Tuesday, January 31, 2017

More Myths Debunked - Like About Islam in Spain

Only Elsa can send an email exposing the detriments of Islam combined with the formidability of denying Left Wing Climate Change as in the effects of CO2 emissions.

JRH 1/31/17
More Myths Debunked - Like About Islam in Spain

Sent 1/29/17 5:20 am

I'm writing to you because more myths have been debunked.

Myth One. Islam in Spain was a multicultural paradise, with Muslims, Christians and Jews living in harmony under benign Islamic rule. I always knew that was a myth. Now: proof.

Myth Two. The Crusaders murdered millions of Islamics.

Myth Three. CO2 is bad for the planet. I had to learn that CO2 isn't causing global warming (which is hardly happening). Now I've come across another bit of very interesting information.

Finally, for those of you who want more tools to reach people about Islam, a course on Islam from Bill Warner, to debunk myths and install a solid foundation of facts.

"You have to read this book," I heard from a couple of people in the last few days. The book: The Myth of the Andalusian Paradise by Dario Fernandez-Morera, Northwestern University professor and Harvard PhD. I read the outline and breathed a sigh of relief. As I said, it's never made sense to me that Islamic rule in Spain could have been benign for Christians and Jews.

But I had nothing more to say than that, while those making the claim were sure it was an irrefutable fact: Islam in Spain was practically heaven on earth.

My answer was lame. I said I would have to look into their claim, and that my concern was Islam now - where it was anything but benign.

Dario Fernandez-Morera has come to my rescue. The evidence is grim: the total decimation of Christianity and Judaism in all areas held by Islam; slavery, including sex slavery, in areas held by Islam; the destruction of all Christian churches in these areas.

Three things.

One. Fernandez-Morera's credentials are impeccable. Not only does he have a PhD from Harvard, he's been on the US Council for the Humanities and has written several other impeccably researched books. 

Two. He draws on massive research, the sources (in 8 languages) impeccably documented. 

Three. The book is a page-turner. In other words, it's exactly what those against truth, against seeing Islam as it is, don't want: for the truth to be a pleasure to learn, fascinating, enthralling - and out go the lies!!

Does that mean you have to read the book? No. It's like a gun. You don't have to use it, just because you have it. This book is a weapon against the myth that Islam in Spain was a multicultural paradise. Just wave it at anyone uttering the myth.

It's so good to have a suitable tool - like a can opener to open a can. Inside this can: Islam in Spain, as it was.

About Islamic slavery. Maybe you knew, but I didn't, that Cervantes, author of Don Quixote, was long a slave of Islamics. He was sold to several Islamic masters of varying degrees of cruelty. He recorded the torture he witnessed - casual, brutal, deadly. Don Quixote not surprisingly includes a negative depiction of Islam, including Islamic slavery. (There's a link online to much more information on him.)

Of course none of the references to Islam made it into The Man of La Mancha, the musical based on Cervantes' book. Instead, the musical is just about a sweet old man tilting at windmills and singing To Dream the Impossible Dream. 

Moral of the story: any allegation that Islam has been benign deserves serious exploration. The allegation is unlikely to survive.

Here's The Myth of the Andalusian Paradise:

And here are lots more links, to interviews with the author (from 10 minutes to 3 hours) and to reviews:

Here's another myth possibly biting the dust - the myth that Crusaders murdered millions of Islamics in their wars of conquest.

You almost certainly already know that the Crusades, far from being about a group of insane Christians out to butcher as many Islamics as possible, were the SLOW response to the Islamic invasion of Christian territories, and to cries for help from fellow Christians. That's one myth debunked.

However, when the Crusades finally got going, did the Crusaders kill millions of Islamics (of course, those would be still be self-initiated deaths)? Nick T. van Riel did some math:

Crusaders simply didn't have the time. All these "millions of Muslims" had to be killed by hand because Crusaders simply didn't have weapons of mass destruction. For example, killing of "only" 1,000,000 Muslims during the 25 yrs of active war would mean an average of 110 Muslims a day, based on a 24/7 "workweek."

(Link online, and also more detail: http://elsasblog.com/170129)

Van Riel contrasts the allegations that millions of Muslims were killed with the record of "death by Islam":

1,400 yrs of killing with 270,000,000 innocent people dead, means an average of 528 murders a day till today. Note that Islam is still waging war 24 hours a day.

Now, from history to the present day, and from Islam to the claims about CO2. You almost certainly have heard the charge that global warming is caused by CO2. You also almost certainly know that this claim has been debunked. In case, you want sources: http://elsasblog.com/climate-change-theories.html

But a new piece of information (new to me, anyway) recently came my way: the increase in CO2 is very likely extremely beneficial - more plants, more crops, more food. The sources for this claim are first rate, including Patrick Moore, a scientist and co-founder of Greenpeace who now labels himself the sensible environmentalist:

Behind this debunking of myths and celebration of facts is the question: who benefits from these myths screening reality?

Who benefits from people in the West holding onto the delusion about Islamic Spain as, basically, an earthly paradise? The West absolutely does not benefit. Islam benefits. Does any other force also benefit? If so, it's also clearly inimical to the West.

And who benefits from the delusion that we must cut CO2 emissions? Again, the West absolutely does not benefit - so whoever is involved is likewise inimical to the West.

Behind the question, who benefits, is an assumption: what is going on is not something that is just happening. The evidence is so clear, for instance, in The Myth of the Andalusian Paradise: we have been, and are being, fed lies. That doesn't just happen. ]Bold text by Blog Editor]

The people regurgitating the myth aren't lying; they're repeating. But the myth makes no sense, except as something deliberately created to mislead. For instance, one doesn't need to look further than to Cervantes, for accounts of Islam, including Islamic enslavement, torture and casual murder of Christians, that shatter the myth.

And with that, all the best to all of us who care and dare,


PS. Insanity of the week. An Anglican priest has been forced from his job as Chaplain to Queen Elizabeth because he objected to a verse from the Quran being read during an Anglican church service. The verse denies Jesus as the Son of God.
http://the rebel.media/priest-out

PPS. Sanity of the week. Trump has made good on his campaign promise to temporarily halt (120 days) most refugee intake so "extreme vetting" can be put in place.

PPPS. Finally, if you'd like to learn more about Islam, Bill Warner has just launched an online study program:

"This program teaches Islamic doctrine by a story telling method. You listen and/or read Islamic doctrine, review current events through a doctrinal lens and join a learning community to discuss the material." 

By the way, in terms of Bill Warner's ability to make "dry stuff" interesting, his Why We Are Afraid: A 1400 Year Secret has had over 3,400,000 views:

[Blog Editor: Elsa’s link is to a 44:49 minute lecture by Bill Warner. Since I agree with Elsa, below is the embed of the Youtube link posted by Elsa:

VIDEO: Why We Are Afraid, A 1400 Year Secret, by Dr Bill Warner

Published on Aug 31, 2012

The history of Islam in Europe and how it effects us to this day. This is a history based on numbers and facts that you may not see anywhere else and explains why we may be afraid to see Islam for what it is based on its own doctrine and practice.]

PPPPS. You're welcome to post any of this on Facebook, Twitter, etc. Please include the link to the webpage or the site.



World Truth Summit – Updates


It could be about, how I came to find the wonder of Islam.

The words that come into my mind: The Heart of Darkness, the title of a novel by Joseph Conrad.

What I mean is that I found so many things I did not expect, so many things I could not admire. I would have loved to find a religion of peace. I did not. I feel as if I slowly stepped into a cave, slowly found lights, and had to recoil from what I found.

In one corner, the corpses of 600-900 dead Jews, murdered by Mohammed. The story isn't one I found in early versions of his story that I came across. But it's right there, hinted at in the Qu'ran, and spelled out in detail in the Sira and Hadiths (very revered Islamic religious texts). The story is right there.

But I didn't find the story until late in my exploration, when I already had a good idea of what kinds of things I'd be coming across.

The early explorations were much more tentative.

After all, I was told Islam was a religion of peace. But something did not make sense.

It was a bit like READ THE REST

Monday, January 30, 2017

ONLY Refugees that Support U.S. Constitution

John R. Houk
© January 30, 2017

Leo Hohmann has typed an article warning that Homeland chaos is on the way to confront Trump’s campaign promises on illegal immigrants and Muslim refugees. To be honest the article is also a WND promo for Hohmann’s book “STEALTH INVASION: MUSLIM CONQUEST THROUGH IMMIGRATION AND RESETTLEMENT JIHAD”. If the book is as informative as the Hohmann article, it is a must to get a hold of.

I pray political correctness does not pressure President Trump to cave in on his campaign promises on vetting Muslim Refugees. I have noticed the MSM has gone out of its way to highlight so-called peaceful Muslims out of the USA doing business yet now are not allowed back in to see their families residing on American soil.

Off the top of my head (no pun intended), a Muslim Ethiopian who is a British citizen has resided in Oregon for ten years. He communicated to his family in Oregon he may not be back to see them in Oregon for some time because he is a Muslim.

This is an example of crap news coming from the American Left.

ONE: The Trump EO refers to refugees from seven particular nations. NOT Muslims!

TWO: If the Ethiopian is a British citizen residing in Oregon already for ten years, he is not subject to the 7-nation refugee moratorium – HE’S A BRIT.

These kinds of stories are pure poppycock.

On the other hand, I do realize there are already unvetted Muslim refugees on American soil largely due to Obama’s Multiculturalist agenda. These refugees may have expected some family members from the 7-nation refugee moratorium and now there is a freeze for at least 90 days. That doesn’t mean those family members have a radical Muslim agenda against the USA. IT DOES MEAN those family members must be vetted to insure they have no hatred of America or any nefarious designs based on potential hatred. So, protest all you want. The USA has no need for foreign American-hating Muslims that feel they are on a divine Quranic mission.

Yesterday I blogged on some AWESOME vetting technology that President Trump could employ to make the vetting process move faster. The technology is called “COGITO”.

Now back to the Hohmann article.

Hohmann believes there are what he calls three flashpoints that will inspire the “global Islamic movement and its allies on the political left” to “confront” Trump’s policies:

§  Moving the U.S. embassy to Jerusalem

§  Declaring the Muslim Brotherhood a terrorist organization

§  Restricting Islamic immigration into the U.S.

Trump confront back and I believe he will. BUT – If for some reason the American Left hamstrings President Trump, there is a Second Amendment option for private citizens to organize and confront back on American soil. Begin with confrontational peaceful protest. Then if the American Left and/or Muslims supporting Islamic Salafist ideology ups the ante with violence, be prepared to ante up ourselves.

JRH 1/30/17
Airport protests just the start of 'chaos' planned by Muslim Brotherhood

Updated: 01/29/2017 at 10:52 PM

A former Homeland Security officer who spent years screening Muslim immigrants points to three “triggers” of confrontation between the new administration of Donald Trump and the global Islamic movement.

These three issues will spawn a violent backlash in response to Trump as he attempts to implement what many believe are long-overdue reforms.

And Trump has already bumped head-on into one of the hot-button issues – Muslim immigration.

According to Phillip Haney, a founding member of the Homeland Security Department and author of the book “See Something Say Nothing,” the stars are lining up for a major confrontation with the global Islamic movement and its allies on the political left.

The “flashpoints” to watch going forward are these:

§  Moving the U.S. embassy to Jerusalem

§  Declaring the Muslim Brotherhood a terrorist organization

§  Restricting Islamic immigration into the U.S.

Trump’s executive orders slapping a 120-day moratorium on refugee resettlement and a 30-day ban on those entering on visas from seven terror-sponsoring countries has been met with protests Sunday at airports in New York, Chicago, Atlanta, Detroit and Minneapolis.

In Hamtramck, Michigan, the nation’s first city to elect a Muslim-majority city council, protesters descended on City Hall Sunday with signs that included “Ban Bannon” and “We are all Immigrants.”

There were no such protests when former President Obama restricted Christian refugees from entering the U.S. from Syria, Egypt, Pakistan and other Muslim countries.

As Trump tries to rein in concessions given to the Muslim Brotherhood by the previous administrations of Clinton, Bush and Obama, he should expect the Brotherhood and its allies on the left to push back with hell’s fury, Haney said.

There will be lawsuits, ugly protests, and an all-out effort to create chaos in the streets of U.S. cities, he predicts.

The reason is simple. This isn’t 1968 or even 1978, when Islam in America consisted primarily of a few thousand Nation of Islam and Black Panther activists.

Islam, particularly the Salafist brand of Sunni Islam promoted by the Muslim Brotherhood, whose stated goal is to spread Shariah throughout the world, has been allowed to establish a major foothold in America.

More than 300 U.S. cities and towns have been stacked with Sharia-compliant Muslims through refugee resettlement and myriad other visa programs that have been expanding for four decades.

Meanwhile, groups that agitate for Muslim “civil rights,” which tend to manifest as special privileges not afforded to Christians, have been empowered. Thanks to the expanded immigration, the U.S. Muslim population has exploded to 3.3 million, the number of mosques has grown exponentially and the Council on American Islamic Relations or CAIR is now a force to be reckoned with despite its ties to extremist organizations like the Muslim Brotherhood and Hamas, Haney said.

“There’s this concept of the observant Muslim base, it’s a global observant base, and that’s what the Muslim Brotherhood has done here in America since the 1960s is build up that observant Muslim base,” Haney said.

In a document seized by the FBI and presented at a terror-financing trial in Texas in 2007, the Brotherhood referred to this process as building “settlements” in the U.S. that would eventually subjugate all other religions.  Doubters can read the Brotherhood’s strategy in the Brotherhood’s own words in a document titled the “An Explanatory Memorandum on the General Strategic Goal for the Group in North America.”

Saudi Arabia, Egypt, the United Arab Emirates and Russia have all banned the Muslim Brotherhood for its terrorist connections and seditious strategies.

A bill on Congress, the Muslim Brotherhood Terrorist Designation Act, would do the same thing, declaring CAIR and other Brotherhood-affiliated group as terrorists.

“Now the U.S. has a new president who is considering doing the same thing and CAIR is crying about Islamophobia,” Haney said. “And that’s why they need to be designated as terrorists.”

Trump is already showing a pattern, a trend of behaviors, which indicates he plans to follow through with campaign promises related to Israel, terrorism and immigration, Haney said.

The main school of Islamic jurisprudence in North America, the Assembly of Muslim Jurists of America or AMJA, issued a fatwa which it called a “roadmap” for Muslim reaction in the wake of Trump’s election victory.

“They are expecting him to actually do what he said, so the AMJA steps in and provides a Shariah-compliant roadmap on the way that they should respond,” Haney said. “They have set the parameters of the acceptable response based on Shariah law. They included not only 32 Quranic verses woven into the roadmap but several other references to the hadith.

“The AMJA put this statement out and mobilized the observant Muslim base calling on them to be prepared to respond.”

And it’s not just Muslims who will join in this monumental push back against Trump.

As seen at protests in major U.S. airports Sunday, the radical left is eager to take up the crusade of Muslim activism. Haney says it’s not just American Muslims who will join this fight, either, but global Islamic extremists who are invested in destroying Israel, propping up the Muslim Brotherhood, and continuing the flow of Shariah-compliant Muslims from the Middle East into Western democracies.

“These three points will trigger conflict between the global Islamic community and the Trump administration,” he told WND. “There aren’t any other issues that have the volatility to precipitate actions up to and including violence.”

Haney said the three trigger points will affect three different areas: The Israel policy will affect the political arena, the Muslim Brotherhood terrorist declaration will affect law enforcement, and the immigration issue will affect the fabric of American society, halting the process of Islamization and civilization jihad that has been steadily occurring for the last 35 years and which was placed into overdrive under Barack Obama.

“It’s not about Trump. It’s about America,” Haney said. “America has had the audacity to pick someone different from what the world wanted, which was someone who would not be submissive to the global Islamic movement. So America is now going to become the focus of this backlash.”

In fact, the hardcore Islamic extremists affiliated with the Brotherhood and their allies among the hardcore left are already mobilizing a pushback for the cause of Shariah law. These troops have enjoyed complete cooperation from the U.S. government over the last eight years, Haney said, and to an extent for the last 20 years going back to the Bushes and Clintons. All of these administrations reached out to the Muslim Brotherhood-linked organizations for advice and counsel, inviting them to the White House, the State Department, and the departments of Homeland Security and Justice.

Trump has signaled a different approach by talking about moving the U.S. embassy to Jerusalem, declaring the Brotherhood a terrorist organization and restricting Muslim immigration while shifting the government’s focus to rescuing Christian refugees. These were three untouchables under previous U.S. administrations and by even talking about these actions Trump must be prepared for a strong reaction, both foreign and domestic, Haney says.

The Brotherhood’s self-avowed goal is to spread Shariah around the globe. In the U.S., it works through a network of alphabet-soup organization that include CAIR, the Muslim Student Association or MSA, the Islamic Society of North America or ISNA, the Islamic Circle of North America or ICNA, and the Muslim American Society or MAS.

These Brotherhood-linked groups work to infiltrate and influence America’s critical institutions –government and law enforcement, the educational system and the nation’s churches and synagogues. The overall goal of this three-pronged attack is to wear down these institutions’ defenses to Shariah concepts, such as the idea that criticism of Islam or its prophet is off limits and makes one an “Islamophobe” worthy of second-class status. Criticism of Christianity continues to be popular sport in American society but criticism of Islam is socially unacceptable in the media, pop culture, business, academia or law enforcement. This is essentially a voluntary implementation of the Islamic blasphemy law – which is the beginning of Shariah – Haney says.

The most important Islamic voice to watch in America is the AMJA – the Assembly of Muslim Jurists of America. This is the group of scholars that Muslim clerics look to for guidance on what to teach in America’s mosques, more than 75 percent of which have been funded by Saudi Arabia and 85 percent of which are led by foreign-born imams.

The AMJA issued a fatwa following Trump’s election, offering a “roadmap” forward on how U.S. Muslims should react to the changes Trump might try to implement. This roadmap informed the U.S. Muslim community that the rise of Trump held the potential to be a “calamity” for their future in this country.

While urging them not to panic, the AMJA then dropped the bombshell that the “worst of the worst” in America were those who try to destroy Muslim civil rights organizations, a direct reference to CAIR, ISNA, MSA and their overarching sponsor, the Muslim Brotherhood. The fatwa went on to warn Muslims that they may have to take drastic actions that they don’t want to take but which will please Allah, quoting almost word for word from the Quran.

“It’s all intertwined,” said Haney. “It’s all coming together as we predicted.”

Watch video trailer for “Stealth Invasion,” which former Congresswoman Michele Bachmann is calling “the must-read book of 2017.”

Posted by WNDTV
Published on Dec 21, 2016

Use the PROMO CODE Stealth25 when you order Stealth Invasion from the WND Superstore and you'll receive 25% off your purchase: http://superstore.wnd.com/Stealth-Invasion-Muslim-Conquest-Through-Immigration-and-Resettlement-Jihad-Hardcover  

Civilization jihad calls for changing a nation by changing its people and its values—gradually, over time.

Stealth Invasion blows the lid off a corrupt, fraudulent program that has been secretly dumping Third World refugees, many of them radical, on American cities for three decades.

Americans have been kept largely in the dark about the radical plans to permanently transform their nation. Until now.

After Trump announced the first round of his border security and immigration crackdowns Wednesday, CAIR Director Nihad Awad immediately ramped up his rhetoric. He denounced the administration’s actions as “Islamophobic” and compared refusing Muslim refugees to previous U.S. policies of “slavery” and denying women the vote.

These are fighting words, Haney said, and sure enough CAIR’s chapters in New York and Dallas responded with their own press conferences, tweets and rallies denouncing Trump.

CAIR was also front and center in the protests at American airports Sunday.

This is just the beginning of what will be an ongoing battle of wills between Trump’s administration and the Shariah-supportive Muslim community that feels emboldened by its allies in the media and among what are mainly Marxist and left-leaning professors, lawyers and community organizers, Haney said.

Haney, who co-authored the whistleblower book “See Something Say Nothing” upon leaving DHS, says to watch the three trigger points going forward.

Any one of those three issues will be viewed as part of the “calamity” that the AMJA roadmap fatwa warned was coming under a Trump administration.

Trump will be challenged to find some Muslims who are not affiliated with Brotherhood organizations and give them a voice that offers an alternative to the intolerance and extremism put forth by CAIR, which has direct ties to Hamas and has had nearly a dozen of its current and former leaders investigated and charged with terrorist-related crimes.

Trump comments about moving the embassy to Jerusalem reverberated all the way to the slums of Sadr City in Iraq, where Shiite cleric Muqtada al-Sadr said a U.S. Jerusalem embassy would be tantamount to an all-out war against Islam.

“Just the fact that our ambassador said he will move his residence to Jerusalem is provocative enough,” Haney said. “It’s a declaration of war against the USA, and Sadr is saying the Shia will fill in the void if Sunnis don’t do what they’re supposed to do.”

On the immigration front, Trump said he plans to restrict visa permits for 30 days from seven Islamic countries, Somalia, Yemen, Iraq, Iran, Syria, Sudan and Libya, while pausing all refugee resettlements for four months or until “extreme vetting” practices can be developed.

These would seem to be rather mild responses to the uptick in Islamic terrorism both in Europe and the United States over the last three years. Jihadist attacks on U.S. soil have included the Boston Marathon bombing, the knife attacks at a mall in St. Cloud, Minnesota, and at Ohio State University, the Orlando nightclub mass shooting, the Chattanooga shooting at a Navy recruitment center, the pipe bombing in Manhattan, and the San Bernardino shooting. All of these attacks were carried out by Muslim immigrants or sons of Muslim immigrants.

But the Muslim Brotherhood-linked organizations know the importance of the Islamic principle of al hijra, the Arabic term for “migration.” Their prophet, Muhammad, used it to perfection in his conquering of Medina back in the seventh century and it has been a favorite tactic of Shariah-adherent Muslims ever since.

The prayer by Imam Mohamed Magid at Trump’s inaugural prayer service in the National Cathedral last Saturday amounted to a “a signal flag,” to the Muslim community, Haney said. “The context of the verse he quoted from the Quran just happens to be related to the AMJA roadmap fatwa, so what he did was he waved a signal flag and told the Islamic community, here I am, I’m making a declaration that we should stand up and oppose the calamity of the Trump administration.”

Magid’s Muslim Brotherhood credentials are impressive. He’s past-president of ISNA, he served on Obama’s CVE or “countering violent extremism” steering committee and he is imam of the ADAMS mosque that was at one time under investigation by the federal government for ties to Hamas. And if that’ snot enough, he’s listed on the AMJA website as a shake and a fatwa expert. A shake in Islam is higher than imam.

“That means he’s a trained Shariah specialist,” Haney said. “But here he is at the National Cathedral in Washington delivering an inauguration prayer.”

Haney goes back to the allegory Trump used of draining the water out of the swamp.

“Your work really begins after the water is taken out,” he said. “You have to see what is actually buried down in the muck and mire. And if Trump has experts who are qualified to go in and conduct a forensic analysis, they’re going to find all kinds of stuff there and it will set in motion a whole sequence of events, if they can catch their breath and take a look at it. It will set off a sequence of events that will allow law enforcement and immigration officials to honestly evaluate the status of our current immigration policies and they’re going to find that there are a lot of problems with it, whether it’s the State Department issuing visas to folks they shouldn’t be, the way the USCS process people coming into the country on visas and green cards, all the way to the United Nations itself and how it does the initial selection and vetting of the refugees.

“So this examination, if it is thorough, is going to set off a lot of events that are going to expose the methods of the Obama administration as providing no oversight or protection whatsoever.”
ONLY Refugees that Support U.S. Constitution
John R. Houk
© January 30, 2017

© Copyright 1997-2017. All Rights Reserved. WND.com.

Sunday, January 29, 2017

Terrorism and COGITO

John R. Houk
© January 29, 2017

Rachel Ehrenfeld writes about the extreme vetting process that President Trump could use to quickly detect if a person has terrorist designs against the United States. Ehrenfeld has an idea based on some technology created in Israel yet commissioned by the United States Department of Homeland Security.

Check out this quote from Ehrenfeld on the technology:

An effective way to find out the applicant’s intentions would be screening through an efficient, unbiased, and non-intrusive system.  Such a system was developed by an Israeli company with a grant from the Department of Homeland Security, which the Obama administration refused to utilize.

The Suspect Detection System (SDS) has developed counter-terrorist and insider threat detection technology named COGITO.  This technology enables law enforcement agencies to rapidly investigate U.S. visa applicants (and other travelers) entering the country, insider threats among employees, etc.

COGITO technology is an automated interrogation system that can determine in 5-7 minutes if an individual is harboring hostile intent.  The system interviews the examinee with up to 36 questions while measuring the psychophysical signals of the human body.  The system has 95% accuracy and has helped security agencies globally to catch terrorists and solve crimes.

I did a little looking into this COGITO technology. My impression is the concept was initially developed for companies to use to vet their new employees with something more efficiency than a lengthy lie detector test. Evidently the COGITO technology can be streamlined for many psych detection purposes including terrorism.

In the process of investigating “COGITO” I discovered it is not an acronym for some scientific gizmo, rather it is an actual word. Here is an interesting definition for “cogito”:

1: the philosophical principle that one's existence is demonstrated by the fact that one thinks

2: the intellectual processes of the self or ego

Origin and Etymology of cogito
New Latin cogito, ergo sum, literally, I think, therefore I am, principle stated by René Descartes

First Known Use: 1838 (Definition of cogito; Merriam-Webster)

Apparently SDS technology has taken a philosophical and retrofitted it to a psychological examination of discovering – so-to-speak – who a person is.

Here is the short version of the SDS COGITO technology that can be employed:

Suspect Detection Systems Inc.'s Cogito Data Center (Cogito DC) is a central knowledgebase and control server that serves as a complete analytical back office to the Cogito Rapid Interrogation System. Cogito DC will enable SDS customers to create a central storage base of all examinee data. The interrogation system collects an vast amount of data with each examination beginning with a scan of the examinees passport or identification card. The system then scans unique biometric identification information including fingerprint and iris (eye) imaging, and voice signature. The Cogito DC knowledgebase then aggregates and analyzes the interrogation results of all examinees. The system compares test results of potential suspects from common backgrounds, which then enables interrogators to perform intelligence analysis over the entire scope of collected metadata. (Cogito Data Center; SUSPECT DETECTION SYSTEMS INC.)

And here is an excerpt from the longer version of the technology behind COGITO:


The COGITO system is a technology-based concept and solution for the detection of suspects harboring malicious intent serves for detection of “Internal Threat” (employees of governmental agencies and enterprises that have destructive intents), Police interrogations and border security. The COGITO concept is derived from extensive interdisciplinary know-how in security, polygraph testing and field-proven security-related interrogation techniques.

The COGITO core technology is based on proprietary software – an “expert system” that emulates an investigator’s Modus Operandi by incorporating “soft decision-making” algorithms such as “Neural Networks” and “Fuzzy Logic”. All hardware elements are best-of-breed off-the-shelf third-party components. The technical solution is comprised of a front-end, the ‘Test Station’, and a back-office where multiple-station and multiple-site data is stored, managed and distributed.

COGITO presents a significant conceptual breakthrough that can assist international aviation and homeland security authorities in responding to increasingly sophisticated means of international terrorism. This concept is based on several well-established paradigms and assumptions.

Intent vs. Means

The COGITO concept focuses on detecting terrorist (malicious) intent as opposed to detecting the means (i.e. explosives or weapons). The value of detecting intent is based on several well-founded and proven assumptions. As proven in the 9/11 and many other terrorist attacks when entering a country, terrorists will not necessarily carry weapons or devices on their person. This has been well demonstrated in several international terror attacks. Moreover, terrorists with intent of perpetrating a chemical, biological or atomic terrorist attack are all the more not likely to carry such devices on their person while entering the United States through an official checkpoint or border crossing.

Stimulated Psycho Physical Reaction (SPPR)

The COGITO method is based on stimulating examinees with specific terrorism-related triggers using a “direct contact, interaction, conscious, portal” approach:

            The COGITO method postulates that specific words or questions can force terrorist to generate a SPPR that is identifiably different than that of a non-terrorist’s SPPR to the same words or questions. Based on extensive field experience accumulated by Israeli security agencies, the only common characteristic to all suicide bombers and “effective terrorists” is their desire not to be caught by security authorities. The terrorist’s fundamental motivation to successfully perform the terrorist act and not be caught by security authorities clearly differentiates him from the innocent person not harboring such intent. This identifiable motivation is known as the “terrorist hunting–hunted syndrome” (THHS). In order to identify and isolate the terrorist, one needs to READ THE REST ([COGITO] TECHNOLOGY; Suspect Detection Systems: Human Psychophysiology Behavour Analysis)

On a personal level and at least a palpable negative argument for this rather quick vetting process, I think this is something President Trump should seriously take a look at! ESPECIALLY since President Barack Hussein Obama rejected this technology as a foreign immigrant vetting process.

Now for the Rachel Ehrenfeld article.

JRH 1/29/17
Protecting America from ill-intended refugees

By Rachel Ehrenfeld @ American Thinker
January 28th, 2017 2:17PM

This is an updated version of the article on American ThinkerProtecting America from ill-intended refugees – 

President Donald Trump’s executive order on “Protecting the Nation from Terrorist Attacks by Foreign Nationals,” has been met, as anticipated, with alarm by opponents at home and abroad. Some resent the new American president and his actions to protect the country, as he promised to do. Others, like the Muslim Brotherhood’s affiliated Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR), protest the suspension of U.S. visas to Muslim refugees and travelers from the radical -Islamic-terrorist prone countries Iran, Iraq, Syria, Sudan, Libya, Yemen, and Somalia.

His executive order proclaims (emphasis added): “The United States must be vigilant during the visa issuance process to ensure that those approved for admission do not intend to harm Americans and that they have no ties to terrorism. In order to protect Americans, we must ensure that those admitted to this country do not bear hostile attitudes towards our country and its founding principles. Section 2 of the active order states that the policy of the U.S. is “(a) protect our citizens from foreign nationals who intend to commit terrorist attacks in the United States; and (b) prevent the admission of foreign nationals who intend to exploit United States immigration laws for malevolent purposes.”

To prevent such individuals from entering the U.S., the executive order requests the development of a uniform screening program, which in fact would reinforce requirements that have been deliberately ignored by the Obama administration.

However, radical-Islamic terrorists are not limited to the countries list by the EO. There are unknown numbers of ISIS volunteers who returned to Europe and other Western nations, which the new EO exempts. But even if the screening is done by the book, and all necessary documentation has been obtained and verified, and the applicant declares he holds no ill intentions toward America and Americans, nothing available to the screeners today would easily reveal that he or she is lying.

An effective way to find out the applicant’s intentions would be screening through an efficient, unbiased, and non-intrusive system.  Such a system was developed by an Israeli company with a grant from the Department of Homeland Security, which the Obama administration refused to utilize.

The Suspect Detection System (SDS) has developed counter-terrorist and insider threat detection technology named COGITO.  This technology enables law enforcement agencies to rapidly investigate U.S. visa applicants (and other travelers) entering the country, insider threats among employees, etc.

COGITO technology is an automated interrogation system that can determine in 5-7 minutes if an individual is harboring hostile intent.  The system interviews the examinee with up to 36 questions while measuring the psychophysical signals of the human body.  The system has 95% accuracy and has helped security agencies globally to catch terrorists and solve crimes.

According to the company’s website, the SDS allows the screening of a large number of people in a short time. It “does not require operator training. One operator can handle simultaneously ten stations.  It has a central management and database system that allows storing all tests results, analysis, and data mining, and is deployed and integrated with governmental agencies.”  Using this system would eliminate the need to use often biased U.S. Consulate employees.  Moreover, the SDS uses an automated decision-making system, which is “adaptable to a variety of different questioning contexts, different cultures, and languages. The examination lasts 5 minutes when there are no indications of harmful intent, and 7 minutes to ascertain it (with only 4% false positive, and 10% false negative).”

The COGITO is used in 15 countries including Israel, Singapore, China, India, and Mexico.  U.S. airlines operating in Latin America are using COGITO to check their employees.

But last year DHS refused to use the SDS, claiming that it “would constitute an intrusion on the privacy of those screened by the system” and “[i]t may reflect on VISA applicants or Immigrant’s civil rights.”  However, foreigners applying for a U.S. visa are not protected by American laws.

SDS capability to detect intent seems to fit President Trump’s promise of “extreme vetting” of Muslim refugees from high-risk regions.  This and other similarly objective systems would not only assist in making America safer but also be in keeping its policy and tradition of accepting refugees who do not wish us harm.

*This is an updated version of the article on American ThinkerProtecting America from ill-intended refugees
Terrorism and COGITO
John R. Houk
© January 29, 2017
Protecting America from ill-intended refugees

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ACD Initiatives: READ THE REST

Saturday, January 28, 2017

Examining Linda Sarsour Real News

John R. Houk
© January 28, 2017

It’s time to spread the word against Islamic Supremacists and Leftists spewing bigoted hate toward those ONLY telling the truth about what is in the Quran, Hadith and Sira of Islam.

For those who have Twitter, Facebook, or Instagram, we ask that you show your support for Brigitte and Ayaan, by using the hashtag #IStandWithBrigitteAndAyaan, which was started by Dave Rubin, host of The Rubin Report and an open-minded ally of true human rights.

One Islamic Supremacist to look at is Linda Sarsour. She is a Palestinian-American that grew up in Brooklyn New York. Because of heritage she is fully supportive of Jew-hating Palestinians who would rather destroy Israel and rename the whole area Palestine. A name created by the Romans to dishonor Jews and a word roughly created by the League of Nations after WWI that was an area of land formerly occupied by Turkey to create a Jewish Homeland. The League gave the British the Mandate to make that happen. Instead the British carved out a large eastern portion to reward the Hashemite Clan aid to defeat the Turks in WWI. The Hashemites called the carved out Palestinian land Transjordan. When the Hashemites joined the surrounding Arab nations to destroy Israel at its birth in 1948, the Transjordanian army (called the Arab Legion) was the only invader that came out substantially ahead.

The Transjordan monarch stole more Palestinian land designated for Jews and called it the West Bank because it was west of the Jordan River. The Hashemite King then officially incorporated his conquered land into his Kingdom renaming the nation Jordan.

The irony of the Jordanian conquest of the land called Judea and Samaria by Israel, is that British Officers ran the Arab Legion thus providing British military strategy for the Jordanian army to conquer land designated for a Jewish Homeland to Jordan. Essentially abandoning the British Mandate’s purpose.

But I digress.

The Arabs that call themselves Palestinians whom Linda Sarsour supports are essentially under the management of a group of Islamic terrorists. The larger group of terrorists is recognized by the USA as the Palestinian Authority (PA); however, the real governing entity is the Palestinian Liberation Organization (PLO) which is a union of Arab terrorists dominated by the Fatah terrorists. Another Islamic terrorist organization called Hamas is the effectual governing entity of what a map will tell you is the Gaza Strip. Hamas doesn’t pretend to seek peace with Israel as the PLO dominated PA does, but calls for the bloody death of all Jews and the total destruction of Israel.

Linda Sarsour defends and promotes the concepts of a Palestine sovereign nation on Jewish land. Also as a true Muslim Apologist she makes deceptive statements to non-Muslim Americans implying Islam is peace and Sharia is the best form of law.

Ironically Fox News has come to Sarsour’s aid by calling her Counterjihad critics producers of Fake News:

In the days since she helped organize the massive Women's March on Washington, the Brooklyn-born, hijab-wearing activist has been targeted on the internet by false reports that she supports Islamic State militants and favors replacing the U.S. legal system with Islamic religious law.

On social media, critics have circulated a photo of her holding up one finger, like a sports fan celebrating a championship, and claimed she's giving "the ISIS one-fingered salute." In fact, she is on record as calling the Islamic State a global cancer.

Other posts have falsely claimed that she supports the imposition of Islamic law on the U.S., citing, as evidence, a sarcastic tweet she made in 2015 that was actually intended to ridicule conspiracy theories about secret Muslim plots to take over the American legal system.

Bloggers and conservative websites also circulated a picture of her at a convention of Muslim civic leaders, standing with a group of people that included a Milwaukee activist whose brother was arrested in Israel in 1998 and convicted of giving $40,000 to a Hamas leader. The photo, they said, was proof of "ties" to Hamas.

"Ludicrous," said Sarsour, who was out rallying again Wednesday night in her hometown of New York City,

The online attacks, Sarsour said, were the work of "fake news purveyors" and "right-wing media outlets recirculating false information." READ ENTIRETY (Attacks target Muslim-American activist after DC march; Deepti Hajela; Fox News; 1/26/17)

So, is it actually Fake News that Sarsour wants Sharia in America and is supportive of Islamic terrorists? The website The Secular Brownie examines some Sarsour tweets. Those tweets do not explicitly call for Sharia and the support of Islamic terrorism, BUT she either uses deceptive qualifiers or does not condemn Islamic terrorist attacks. The tweets expose Linda Sarsour’s true allegiance:

Linda Sarsour was the head of the Women’s March in the United States.  There is a great irony and contradiction in letting someone who deflects criticism from the misogynistic Saudi Arabia lead the Women’s March.  Let’s examine some tweets.

She’s basically saying “women not having the right to drive in Saudi Arabia shouldn’t be a big deal because they get 10 weeks paid maternity leave.”  Do you not realize she’s talking about a place where the culture only values women as mothers and wives?  If the culture favored women as solely housewives/mothers don’t you think incentives for pregnancy would exist?

In this tweet she attempts to deflect criticism from the headscarf and women’s covering by trivializing it as a social issue.  This is for a woman to have the right to choose.  If the government is so invasive of women’s bodily expressions, wouldn’t you call that misogynistic, sexist, etc.?  As a “feminist”, how do you fail to see this?

It’s similar to saying “racism doesn’t exist in the United States because Barack Obama was president.”  In some of these countries there is honor violence, and even sharia courts that punishes rape victims.  But of course, they have women leaders, therefore “no sexism.”

She is basically defending Sharia Law in this tweet.  Does she not realize that as an apostate, I would be subject to capital punishment in Saudi Arabia and homosexuals would be punished in some way? Women who complained about rape needed the testimony of four witnesses in Sharia court, which they could not find, making them subject to public stoning.  Of course despite all this, Linda brags about the interest free loans in Sharia and ignores who would be marginalized in that system.

Of course Linda had to spin the narrative.

She’s basically saying her haters don’t want to see her succeed because she’s Arab.

Through her wording she made it seem like she was under danger and the left needed to unite against these “right wingers” (just for challenging someone’s feminist convictions.) ... READ ENTIRETY (Linda Sarsour’s Awkward Defensiveness Over Saudi Oppression That The Left Seems To Ignore; The Secular Brownie; 1/24/17)

And finally, FrontPageMag has sniffed out Linda Sarsour’s support of Islamic terrorism and Sharia either directly or by association (e.g. her husband):

In 2004, Sarsour acknowledged that a friend of hers as well as a cousin were both serving long sentences in Israeli jails because of their efforts to recruit jihadists to murder Jews. Moreover, she revealed that her brother-in-law was serving a 12-year prison term because of his affiliation with Hamas.

Speaking of creepy realtives, Sarsour’s husband, Maher Judeh, mourned the 1998 death of the Hamas “master terrorists” Adel and Imad Awadallah; he praised the heroism of a Palestinian Authority police officer who had carried out a shooting attack at a checkpoint in Israel; he has expressed support for the terrorist organization Fatah; and he has lauded the founder of the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine, a Marxist-Leninist revolutionary organization.

In May 2012 Sarsour tweeted that the so-called “underwear bomber,” an Al-Qaeda operative who in 2009 had tried to blow up a Detroit-bound passenger jet in mid-flight, was actually a CIA agent participating in America's “war on Islam.”

In November 2012 in Baltimore, Sarsour—ever eager to peddle her woeful tale of Islamic victimhood—spoke at a Muslim Public Affairs Council conference titled “Facing Race: Xenophobic Hate Crimes.” This is the same Council that views the murderous Jew-haters of Hezbollah as members of “a liberation movement” that is “fighting for freedom.” 

In August 2015 Sarsour spoke out in support of the incarcerated Palestinian Islamic Jihad member Muhammad Allan, a known recruiter of suicide bombers.

According to CounterJihad.com, Sarsour has attended and spoken at numerous rallies sponsored by Al-Awda, a group that views Israel as a terrorist, genocidal state whose very creation was a “catastrophe” for Arab peoples.

Sarsour has also solicited donations for the Hamas-affiliated Palestine Children’s Relief Fund.

In November 2015, Sarsour was a featured speaker at the 21st anniversary banquet of the Council on American-Islamic Relations' [CAIR's] San Francisco chapter. Further, she is presently scheduled to speak at upcoming CAIR banquets in February and March. Terrorism expert Steven Emerson has accurately described CAIR as “a radical fundamentalist front group for Hamas.”

Last June, Sarsour spoke at a Virginia fundraising dinner sponsored by Islamic Relief USA, whose parent group has provided financial aid to Hamas.

In September, Sarsour was a featured speaker at the annual convention of the Islamic Society of North America, a Muslim Brotherhood front group that promotes Sharia Law and Islamic supremacism. The Brotherhood, it should be noted, is the parent group of both Hamas and Al-Qaeda.

In October, Sarsour spoke at an event sponsored by a chapter of the Muslim Students Association, whose national umbrella group is an outgrowth of the Muslim Brotherhood, and whose conferences routinely feature inflammatory speeches by raging anti-Semites.

In November, Sarsour spoke at the annual conference of American Muslims for Palestine (AMP), where she lauded Muslims who “unequivocally support” the Hamas-inspired BDS campaign. AMP is a major BDS promoter, and several of its leading board members and officials were formerly members and/or supporters of Islamic extremist groups that promoted and funded the agendas of Hamas.

In December 2016 in Chicago, Sarsour spoke at the annual (jointly held) convention of the Muslim American Society (whose agendas are dominated by the Muslim Brotherhood) and the Islamic Circle of North America (which, according to Steven Emerson, “openly supports militant Islamic fundamentalist organizations, praises terror attacks, issues incendiary attacks on western values and policies, and supports the imposition of Sharia”). At that convention, Linda Sarsour posed for a picture with Salah Sarsour (no known relation), who was jailed by Israel in the 1990s because of his fundraising activities on behalf of Hamas. READ ENTIRETY (THE ANTI-SEMITE WHO ORGANIZED THE 'WOMEN'S MARCH ON WASHINGTON'; By John Perazzo; FrontPageMag; 1/23/17)

 Sarsour on Sharia Law:

Sarsour has openly supported Sharia law, a legal system that treats women much differently than men and punishes lawbreakers with flogging, amputation, and stoning.

In 2011, Sarsour referred to Sharia as “reasonable,” tweeting: “once u read into the details it makes a lot of sense.”


Last April, Sarsour again took to Twitter to defend Sharia as being “misunderstood,” and “pushed as some evil Muslim agenda.”


She has even promoted Sharia as a means of financial benefit, tweeting: “If you are still paying interest than Sharia Law hasn't taken over America. #justsaying. READ ENTIRETY (Women’s March National Co-Chair: Sharia Law is ‘Reasonable’ ,' Misunderstood’; By Andrew Eicher; CNSNews.com; 1/25/17 5:27 PM EST)

I pray you now understand the nefarious hypocrisy Linda Sarsour when she calls people like Brigitte Gabriel and Ayaan Hirsi Ali wicked names and threatening with violence and removal of their vaginas.

Below is an email from ACT for America exposing the Islamic cruelty of Linda Sarsour.

JRH 1/28/17
True Hatred Exposed
Sent by ACT for America
Sent 1/27/2017 1:18 PM

Linda Sarsour at Feminist Women's March 1-21-17

We regret to inform you of a shocking verbal attack launched against our Founder Brigitte Gabriel, and the courageous Ayaan Hirsi Ali, by an Islamic extremist named Linda Sarsour.

Although Sarsour’s disgusting verbal assault took place back in 2011, it has only now been brought to light, given her active and particularly ironic involvement in the supposed women’s rights march, which took place last weekend in Washington, D.C.

WARNING: The language and content of these comments are extremely offensive.


Sarsour vulgarity toward B. Gabriel & Ayaan Hirsi Ali Tweet

These comments are all the more appalling when one considers that Ayaan Hirsi Ali was a victim of Female Genital Mutilation.

Sarsour’s comments, reprehensible as they are, do not surprise anyone who knows the truth about her radical ties.

Ms. Sarsour has been an open advocate for Sharia law, and has connections to terror groups such as Hamas, Hezbollah, and ISIS.

In fact, Sarsour has three known relatives who have been arrested for terrorist activity!

Sarsour had come under fire for her radical ties before a spotlight was recently shined on her jaw dropping comments about Gabriel and Ali.

ACT Email of Sarsour Tweet on Sharia

As usual, the anti-American fringe defended her, and mainstream media refused to cover the truth behind Sarsour’s extremist connections.

ACT Email of Sarsour Tweet on Sharia 2

Here’s what the anti-American Southern Poverty Law had to say about their darling Sarsour:

“Islamophobes have been attacking #WomensMarch organizer @lsarsour. We stand with her against this type of hate and bigotry. #IMarchWithLinda”

So, what does this story tell you about groups like the Southern Poverty Law Center and other anti-American outlets who attack ACT for America as a “hate group?”

It tells you that they are the true haters. They are the bigots who cower under the cloak of political correctness, and seek to enable even the most dangerous radicals.

More to it, this uncovers the nefarious alliance between the far-left and radical Islam, and shows any rational citizen that the SPLC and other anti-American groups are not genuinely interested in human rights.

Rather, they are interested in the destruction of Western Judeo-Christian civilization, and willing to align with anyone who shares their devious vision.

Here are two survivors of Islamic extremism, Brigitte Gabriel, and Ayaan Hirsi Ali, fighting for true women’s rights, and this Sharia sympathizing extremist attacks them with the most vile and hateful comments imaginable.

So now the question remains, will the mainstream media cover this abomination, or sweep it under the rug to continue their politically correct narrative about radical Islam?

For those who have Twitter, Facebook, or Instagram, we ask that you show your support for Brigitte and Ayaan, by using the hashtag #IStandWithBrigitteAndAyaan, which was started by Dave Rubin, host of The Rubin Report and an open-minded ally of true human rights.

Please check our social media pages and share with us why you stand with Brigitte and Ayaan against true hatred and radicalism.

For Freedom,
ACT for America
Examining Linda Sarsour Real News
John R. Houk
© January 28, 2017
True Hatred Exposed

ACT for America · 869 Lynnhaven Pkwy, Suite 113, #411, Virginia Beach, VA 23452, United States