Saturday, October 31, 2015

Genocidal Jew-Hater Amin al-Husseini

An Introduction by John R. Houk
© October 31, 2015

About a week ago in Jerusalem Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu spoke at the World Zionist Organization’s 37th Zionist Congress. At the Congress the Prime Minister spoke of the Jerusalem Grand Mufti Haj Amin al-Husseini’s participation in Hitler’s Holocaust against the Jews which resulted in their brutal murders to the tune of about SIX MILLION human beings by the end of 1945.

It boggles my mind that the Leftist media has joined in a chorus of heated criticism of Netanyahu’s finger-pointing at al-Husseini as a joint Holocaust instigator with Hitler. SO WHAT if Netanyahu was off about the degree of pivotal involvement in convincing Hitler to cleanse Europe of Jews rather than deport them?

The real point should be that al-Husseini cooperated so much with Hitler’s Final Solution against European Jews that he brought the Nazi Jew-hatred ideology back to Muslim dominated areas inspiring genocidal concepts against Jews that continue to this very day. This is evidenced in particular by the Arabs who call themselves Palestinians current murder spree against Jews in Israel.

 Haj Amin al-Husseini

Below is a Middle East Forum backgrounder on al-Husseini followed by a more in depth look at the dead Jew-hater by Pamela Geller.

JRH 10/31/15
Backgrounder: Hajj Amin al-Husseini

Compiled by Gary C. Gambill
October 30, 2015
Middle East Forum

MEF backgrounders highlight select news-relevant research and analysis from Middle East Forum staff, fellows, and publications. Sign up to the MEF mailing list to stay abreast of our work.

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu caused a storm of controversy on October 20 by quoting Hajj Amin al-Husseini, the infamous grand mufti of Jerusalem during the interwar years, as having told Adolf Hitler in 1941 to "burn" rather than deport the Jews of Europe, insinuating that this influenced the unfolding Nazi genocide.

While the veracity of this quote is in question, few dispute that Husseini could well have said something to this effect given his genocidal hatred of Jews, penchant for blood-curdling rhetoric, and determination to prevent Jewish immigration to Palestine. However, opinions differ sharply, even among MEF staff and fellows, as to the degree of Hussein's influence, both in Nazi Germany and the Middle East.

MEF Hochberg Family Writing Fellow Wolfgang G. Schwanitz, coauthor of Nazis, Islamists, and the Making of the Modern Middle East (2014), argues that two components of this question are unmistakably clear. First, Husseini's overarching goal prior to and during Hitler's reign, he notes, was that "whatever happens with Jews under Hitler's reign in Europe, they should not come to the Middle East." At the very least, the Germans understood that deportation as a solution to Europe's "Jewish Question" risked alienating their top protégé in the Arab world – a region they expected in 1941-42 to be invading soon.

Second, Schwanitz notes that the historical record shows the mufti to be unquestionably the "foremost extra-European adviser in the process to destroy the Jews of Europe." Adolf Eichmann and his subordinates frequently briefed Husseini as the genocide unfolded, "as if to reassure him that Hitler had not changed his mind," he writes in a forthcoming article.

In contrast, MEF fellow Jeffrey Herf, author of Nazi Propaganda for the Arab World (2010), contends that the Husseini's "importance in Nazi Berlin lay far more in assisting the Third Reich's Arabic language propaganda ... and in mobilizing Muslims in Eastern Europe to support the Nazi regime." Although these achievements surely facilitated Nazi atrocities, Hitler "made the decisions to implement the Final Solution and had communicated those decisions to key actors in the Nazi regime at the latest a month before his [1941] meeting with Husseini."

Whatever his role in the Holocaust, MEF staff and fellows widely agree that Husseini was a critical ideological progenitor of Middle Eastern extremism today. The mufti was among the first to "exploit the draw of the Islamic holy places in Jerusalem to find international Muslim support" for the anti-Zionist cause, notes MEF President Daniel Pipes, a theme very much in evidence today among Palestinian Islamists.

Moreover, Husseini "can be largely held responsible for the Middle East's endemic antisemitism," writes Daniel Pipes in a recent Washington Times op-ed, pointing to his postwar tutelage of Yasser Arafat and other rising Palestinian figures, as well the Muslim Brotherhood during his stay in Egypt after the Nazi defeat.

As Boris Havel illustrates in a recent Middle East Quarterly article, Husseini's propaganda traced "alleged Jewish power and ambitions" in the here and now "to supposed Jewish activities at the time of Muhammad," a theological innovation that is today a staple of Islamist discourse.

Because of Husseini, there remains an "inescapable and inextricable connection between Islamists ... and the Nazi movement" today, MEF Director Gregg Roman told Al-Jazeera English on October 22. In an early Middle East Quarterly article, famed Princeton University historian Bernard Lewis notes (without specific reference to Husseini) the "astonishing degree" to which "the ideas, the literature, even the crudest inventions of the Nazis and their predecessors have been internalized and Islamized" in the Middle East.

At the same time, it is important not to overstate Husseini's influence. When the American Freedom Defense Initiative (AFDI) placed ads on Philadelphia buses displaying a photo of Husseini and Hitler with a caption reading "Adolf Hitler and his staunch ally, the leader of the Muslim world," Daniel Pipes cautioned that the "text is factually inaccurate," calling Husseini "a British appointee in the Mandate for Palestine, where Muslims constituted less than 1 percent of the total world Muslim population."

Compiled by Middle East Forum web editor Gary C. Gambill
Pamela Geller, WND Column: Netanyahu tells truth about mufti’s role in Holocaust

October 29, 2015

If case you missed my column at WND this week:

Exclusive: Pamela Geller defends Bibi against onslaught of media attack

The condemnations have been way over the top: Benjamin Netanyahu is being denounced by the media and political elites all over the world, in a way that the openly genocidal jihadist Mahmoud Abbas never has been. Netanyahu’s crime? He told the Zionist Congress last Tuesday, “Hitler didn’t want to exterminate the Jews at the time; he wanted to expel the Jews.” Netanyahu quoted Hitler asking the mufti, “So what should I do with them?” The mufti responded, according to Netanyahu, “Burn them.’”

Those who are excoriating Netanyahu for this are overlooking one fact: Netanyahu was right.

