Sunday, November 30, 2014

Futuret Comment and Link on ‘Serving The Truth’

Hmm … I’m thinking political humor but could be a bit of nutcracker wishful thinking.

JRH 11/30/14
Futuret Comment and Link on ‘Serving The Truth

From: futuret
November 30, 2014 at 1:00 PM


(VIDEO) Obama Exposed: Caller Claims President Is A Reptilian Shape-Shifter Hellbent On Taking Over The World!

Tom Sullivan (Radio Host)

Every wonder what’s REALLY behind President Obama’s agenda?

On Friday’s show, Mark called in and offered his theory: Barack Obama is a reptilian shape-shifter hellbent on controlling the Earth! Yup. Now it all makes sense.

CLICK BELOW and listen as Mark revels what may be the biggest conspiracy in human history …

[Blog Editor: to listen to the Obama reptilian radio broadcast you’ll have to click the Fox News Radio link and scroll to about this point on the page. Either Tom Sullivan or an editor adds the text and video below.]

Need more proof? Here’s one of the videos mark mention:

Published by galacticwacko
Published: Jul 25, 2012

Funny... people will believe an obviously staged event as the Colorado Sideshow Shooting ... Yet they will ignore what is right in from of their faces...

Here is the original video

[Blog Editor: Apparently this ‘Al Jazeera English’ video is not available in my “country” (i.e. USA)]

It is gonna take a few days... but I am working on putting together a video to help shed more light on the total load crap they are spreading all over the world like crunchy peanut butter...

In case futuret is actually serious this is not meant as an insult. If serious let’s just say I disagree.

(VIDEO) Obama Exposed: Caller Claims President Is A Reptilian Shape-Shifter Hellbent On Taking Over The World!

Copyright © 2014 FOX News Radio

Serving The Truth

Common Core Marxist NWO

Can't America see the alignment of Common Core "standards" with Karl Marx's postulate on education and Obama's desire to fundamentally transform America? – Justin Smith

Justin Smith exposes the Left Wing nature of Common Core State Standards as it is affecting his home state of Tennessee; however the analysis could be applicable to every State in the Union.

See Also:

JRH 11/30/14
Serving The Truth
The Truth And An Ideological Battle

By Justin O. Smith
Sent: 11/29/2014 8:30 PM

Many states, including Tennessee, are now attempting to extricate themselves from Common Core State Standards, after extensive research has proven them to be much more than an innocuous improvement on the long-standing public education system. The American people now see the subterfuge of CCSS and the intentions of the marxofascist Progressive Democrats to coopt the program in order to affect psychological changes and an alteration in the character of the American people through propaganda presented as fact and indoctrination.

In this light, the 'Our View' editorial from the November 23rd 'Daily News Journal' [Blog Editor: I could only find 11/22/14 DNJ editorial] is reprehensible and despicable. More than a simple "ideological scuffle", as the DNJ named it, Common Core represents an ideological battle that will ultimately prove to be the most important component of the "21st century complexities of life, labor and liberty," that they referenced. And yet, the DNJ urges TN State Rep. Rick Womick and "like-minded colleagues" not to "waste a lot of time, energy and resources" in battling CCSS and to essentially abandon the conservative ideas based on individualism, Western philosophies, Judeo-Christian principles and liberty - Our American Heritage - in favor of Progressive socialism, anti-American fallacies and false assumptions, atheism and more authoritarian, centralized government control over our lives and America's children.

Common Core was originally intended to create new standards only in English Language Arts (ELA) and math in grades K - 12. Science standards were practically ignored. And now, in practice, CC goes far beyond just English and Math standards.

Very little research or analysis was conducted on Common Core prior to its adoption, and the members of the validation committee were required to sign non-disclosure agreements, as the public was initially kept well in the dark on CC. Of the members on the validation committee, there was one ELA expert, Dr. Sandra Stotsky, and one math expert, Dr. Jim Milgram, and neither one of them would sign off on it.

