Thursday, October 31, 2013

Get on Board to END Warrantless Searches

NSA Surveilance Keyhole
John R. Houk
© October 31, 2013

Remember independent contractor for the National Security Agency (NSA) Ed Snowden? He is the guy that made it public knowledge that the NSA was spying on ALL Americans not just foreigners - domestic and abroad – for National Security reasons to protect Americans from Islamic Terrorists (OR as the Dems would have you believe – Enemy Combatants).

I initially viewed Snowden as an American hero Whistleblower. Then the dude absconded with his NSA data to Hong Kong (cough – Communist China) and then on to Russia (Former Communist Nation [USSR] and current emerging USA rival). I then viewed Snowden as a potential espionage traitor feeding Classified secrets to American enemies. Snowden went from hero to zero.

Even though Snowden is a zero, he did enlighten the public that the NSA is operating beyond its mandate to track foreign enemies at home and abroad. Frankly this was the final straw in my support of the Patriot Act as it is now currently written. The Patriot Act is utilizing Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Courts set up by FISA in nefarious ways against American citizens. I have to believe an insignificant Right Wing Counterjihad blogger as myself has to be worried that my Free Speech is being violated either by an unserved FISA Warrant or worse a Warrantless search of anything I touch that utilizes electronic data. I HAVE A PROBLEM WITH THAT!

Conservative Action Alerts has sent an email to support the USA Freedom Act which would place the Patriot Act back on track for its original mandate of sniffing foreign Islamic Terrorists and their supporters and ENDING Warrantless searches by such agencies as the NSA. Below is that Conservative Action Alerts email.

JRH 10/31/13
Lawmakers introduce bill to rein in NSA - Take Action!

By Conservative Action Alerts
Sent: 10/31/2013 1:46 PM

"The days of unfettered spying on the American people are numbered..." - Rep. Justin Amash (R-MI)

ALERT: A coalition of lawmakers introduce bill to end NSA's broad, warrantless surveillance! Fax Congress - Tell them sponsor the USA FREEDOM Act!

American Conservative,

If it weren't for Nancy Pelosi's pro-snooping lobbying efforts, the House would've succeeded in placing the National Security Agency in a straightjacket back in July.

Sadly, lawmakers like Pelosi and Dianne Feinstein are more interested in defending the NSA and their unconstitutional surveillance programs than they are our privacy.

The good news is the scales are starting to tip.

Since the summer effort to rein in the NSA failed on a razor-thin line -
217 to 205 - more and more legislators on both sides of the aisle are seeing that we desperately need to restrain the federal government and its ability to spy on anyone using the internet or a cell phone literally anywhere in the world.

This week Representatives Justin Amash, John Conyers, and Jim Sensenbrenner introduced a comprehensive bill that would start to shackle the overgrown NSA and restrict them from spying on innocent Americans.

It is essential that we urge every U.S. Representative and Senator to get behind this piece of legislation right now - the Fourth Amendment restrictions on government must be applied to the digital world!

Take Action - Tell lawmakers to sponsor the USA FREEDOM Act to end the National Security Agency's broad, warrantless surveillance powers!

** Sign the petition and tell Lawmakers to rein in the NSA!
Add your name here.

Reforming FISA and the Patriot Act

On Tuesday, Patriot Act author Rep. Jim Sensenbrenner introduced new legislation to limit the National Security Agency's sweeping surveillance powers. 


The USA FREEDOM Act - or, Uniting and Strengthening America by Fulfilling Rights and Ending Eavesdropping, Dragnet-Collection and Online Monitoring Act - aims to defend Americans' privacy by reforming the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act and the Patriot Act.

"The NSA has gone far beyond the intent of the Patriot Act, particularly in the accumulation and storage of metadata," the Act's sponsor told
National Journal. "Had Congress known that the Patriot Act has been used to collect metadata, the bill would have never been passed."

The 118-page bill would:

o   modify section 215 of the Patriot Act to end mass unwarranted surveillance;

o   require the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court to provide lawmakers with court opinions and policies, thereby ending "secret" laws;

o   allow internet and telecommunications companies to make public the number of NSA requests they have received;

o   establish an office for a "privacy advocate" to represent the interests of Americans and their privacy before the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court; and

o   close domestic and foreign loopholes by modifying Title IV and section 702 (b) of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act.

With the NSA's misinterpretation (abuse) of law - providing them "allowance" to spy on anyone anywhere - it is clear that the USA FREEDOM Act is essential to start ending government's ugly, unconstitutional surveillance programs.

We need to rally lawmakers right away and demand that they get behind this needed legislation in defense of our privacy.

Privacy for the people; Transparency for government!

Take Action - Tell lawmakers to sponsor the USA FREEDOM Act to end the National Security Agency's broad, warrantless surveillance powers!

** Sign the petition and tell Lawmakers to rein in the NSA!
Add your name here.

End the Witch Hunt

Dianne Feinstein has defended the NSA tooth-and-nail - even claiming that the intelligence agency's expansive surveillance is "
not surveillance

Feinstein, Pelosi, et. al. are dedicated to defending Obama's Surveillance State and are doing their very best to once again shut their opposition down. But we can't let them succeed -- we've got to win this fight for liberty, privacy, and the rule of law.

We can't let this happen. We've got to win this fight for liberty, privacy, and the rule of law.

Judge Andrew Napolitano has it right; he says:

"What will become of us if the feds can watch our every move and hear our every conversation and learn our every expenditure and read our every email and find out what we eat and whom we love and how we live? ... History teaches that a government on a witch hunt, unconstrained by law or Constitution, will not stop until it can brand someone as a witch. And an unbridled inquisition will not stop until it finds a heretic. The Constitution simply never entrusted the people who run the government with this awesome power. Rather, in the Fourth Amendment, it prohibited it."

With the federal government regularly surveilling our phone metadata, emails, and other forms of digital communication, it's time for U.S. lawmakers to stand up, defend our privacy, and end the NSA's unconstitutional spying.

Since whistleblower Ed Snowden first revealed the magnitude of the federal government's spying programs, the catalogue of evidence proving the government's lawless activities has only grown. This is why we've got to take action now.

It's time for We the People to demand the NSA's lawbreaking be put to an end!

Take Action - Tell lawmakers to sponsor the USA FREEDOM Act to end the National Security Agency's broad, warrantless surveillance powers!

For America,

Conservative Action Alerts

P.S. Sign our petition to rein in the National Security Agency! Sign and send a no-cost message to your U.S. Representative and Senators!
Add your name here.


Take Action - Tell lawmakers to sponsor the USA FREEDOM Act to end the National Security Agency's broad, warrantless surveillance powers!
Get on Board to END Warrantless Searches
John R. Houk
© October 31, 2013
Lawmakers introduce bill to rein in NSA - Take Action!

Conservative Action Alerts (CAA) is a media outlet protected by the first amendment; no financial contribution to support our efforts is tax-deductible. Diener Consultants, Inc., 10940 S Parker Rd Ste# 763, PARKER, CO 80284-7440

Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Reawaken 4th Amendment Due to Govt. Corruption

Unnecessary Const Rights Prohibited
John R. Houk
© October 30, 2013

The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects,  against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized. (Amendment IV – U.S. Constitution)

I have been a huge supporter of the Patriot Act (Providing Appropriate Tools Required to Intercept and Obstruct Terrorism Act of 2001) due to the reason that this law came into existence; viz. an Islamic terrorist attack on September 11, 2001 (911) on American soil that resulted in the deaths of about 5,000 people. To the extent that the Patriot Act is a tool to examine foreign activity that results in the nefarious acts of terrorism or is a supply line monetarily to foreign terrorism is something I still support. The key is the term “foreign.”

Since 911 the Islamic terrorist paradigm has an adaptive agenda to circumvent the nature of “foreign” as related to the American Homeland. Foreign Radical Islamic global Caliphate-minded Muslims have been working for years to plant their theopolitical ideology as a homegrown paradigm. The more homegrown a Radical Islamic organization or Mosque the less the claim of ties to foreign terrorism. Currently most Islamic organizations in the USA can be traced to a foreign Saudi or Muslim Brotherhood hand in a large degree. There are actually lesser known Radical Islamic organizations associated with foreign Islamic terrorism that are not Saudi or Muslim Brotherhood; however it is less likely that those organization will separate from their parent foreign Radical Islamic connection. Inevitably the Radical Islamic homegrown planted organizations will attain a self-sufficient operation independent of foreign ties. When that happens use of the Patriot Act laws would legally be ineffective to monitor domestic criminality and will be subject to the traditional ingrained Constitutional framework of the Fourth Amendment that protects Americans from unwarranted searches of private property including snail-mail, email, telephone, Internet and so on. A Radical Muslim network divorced from their foreign founders will essentially operate mafia-style to Islamize America using the U.S. Constitution to terminate Constitutional Law in favor of Sharia Law.

I am certain the Patriot Act has been abused by stretching the reach of its mandate in protecting Americans from foreign terrorism. The Patriot Act must be updated to better accommodate the Fourth Amendment especially on a domestic level. For one thing the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA) needs more precise language so that relating information, broad undefined information or just plain no defined information cannot be used to acquire a FISA Court Search Warrant. The lack of specificity in legal language has made the marriage of the Patriot Act and the FISA Courts a Law Enforcement and Intelligence Agencies, a paradigm of an abuse-of-power waiting to happen. Such abuse is in direct violation of the Fourth Amendment. If Congress fails to add specificity in the Patriot Act and the Courts based on FISA, then those tools need to be scraped OR just plain be ruled unconstitutional due to the Fourth Amendment.

The ability of the devotees of Radical Islam to use the Constitution to undermine the Constitution is a reason for some kind of Surveillance Act on a foreign and domestic level to exist. In the past I have favored Security to trump Civil Rights directly in the aftermath of 911; however it has become evident the truism of ‘power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely’ has swayed me back to emphasize Civil Rights. Again, I am still a supporter of the Patriot Act, BUT not as it is codified today. There must be a balance in the use of security and Civil Rights with any erring to come down on the side of constitutionally mandated Civil Rights. Check out Judge Andrew Napolitano:

Here is an excerpt from the article by Judge Napolitano in which the above video was located:

The case or controversy requirement demands that there be real adversity between two or more distinct entities each of which has a stake in the outcome of a dispute before a federal court can exercise any jurisdiction. Federal courts can only resolve disputes; they cannot rule with finality in the abstract or when approached by only one party. They can grant preliminary temporary relief to one party -- in order to freeze the status quo and in anticipation of an adversarial contest on the merits -- but they cannot rule when only one party is noticed and shows up.

This is precisely how the FISA court functions, and yet we have no merit-based ruling by the Supreme Court on its constitutionality. …

But this is just what Congress did with FISA. In the FISA court, only the government appears, seeking a generalized search warrant without regard to the facts of any specific case. There is no case or controversy in the constitutional sense as there is no adversariness: No plaintiff is suing a defendant, and no defendant is being prosecuted by the government. Absent adversariness, the federal courts have no jurisdiction to do anything.

This flawed system is complicated even further by the fact that should the FISA court deny an application for a general warrant because it believes the government’s procedures to be illegal or unconstitutional, those court orders are non-binding and the government has ignored them. Unenforceable rulings that may be disregarded by another branch of the government are not judicial decisions at all, but impermissible advisory opinions prohibited by the Framers.

When a FISA court judge rules that the NSA has the constitutional power to spy on Americans about whom it has no evidence of wrongdoing, as one judge did two weeks ago, because that ruling did not emanate out of a case or controversy -- no one was in court to dispute it -- the court is without authority to hear the matter, and thus the ruling is meaningless.

By altering the constitutionally mandated requirement of the existence of a case or controversy before the jurisdiction of the federal courts may be invoked, Congress has lessened the protection of the right to be left alone that the Framers intentionally sought to enshrine. But don’t expect the government to wake up to this threat to our freedom. Its consistent behavior has demonstrated that it doesn’t care whether it violates the Constitution. Instead, expect the president’s secret agents and the politicians who support them to hide their wrongdoing behind more layers of secrecy. (Is the FISA Court constitutional? By Judge Andrew P. Napolitano;; 9/26/13)

Marxist principles as espoused by Russia’s Lenin and Stalin and China’s Mao Zedong (or Mao Tse Tung) is a Communism that overthrows the government by means of a transforming ideological revolution. Early American Communists were enamored by Lenin’s revolution that overthrew Czarist Russia that transformed Russia into the illusory delusion of a utopia. The reality is Russia was transformed from an elitist oligarchy of nobles in which huge amounts of citizens were regarded in low estate into a Leninist-Communist oligarchy of top-down transformist police state. In Russia’s case the removal of a royal oligarchic autocracy to a Communist dictatorship did not produce individual Civil Rights. Conformity was the centrality of Russian culture under the Czars and the new Communist government. That Russian Revolution which affected American Constitutional government was the desire of Russian/Soviet Marxists to export their transformational revolution to the entire world. In America’s case too many closet Communists became a part of positions of influence in both government and culture.

Senator Joseph McCarthy in the beginnings of the Cold War went from a hero exposing Communists and/or Soviet-Communist sympathizers in these places of influence to being painted as a nut-job witch-hunter that ruined lives more than protecting the government and Americans from Marxist transformationism. History has shown that Joe McCarthy was closer to being correct than being a witch hunter that destroyed innocent lives. Bipartisan powerful politicians and Executive Branch Establishment-minded leadership began to fear the stigma of hiring Communist sympathizing functionaries. A Left oriented Mainstream Media sympathetic to a Socialist paradigm also began assaulting McCarthy. A better a truism might drove McCarthy to alcoholism thus ruining a patriot’s life.

There are bad people who desire to destroy America and our way of life initiated in the great experiment of a Constitutional Republic initiated by our Founding Fathers. The primary assault on America in the 20th and 21st centuries has been interpretations of Marxism and Caliphate-minded Muslims. We as Americans need to get behind some kind of balance between National Security and Constitutional protections we call our Civil Rights. Since 911 the government has evolved from a protective nature to ignoring the Rights ingrained in the U.S. Constitution. I believe government abuse caused by a misplaced enthusiasm to hunt down Islamic Terrorists (I guess our fearless leader would call them Enemy Combatants). That government abuse has filtered into policing domestic criminals such as thieves, bank robbers, various levels illicit drug distribution, murderers and so on.

Domestic policing ALSO has led to ignoring the Constitution’s Fourth Amendment pertaining warranting search, seizure and attacking personal property. Yesterday I managed to get to an old email from the Rutherford Institute written by John W. Whitehead. The email begins by relating true incidents in which police have erroneously invaded homes of innocent citizens which resulted in deaths. I am not talking about police officer deaths. I am talking about police officers shooting to death citizens who believed their home was being invaded by criminals.

And this is how I am going to end my thoughts on the Fourth Amendment. Read Whitehead’s article and be prepared to be outraged by the abuse of power.

JRH 10/30/13
Who Will Protect You from the Police? The Rise of Government-Sanctioned Home Invasions

By John W. Whitehead
October 21, 2013

“Democracy means that if the doorbell rings in the early hours, it is likely to be the milkman.”—Winston Churchill

It’s 3 a.m. You’ve been asleep for hours when suddenly you hear a loud “Crash! Bang! Boom!” Based on the yelling, shouting and mayhem, it sounds as if someone—or several someones—are breaking through your front door. With your heart racing and your stomach churning, all you can think about is keeping your family safe from the intruders who have invaded your home. You have mere seconds before the intruders make their way to your bedroom. Desperate to protect your loved ones, you scramble to lay hold of something—anything—that you might use in self-defense. It might be a flashlight, your son’s baseball bat, or that still unloaded gun you thought you’d never need. In a matter of seconds, the intruders are at your bedroom door. You brace for the confrontation, a shaky grip on your weapon. In the moments before you go down for the count, shot multiple times by the strangers who have invaded your home, you get a good look at your accosters. It’s the police.

Before I go any further, let me start by saying this: the problem is not that all police are bad. The problem, as I point out in my book A Government of Wolves: The Emerging American Police State, is that increasing numbers of police officers are badly trained, illiterate when it comes to the Constitution, especially the Fourth Amendment, and, in some cases, willfully ignorant about the fact that they are supposed to be peacekeepers working for us, the taxpayer.

Unfortunately, with every passing week, we are hearing more and more horror stories in which homeowners are injured or killed simply because they mistook a SWAT team raid by police for a home invasion by criminals. Never mind that the unsuspecting homeowner, woken from sleep by the sounds of a violent entry, has no way of distinguishing between a home invasion by a criminal as opposed to a government agent. Too often, the destruction of life and property wrought by the police is no less horrifying than that carried out by criminal invaders.

Consider, for example, the sad scenario that played out when a SWAT team kicked open the door of ex-Marine Jose Guerena’s home during a drug raid and opened fire. Thinking his home was being invaded by criminals, Guerena told his wife and child to hide in a closet, grabbed a gun and waited in the hallway to confront the intruders. He never fired his weapon. In fact, the safety was still on his gun when he was killed. The SWAT officers, however, not as restrained, fired 70 rounds of ammunition at Guerena—23 of those bullets made contact. Guerena had had no prior criminal record, and the police found nothing illegal in his home.

Seven-year-old Aiyana Jones was sleeping on her living room sofa, which was positioned under a window, when suddenly, the silence of the night was shattered by a flash grenade thrown through the living room window, followed by the sounds of police bursting into the apartment and a gun going off. Rushing into the room, Aiyana’s father, Charles, found himself tackled by police and forced to lie on the floor, his face in a pool of his daughter’s blood. It would be hours before Charles would be informed that his daughter was dead. The 34-year-old suspect the police had been looking for would later be found elsewhere in the apartment building.
Then there was the time police used a battering ram to break into the home of 92-year-old Kathryn Johnson, mistakenly believing her house to be a drug den. Fearing that burglars were entering her home, which was situated in a dangerous neighborhood, Johnson fired a warning shot when the door burst open. Police unleashed a hail of gunfire, hitting Johnson with six bullets. Johnson died.

Eighty-year-old Eugene Mallory suffered a similar fate when deputies with the Los Angeles Sheriff’s Department, claiming to have smelled chemicals related to the manufacture of methamphetamine, raided the multi-unit property in which Mallory lived. Thinking that his home was being invaded by burglars, Mallory allegedly raised a gun at the intruders, who shot him six times. Mallory died. “The lesson here,” observed the spokesman for the sheriff’s department, “is don’t pull a gun on a deputy.”

In Fort Worth, Texas, two rookie police officers sent to investigate a possible burglary circled 72-year-old Jerry Waller’s house with flashlights shining. Waller, concerned that his home was being cased, went to his garage, armed with a gun for self-defense. The two officers snuck up on Waller, who raised his gun on the intruders. When Waller failed to obey orders to lower his gun, the officers shot and killed him. It turned out the officers had gone to the wrong address. They blamed the shooting death on “poor lighting.”

During a raid in Ogden, Utah, police dressed in black and carrying assault rifles charged into a darkened home. Upon entering the hallway and encountering a man holding a shiny object that one officer thought was a sword, police opened fire. Three shots later, 45-year-old Todd Blair fell to the floor dead. In his hands was a shiny golf club.

In Sarasota, Florida, a mixture of federal and local police converged on the apartment complex where Louise Goldsberry lived after receiving a tip that a child rape suspect was in the complex. Unaware of police activity outside, Louise was washing dishes in her kitchen when a man wearing what appeared to be a hunting vest pointed a rifle at her through her window. Fearing that she was about to be attacked, Louise retrieved her revolver from her bedroom. Meanwhile, the man began pounding on Louise’s front door, saying, “We’re the f@#$ing police; open the f@#$ing door.” Identifying himself as a police officer, the rifle-wielding man then opened the door, pointed a gun at Goldsberry and her boyfriend, who was also present, and yelled, “Drop the f@#$ing gun or I’ll f@#$ing shoot you.” Ironically, the officer later justified his behavior on the grounds that he didn’t like having a gun pointed at him and because “I have to go home at night.”

These incidents underscore a dangerous mindset in which civilians (often unarmed and defenseless) not only have less rights than militarized police, but also one in which the safety of civilians is treated as a lower priority than the safety of their police counterparts (who are armed to the hilt with an array of lethal and nonlethal weapons), the privacy of civilians is negligible in the face of the government’s various missions, and the homes of civilians are no longer the refuge from government intrusion that they once were.

It wasn’t always this way, however. There was a time in America when a man’s home really was a sanctuary where he and his family could be safe and secure from the threat of invasion by government agents, who were held at bay by the dictates of the Fourth Amendment, which protects American citizens from unreasonable searches and seizures.

The Fourth Amendment, in turn, was added to the U.S. Constitution by colonists still smarting from the abuses they had been forced to endure while under British rule, among these home invasions by the military under the guise of writs of assistance. These writs were nothing less than open-ended royal documents which British soldiers used as a justification for barging into the homes of colonists and rifling through their belongings. James Otis, a renowned colonial attorney, “condemned writs of assistance because they were perpetual, universal (addressed to every officer and subject in the realm), and allowed anyone to conduct a search in violation of the essential principle of English liberty that a peaceable man’s house is his castle.” As Otis noted:

“Now, one of the most essential branches of English liberty is the freedom of one’s house. A man’s house is his castle; and whilst he is quiet, he is as well guarded as a prince in his castle. This writ, if it should be declared legal, would totally annihilate this privilege. Custom-house officers may enter our houses when they please; we are commanded to permit their entry. Their menial servants may enter, may break locks, bars, and everything in their way; and whether they break through malice or revenge, no man, no court can inquire. Bare suspicion without oath is sufficient.”

To our detriment, we have now come full circle, returning to a time before the American Revolution when government agents—with the blessing of the courts—could force their way into a citizen’s home, with seemingly little concern for lives lost and property damaged in the process.

Actually, we may be worse off today than our colonial ancestors when one considers the extent to which courts have sanctioned the use of no-knock raids by police SWAT teams (occurring at a rate of 70,000 to 80,000 a year and growing); the arsenal of lethal weapons available to local police agencies; the ease with which courts now dispense search warrants based often on little more than a suspicion of wrongdoing; and the inability of police to distinguish between reasonable suspicion and the higher standard of probable cause, the latter of which is required by the Constitution before any government official can search an individual or his property.

Indeed, if Winston Churchill is correct that “democracy means that if the doorbell rings in the early hours, it is likely to be the milkman,” then it’s safe to say that we no longer live in a democracy. Certainly not in a day and age when the Fourth Amendment, which was intended to protect us against the police state, especially home invasions by government agents, has been reduced to little more than words on paper.

WC: 1638
Reawaken 4th Amendment Due Govt. Corruption
John R. Houk
© October 30, 2013
Who Will Protect You from the Police? The Rise of Government-Sanctioned Home Invasions

Monday, October 28, 2013

Where Are The Saints?

MB Network in USA Chart
Justin Smith writes of American Christians and Congressmen that play the three monkeys – hear no evil, see no evil and speak no evil (whatever the order is). Christians in Muslim dominated nations are experiencing ethnic cleansing (or as Justin writes – religious cleansing). You may hear a peep here and there, BUT we should hear a roar of outrage over this indignity!

There is a war going on! The motivators behind Islam – i.e. those we call Radical Muslims – are determined to exact global Islamic domination. Our politicians and journalists are so fearful of being called prejudiced racists they are afraid to note the global extermination of Christians by Muslims. This politically correct fear is so extant that Radical Islam is growing in America so much that we are blinded by the Islamic self-claim that the majority of Muslims are Moderate. AND YET the majority of Mosques and American-Islamic organizations are closely related to funding from Radical Islamic interests in Saudi Arabia or aligned with the Radical Islam of the Muslim Brotherhood.

Well that’s my two-cents. Read Justin’s much more eloquent essay below.

JRH 10/28/13
Where Are The Saints?

By Justin O. Smith
Sent: 10/27/2013 12:50 PM

America in general and Christianity specifically have been under attack by Islam for the past forty years, and a renewed clash of Western civilization and Islam essentially has become a very real war, in which Jews and Christians are killed to amplify Islam's assumed religious superiority; and yet, many prominent Christian theologians have become accomplices of jihad, by wasting precious time and resources on futile dialogues, rather than condemning and rejecting the concepts of jihad/Holy War, martyrdom and a life that begins only after death, in the face of the self-appointed leaders of Islam.

With the collapse of the Soviet Union in 1989, Islam began to march towards a new ascendancy in many parts of the world, and, in no small part, Islam's goals have since been aided by Barack Obama's policies, which support Muslim Brotherhood and Al Qaeda terrorists in several Islamic nations, over dictators who kept the islamofascists checked and were U.S. allies; Obama's domestic policies also attack U.S. Christians, as seen in a military briefing on October 17, 2013 at Ft Hood, TX, when soldiers were told that Christian and Tea Party groups could be representative of right wing terrorist groups, and, the soldiers were warned to be careful of donating money to such groups, in order to avoid prosecution under the Uniform Military Code of Justice.

The persecution of Christians has increased significantly throughout the world over the past decade, especially in the 57 member nations of the Organization for Islamic Cooperation. A staggering 100,000 Christians are murdered annually within these nations, because of their faith, according to Vatican spokesman Monsieur Silvano Maria Tomassi; and, president Jeff King recently told FoxNews that "two-hundred million Christians currently live under persecution."

Since 1998, thousands of Christians have been killed in Egypt, