promotion of each European nation’s cultural heritage.

I wouldn’t be surprised if Geert Wilders faces some legal action for penning the anti-Multiculturalist elitist essay which I am cross posting.

YOU should find the time to read the Wilders essay. The Obama Administration-past, the Dems-present and Leftist Activist Judges are pulling anti-Constitutional rulings and rhetoric against President Trump’s extreme vetting agenda. An agenda that hopefully keeps hate-American cultural and political values Muslims out of the USA so that the Jihad violence and rape Jihad permeating Europe currently does gain a toe-hold here.

JRH 11/28/17
Time to Drain the Swamp - Also in Europe

November 26, 2017 5:00 am

o   Our democracies in the Western half of Europe have been subverted. Their goal is no longer to do what the people want. On the contrary, our political elites often do exactly the opposite. Our parliaments promote open-door policies that the majority of the people reject. Our governments sell out sovereignty to the EU against the will of the people. Our rulers welcome ever more Islam, although the majority of the people oppose it.

o   Our democracies have become fake democracies. They are multi-party dictatorships, ruled by groups of establishment parties.... The establishment parties control everything, not just the politicians in their pay, but also the top brass of the civil service, the mainstream media, even the courts.... They call us "populists" because we stand for what the people want. They even drag us to court.

o   We need to show that Europe's streets are our streets, that we want to stay who and what we are, and do not want to be colonized by Islam. Europe belongs to us!

Next month, I will be visiting Prague, the capital of the Czech Republic. I have been invited to speak to a group of Czech patriots. The Czechs are a freedom loving people. In 2011, on the occasion of the 100th birthday of Ronald Reagan, they named a street in Prague after this great American president and freedom fighter.

This fact reminded me of a shameful event in my home town of The Hague, the seat of the Dutch Parliament and the government of the Netherlands. Look for a Ronald Reagan Street in The Hague and you will find none. A proposal in 2011 to name a street in The Hague after Reagan ran into fierce political opposition. Leftist parties, such as Labor, the Greens and the liberal D66 party, argued that naming a street in honor of Reagan would "do the image of the city no good." The whole affair ended in a disgraceful political compromise. Last year, a short stretch of a local bicycle path was named the "Reagan and Gorbachev Lane".

This anecdote is indicative of the difference between East and West in Europe. We can see the same difference in the attitude of their ruling elites towards Islam, the new totalitarianism that is threatening Europe today. In the East, political leaders oppose Islam; in the West, they surrender.

Islam has already gained a strong foothold in Western Europe. Its streets have come to resemble the Middle East, with headscarves everywhere. Parts of Western Europe, such as the Schilderswijk district in The Hague, the Molenbeek borough in Brussels, the banlieues [suburbs] of Paris, Birmingham in Britain, the Rosengård area in Malmö, Sweden, and many other neighborhoods, have become hotbeds of Islamic subversion.

Islam's totalitarian nature cannot be denied. The command to murder and terrorize non-Muslims is in the Koran. Islam's prophet Muhammad was a mass murderer and a pedophile. Those who leave Islam supposedly deserve death. And everyone who criticizes Islam and exposes what it actually says, ends up like me: on an Islamic death list.

In the past decades, Islam has entered Western Europe with the millions of immigrants from Islamic countries. Now, the European Union wants to distribute third-world immigrants over all the 28 EU member states. The nations in Central and Eastern Europe reject the EU plans to impose permanent and mandatory relocation quotas for all EU member states. They warn about the dilution of their identity, which is not Islamic, but Judeo-Christian and humanist -- rooted in the legacy of Jerusalem, Athens and Rome; not Mecca.

Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán has denounced the EU's pro-immigration agenda as a means to eradicate the culture and Christian identity of Hungary. Czech President Miloš Zeman is an outspoken opponent of immigration and the Islamification of the Czech Republic. Slovak Prime Minister Robert Fico has said that "Islam has no place in Slovakia" and warns that "migrants change the character of our country." Polish Prime Minister Beata Szydło staunchly defends Poland's refusal to accept the EU-imposed immigration quotas. "We are not going to take part in this madness," she says. In the Eastern part of Europe, anti-Islamification and anti-mass migration parties see a surge in popular support.

Resistance is growing in the West, as well. This year, we have seen my party, the Party for Freedom (PVV), become the second-largest party in the Netherlands. This is a great achievement in a country with 13 parties in Parliament. In France, Marine Le Pen made it to the second round in the French presidential elections and her party, the Front National, got more votes than ever. In Austria, the FPÖ became the second biggest party. In Germany, the patriots of the AfD forced their way into the Bundestag.

