Friday, July 31, 2015

I'd rather go to War than Make a Deal with a Devil

John R. Houk
© July 31, 2015

Let me begin with a thirteen minute speech delivered by Caroline Glick. If you didn’t know that Glick was an American born Jewish gal that is now an Israeli citizen and senior editor for the Jerusalem Post, you would think she was an evangelical preacher. THIS IS GOOD PREACHING!

Published by Bob David 
Published on Jul 22, 2015 

Caroline Glick speaks out against Obama's surrender to Iran and his facilitation of their mass murder terrorist operations and acquisition of nuclear weapons. (Video Hat Tip: United with Israel)

America has endured seven years of Obama cover-ups and lies. Combine this with a gullible duped electorate that admires America’s first Black President while ignoring the destructive nature of Obama’s transformation of America. You will see the full swing of tragedy engulfing America with Congress laying down its constitutional power to Executive Order authority.

International agreements that have the force of law comes under the category of a Treaty. The Constitution tells us all treaties need Congressional approval. Obama has flouted the Constitution by pushing the envelope of the rule of law with the fiat of an Executive Order. The Executive Order/Agreement is nothing new in the evolution of the Executive Branch stretching the bounds of the Constitution often with the consent of the Judicial Branch. UNFORTUNATELY this Iran Nuke Deal by Obama’s Administration has all the elements of a Treaty; however Obama’s EO power has placed Congress in the position of passing legislation to overrule an agreement that will affect America’s future National Security, Israel’s existence and undermine the few Arab/Sunni-Muslim allies the government has courted because of a threatening Twelver-Shia Iran.

Rather than being the constitutional position of the required 2/3 Senate approval of a Treaty, Obama is forcing legislation to pass both Houses and if there is a Presidential veto both Houses have to come up with 2/3 majorities to override the veto.

On a personal level it is my feeling that any agreement that allows a saber rattling and terrorist supporting nation such as Iran is not worth the paper signed upon. It is my understanding that Iran’s nuclear program is left intact including the ability to enrich weapons grade uranium. Iranians are just promising they won’t pursue such an enrichment for ten years. So even if we can believe weapons grade enrichment is suspended, Iran can pick up where they left off. And assuming there is no clandestine nuclear enrichment, Iran is more than free to develop weaponry including Intercontinental Ballistic Missiles (ICBMs) capable of carrying some form of weapon(s) of mass destruction (WMD).

Also Obama’s nuke deal stops all economic sanctions against Iran BEFORE any verification of Iranian trustworthiness proceeds which includes releasing hundreds of billions of dollars confiscated due to previous sanction violations by Iran.

For clarity’s sake then, Iran can develop weaponry systems, continue to supply Islamic terrorists with weapons and plan Israel’s destruction pertaining to the death to America and death to Israel rhetoric that Obama dismisses as playing politics to the Iranian Twelver constituents who believe their Hidden 12th Imam will emerge to cause global chaos ushering in a Shi’ite-Islamic domination of planet earth.

The Obama supporters (including BHO) are planting the seeds of fear that the only alternative to the best deal that can be arrived at with Iran is war. It doesn’t take a rocket scientist to figure out that war with Iran in some form or another is inevitable. So is it better to engage in a military action now in which Iran can only respond with conventional weapons now better than a nuclear war later in which many more lives perish including creating inhabitable land due to radiation?

Also the Obama international cohorts seem to indicate they are going through with sanction lifting against Iran whether Congress thwarts Obama or not. Iran Nuke Deal supporters claim that European abandonment to economics and oil benefits Iran who continue to enrich uranium without a deal thus producing a nuke weapon. So again, is a conventional war in the present favorable or a nuke war in the future which includes psycho-Iranians that have a death culture? That death culture means the Cold War adage that prevented an American vs. a Sino-Soviet nuclear war via the military theory of Mutually Assured Destruction (MAD) will not stop Iran.

Iran is not a secular nation that reasons in geopolitics in the same way that Western Nations and global economic minded despotic nations like Russia and China would reason even today. As far as Twelver-Shi’ites are concerned a MAD scenario will simply bring a global Islamic era under Allah quicker.

For all the bad things Iran Nuke Deal supports believe will read this Foreign Policy essay by Suzanne Nossel: “This Is What Will Happen if Congress Blows Up the Iran Nuclear Deal: If the naysayers manage to blow up the newly minted agreement, it will be a disaster for the United States — and will only push Iran closer to the bomb.” –July 30, 2015

I know I’m just a small time Okie blogger, but sure seems a “NO” to the Iran Nuke Deal means bad consequences now. AGAIN I’m here to tell you a “YES” to the Iran Nuke Deal means WORSE consequences in our future. AND if Iran proves untrustworthy as I suspect, those WORSE consequences will arrive sooner rather than later.

Iran Nuke Installation May 2015 Map

I believe Norman Podhoretz sums up the reality of the Iran Nuke Deal in the last paragraph of his July 28 Wall Street Journal editorial: “Israel’s Choice: Conventional War Now, or Nuclear War Later”.

The brutal truth is that the actual alternatives before us are not Mr. Obama’s deal or war. They are conventional war now or nuclear war later. John Kerry recently declared that Israel would be making a “huge mistake” to take military action against Iran. But Mr. Kerry, as usual, is spectacularly wrong. Israel would not be making a mistake at all, let alone a huge one. On the contrary, it would actually be sparing itself—and the rest of the world—a nuclear conflagration in the not too distant future. (Israel’s Choice: Conventional War Now, or Nuclear War Later; By Norman Podhoretz; WSJ; 7/28/15)

The best thing for the U.S. to do would be to back Israeli military action against Iranian nuke sites. When Iran counterattacks Israel, then would be a good time to demonstrate to Israel and other nominal Middle East allies that we protect our allies and nail Iran from all sides without necessarily planning an invasion. Incapacitating Iran’s infrastructure will cause Iran to run out of retaliatory options soon enough. AND thank god, a military strike now means no nuke WMD future options for Iran.

Further Reading:

Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (Iran Nuke Deal PDF) Vienna 7/14/15

Obama’s Gamble with Iran’s Theocratic RegimeIsrapundit cross posted from Gatestone Institute 7/28/15

Thursday, July 30, 2015

Court blocks pro-life group from releasing some new fetal part footage

Life Site News reports on a Judge blocking further exposé videos pertaining the collusion of Planned Parenthood and StemExpress to traffic in baby body parts left over from killing unborn babies.

Sign the petition for Congress to investigate Planned Parenthood nefarious use of tax dollars to market murdered babies for their body parts.

JRH 7/30/15
BREAKING: Court blocks pro-life group from releasing some new fetal part footage

David Daleiden, the lead researcher with CMP, has said that another nine videos in the series are slated for release.

July 29, 2015 - 9:08 pm EST

Urgent: Sign the petition to demand that Congress investigate and defund Planned Parenthood. Click here

July 29, 15 (LifeSiteNews) – The California Superior Court has issued a narrow temporary restraining order preventing the Center for Medical Progress (CMP), a pro-life group, from releasing further undercover video footage taken of three top-level staff of StemExpress.

CMP is the organization behind the series of three videos released over the past three weeks exposing the alleged harvesting and sale of body parts from aborted babies by Planned Parenthood – body parts that are then purchased by StemExpress.

CMP has alleged that the fees paid by StemExpress to Planned Parenthood violate federal law prohibiting the sale and trafficking of human tissue.

While Planned Parenthood has claimed that the fees paid to them by StemExpress merely cover their costs, and fall within the bounds of the law, the video footage released so far has appeared to show Planned Parenthood employees seeking profit as part of the transaction.

In the most recent video, released Tuesday, a Planned Parenthood affiliate vice president was caught on video describing how the abortion organization can maximize profit. “I think a per-item thing works a little better, just because we can see how much we can get out of it,” Dr. Savita Sinde said of the aborted baby.

The Associated Press, which broke the news about the court order, reports that the undercover videos of the Stem Express staff were filmed at a restaurant in May.

It is unclear just how significant an impact the court order will have on the release of subsequent videos in the series. David Daleiden, the lead researcher with CMP, has said that at least nine more videos are slated for release.

The restraining order reportedly only pertains to the footage of the Stem Express employees, meaning that any other footage, including that featuring Planned Parenthood employees, can still be released as planned.

In an exclusive comment to LifeSiteNews after the release of the court order, Daleiden said that, at the end of the day, what happened in the courtroom may actually be a victory for the pro-life group.

"The ruling is very narrow, concerning only one specific meeting, and it is temporary and contingent pending further litigation," he said. "The judge actually threw out completely the part of StemExpress' case where they were asking to suppress the documents on their baby parts sales."