The mufti of Jerusalem, Haj Amin al-Husseini, lived in Berlin from 1941 to 1945 and recruited a Muslim SS division for Hitler. And Netanyahu was correct: The Nazis originally pursued a policy of exiling Jews to Eastern Europe, and even to Palestine – until the mufti protested that they must not be sent there. The decision to exterminate the Jews came soon after that.

It is good to see that Netanyahu is not backing down. He called the criticism of his remarks “absurd,” which it is: Netanyahu’s remarks mirror my ads highlighting the role of the Muslim world during the Holocaust, and Netanyahu is experiencing the same blowback from Islamic supremacists and Islamic apologists that I got.

The premier front man for the failed idea that we should place all our hope in “moderate Islam,” Daniel Pipes, claimed several months ago that our ad campaign in Philadelphia calling attention to the mufti’s relationship with Hitler was a failure. Pipes took issue with our factual assertions, asserting that the mufti’s meeting with Hitler was a “one-time, opportunistic consultation.” Really? Tell that to the 400,000 Jewish women and children Husseini sent to their deaths at Nazi concentration camps. Tell that to the victims of the Muslim armies in Bosnia that Husseini raised for Hitler.

Al-Husseini lived in Berlin during World War II on Hitler’s dime and made weekly radio addresses from Berlin to the Axis power nations and the Muslim world. In one, he screamed: “Arabs, rise and fight as one for your sacred rights. Kill the Jews wherever you find them. This pleases Allah, history and religion. This saves your honor, Allah is with you.”

The mufti made similar appeals, always pointing to the Quran, time and time again in his radio addresses during the war. He organized propaganda services to the Muslims of the world from Berlin. He used Axis radio stations calling Muslims to arms in a holy war against the Allies. He aided the Nazi espionage service. He raised Muslim parachute groups for sabotage in the Middle East. He raised Muslim formations to fight the allies. He helped in the Nazi plan to exterminate nearly 6 million Jews.

“Hitler,” Netanyahu said in further remarks after the media firestorm began, “was responsible for the Final Solution to exterminate six million Jews; he made the decision. It is equally absurd to ignore the role played by the mufti, Haj Amin al-Husseini, a war criminal, for encouraging and urging Hitler.”

Right again. At my website,, I have been calling attention to this for years. SS Hauptsturmfuehrer Dieter Wisliceny, a close collaborator of Adolf Eichmann, testified that “the grand mufti, who had been in Berlin since 1941, played a role in the decision of the German government to exterminate the European Jews the importance of which must not be disregarded. He had repeatedly suggested to the various authorities with whom he had been in contact, above all before Hitler, Ribbentrop and Himmler, the extermination of European jury. He considers this as a comfortable solution of the Palestine problem. In his messages broadcast from Berlin, he surpassed us in anti-Jewish attacks. He was one of Eichmann’s best friends and has constantly incited him to accelerate the extermination measures. I heard say that, accompanied by Eichmann, he has visited incognito the gas chamber it Auschwitz.”

Eichmann made the statement referred to in the affidavit in his office in Budapest on June 4, 1944; the confirmation by Wisliceny was given some days later also in Budapest.

Not only that: According to testimony at the Nuremberg trials, “[T]he mufti was a bitter arch enemy of the Jews and had always been the protagonist of the idea of their annihilation. This idea the mufti had always advanced in his conversations with Eichmann.”

The mufti’s role in the Holocaust has been covered up. The New York Post reported back in 1948 that “on Aug. 28, 1946, Dean Acheson, then Acting Secretary of State, announced that ‘the State Dept. is preparing a White Paper concerning the activities of the ex-Mufti of Jerusalem.’ Acheson said the publication would be in the form of a book, which would cover all the documents concerning the ex-Mufti seized from German files. This White Paper has not yet been published, although 17 months have passed. What keeps the State Dept. from publishing it? Who is interested in the delay? Are all the documents safe?”

That delay has now continued for nearly seventy years. The white paper was never published. I submitted a Freedom of Information Act request several years ago, asking for a copy of it, as well as of all State Department correspondence relating to it. The State Department responded that such a white paper did not exist and had never existed, and that there was no correspondence about it.

So what did happen to that promised white paper? Under whose auspices, and for what reason, has the mufti’s role in the Holocaust been shrouded in silence?

Netanyahu did the world a great service by calling attention to this. The intensity of the attacks against him only testifies to how much he struck a nerve. In the mainstream media, Islam and Muslims must never, ever be criticized. We may only hope that the controversy will lead to some of the details being revealed about the mufti’s role in Hitler’s genocide.
Genocidal Jew-Hater Amin al-Husseini
An Introduction by John R. Houk
© October 31, 2015
Backgrounder: Hajj Amin al-Husseini

This text may be reposted or forwarded so long as it is presented as an integral whole with complete and accurate information provided about its author, date, place of publication, and original URL.

Pamela Geller, WND Column: Netanyahu tells truth about mufti’s role in Holocaust

About Pamela Geller

Pamela Geller is the founder, editor and publisher of Atlas and President of the American Freedom Defense Initiative (AFDI) and Stop Islamization of America (SIOA). She is the author of The Post-American Presidency: The Obama Administration’s War on America, with Robert Spencer (foreword by Ambassador John Bolton) (Simon & Schuster) and Stop the Islamization of America: A Practical Guide to the Resistance (WND Books). She is also a regular columnist for World Net Dailythe American and other publications.

Geller’s activism on behalf of human rights has won international notice. She is a foremost defender of the freedom of speech against attempts to force the West to accept Sharia blasphemy laws, and against Sharia self-censorship by Western media outlets. Her First Amendment lawsuits filed nationwide have rolled back attempts to limit Americans’ free speech rights and limit speech to only one political perspective, and exposed attempts to make an end-run around the First Amendment by illegitimately restricting access to public fora. Her free speech event in Garland, Texas led to the capture or killing of several murderous jihadists, smoking out terror cells, leading to an increase in the threat level to BRAVO and to the consequent arrests of jihadists in several states.