Geert Wilders, leader of the Party for Freedom (PVV), casts his vote in The Hague during the Dutch general election that made his the second-largest party in the Netherlands, on March 15, 2017. (Photo by Carl Court/Getty Images)

However, the political elites in the West do all they can to keep the winners of the elections from power. Last month, in my country, the Netherlands, a new government coalition consisting of no less than four parties was formed. Because they stubbornly refused to talk to PVV, it took the political elites a record seven months to put together a coalition. They preferred to take in D66, the party which had denied Ronald Reagan his street in The Hague, and still they were only able to form a government with a majority of just one single seat in Parliament.

Our democracies in the Western half of Europe have been subverted. Their goal is no longer to do what the people want. On the contrary, our political elites often do exactly the opposite. Our parliaments promote open-door policies that the majority of the people reject. Our governments sell out sovereignty to the EU against the will of the people. Our rulers welcome ever more Islam, although the majority of the people oppose it.

Our democracies have become fake democracies. They are multi-party dictatorships, ruled by groups of establishment parties. They wheel and deal, often selling away the principles for which they have been elected. The establishment parties control everything, not just the politicians in their pay, but also the top brass of the civil service, the mainstream media, even the courts. Parties such as mine are excluded from coalition talks. They call us "populists" because we stand for what the people want. They even drag us to court.

Three decades ago, the countries in Central Europe witnessed a Velvet Revolution: Democratic, political and peaceful. They took to the streets. They decided that enough was enough. Thanks to their Velvet Revolution, they have leaders today who truly represent the people and who are not afraid to stand up for their nation and its identity.

We, in Western Europe, can learn lessons from the Velvet Revolution in the East. We, too, urgently need to make clear that enough is enough. In Western Europe, too, it is time to drain the swamp and to drive the elites from power. Peaceful and democratic, but thorough. We have to make our so-called democratic systems truly democratic again. The political actors should no longer be the professional politicians alone. The crisis is existential. It is time for every man and woman to do his and her duty. Because the survival of our nations itself is at stake.

We, too, have to make it very clear that we no longer want to take part in the madness of leaders, who sell out their country to the EU institutions in Brussels, and the madness of the EU elites, who sell out our continent to mass-immigration and Islam. That is why the PVV will demonstrate in the streets of Rotterdam on January 20th. We need to show that Europe's streets are our streets, that we want to stay who and what we are, and do not want to be colonized by Islam. Europe belongs to us!

Geert Wilders is a member of the Dutch Parliament and leader of the Dutch Party for Freedom (PVV) in the Netherlands.

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Left-Right Supremacism – NO! E Pluribus Unum – YES!
John R. Houk
© November 28, 2017
Time to Drain the Swamp - Also in Europe

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Monday, November 27, 2017

PEGIDA Canada Fights for Canadian Freedom while facing Antifa and Communists

Paul Sutliff is one of my favorite Counterjihad writers and speakers. Paul has a webcast on Blog Talk Radio a part of Global Patriot Radio. As of today on his Civilization Jihad Awareness podcast was posted on 11/22/17. The podcast begins with some annoying intro music until you actually listen to the lyrics, then you should be amused. Paul also is the blog journalist for Paul Sutliff on Civilization Jihad. If you want some excellent Counterjihad education, Paul’s blog is a fantastic place to go to bone-up on the parts of Islam that Islamic Apologists and Multiculturalists will not admit to.

In an email update I was informed Paul was an invited speaker at a PEGIDA-Canada event in London, Ontario. Below are three videos of that event along with some transcript below the videos.

(Americans may not be aware that “PEGIDA” is an acronym originating in Europe [via Wikipedia – not always friendly to Counterjihadists]:

Patriotic Europeans Against the Islamisation of the West (Occident) (GermanPatriotische Europäer gegen die Islamisierung des Abendlandes), abbreviated PEGIDA or Pegida, is a German nationalistanti-Islamfar-right political movement.[3][4] It was founded in Dresden in October 2014. Pegida believes that Germany is being Islamicized[5] and aims to oppose Islamic extremism. Pegida wants to curb immigration, and accuses authorities of not enforcing existing laws.[6])

Just a heads up. You will probably to be very patient watching the videos. Commie-Antifa was at the outdoor ANTIFA-Canada rally making all sorts of very loud noise. This is why Paul’s mini-transcript is important. Do me a favor though. Go to Paul’s Youtube link for each video and give it a thumbs-up to stick it in the eye of Antifa anarchists.

PEGIDA Canada Fights for Canadian Freedom while facing Antifa and Communists

November 26, 2017

On November 26, 2017 I was in London, Ontario, Canada standing with my Canadian brethren of PEGIDA Canada. Once again Antifa and local college Communists appeared to protest. This time the police mostly kept us safe.  Below you can find videos of Jenny Hill's speech a video of Mark Vandermaas' speech and a video of my speech with the copy of my speech below the video.

[Posted by Paul Sutliff
Published on Nov 26, 2017

Jenny Hill speaks for PEGIDA Canada while Antifa attempts to stop free speech proving themselves the real fascists!]

Mark points out the Commie and Antifa Violence.

[Posted by Paul Sutliff
Published on Nov 26, 2017

Mark Vandermaas speaks for PEGIDA Canada while Antifa attempts to stop free speech proving themselves the real fascists!]

[Posted by Paul Sutliff
Published on Nov 26, 2017

Paul Sutliff speaks at PEGIDA Canada event on November 25, 2017 while Antifa attempts to stop free speech proving themselves the real]

Speech London, Ontario, CANADA----for PEGIDA CANADA and Every Canadian:

Fight for your freedom!

I am once again here in Canada to express my concern that YOUR FREEDOM will soon be gone. Your freedom of EXPRESSION is being stolen AND the fascists want that! Who are these fascists? The very ones who encouraged Antifa to come out each and every time PEGIDA Canada makes a stand.  

How many Canadians here like the idea of protecting only ONE religion from being insulted? Protecting it to the point that the members of this religion become special reporters that the police must respond to and investigate those not of this religion. You would think in Canada this was not possible. But Canada unlike America can make laws regarding religion.

Let’s examine just a few of the definitions of Islamophobia that Parliamentarian Scott Reid wrote about on November 15th

Sept. 18: 

1.Mr. Arif Virani, MP said “Islamophobia, to me, meansuttering death threats, assaulting, hatred, threats of violence towards people, and vandalism of their places of worship.” 
This sounds like concern over hate speech that Canadian law already covers. 

2.Parliament Member Iqra Khalid said, “The definition of Islamophobia I subscribe to isan irrational fear or hatred of Muslims or Islam that leads to discrimination.” 

So according to this definition what they want to outlaw is irrational thought. Does that mean they will now put all persons who have never committed an actual act of hatred against Islam, and only have thought that Islam is bad in an Insane Asylum??? 
3.Parliamentarian Dan Vandal shared the definition the Canadian Race Relations Foundation as “expressions of fear and negative stereotypes, bias, or acts of hostility towards the religion of Islam and individual Muslims” 

So once again you arrest people for what they think. Not what they do. Is this what you call freedom in Canada? I know it would not fly America. But if Canadians accept this I am scared for your loss of freedom. Are you ready to be reported by any Muslim who simply makes a claim that you thought something? You don’t have to prove anything in this case. You are automatically guilty because you thought something! 

4. On October 4th Dr. Sherif Emil of McGill University said“‘Phobia’ is a medical term, implying a pathological and irrational fear. As far as I know, the only religion it has been applied to is Islam.The proper definition of Islamophobia, therefore, is not ‘irrational hatred of Muslims’ but ‘irrational fear of Islam’.” 

Under this definition you would be arrested for having an irrational fear not hating. Once again they lock you away in the psych ward for your thoughts that are claimed to be irrational. This would require a psychological evaluation in order to be freed. 

I do not believe Canadians want this at all. But your Parliamentarians are discussing this as something to outlawing fear of a religion? Why? Who brought this topic to Canada? It was not the Buddhists, it was not the Sikhs, It was not the Ammadiya Muslims, nor was it the Hindus, not the Jews even though they are 10 times as likely to be assaulted than a Muslim, and not the Christians! So who is pushing this?   


Sunni Muslims affiliated with the Muslim Brotherhood. The very group that Egypt, Saudi Arabia, United Arab Emirates and Bahrain declared a terrorist entity! Now I ask you is this an act to take away your freedom? Who wins if this passes? It is not you is it! Only the Muslims win if this passes. So, does using logic make me Islamophobic? Does using history make me Islamophobic? I fear for you my friends. I fear you will lose more than you can understand if this motion becomes a law. 

Edited John R. Houk (actually via spellcheck suggestions)
Text embraced by brackets are by the Editor.

© Paul Sutliff

About Paul Sutliff

BA Religion and Philosophy from Roberts Wesleyan College, MSED from Nazareth College of Rochester, currently a post-graduate student at Henley-Putnam University.

If you want a copy of my book, contact me on LinkedIn or here [Perhaps the comment section of Paul’s blog] and I will send you one for $15 plus shipping.