"It was a much better day for us than it was for them and Planned Parenthood."

In a statement released after the ruling, StemExpress stated that they sought the restraining order "on the grounds that CMP and Daleiden violated California’s anti-wiretapping law under Penal Code § 632 (Invasion of Privacy Act)."

"We will continue to pursue all available legal remedies against CMP and Daleiden," said the company.

However, Daleiden told LifeSiteNews that StemExpress' complaints are groundless.

"The recordings in California complied with the California law," he said. "The California law only applies to 'confidential communications' and does not include conversations held in public that anyone can overhear. There is significant case law on this point as well."

In a separate statement released after the court ruling, CMP accused Stem Express of using “meritless litigation” to "cover-up this illegal baby parts trade, suppress free speech, and silence the citizen press reporting on issues of burning concern to the American public.”

The AP reports that the restraining order will remain in place until a hearing on Aug. 19.

The videos released by CMP to date have amassed millions of views, and have been featured in countless media nationally and internationally.

Even more striking, perhaps, than the footage appearing to demonstrate that Planned Parenthood is profiting from the sale of the aborted baby body parts, has been the footage showing the cavalier manner in which the Planned Parenthood employees have spoken about the aborted babies.

In an interview with LifeSiteNews, Fr. Frank Pavone, one of the pro-life leaders behind the release of the video series, said, "When an abortionist dehumanizes the baby that he or she is about to kill, the abortionist also dehumanizes himself. And this is what we are seeing in these people. We see it in Deborah Nucatola sipping the wine and eating the salad and talking about the body parts."

Pavone said one of the main objectives of the video series was to humanize the unborn baby. “When people see and hear terms like ‘eyes, livers, hearts’ it’s like, ‘What are we talking about here? This is ghoulish disgusting activity.’”


Urgent: Sign the petition to demand that Congress investigate and defund Planned Parenthood. Click here
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Wednesday, July 29, 2015

Palin uses Photo to Slap Reality into Leftists

John R. Houk
© July 29, 2015

Sarah Palin has posted a simple photo on her Facebook page that has a powerful message for Democrats, Lefts, Baby-Killers and BLT activists. The photo has side-by-side a Confederate Flag and the logo of Planned Parenthood. The caption on the photo: “WHICH SYMBOL KILLED 90,000 Black Babies Last Year”.

The Confederate Flag deserves to be controversial. On one hand it is the vestige symbol of African-American slavery to White masters. On the other hand the Confederate Flag is a symbol of southern American culture that in all honesty was more than the horrors of man owning other men and women as property on par with livestock.

Here is an excerpt from an American southerner that ennobles Southern Culture in the Antebellum days:

We specify the Southern Gentleman and Southern Lady as opposed to the simple terms of “gentleman” or “lady”. There is a difference. The word “gentleman” is also used for the English tradition of the gentleman. That is largely determined by birth and the English nobility structure. The Southern Gentleman, on the other hand, has no formal connection to the family one was born into other than the fact that the characteristics of a Southern Gentleman are usually passed down from one generation to the next in families that value those characteristics. One can overcome the place and circumstances of his birth and be a Southern Gentleman by making the decision to follow that path. The “Southern” in Southern Gentleman also refers to the warmth and traditions of Southern culture. 
 … Like true nobility, being a Southern Gentleman is determined by actions – not by birth. 
 … (Southern Culture and Heritage; By Stephen McGehee; The Southern Agrarian)

Daniel Lawrence Slusser writes of the mythic sense of Southern honor and the sense of superiority of the Southern Gentlemen:

The Southern Code was not a written law, but an unspoken tradition that prescribed proper behavior and specific punishment for those who deviated from the “proper” course. It covered nearly every aspect of a Southern gentleman’s life, including: how a gentleman should speak to a woman, the proper relationship between a white man and his slave, the proper mode of dueling with other gentlemen, and the appropriate means of punishment for slander.9 Yet, the Code’s prescribed punishments were not meant to apply solely to the uncouth brigands in the North. In the Southern gentleman’s mind they were applicable to any dispute between men in the North or the South. … 
 The decades preceding the Civil War saw the emergence of a new type of gentleman known as the Southern cavalier. These cavaliers were a kind of puffed up Southern gentleman playboy that viewed himself as a valiant knight of royal white descent who claimed the right to demand reverence. … 
 … It was administered in a manner that was endorsed by the “Southern Code”; a code that existed for the purpose of defining and protecting honor. The fixation of the Southern gentry on this perceived need for honor motivated a violent response to the negative judgments cast by Northerners. Ultimately, this tendency to violent defense of honor helped to precipitate the Civil War and made the idea of entering into such a war more palatable to Southerners. It may have made some of them even relish it.31 Later, during the course of the Civil War, Southern General Thomas “Stonewall” Jackson expressed this Southern morbid honor sentiment at Harpers Ferry: “What is life without honor? Degradation is worse than death.”32 (IN DEFENSE OF SOUTHERN HONOR: PRESTON BROOKS AND THE ATTACK ON CHARLES SUMNER; By Daniel Lawrence Slusser; Digital Commons; 2010)

AND YET this same Southern Culture was one of the last bastions of slavery in the Western World (Brazil being the last North/South American nation to abolish slavery in 1888). A culture that treated human beings as chattel to be worked to the whims of a slave owner’s benevolence or brutality. AND even if benevolence was the rule the rule of law enforced among the Southern Slave States were brutal and harsh as only a slave culture can be to exist. Here is an excerpt from that portrays the worst case scenario for Americans:

General Elements in Slave Treatment 

The treatment of slaves in the United States varied widely depending on conditions, times and places. Treatment was generally characterized by brutality, degradation, and inhumanity. Whippings, executions, and rapes were commonplace. Exceptions, however, did exist to virtually every generalization, for instance, there were slaves who employed white workers, slave doctors who treated upper-class white patients, and slaves who rented-out their labor. These are not, however, the common rule. 
 Slaves were generally denied the opportunity to learn to read or write, in order to ensure that they did not form aspirations that could lead to escape or rebellion. Medical care to slaves was generally provided by other slaves or by slaveholders' family members. Many slaves possessed medical skills needed to tend to each other, and used many folk remedies brought from Africa. After such well-known rebellions as that by Nat Turner, in 1831, some states prohibited slaves from holding religious gatherings, as slaveholders feared such meetings would facilitate communication and might lead to rebellion. 
 Sexual Abuses 
 Slavery in the United States included frequent rape and sexual abuse of slave women. Many slaves fought back against sexual attacks, and many died resisting. Others carried psychological and physical scars from the attacks. Sexual abuse of slaves was partially rooted in a patriarchal Southern culture which READ ENTIRETY (Treatment of Slaves in the U.S.;; 7/21/15)

And here is a less pathological picture of slavery but still not a life a free person encompassed with Constitutional Rights:

It is a mistake to think that slave labor was mostly unskilled brutish work. Cultivation of cotton, tobacco, rice, and sugar requires careful, painstaking effort. On larger plantations, masters relied on slave carpenters, bricklayers, blacksmiths, wheelwrights, tanners, tailors, butchers, masons, coopers, cabinet makers, metal workers, and silversmiths. Large numbers also worked as boatmen, waiters, cooks, drivers, housemaids, spinners, and weavers. 
 During the 1850s, half a million slaves lived in southern towns and cities, where they worked in textile mills, iron works, tobacco factories, laundries, and shipyards. Other slaves labored as lumberjacks, as deckhands on riverboats, and in sawmills, gristmills, and quarries. Many slaves were engaged in construction of roads and railroads. 
 Most slave labor, however, was used in planting, cultivating, and harvesting cotton, hemp, rice, tobacco, or sugar cane. On a typical plantation, slaves worked ten or more hours a day, "from day clean to first dark," six days a week, with only the Sabbath off. At planting or harvesting time, planters required slaves to stay in the fields 15 or 16 hours a day. When they were not raising a cash crop, slaves grew other crops, such as corn or potatoes; cared for livestock; and cleared fields, cut wood, repaired buildings and fences. On cotton, sugar, and tobacco plantations, slaves worked together in gangs under the supervision of a supervisor or a driver. 
 There is a tendency to think of slavery as an economically backward and inefficient institution. In fact, sugar and cotton plantations were the most innovative economic unit of their time in terms of labor management and organization. They anticipated the assembly line and the factory system in their reliance on such as close supervision and division of tasks. 
 Slave masters extracted labor from virtually the entire slave community, young, old, healthy, and physically impaired. Children as young as three or four were put to work, usually in special "trash gangs" weeding fields, carrying drinking water, picking up trash, and helping in the kitchen. Young children also fed chickens and livestock, gathered wood chips for fuel, and drove cows to pasture. Between the ages of seven and twelve, boys and girls were put to work in intensive field work. Older or physically handicapped slaves were put to work in cloth houses, spinning cotton, weaving cloth, and making clothes. 
 Because slaves had no direct incentive to work hard, slaveowners combined harsh penalties with positive incentives. Some masters denied passes to disobedient slaves. Others confined recalcitrant slaves to private jails. Chains and shackles were widely used to control runaways. Whipping was a key part of plantation discipline. 
 But physical pain was not enough to elicit hard work. Some masters gave slaves small garden plots and permitted them to sell their produce. Others distributed gifts of food or money at the end of the year. Still other planters awarded prizes, holidays, and yearend bonuses to particularly productive slaves. (Slave Labor; Digital History ID 3041; Digital History; © 2014 [Look at: The Origins and Nature of New World Slavery])

Thus the Confederate Flag is certain to inspire reactions that could lead to some human conflict.

Then enters Sarah Palin’s contrasting photo that should lead an intelligent person to comprehend that no matter the rights and wrongs of Antebellum society, the abortions voluntarily embarked upon simply as birth control has cost more human lives than African-Americans experienced as slaves than the human souls extinguished in the name of birth control. Palin pointed points out those murdered babies numbered 90,000 African-American babies in 2014 alone.

Forget all the arguments that abortions performed due rape, incest, birth defects or saving the life of the mother are necessary. I have some personal feelings on those issues; nonetheless the humongous amount of abortions occur as an activity of birth control after sex between a consenting male and a consenting female. There is no other way to define such abortion as the murder of a human soul that has not been born.

ALSO the feminist/Leftist argument that a woman has rights over her own body is completely ludicrous. A human soul inside a woman’s body is kept alive by the woman but is absolutely separate from her body. HENCE terminating an unborn baby inside a woman’s body is essentially murder. No matter how many times one tries to call an unborn baby a fetus as if it is the same as an appendix, it simply is not true. That organ medicine calls a fetus is a human soul. Terminating the human soul is murder. Since
SCOTUS legislated from the bench in Roe v. Wade forcing legalized abortion there have been “57,762,169 Abortions in America Since Roe vs. Wade in 1973”. Just so I know you read that number, since 1973 nearly FIFTY-EIGHT MILLION babies have been murdered by doctors primarily as birth control between consensual sexually active males and females.

The Planned Parenthood Federation of America (PPFA) was founded in 1942.  It grew out of the American Birth Control League, which was established in 1923 by the radical social activist Margaret Sanger 
 Today, PPFA is the largest abortion provider in the United States, with some 850 clinics around the country (down from a peak of 938 in 1995). … 
 PPFA opposes any limitations on access to abortion, including the procedure commonly known as partial-birth abortion, and also opposes mandatory parental notification for minors wishing to undergo the procedure. Approximately one-third of PPFA's clients are girls younger than 18 who live with one or both parents. Some 97 percent of these girls qualify for federal assistance to reimburse a provider of social services. This is because PPFA teaches its affiliates how to exploit federal "family planning" programs by qualifying as many clients as possible for federal subsidies of pregnancy tests, contraceptives, and abortions covered by Medicaid. 

If you have listened to the news in the last week or so you are aware Planned Parenthood – America’s baby killing machine – has been caught callously talking about aborted murdered baby parts to sell for research:

A shocking video released by a pro-life activist group Tuesday shows a top Planned Parenthood executive on a hidden camera bragging about how the abortion provider’s doctors perform the procedure so skillfully that infant body parts can be salvaged for sale. 
 The video, shot by investigators for LifeNews, was shot in 2014. It wasn’t clear why it wasn’t released until now. 
 On it, Dr. Deborah Nucatola, Planned Parenthood Federation senior director of medical services, is with actors who are posing as buyers interested in purchasing infant body parts. She literally brags about how she aborts babies in such a way that she can harvest their parts. 
 (Warning:  Contents will disturb some viewers.) 
 VIDEO: Planned Parenthood Uses Partial-Birth Abortions to Sell Baby Parts  

Published by The Center for Medical Progress

Published on July 14, 2015 
 “We’ve been very good at getting heart, lung, liver, because we know that, so I’m not gonna crush that part,” Nucatola said on the video. “I’m gonna basically crush below, I’m gonna crush above, and I’m gonna see if I can get it all intact. 
 “I’d say a lot of people want liver,” Nucatola added. “And for that reason, most providers will do this case under ultrasound guidance, so they’ll know where they’re putting their forceps.” 
 According to the video, besides being repugnant, the practice is also illegal. 
 U.S. federal law states that, “It shall be unlawful for any person to knowingly acquire, receive, or otherwise transfer any human fetal tissue for valuable consideration if the transfer affects interstate commerce.” 
 In one of the most disturbing parts of the video, Nucatola admitted she didn’t always know what the body parts were going to be used for. 
 “Some people want lower extremities too, which, that’s simple. I mean that’s easy. I don’t know what they’re doing with it, I guess they want muscle,” she said while casually eating a salad. 
 The Twitterverse was rife with users damning the abortion provider. (Planned Parenthood director caught on video proudly selling aborted baby body parts; By Carmine Sabia; BizPac Review; 7/14/15)

The Center for Medical Progress released this video further exposing the heinous actions of Planned Parenthood:

Published by The Center for Medical Progress  
Published on Jul 28, 2015 
 Background track “Cylinder Four” by Chris Zabriskie ( used under Attribution License ( CMP claims no ownership of this track.
Fetus animation adapted from Nils Tavernier, "L'odyssee de la vie" ( under fair use. CMP claims no ownership of this artwork. 



“We Can See How Much We Can Get Out of It,” says Planned Parenthood Affiliate VP; Whistleblower Who Harvested Aborted Baby Parts Details Traumatic Job in Planned Parenthood Clinics in New Documentary Web Series
Contact: Peter Robbio,, 703.683.5004
LOS ANGELES, July 28--The first episode in a new documentary web series features a woman who once worked in Planned Parenthood clinics describing the profit motive involved in Planned Parenthood’s sale of aborted fetal body parts, and includes new admissions from top-level Planned Parenthood leadership about the illicit pricing structure. 

The “Human Capital” documentary web series is produced by The Center for Medical Progress and integrates expert interviews, eyewitness accounts, and real-life undercover interactions to tell the story of Planned Parenthood’s commercial exploitation of aborted fetal tissue. Episode 1, “Planned Parenthood’s Black Market in Baby Parts,” launches today at: 

Episode 1 introduces Holly O’Donnell, a licensed phlebotomist who unsuspectingly took a job as a “procurement technician” at the fetal tissue company and biotech start-up StemExpress in late 2012. “I thought I was going to be just drawing blood, not procuring tissue from aborted fetuses,” says O’Donnell, who fainted in shock on her first day of work in a Planned Parenthood clinic when suddenly asked to dissect a freshly-aborted fetus during her on-the-job training. 

For 6 months, O’Donnell’s job was to identify pregnant women at Planned Parenthood who met criteria for fetal tissue orders and to harvest the fetal body parts after their abortions. O’Donnell describes the financial benefit Planned Parenthood received from StemExpress: “For whatever we could procure, they would get a certain percentage. The main nurse was always trying to make sure we got our specimens. No one else really cared, but the main nurse did because she knew that Planned Parenthood was getting compensated.” 

Episode 1 also shows undercover video featuring the Vice President and Medical Director of Planned Parenthood of the Rocky Mountains (PPRM) in Denver, CO, Dr. Savita Ginde. PPRM is one of the largest and wealthiest Planned Parenthood affiliates and operates clinics in Colorado, New Mexico, Wyoming, and Nevada. Standing in the Planned Parenthood abortion clinic pathology laboratory, where fetuses are brought after abortions, Ginde concludes that payment per organ removed from a fetus will be the most beneficial to Planned Parenthood: “I think a per-item thing works a little better, just because we can see how much we can get out of it.” 

The sale or purchase of human fetal tissue is a federal felony punishable by up to 10 years in prison or a fine of up to $500,000 (42 U.S.C. 289g-2).
Dr. Katherine Sheehan, Medical Director emerita of Planned Parenthood of the Pacific Southwest in San Diego, describes her affiliate’s long-time relationship with Advanced Bioscience Resources, a middleman company that has been providing aborted fetal organs since 1989: “We’ve been using them for over 10 years, really a long time, you know, just kind of renegotiated the contract. They’re doing the big government-level collections and things like that.” 