Geller has also led awareness campaigns in U.S., Europe, and Israel on behalf of the victims and potential victims of honor killing, for the human rights of apostates from Islam, for the freedom of speech, and more. She has placed ads nationwide on READ THE REST

Friday, October 30, 2015

Christianity Attacked by School District in Washington

John R. Houk
© October 30, 2015

Did you happen to catch a 20 second blurb on any TV news about a Bremerton High School (Washington State) football coach that got in trouble because his School District told him he couldn’t exercise his First Amendment right to pray on the fifty yard line after a game because some idiot probably complained it violated a myth that the Constitution says there is a Separation of Church and State clause in said Constitution?

Here is an excerpt from that was acquired from the Seattle Times:

BREMERTON -- Surrounded by members of his team, players from the rival Centralia High School and scores of supporters from Kitsap County and beyond, Bremerton High assistant coach Joe Kennedy knelt on the 50-yard line after Friday night's game and prayed. 
 It was some version of the basic prayer he's said for years, he said afterward. 
 "Lord, I thank you for these kids and the blessing you've given me with them. We believe in the game, we believe in competition and we can come into it as rivals and leave as brothers." (Crowd prays with football coach as he defies school district; By Seattle Times;; 10/19/15 6:55 am)

Joe Kennedy-Media-Half Time. 10-29-30

I’ll be honest I was a bit amazed to hear of a coach in Washington State, especially west of the Cascade Mountain Range, in which a huge part of the population are Leftist or have Leftist sympathies. I grew up in Washington State. However I grew up east of the Cascades. The difference between Eastern and Western Washington is like night and day.

Most of the State’s population live on the Western side. Probably a little less than a third live on the Eastern side which consists of two-thirds of the State area. The East side is more Conservative but the dispersion of various State Universities on the East side injects the draw of students brainwashed by Left oriented professors. The dynamics of people going to college and work for the college has injected West side Left think in significant voting areas on the East side.

But getting back to Bremerton High Schools Coach Joe Kennedy, that Christian man is smack dab in the middle of the powers that be that are hot to enforce the Separation of Church and State concept. That concept NEVER existed in America’s rule of law until SCOTUS opinion handed down by Justice Hugo Black wrote the majority decision fabricating the myth exists in the First Amendment in disestablishment clause:

“Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion”

This is the ONLY place in the Constitution addressing the relationship of government to religious faith in America.

While the concept of separation of church and state might be implied by the First Amendment which states that "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof....", it says nothing about the "separation of church and state." And, even if you accept the principle of the separation of church and state being implied by the First Amendment, it's implication is not there to protect Americans from religion, it is there to protect religious Americans from the government. 

In their desire to promote their secular humanist philosophy using the power of government, many liberals today want to alter America's Christian heritage and replace it with the 10 Planks of Communism. They want to remove religion from our history and replace it with the Soviet doctrine of the separation of Church and State. They don't want to safeguard denominational neutrality by the state as the Founders intended, rather they want to eradicate every vestige of religion from our public institutions. (The bold emphasis is mine. America’s Godly Heritage; Jeremiah Project)

Hugo Black wrote the majority 5/4 decision that created extra constitutional law by fiat in the case of Everson v. Board of Education of the Township of Ewing on February 10, 1947. Even after 1947 the Black decision did not go into immediate effect until America’s Left began whittling the Christian faith out of the taxpayer public forum for a good twenty years or via judicial case law after case law. Black’s wording created ex nihilo from a Jefferson letter to a Baptist Church concerned about the state government establishing a Church became the foundation for Leftist case law.

Although I am surprised about a man like Joe Kennedy taking a stand for Christ and the Original Intent of the Bill of Rights. I am not surprised that anything west of the Cascades is pushing an extra constitutional concept against a Christian man devoted to Christ.

 Asst. Coach Joe Kennedy

JRH 10/30/15
Praying football coach placed on paid leave by district

By Associated Press
October 29, 2015

SEATTLE (October 29, 2015) — The coach of a Washington state high school football team who prayed at games despite orders from the school district to stop was placed on paid administrative leave Wednesday.

Bremerton School District officials said in a statement that assistant football coach Joe Kennedy's leave was necessitated because of his refusal to comply with district directives that he refrain from engaging in overt, public religious displays on the football field while on duty as a coach.

Kennedy has vocally engaged in pregame and postgame prayers, sometimes joined by students, since 2008. But the practice recently came to the district's attention, and it asked him to stop.

He initially agreed to the ban, but then, with support from the Texas-based Liberty Institute, a religious-freedom organization, he resumed the postgame prayers, silently taking a knee for 15 to 20 seconds at midfield after shaking hands with the opposing coaches. His lawyers insist he is not leading students in prayer, just praying himself.

"While the district appreciates Kennedy's many positive contributions to the BHS football program, and therefore regrets the necessity of this action, Kennedy's conduct poses a genuine risk that the District will be liable for violating the federal and state constitutional rights of students or others. For this reason, Kennedy will not be allowed to further violate the District's directives," the statement said.

The district said Kennedy remains employed by the district and unless his status changes, will be paid through the remainder of his contract term. He won't be allowed to participate in any activities related to the Bremerton football program although the district said he can attend games as a member of the public.

The controversy has focused attention on Bremerton, across the Puget Sound west of Seattle, and on the role of religion in public schools. On Tuesday, dozens of lawmakers in the Congressional Prayer Caucus sent a letter to the superintendent expressing support for the coach.

Also this week, The Satanic Temple, which has 42 members in its Seattle chapter, announced that its members were open to being invited to a game, and a few students and teachers extended such invitations. The organization doesn't believe in Satan except as "a potent symbol of rebellion against tyranny," it says on its website. It's an atheist group that rejects the notion of supernatural deities and espouses values such as scientific inquiry and compassion, it says.

The group suggested that by allowing the coach to continue praying, the district has created a forum for religious expression open to all groups. It requested permission to perform an invocation on the field after the game. The district had not responded as of Wednesday and did not respond to a request for comment regarding the group.

On Wednesday night, Kennedy's lawyer, Hiram Sasser, called the paid leave a hostile employment action.
"It's surprising and shocking," Sasser said.

He said they plan to file a charge of discrimination with the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, which he said is a next step.
[Blog Editor: Below is a side story on the same One News Now article. I find it creepy that Seattle Satanist atheists attend Bremerton High School football game exerting their First Amendment rights. Atheists don’t really pray so the Left doesn’t go after them. Creepy Halloween in Bremerton Washington.]

Sr. class president: I invited Satanic group

(Associated Press) - A student leader at a Washington state high school says he invited a self-described group of Satanists to protest a Christian football coach's postgame prayers.

Bremerton High School senior class President Abe Bartlett says he was one of a few students who invited The Satanic Temple of Seattle to attend today's game. He called it an effort to get the school district to clarify its policy: While officials last month asked assistant coach Joe Kennedy to stop praying at the 50-yard line, he has continued the practice.

The Satanic Temple wants to hold an invocation on the field. The group says the district, by tolerating Kennedy's actions, has created a forum for religious expression that should be open to all groups.

Kennedy's lawyers, who are with the Texas-based Liberty Institute, say allowing Kennedy to pray silently doesn't create a public forum.
Christianity Attacked by School District in Washington
John R. Houk
© October 30, 2015
Praying football coach placed on paid leave by district

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For a refreshing and READ THE REST

Ethics of Planned Parenthood is Death

The Dems, baby-killing pro-choice murderers and Left Wing Depopulation proponents all suggest that Planned Parenthood alleged pro-women health is an above board legal operating non-profit organization. It’s ALL horse crapola!

Bioethicist: Babies likely born alive at Planned Parenthood so their brains can be harvested

October 30, 2015 10:15 AM

Dr. Dennis Sullivan, director of the Center for Bioethics at Cedarville University, has shared his observations regarding the most recent undercover Planned Parenthood video, calling out the “callousness and indifference” of the abortionists, and declaring that he’s faced with the “unavoidable conclusion” that some fetuses might be “born alive.”

The 11th video, released this week by the Center for Medical Progress, seems to indicate that Dr. Amna Dermish is actually admitting to performing an illegal abortion procedure. Dermish claims she was trained by Senior Director of Medical Services at Planned Parenthood Federation of America, Dr. Deborah Nucatola, who was caught on tape describing how she “crushes” babies in various spots to enable the harvesting of intact organs.

In the video, Dermish describes how she will sometimes turn a baby breech – to be delivered feet-first – during an abortion.

“I can if I need to. […] I don’t usually do it in the 16 to 18 weeks,” she explained. “With a further gestation I will sometimes do that if it’s a cephalic presentation [head-first], just because it’s easier to get.”

Sullivan explained that this technique Dermish is discussing is a standard part of the illegal procedure commonly known as partial-birth abortion.

“This allows delivery of the still-alive fetus without much dilation of the woman’s cervix,” he explained. “Typically, then, in a [partial-birth] abortion, scissors are inserted into the back of the skull and suction used to evacuate the brain, thus collapsing the skull, and making it easy to deliver the head without further dilation.”

Published by The Center for Medical Progress 
Published on Oct 27, 2015 

Dr. Amna Dermish, Planned Parenthood Late-Term Abortion Doctor in Austin, TX, Taught by PPFA Senior Director of Medical Services Dr. Deborah Nucatola to Use Partial-Birth Abortions For Intact Fetuses 

Contact: Peter Robbio,, 703.683.5004 

AUSTIN, Oct. 27--The eleventh video release from The Center for Medical Progress in the ongoing Planned Parenthood baby parts scandal shows the abortion doctor for Planned Parenthood in Austin, TX, Dr. Amna Dermish, describing a partial-birth abortion procedure to terminate living, late-term fetuses which she hopes will yield intact fetal heads for brain harvesting. 

Dr. Dermish admits she was trained by the Senior Director of Medical Services at Planned Parenthood Federation of America, Dr. Deborah Nucatola. Nucatola described a partial-birth abortion technique to harvest fetal organs in the first Planned Parenthood video released July 14 by CMP. 

“My aim is usually to get the specimens out pretty intact,” says Dermish, speaking to actors posing as a fetal tissue procurement company. Dermish admits that she will sometimes use ultrasound guidance to convert a 2nd-trimester fetus to a feet-first breech presentation: “Especially the 20-weekers are a lot harder versus the 18-weekers, so at that point I’ll switch to breech.” 

“That’s what Deb [Nucatola] was telling us, was it really makes a difference for tissue collection at PPLA,” says one of the actors, referencing Nucatola’s technique for organ harvesting. “It’s really nice when it’s, yeah--I trained with her,” replies Dermish. 

In reply to a question about harvesting fetal brain, Dermish notes, “I haven’t been able to do that yet,” but exclaims with laughter, “This will give me something to strive for!” 

Dermish does not use the chemical digoxin to kill the fetus before 20 weeks, so her feet-first, intact extraction abortions are done on living fetuses. Using ultrasound guidance to manipulate the fetus from vertex to breech orientation before extracting the yet-living fetus is a hallmark of the illegal partial-birth abortion procedure (18 U.S.C. 1531). 

Dermish also affirms a fetal body part price of $50 or $60 per specimen. The sale or purchase of human fetal tissue is a federal felony punishable by up to 10 years in prison and a fine of up to $500,000 (42 U.S.C. 289g-2). 

The state of Texas recently moved to disbar Planned Parenthood from taxpayer funding on account of Medicaid fraud and abortion-related crimes. Governor Greg Abbott recently said in an interview that the state of Texas is now in possession of “hard evidence” that Planned Parenthood is engaged in “violations of federal and state law concerning abortion procedures.” 

“Less than 4 miles away from the Texas state capitol, Planned Parenthood routinely practices barbaric partial-birth abortions on living, late-term fetuses,” notes CMP Project Lead David Daleiden. “Planned Parenthood’s crimes are not just the result of local bad actors, but are tolerated and even encouraged at the highest levels of the national organization. State-level criminal investigations must press charges, and Congress’ new select committee must pursue a deep and comprehensive accounting of Planned Parenthood’s atrocities against humanity.” 


See the video at:  

Tweet: #PPSellsBabyParts 

For more information on the Human Capital project, visit 

The Center for Medical Progress is a 501(c)3 non-profit dedicated to monitoring and reporting on medical ethics and advances.

Sullivan goes on to explain that the video may expose a much more gruesome reality: babies being delivered alive, then killed in order to harvest organs. He believes the dialogue shows that abortionists want to provide researchers with intact brains. To do this, he said, they would not be able to use the scissors and suction techniques of partial-birth abortion, as it would destroy the brain tissue they are looking to procure.

“So how do they insure that the fetus dies before delivery? In the video, Dr. Dermish clearly states that she does not use digitalis to stop the heart unless the fetus is 20 weeks or older,” Sullivan said. “So I’m left with the unavoidable conclusion that some of these fetuses are born alive, then killed after birth. If true, this is a clear violation of federal law.”
New video catches Planned Parenthood abortionist describing harvesting baby’s brains

By Ben Johnson
October 27, 2015 11:01 am EST

VIDEO: Planned Parenthood TX Abortion Apprentice Taught Partial-Birth Abortion to "Strive For" Intact Heads [Blog Editor: Same video as in the Life Action News story above.]

AUSTIN, TX, October 27, 2015 (LifeSiteNews) - Abortion workers sometimes like to look at the dissected body parts of the babies they have aborted, because their organs are "cute," an abortionist admits in a new video released by the Center for Medical Progress.

"One of our POC [point of care] persons is really into organ development," Dr. Amna Dermish, an abortionist with Planned Parenthood of Greater Texas' Austin location, says in an undercover video released this morning. "She'll pull out, like, kidneys and heart. The heart we frequently see at nine weeks. She always looks for it."

"Just like for fun?" the buyer, who introduces himself as "Robert Sarkis," asks.

"Well, it's cute," another abortion worker, from Whole Women's Health in Texas, replies.

"I have so much respect for [fetal] development," Dermish says. "It's just so incredible."

CMP's lead investigator, David Daleiden, has said the abortionists he encountered during his 30-month-long undercover investigation were more honest about the life of the unborn than abortion industry lobbyists.

In recently leaked undercover footage of the 38th annual meeting of the National Abortion Federation (NAF) held in San Francisco early last April, an abortionist says that "ignoring the fetus is a luxury of activists and advocates."

"If you're a provider, you can't ignore the fetus, right, because the fetus is your marker of how well - how good a job you did."

She admits abortion causes "violence," and says the unborn baby is "a person."

Much of the footage in today's CMP video debuted on October 5 during an interview Daleiden gave on The Blaze TV with Live Action founder Lila Rose. Live Action has announced it will soon release a new undercover series of videos "to expose the true nature of abortion and give viewers an encounter with the humanity of the preborn child."

In the video Dermish says that removing an aborted baby's skull and brain intact will "give me something to strive for." She regrets that she has not yet mastered the technique.

She said that she does not use digoxin to kill the child by lethal injection. But she sometimes converts the child to an inverted, breech (feet-first) presentation.

"I don't usually do it with the 16 to 18 weeks, because I don't really need to," she said. "With the further gestation, I will sometimes do that if it's a cephalic [standard, head-first] presentation just because it's easier to get" the requested organs.

Converting a child to the breech position is the first step of the partial birth abortion procedure. The procedure has been illegal since President Bush signed legislation in 2003 making it a federal felony punishable by two years in prison and a fine of $250,000.

Dr. Deborah Nucatola, the senior director of medical services at Planned Parenthood, admitted to performing a procedure that sounds like partial birth abortion in CMP's first video, released July 14. Investigators filmed Dr. Nucatola sipping wine and munching salad as she described less "crunchy" forms of abortion that allow her to "try to get it [the baby] all intact."

When "Sarkis" mentions "Deb," who oversees medical procedures at all Planned Parenthood facilities, Dermish smiles. "I trained with her,” Dermish says.

At one point, the video shows the two in side-by-side footage making the same hand motions as they describe their abortion technique.

Planned Parenthood has yet to respond to describe how this procedure differs from the prohibited partial birth abortion procedure. However, officials have been quick to try to undo the public relations damage caused by CMP.

"Actually, the people in those videos are amazing and compassionate and wonderful doctors and staff of Planned Parenthood," Dawn Laguens, Planned Parenthood's executive vice president, said in a televised interview excerpted in the new video.

Texas state officials have investigated the Austin facility - and all state abortion facilities - on the basis of CMP's videos.

“Earlier this year, you committed and condoned numerous acts of misconduct captured on video that reveal repeated program violations and breach the minimum standards of care required of a Medicaid enrollee,” Stuart Bowen Jr., the Inspector General in the state's Health and Human Services Commission, wrote in a letter to Planned Parenthood last Monday.

The letter informed the local affiliate that Texas would kick Planned Parenthood out of the state's Medicaid program.

Last Thursday, Texas inspectors raided Planned Parenthood facilities across the state as part of an unspecified investigation, which those close to it say is to investigate fraud, as well as the revelations in the recent videos.

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“Less than 4 miles away from the Texas state capitol, Planned Parenthood routinely practices barbaric partial-birth abortions on living, late-term fetuses,” Daleiden said this morning. “Planned Parenthood’s crimes are not just the result of local bad actors, but are tolerated and even encouraged at the highest levels of the national organization. State-level criminal investigations must press charges, and Congress’ new select committee must pursue a deep and comprehensive accounting of Planned Parenthood’s atrocities against humanity.”
Bioethicist: Babies likely born alive at Planned Parenthood so their brains can be harvested

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New video catches Planned Parenthood abortionist describing harvesting baby’s brains

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Thursday, October 29, 2015

Yurki and Dajjal Discussion based on 'Terror in Israel' Part 2

Yurki1000 (Jyrki) and Dajjal begin a discussion that was inspired by the post Terror in Israel written by Ari Bussel and posted on October 12, 2015. This particular post was located on my NCCR blog (I cross post on two other blogs). Ari gives a man-on-site description of Islamic terrorism up to October 12. Sadly the Jew-hatred Islamic terrorism is still ongoing as of today October 29. Part One can be found HERE.

Part two focuses primarily on Yurki’s view of proper Christian doctrine. He examines who is responsible for Jesus Christ’s death. And toward the end he encourages readers to stand against the Senate’s CISA legislation which many concerned citizens feel there is a government Big Brother getting prepared to invade people’s cyber-privacy.

JRH 10/29/15
Yurki and Dajjal Discussion based on ‘Terror in Israel’ Part 2
Posted on October 28, 2015
Edited by John R. Houk

Yurki1000 Comments to Dajjal

Thanks Dajjal. I’m with you. I thought you allowed me to make a practical joke when you spake (spoke) about Moe and Jibril :-)

About English (watch from 14:23).

Posted by Kanimuna Kisaka 
Published on Mar 7, 2013
Dr. Kent Hovind compares the King James Version Bible to the modern versions.
Find out what really happened to Dr. Kent Hovind and stop listening to the lies of others about him: 

The Truth About Dr. Kent Hovind - Pt1
The Truth About Dr. Kent Hovind - Pt2

Btw. What did Balaam see when he looked at the camp of the Israelites? (Watch from 34:57).

Posted by The Theology 
Published on Feb 10, 2015 It is the glory of God to conceal a thing: but the honour of kings is to search out a matter. Proverbs 25:2 

Chuck Missler reveals astonishing hidden messages within the Bible and shows how its origin is from outside of space-time using an information standpoint at the Make Him Known Conference. More from Chuck at


Posted by Koinonia House 
Published on Oct 31, 2012 In this segment Chuck Missler discusses tola. This segment comes from the "Hosea" commentary published by Koinonia House. 

- To purchase this briefing pack in its entirety, go to our online store at: 

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– Tola, the son of Puah, was a judge of Israel whose reign spanned a total of twenty-three (23) years. His reign started after the death of Abimelech. This is supported by the Biblical Time Line Chart. Not much was recorded about the life and reign of Tola. This judge of Israel is the least spoken of or recorded judge. There are no recorded deeds of this Tola.

TULA is a town in Russia.

“Modern Day Issachar is Finland”

– Here is the list of sub-tribes of Issachar: “And the sons of Issachar; Tola, [meaning “scarlet”] and Phuvah, and Job, and Shimron…Of the sons of Issachar after their families: of Tola, the family of the Tolaites: of Pua, the family of the Punites:

“Of Jashub, the family of the Jashubites: of Shimron, the family of the Shimronites…Now the sons of Issachar were, Tola, and Puah, Jashub, and Shimron, four.

“And the sons of Tola; Uzzi, and Rephaiah, and Jeriel, and Jahmai, and Jibsam, and Shemuel, heads of their father’s house, to wit, of Tola: they were valiant men of might in their generations; whose number was in the days of David two and twenty thousand and six hundred.

– One of the children of Issachar that went into Egypt with Jacob was “Job.” This is the Job of the Bible who wrote one of the oldest books of the Bible, the book of Job. The one God tested, and was faithful till the end. Notice what Bullinger says about the Authorship of the Book of Job, “A lengthened account of the discussion of these questions would be without profit.


– Bella Tola, a mountain in the Pennine Alps in the Swiss canton of Valais

– La Tola, a town and municipality in the Nariño Department, Colombia

– Tola, Rivas, a municipality in Nicaragua

– Tuul River, also Tola River, in Mongolia

Dajjal Comment to Yurki1000

Hebes were dispersed, more than once. They spread all over the world. Children of Hebrew mothers remain Hebrews no matter where they are.

Similar names of people and places prove nothing. The Bible traces the lineage of Mary, Mother of Jesus back to King David. All Jews. Jesus is a Jew. Never a Muslim.

European Jews were persecuted. No good cause exists for preventing or bitching about their return to Zion. Umar’s conquest in 638 did nothing to abrogate the right of the Jews to their own homeland. The defeat of the Ottoman Empire in WW1 facilitated the restoration of that right.

If any of them ain’t genuine Jews, I am content to let God sort them out in his own good time. And the sooner he sorts the Muslims, the better.

Yurki1000 Comments to Dajjal

Dajjal. I know very little about Quran. Did Moe meet Gabriel or did he meet one of the fallen angels? Or was it Moe’s imagination? Or did Moe follow the orders of the human beings? Who does know Moe’s background?

Fire devours before them, and behind them a flame burns. The land is like the garden of Eden before them, but behind them a desolate wilderness, and nothing escapes them (Joel 2:3).

– Augustine was a bishop in Hippo Regius from 395 to 430. A prolific writer, his main job was to convince the survivors of the Diocletian persecution to join the church of Rome. He derisively referred to the North African Christians as DONATISTS.

[Blog Editor: The primary dispute between Christians called Donatists and the Catholic Christians under the guidance of Constantine the Great was about Christians who apostatized during Emperor Diocletian’s anti-Christian reign. In North Africa in particular Diocletian gave Christians a choice between life and death. Life if renounced Christ and burned sacred Scriptures and death if remained faithful Christians. To the disgust of many North African Christians a large number of Priests and lay people renounced Christ to save their lives.

After Constantine the Great made Christian legal and protected throughout the Roman Empire, many of those ex-Priests tried to reclaim their Clerical Christian status. The faithful Christians that remained after Diocletian’s persecution objected to penance, forgiveness and restored Clerical Office to Christians who had apostatized their faith. The upset Christians were the Donatists and Catholic Priests restored became the benefactors of Catholic forgiveness. St. Augustine was with the latter that condemned the Donatist position. (See: Controversies: Donatism; Early Christian History)]

Even though the North African Christians claimed to be the true Catholics, Augustine derisively referred to them as DONATISTS. Augustine had an intense HATRED for those uncompromising Christians who refused to join the Constantinean church:

Now let the proud and swelling necks of the heretics raise themselves, if they dare, against the holy humility of this address. Ye mad Donatists, whom we desire earnestly to return to the peace and unity of the holy Church, that ye may receive health therein, what have ye to say in answer to this? You are wont, indeed, to bring up against us the letters of Cyprian, his opinion, his Council; why do ye claim the authority of Cyprian for your schism, and reject his example when it makes for the peace of the Church? (Augustine, Against the Donatists, Book II, ch. III).

Every trick in the Roman arsenal was used to make the Christians conform but most of them remained steadfast adherents of Apostolic Christianity.

Despite the multiplicity of words written against them, the Christians still held steadfast to the Scriptures and the Lord kept adding to his African Congregation.

Augustine derisively referred to the North African Christians as DONATISTS. Many of his writings are locked up in the secret archives of the Vatican. He should be considered the real father of Islam.

Augustine was the most powerful and influential teacher of the Latin church. He was the originator of the Filioque and most of the false doctrines that emerged from that church can be traced right back to him.

Some of these false doctrines include: original sin, infant baptism, purgatory, clerical celibacy, predestination.

Augustine also laid the groundwork for the use of DISGUISED mercenaries in the age long Vatican war against the saints. Some of these DISGUISED mercenaries include:

Pope Gregory I sought Emperor Mauricius’ help against the North African Christians
Despite all the efforts of Augustine, the Christian faith continued to grow and Pope Gregory I was alarmed at its increase.

By the time of Pope Gregory I, the Christians of North Africa continued to multiply. The Pope was ALARMED, and despite their bitter rivalry, he asked Emperor Mauricius for military help.

Here is a quote from The Donatist Church:

By 596 the situation had become even less favourable. A further letter from the pope to Columbus (not Christopher) repeats the story of the spread of Donatism, but in August Gregory wrote to the Emperor Mauricius himself. The Imperial commands against the Donatists were being disregarded ‘by carelessness or connivance’. The bribes of the Donatists ‘so prevail in the province that the Catholic Faith is publicly put up for sale’. The exarch, far from taking action himself, was complaining of bishops who brought these things to his notice. The emperor’s personal assistance was requested, ‘to issue strict orders for the punishment of the Donatists and to arrest with saving hand the fall of the perishing’. Whether this appeal was successful or not we do not know. Except for Bishop Paulus’ repeated effort to have his case heard in Rome, there is no further literary record of Donatism. We are left with the impression of the movement resurgent and triumphant in southern Numidia, and then there is silence. (Frend, The Donatist Church, p. 312).

Old Rome saw the Christians of North Africa as a greater threat than the Eastern Empire in Constantinople.

The rise of Islam to destroy the North African Christians!

By the year 600, the Lord’s Congregation was triumphant over all her enemies. North Africa—comprising over 600 cities—was the richest part of the Roman Empire. The city of Rome itself was dependent on North Africa for her daily bread. With the rise of Islam, Europe became permanently separated from the Continent of Africa.

Muhammad began his bloody career of conquest around the year 630. Beginning around 660, his successors conquered Egypt and later invaded North Africa. Millions died by the sword of Islam and the whole province became a wilderness.

After conquering all of North Africa, the Arabs crossed into Spain in 711. Their main target in Spain was the Goths, who baptized by triune immersion, and refused to join the church of Rome.

The Arabs conquered all of North Africa and destroyed true Christianity. –

Dajjal Comment to Yurki1000

Moe’s encounters with Jibril were subjective, not objective. Read vol. 1 of Ibn SA’d, there is a link to it in my book list. Google “scribd + KabAshraf” [Blog Editor: Or go HERE] then search for the Book List [See HERE]. Moe feared that he was going mad or demon possessed at the time. He described Jibril as having 600 wings. See also Sahih Bukhari Vol. 1, Book 1 for revelations & inspirations. Epileptic seizures & hallucinations.

See also “Islam Is Demonic” in my Scribd page [See HERE] for more disgusting details.x
Yurki1000 Comments to Dajjal

TY for your time and effort Dajjal :-)

I see a chain: Satan – Babel – Rome – Islam. I think Moe was a puppet.

The Photo is seen here:

[Blog Editor: The above link is a hit piece on the famous (or infamous depending on where you stand) Rothschild family. A Jewish family that made it big in banking – first European and then global. Antisemitic Conspiracy Theorists like to associate the Rothschilds to Jewish New World Order conspiracies. Those conspiracies tend to branch in two ways. One way is the forged document entitled as “The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion” which libels the faith of Judaism associated with religious Jews. The second way are Jews that have abandoned their Judaic faith to favor the brutal utopianism of Communism and all that ideology top-down power structure that robs of individual Liberty and personal choice into a Marxist New World Order.

It is ludicrous to associate all Jews with either Conspiracy Theory. And it is my opinion the Rothschild family was a benefactor of Western Capitalism rather other than a New World Order via religious domination or Marxist despotism. At least by the 20th century I suspect the banking Rothschilds were no more religiously observant than a secular minded Jewish person is today. BUT I do know one thing. Foreign Secretary Arthur James Balfour writes an official government letter to Baron Lionel Walter Rothschild promising a Jewish Homeland to be formed for the Jews of the Diaspora in the Holy Land of their forefathers. See HERE and HERE.

Yurki’s link above makes me suspicious of the veracity of the information by its very title: “Hitler Was A Rothschild And So Was His Daughter Angela”. I wonder of the author of that article has read the Jew-hatred of Hitler’s Mein Kampf? And I wonder how Hitler met Chancellor Merkel’s mother to form a love child?]

I see: Kings and politicians are puppets.

– The advent of the industrial revolution, the invention of a banking system based on usury, and scientific and technological advancements during the past three centuries have had three major consequences. These have made the incredible concentration of wealth in a few hands possible, have led to the construction of increasingly deadly weapons culminating in weapons of mass destruction, and have made it possible to mould the minds of vast populations by application of scientific techniques through the media and control of the educational system.

The wealthiest families on planet earth call the shots in every major upheaval that they cause. Their sphere of activity extends over the entire globe, and even beyond, their ambition and greed for wealth and power knows no bounds, and for them, most of mankind is garbage – “human garbage.” It is also their target to depopulate the globe and maintain a much lower population compared to what we have now.

It was Baron Nathan Mayer de Rothschild (1840-1915) who once said: “I care not what puppet is placed on the throne of England to rule the British Empire on which the sun never sets. The man that controls Britain’s money supply controls the British Empire, and I control the British money supply.” –

[Blog Editor: On a personal level I am board with powerful elites trying to shape global politics and economics to benefit the rich and powerful; HOWEVER I have grave doubts of a monolithic coordination among elites for one purposeful design. On a big scale there is simply too many power brokers with varying degrees of religion, no-religion, ethics and ideology. I cannot see all these people in agreement on how to shape the world. I think a current example is the Koch family agenda probably remarkable varies from the George Soros network agenda.]

– If it is true that one of the Rothschilds is the real father of Alois Hitler, it would make Adolf a quarter Khazar Jew. According to these sources, Adolf Hitler knew of the existence of this document and the incriminating evidence it contained. In order to obtain it, he precipitated events in Austria and initiated the assassination of Dollfuss. According to this story, he failed to obtain the document at that time, since Dollfuss had secreted it and had told Schuschnigg of its whereabouts so that in the event of his death the independence of Austria would remain assured. –

[Blog Editor: The above link is a further discussion of Hitler being in the Rothschild family lineage but through illegitimacy.]

IC: The Fall Of Man Started The Conspiracy.

[The assertions below smack of a bit of Antisemitism to me. It is the old Christian version of Antisemitism that caused Christians to persecute Jews horribly at least since the days that Christianity became the dominate faith of Europe and pre-Islam Near or Middle East. In those days Christian writers of note essentially blamed all Jews for the decisions of the Sanhedrin elite of Jerusalem who were jealous to protect their station of what power the Romans allowed them to keep. Blaming all Jews for the power hunger of a few Jewish elites of the first century AD is like blaming all Christians today for Christian nobleman and clergy elites of yesteryear instituting bloody persecutions against Jews. Blaming any group – racially, socially or nationality – for the crucifixion and death of Jesus is ludicrous. Here’s why.

In a Christian perspective, Redemption would never have happened if Jesus the Christ did not allow himself to be crucified as an innocent man. The selfless act of Jesus give all those who believe the opportunity of Redemption out of Satan’s grip and be transferred into the Kingdom of God’s dear Son. THINK ABOUT IT!]

– Your understanding of the Gospel account will change forever once you understand the truth of the Jewish leaders who conspired to put Jesus on the cross. This incredible series reveals that the Pharisees and Sadducees who hated Jesus with an unnatural hatred and provoked the Lord into uncharacteristic animosity toward them, were secretly Satanists practicing what later became known as the Cabala (Kabbala, Qabbala).

Now you will know why the Pharisees killed Jesus even though they knew with 100% certainty that He was the Promised Messiah.

Now you will know why these Jewish leaders looked at Jesus’ miracles and concluded that He was drawing His power from Beelzebub, one of Satan’s chief demons. –

Take Action. Stop CISA!

[Blog Editor: What is CISA? It is Cybersecurity Information Sharing Act. The CISA purpose sounds good. Its purpose is for private businesses to stem cyber hacks by sharing info. The problem: There is the appearance that clandestine government agencies such as the NSA, CIA et al; will be able to snatch personal info in warrantless searches. It is red alert – Big Brother is on the loose.

FOR MONTHS, PRIVACY advocates have asked Congress to kill or reform the Cybersecurity Information Sharing Act, a bill that they say hides new government surveillance mechanisms in the guise of security protections. Now the Senate has shot down a series of attempts to change the legislation’s most controversial measures, and then passed it with those privacy-invasive features fully intact. 
 On Tuesday afternoon [10/27/15], the Senate voted 74 to 21 to pass a version of CISA that roughly mirrors legislation passed in the House earlier this year, paving the way for some combined version of the security bill to become law. CISA is designed to stem the rising tide of corporate data breaches by allowing companies to share cybersecurity threat data with the Department of Homeland Security, who could then pass it on to other agencies like the FBI and NSA, who would in theory use it to defend the target company and others facing similar attacks. That landslide vote was no doubt fueled in part by a year of massive hacks that hit targets including the health insurer Anthem, Sony, and the Office of Personal Management. 
 But privacy advocates and civil liberties groups see CISA as a free pass that allows companies to monitor users and share their information with the government without a warrant, while offering a backdoor that circumvents any laws that might protect users’ privacy. “The incentive and the framework it creates is for companies to quickly and massively collect user information and ship it to the government,” says Mark Jaycox, a legislative analyst for the civil liberties group the Electronic Frontier Foundation. “As soon as you do, you obtain broad immunity, even if you’ve violated privacy law.” 
 The version of CISA passed Tuesday, in fact, spells out that … READ THE REST (CISA Security Bill Passes Senate With Privacy Flaws Unfixed; By AUTHOR: ANDY GREENBERG AND YAEL GRAUER.ANDY GREENBERG AND YAEL GRAUER; Wired; 10/27/15 3:30 PM)]

Yurki1000 Comments to Dajjal

Dajjal: “If any of them ain’t genuine Jews, I am content to let God sort them out in his own good time. And the sooner he sorts the Muslims, the better.”

Thanks Dajjal. I think the Muslims are being sorted :-)

I believe that the PEACE will begin within ten years. God will unite Abraham’s sons :-)
[Blog Editor: Hmm… I pray Yurki was not implying that Muslims are Abraham’s in the same sense that the Jews are. The Jews are the heirs of Promise in the line of Promise that goes Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. In a Christian perspective that Promise leads to Jesus Christ who in that line of Promise that stretches back to King David.

Muslims count their ancestor as Ishmael the son of Abraham. Ishmael is the son of slave and has not part in the Promise except as revealed in Christ Jesus the Son of God. Muslims vehemently deny that Jesus is God’s Son. SEE Galatians 4:21-31 NKJV.]

Abraham’s Territory…but not yet! Egypt, Assyria, Israel

Isaiah 19:25 prophesies of this trio saying, “Whom the LORD of hosts shall bless, saying, Blessed be Egypt my people, and Assyria the work of my hands, and Israel mine inheritance.” Here we see the descendants of the 3 wives of Abraham linked together. Assyria is located in the north by the Euphrates, Egypt is located in the south by the Nile and Israel lies smack dab between them, with a road that will connect the three in the future. This alliance of Abraham’s descendants does not exist yet, but will be established in the Kingdom of God, as shown by Isaiah 19:23.

“In that day there will be a highway from Egypt to Assyria. The Assyrians will go to Egypt and the Egyptians to Assyria. The Egyptians and Assyrians will worship together. In that day Israel will be the third, along with Egypt and Assyria, a blessing on the earth. –

I heard from a Christian radio station that 46% of all people are Abraham’s descendants.

“And I will make of thee a great nation, and I will bless thee, and make thy name great; and thou shalt be a blessing:”

Edited by John R. Houk
Text and/or links enclosed by brackets are by the Editor.
Yurki uses the dash symbol to indicate text from another website.