On November 13th, TN State Sen. Bill Ketron told an assembly of State Legislators, Murfreesboro City and Rutherford County School Board Councilmen that, during a recent conversation with Gov. Haslam, the Governor suggested he could beat any upcoming bill that attempts to remove Tennessee schools from CCSS, and Haslam had assurances from Lt Gov. Ramsey that such bills would fail. This will soon be tested, since Senate Bill 4 and House Bill 3 were recently filed in the Tennessee Legislature, in order to create "Volunteer State Standards" and stop Common Core expansion beyond this school year.

There exists many great reasons for all fifty states to permanently exit from CCSS, with all its flaws and predilection towards conformity, as exposed by Dr. Duke Pesta, who travels the nation speaking against Common Core, using the following example: Three students were instructed to collaborate on a math problem. One student answered correctly and two had wrong answers. The student who solved the problem correctly was marked "wrong", because he went against the group. So, in the world of CC, consensus is everything and independent thought be damned.

One more enormous problem exists, because the College Board that wrote the Advanced Push U.S. History Redesign Framework is also headed by the architect of Common Core, David Coleman. Pay especially close attention to the word "redesign".

The Framework omits Benjamin Franklin, James Madison, Dwight Eisenhower and many other key figures, as it gives one brief mention of George Washington and refers to the Declaration of Independence in just one clause of one sentence; it casts America in a negative light and forces teachers to instruct students in a leftist blame-America first reading of history, tearing apart everything good and decent America was built upon and omitting traditional presentations of our Founding Principles.

Look on page 74 of the Framework and one finds that teachers are given the flexibility to use examples such as Students for a Democratic Society and the Black Panthers. On the other hand, please note that Rosa Parks and Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. are omitted from U.S. history.

A blatant, overt attempt to portray capitalism in a negative light is found on page 64: "A number of critics challenged the dominant corporate ethic in the United States and sometimes capitalism itself, offering alternative visions of the good society through Utopianism and the Social Gospel."

George Washington doesn't merit mention in AP U.S. History because he held slaves. This is a low and arbitrary slap in the face of all Americans and all real scholars, as cheap academics and untrustworthy curriculum become the new academic standard; the Progressives have rationalized and justified the evisceration of history, but in so doing, they put on display their own intellectual dishonesty.

In association with CC, the incredibly invasive Dept. of Education directive, 'Promoting Grit, Tenacity and Perseverance', demands public schools influence students' non-cognitive development in dispositions, social skills and attitudes, which are independent of intellectual ability. To further this endeavor, schools are collecting more than 400 data points on every child through CC assessments, including their likes, dislikes, grade-point average, home situation and health questions from pre-K into the workforce.

Common Core builds a complete psychological profile. Any weaknesses in a child's attitudes or values could be targeted for remedial indoctrination and education.

Can't America see the alignment of Common Core "standards" with Karl Marx's postulate on education and Obama's desire to fundamentally transform America?

In 'The Socialist Alteration of Man' (1930) Lev Vygotsky, a Marxist Russian psychologist, writes, "It is education which should play the central role in the transformation of man this road of conscious social formation of new generations, the basic form to alter the historical human type ... to reunite thinking and work which have been torn asunder during the process of capital development."

The testimony of Lily Tang Williams, a former associate law professor at Fudan University in China and a legal immigrant living in Parker, Colorado, pounds the final nail in Common Core's coffin:

"Common Core, in my eyes, is the same as the communist core I once saw in China ... Nationalized testing, nationalized curriculum and nationalized indoctrination ... I cannot believe this is happening in this country. I don't know what happened to America, the shining city on the hill. Chinese children are not trained to be independent thinkers ... they are trained to be massive skilled workers for corporations. And they have no idea what happened in Tiananmen Square in 1989 ..."

Common Core proponents want students to view society's problems and potential solutions through a collectivist worldview that serves the interests of a class, race, certain politicized groups and the State, rather than the truth, logic and rational thought. Creativity and innovation become grounded in emotion, and terms like "critical thinking skills" (red flag) become measures of a student's acceptance or resistance to the radical changes in values, beliefs, feelings and behaviors that CCSS demands. The word "truth" ceases to have its old meaning, and it becomes something to be dictated by the State.

By Justin O. Smith
Edited by John R. Houk
Text or links enclosed by brackets are by the Editor.

© Justin O. Smith

Saturday, November 29, 2014

OsamaArshad vs. Dajjal: Is Islam Evil or Good?

Mo Ingredients Creating Islam

Intro to ‘OsamaArshad vs. Dajjal’
John R. Houk
© November 29, 2014

In examining some the comment from my blog NCCR I discovered some interchange of dialogue between a Counterjihad writer and a Muslim apologist. The interchange resulted from a cross post ascribed to the pseudonym writer known as Dajjal and the Muslim calling himself OsamaArshad. This Osama dude who so bravely defends Islam while erroneously claiming Muslim assertions that the real Holy Book – the Bible, points to old Mo. When Dajjal shuts him down, Osama calls Dajjal a dreamer propagating deception. AND then this member of the religion of peace challenges Dajjal to a battle to settle is right or wrong. For me that implies a threat of violence. Also interestingly, OsamaArshad does not provide a link as to his identity and that is okay because I set up my comments to hear from dissenters of my posts and cross posts. BUT some of Osama’s comments are linked: http://deleted/.

Yeah, if you click that link my browser takes me to a page that says “This webpage is not available”. Underneath that unsurprising message is this message if you click “details”:

The server at deleted can't be found, because the DNS lookup failed. DNS is the network service that translates a website's name to its Internet address. This error is most often caused by having no connection to the Internet or a misconfigured network. It can also be caused by an unresponsive DNS server or a firewall preventing Google Chrome from accessing the network.

Did you mean

Guess what? “” is an actual webpage. BUT I am certain the Muslim so full of integrity – OsamaArshad - did not intend for web-users to go to that page. Here is the top advertising description of that page: is your premier resource for information relating to recovering your lost data, whether it be on your harddrive or on backup media such as CDs. Have you lost important data? Do not worry, there are many invaluable tools available online that are very effective in data recovery and all the quality ones can be found here. We feature product reviews, hints and tips on recovery. Enjoy your stay on!

Now I can’t tell you if Osama purposefully linked his name to “http://deleted/” or not; however I think it is safe to discern that either Osama had his website, blog or avatar page deleted (probably by WordPress) OR the brave member of the mujjahadeen of Islam fabricated the link for us gullible non-Muslims.

The dialogue between OsamaArshad and Dajjal begins with a relatively short sentence from Osama informing Dajjal that the Islamic sources are authentic implying they are beyond reproach. Then the dialogue is off and running.

I am going to begin with Osama’s less than truthful assertion about Islam followed by Dajjal’s response followed again with the back and forth. If you wish to read all the comments for the April 12, 2014 post entitled “Let’s Anger CAIR and Offend Muslims by Exposing Them,” simply click the link. Osama and Dajjal’s comments are dated November 25 and since I was a bit annoyed with Osama I interjected some most likely unflattering short rejections of Osama’s assertions. I am not posting my assertions. The comments are cross posted in the order presented by WordPress.

The title I am giving them this dialogue is purely from yours truly. I hope it captures the spirit of the dialogue.

JRH 11/29/14
OsamaArshad vs. Dajjal: Is Islam Evil or Good?
From OsamaArshad & Dajjal
© November 29, 2014

How gives you right to run propaganda about our religion. Do you even have any prove for what you have published above………

These are all the specimen of your hipocracy…….

You right that Islam was forcefully introduced and spread, Did Muhammad PBUH drew a single drop of blood at the event of Fateh Makha [Blog Editor: Conquest of Mecca – Wikipedia & The Religion of PeaceAnswering Islam].

By the blessing of Almighty God, my great grandfather had the wisdom to depart from England & Canada and come to Michigan where he and his descendants could enjoy the protection of the Bill of Rights. The first amendment in that document establishes the write of free speech.

In a democratic form of government, open and unfettered discussion of public issues is required to maintain liberty.

We need and we have the right to expose the evil design, content, intentions and effects of Islam along with National Socialism, Fascism & Communism. And so, by God, we will blessed well continue to do, like this:

If your consider Islam a lie and it’s peace false then why are the Israeli invading and slaughtering the Muslims of Gaza. O my bad I think it’s Dajjal how said that slaughter those how are not of your opinion. If you think that you are so true -

Bet you don’t have the guts to do that don’t you?

Actual you ppl don’t even know that who you even are... You are the puppets of dajjal……..!!

Israel was invaded and occupied by slaves of Satan in 638. The Ottoman Empire lost the Levant after fighting on the wrong side in WWI. The Balfour Declaration resulted from a Jew helping England to synthesize nitrates which helped them win the war.

Gaza, Judea & Samaria were seized illegally by Jordan and Egypt in ’48. Israel won them back in ’67 when the Muslims tried and failed again to exterminate Israel.

Muslims attack, Jews retaliate. Israel should obliterate.

Slaughtering those “not of your opinion” defines Islam. In your arrogance and insanity you project your own evil onto your intended victims. The Islamic law of the Hanafi madhab, codified in the second volume of Hedaya, on page 216, is explicit. “Infidelity is an evil which must be removed from the world by Islam or death.” Kindly kiss my ass.

You ppl are just sitting over there to make a bad impression of Muslims all around the world………….

The vast majority of Muslims are descended from the early victims, first of deception; the world’s most vicious con game, second & more numerous, from conquest. Their ancestors were either tricked, converted at sword point or converted to get out from under grievous levy of Jizya.

The true believers, described in Surah Al-Anfal 1…5, Surah At-Taubah 9.111 & Surah Al-Hujuraat 49.15, are the worst of living creatures; willingly enslaved to Satan and ought rightly to be obliterated.

We write to warn our fellow Kaffirs of the existential threat to life, liberty & prosperity posed by Islam.

You forming your own Hadith does not give any authenticity to it .all the Hadith by prophet Muhammad PBUH are preserved carefully and with great authenticity.

Seventh century written Arabic was in its infancy, lacking vowels and diacritical marks, it had only consonants, thus it was no more than a memory aid with seven variant readings. Nothing in Islam is reliable or verifiable. The whole ball of turd is hearsay.

In my original posts, I cite sources and provide links to those available on the web. Like this:

Here’s smthng about dajjal…..

Dajjal who is the opposite of the saver Messiah is described as anti-messiah by the Jews. And Dajjal is believed to be killed by the breath of the Messiah.

In the Old Testament, Dajjal of the end of time is also mentioned. The evil force of Dajjal who destroys everything, prepares a dreadful plan, but is defeated in the end is mentioned in the book of Ezekiel. (2) Dajjal concept which also takes place in Zechariah and Joel shows itself in Daniel more clearly. Daniel sees him in person with naked eye and pictures a portrait of him. (3) This Dajjal is known as a big sovereign, commander of strong armies, who defeated three kings, and who destroyed temples.

Dajjal is especially mentioned in Christianity, too. According to St. Paul, it is one of the religious fundamentals of Christianity to believe in the coming of the Messiah in the end of time.

In the New Testament it is told that Dajjal will appear before the second coming of Messiah and will be killed by the breath of Hazrat Eesa (Jesus/Messiah). (4)

Dajjal is mentioned as Meshiha Daggala in the Matthew Bible. Meshiha Daggala is clearly mentioned in the Syrian translation of the New Testament. (5)

We see in a verse of the Matthew Bible, this is told about the false Messiah:

Students of Jesus asked what will be the sign for the end of the world. Jesus replied them: Do not let anyone turn you, because many will come in my name saying I am the Messiah and will lead many astray. And many false prophets will lead many astray, and many others will lose his love because mischief will rise. Only those who withstand until the end will reach salvation. (6)

In another verse, those false messiahs are described as to be able to show big omens and wonders. (7)

In the first letter of the John Bible, Dajjal is mentioned as antichrist as the opposite of Jesus. (8)

As it is seen, in those verses Dajjal is mentioned as a community rather than a person. However, most of the Catholic theologians agree that it will be a person. (9)

Messiah Ad-Dajjal is the anti-Muhammad, not the Anti-Christ. In Islamic eschatology, Isa, your pale imitation of Jesus, returns to kill the remnant of Jews & Christians and rule the world by the Koran. Jesus Christ is not a genocidal warlord. He came not to destroy men’s live but to save them. Moe said to the men of Mekkah: “I bring you slaughter.”

According to Hindus…….

One Hindu research professor, in his stunning book, claims that
description of avatar found in the holy books of Hindu religion is in
fact that of the Prophet Muhammad (s.a.w.
[Blog Editor:]). A little while ago, in India a fact revealing book has been published, which has been the topic of discussions all over the country. Amazingly, the author of this book is a fair-minded famous professor, who happens to be a Hindu. His name is Pundit Vedaprakash Upadhai and the name of his fact-revealing book is “Kalki Avtar”. The author is a Hindu Brahmin by caste of Bengali origin.

He is a research scholar, a seeker of the truth and a well-known pundit in Allahabad University. After years of research work, he published this book and other eight pundits have endorsed and certified his points of argument as authentic.

According to Hindu belief and their holy books, the description of the guide and the leader, named Kalki Avatar, fits that of Prophet Muhammad (s.a.w.) of Arabia. Therefore, the Hindus of the whole world should look into this new information not wait any longer for the arrival of Kalki Avatar (the spirit) as he already arrived 1400 years ago. The author produces following sound evidences from the Vedas and other holy books of Hindu religion in support of his claim:

1. In Purana (a holy book of Hindus) it is stated that Kalki Avatar would be the last messenger of god in this world for the guidance of the whole world and all human beings. (According to Islam, prophet Muhammad (s.a.w.) is also considered the last messenger of god in this world who was sent to guide all human beings).

2. According to a Hindu religion prediction, the birth of Kalki Avatar, would take place in an isle which again according to Hindu religion is Arab region.

3. In books of Hindus, the names of the father and the mother of Kalki Avatar are given as Vishnubhagat and Sumaani respectively. If we examine the meanings of these names we shall come to a very interesting conclusion: take Vishnubhagat, Vishnu (meaning God) + Bhagat (meaning slave) = slave of god Allah (god) + abd (slave in Arabic) = slave of god (Abdullah in Arabic name of Muhammed’s father) Sumaani = peace or calmness Amenah (Arabic) = peace or calmness (name of mother of prophet Muhammad (s.a.w.)

4. In religious books of Hindus, it is mentioned that the staple food of Kalki Avatar would be dates and olives and he would be the most honest and truthful person in the region. Without any doubt the prophet Muhammad (s.a.w.) is acclaimed to possess these qualities.

5. It is stated in Vedas (holy book of Hindu religion) that the birth of Kalki Avatar would take place in an honorable clan. This perfectly fits the Quraysh where the Prophet Muhammad (s.a.w.) belonged to.

6. God would teach Kalki Avatar through his messenger (angel) in a cave. Allah taught Prophet Muhammad (s.a.w.), through is messenger angel Jibraeel (Gabriel) in a cave known as Gaar-e-Hiraa (a cave in Mount Hiraa).

7. God would avail Kalki Avatar with a very speedy horse to ride and travel the whole world and the seven skies, indication of Buraaq (horse) and Me’raaj (the night when prophet traveled the seven skies).

8. God would also avail Kalki Avatar with divine help. This was particularly proved in the battle of Uhud.

9. Another dazzling account given about Kalki Avatar was that he would be born on the 12th of a month. Whereas the prophet Muhammad (s.a.w) was born on the 12th of the Rabiul Awwal (Islamic calendar).

10. Kalki Avatar would be an excellent horse rider and a swordsman. The author here draws the attention of Hindus that the real days of horses and swords have gone and the present time is of guns and missiles. In fact, the divine book, Holy Qur’an contains qualities and signs attributed to Kalki Avatar reflecting on the Prophet Muhammad (s.a.w.).

These facts are verified and supported by the eight eminent pundits. What the author and the eight other eminent pundits say is that the Hindus who are still anxiously awaiting the arrival of Kalki Avatar are simply subjecting themselves to a never ending pain. Because such a great messenger has come and departed from this world fourteen centuries ago.

Allah Almighty says in Holy Quran

“… Those who follow the Messenger, the Immaculate One, whom they find mentioned in the Torah and the Gospel which are with them.” Al-Quran 7:158)

No doubt there are many prophecies regarding the advent of the Holy Prophet Muhammad in the Bible, but in the above quoted Quranic verse, the Torah and the Gospels are especially mentioned; because Moses and Jesus were prominent figures among all Israelite prophets.

Muslims look upon the source of Bible as holy and divine and its medium as truthful men. And here is a verse of Al-Quran which confirms this statement:

” Say ye: We believe in Allah and what has been revealed to us, and what was revealed to Abraham and Ishmael and Isaac, and Jacob, and his children, and what was given to Moses and Jesus, and what was given to all other prophets from their Lord. We make no difference between any of them; and to Him we submit ourselves.” (Al Quran 2:137)

Of course, Muslims regard the Christian Scriptures as interpolated, but interpolation still implies retention of some original truths.

The principle that the Holy Prophet Muhammad testifies to the truth of all previous revelations, furnishes a strong foundation for harmony between the various religions of the world, as well as for the unity of the human race. The fact that all of the foregoing prophets testify to the truth of Prophet Muhammad constitutes a yet stronger testimony to the truth of Islam and the Unity of religions.

Moses prophesied about Hadhrat Muhammad.

In Deuteronomy 18:17-19, Moses prophesied:

“And the Lord said unto me. They have well spoken that which they have spoken, I will raise them up a prophet from among their brethren like unto thee, and will put my words in his mouth; and he shall speak unto them all that I shall command him. And it shall come to pass, that whosoever will not hearken unto my words which he shall speak in my name, I will require it of him.”

The foretold prophet in this prophecy was not Jesus Christ, nor any other Israelite prophet, because none of them ever claimed to be the prophet promised here. We read in the Gospel of John (1:19-21) that in the time of Jesus, the Jews were expecting the advent of three prophets. Firstly Elias, secondly Christ, thirdly a prophet of such universal fame that in his case no other specification was thought necessary. “The Prophet” was enough to convey what was meant. Jesus claimed to be the Christ and he regarded John the Baptist as Elias (Matthew 11:14, 17:10-13). Further, he prophesied about his second advent in the last days when true faith would disappear from the earth (Luke 18:8).

Your quote of 7.158 is bogus. Here is a link to the real thing, word by word Arabic/English.

Kauthar is not named in the Bible, he is mentioned only generically as a false prophet. That unrepentent sinner was unworthy of the title of respect he bestowed upon himself. Henceforth in my responses to you I will refer to him as Moe.

Moe is not the comforter mentioned by Jesus. The comforter is the Holy Spirit; Moe was unholy flesh. 15If you love Me, you will keep My commandments. 16I will ask the Father, and He will give you another Helper, that He may be with you forever; 17that is the Spirit of truth, whom the world cannot receive, because it does not see Him or know Him, but you know Him because He abides with you and will be in you .…

The Prophet mentioned in Deuteronomy could not be an Arab, he must be a Jew to be one of their brethren: Jesus Christ!

You ppl say and I quote “PLEASE WAKE UP” brother it’s actually you who has fallen asleep and wondered off in to your dreams of deception.

So Mr. “WHO EVER YOU ARE” why don’t you come and battle this argument…….
Edited by John R. Houk
Text or links enclosed by brackets are by the Editor.
Most of OsamaArshad’s text was unedited to preserve his tone however there was some spell changes I could not resist to accomplish.

© OsamaArshad and Dajjal