“Planned Parenthood’s sale of aborted baby parts is an offensive and horrifying reality that is widespread enough for many people to be available to give first-person testimony about it,” notes David Daleiden, Project Lead for The Center for Medical Progress. “CMP’s investigative journalism work will continue to surface more compelling eyewitness accounts and primary source evidence of Planned Parenthood’s trafficking and selling baby parts for profit. There should be an immediate moratorium on Planned Parenthood’s taxpayer funding while Congress and the states determine the full extent of the organization’s lawbreaking.” 


See the video at:  

Tweet: #PPSellsBabyParts 

For more information on the Human Capital project, visit 

The Center for Medical Progress is a 501(c)3 non-profit dedicated to monitoring and reporting on medical ethics and advances.

Check out what the Center for Medical Progress did for the Planned Parenthood hacks and Leftists that are spinning these expose videos are edited propaganda taken out of context. They posted a full unedited version to demonstrate nothing was taken out of context:

Published by The Center for Medical Progress  
Published on July 21, 2015 


President of PPFA Medical Directors’ Council Mary Gatter Doesn’t Want to “Lowball” Price, Suggests “Less Crunchy” Technique, Says She Wants a Lamborghini 

Contact: Peter Robbio,, 703.683.5004
LOS ANGELES, July 21—A second undercover video shows Planned Parenthood Federation of America’s Medical Directors’ Council President, Dr. Mary Gatter, haggling over payments for intact fetal specimens and offering to use a “less crunchy technique” to get more intact body parts. 

It is similar to last week’s viral video showing PPFA Senior Director of Medical Services Dr. Deborah Nucatola admitting to using partial-birth abortions to get intact parts and suggesting a price range of $30 to $100 per specimen. 

Gatter is a senior official within Planned Parenthood and is President of the Medical Directors’ Council, the central committee of all Planned Parenthood affiliate medical directors. 

Actors posing as buyers ask Gatter, “What would you expect for intact [fetal] tissue?” 

“Well, why don’t you start by telling me what you’re used to paying!” Gatter replies. 

Gatter continues: “You know, in negotiations whoever throws out READ THE REST at Youtube post

Planned Parenthood is an organization that has a transformist agenda and ideology that I am certain brings a twinkle of glee to President Barack Hussein Obama. That transformist agenda/ideology was planted by Planned Parenthood founder Margaret Sanger. Here are some DTN excerpts that shows Sanger more as an Anti-American rather than a righteous women’s rights activist:

·        Founder of Planned Parenthood
·        Marxist
·        Feminist
·        Opened America's first birth-control clinic in 1916
·       Advocate of eugenics
Margaret Higgins Sanger was a radical feminist, eugenicist, Marxist, and the founder of the Planned Parenthood Federation of America. 
 In 1912 Sanger and her family settled in New York City. She became a member of both the Women’s Committee and the Marxist Committee of the New York Socialist Party. “Our living-room,” she would write in her 1938 autobiography, “became a gathering place where liberals, anarchists, Socialists and I.W.W.’s [Industrial Workers of the World members] could meet.” 
 After separating from her husband in 1913, Sanger began writing an eight-page monthly feminist-socialist newsletter called The Woman Rebel, which often promoted contraceptive use and sex education. Using the slogan “No Gods and No Masters,” The Woman Rebel was distributed through the mail, and once again Sanger came under fire for violation of the Comstock Law. In 1914 she was indicted on criminal charges but promptly fled to England. 
 Sanger’s reasons for advocating birth control stemmed, in part, from her views on race and heredity. She was a devoted eugenicist who advocated forced sterilization -- of the poor and the mentally deficient, in particular, who she believed were likely to produce "subnormal" offspring -- for the purpose of improving society's overall gene pool. Examples of her ideas on selective breeding are found throughout her columns and newsletters. For instance, she wrote: 
 It is a vicious cycle; ignorance breeds poverty and poverty breeds ignorance. There is only one cure for both, and that is to stop breeding these things. Stop bringing to birth children whose inheritance cannot be one of health or intelligence. Stop bringing into the world children whose parents cannot provide for them. Herein lies the key of civilization. For upon the foundation of an enlightened and voluntary motherhood shall a future civilization emerge.” 
 “The undeniably feeble-minded should, indeed, not only be discouraged but prevented from propagating their kind,” Sanger elaborated. 
 At a March 1925 international birth-control event in New York City, Sanger advocated -- for the "salvation of American civilization" -- the sterilization of those "unfit" to procreate. In addition, she condemned the "irresponsible and reckless" rates of procreation among those "whose religious scruples prevent their exercising control over their numbers." She was referring specifically to Catholics who rejected the use of contraception. "There is no doubt in the minds of all thinking people," she added, "that the procreation of this group should be stopped." 

In her quest to engineer a civilization devoid of “subnormal children,” Sanger often worked jointly with groups and individuals whose goals vis a vis eugenics overlapped with her own, even if their larger agendas differed from hers. In 1926, for instance, she presented a lecture on birth control to the women’s auxiliary of the Ku Klux Klan in Silver Lake, New Jersey. 
In September 1930 she invited Nazi anthropologist Eugen Fischer (whose ideas were cited by the Nazis to legitimize the extermination of Jews) to meet with her at her home. 
 Sanger's commitment to eugenic "sexual science" dovetailed seamlessly with her Marxist vision. While she had been heartened by the success of the 1917 Bolshevik Revolution in Russia, she doubted that a revolution for a new communist order in the U.S. could be carried out by a proletariat class of limited intellectual capacity. … Sanger wrote in The Pivot of Civilization, “my purpose is not to depreciate the efforts of Socialists aiming to create a new society, … unless sexual science is incorporated … and the pivotal importance of birth control is recognized in any program of reconstruction, all efforts to create a new world and a new civilization are foredoomed to failure.” 
 … Sanger turned her attention specifically to the reproductive practices of black Americans. She selected former ABCL director Clarence J. Gamble (of the Procter and Gamble company) to become BCFA's southern regional director. That November, Gamble drew up a memorandum titled "Suggestion for Negro Project," whose ultimate aim was to decrease the black birth rate significantly. Anticipating that black leaders would be suspicious of anyone exhorting African Americans to have fewer children, Gamble suggested that BCFA place black leaders in high positions within the organization, so as to give the appearance that they were in charge of the group's agendas. BCFA presented birth control as a vehicle for the upward economic mobility of blacks. 

Margaret Sanger was a Marxist-Nazi Admiring racist determined to bring a New World Order devoid of the U.S. Constitution Bill of Rights. So which issue is more heinous? A Confederate Flag representing a long gone culture or Planned Parenthood still nefariously killing babies for bucks.

JRH 7/28/15 (Hat Tip: Noisy Room)
Sarah Palin’s rebel flag scores direct hit on Planned Parenthood

July 28, 2015
Nothing makes heads explode on the left faster than flinging their own banned images in their face, and Sarah Palin has scored a direct hit.

Palin’s recent Facebook post featuring an image of the Confederate battle flag side by side with Planned Parenthood’s logo poses the question: “which symbol killed 90,000 black babies last year?”

The post has garnered over 120,000 “likes” since Sunday.

Since the pro-life group Center for Medical Progress released its first undercover video on July 14, which shows one of its executives, Dr. Deborah Nucatola, negotiating the price of aborted babies’ body parts with investigators posing as buyers, Palin has nearly exclusively devoted her Facebook page — with 4.4 million followers — to taking down the abortion provider.

Posts using the hashtag #defundplannedparenthood feature statistics such as CEO Cecile Richards is paid $1.50 for each abortion performed (her annual salary is $500,000), and that 80 percent of Planned Parenthood’s clinics are in minority neighborhoods.

As of Tuesday, Sunday’s post has generated over 5,000 comments, many of them personal attacks on the pro-life movement.  When liberals post “Lol Sarah’s just salty because she is an aborted fetus all grown up” and “Sarah Palin is dumber than a ten pound sack of stupid,” it’s a good indication that  a nerve has been struck.

Watching the left twist itself into pretzels defending the killing of unborn innocents while digging up the grave of long-dead Gen. Nathan Bedford Forrest because of the rebel flag would be amusing it if were not so outrageously ghoulish — and painfully sad.

Palin uses Photo to Slap Reality into Leftists
John R. Houk
© July 29, 2015
Sarah Palin’s rebel flag scores direct hit on Planned Parenthood

Steve is a serial entrepreneur who has been starting and running businesses for 25 years. Writing about conservative causes is his passion.

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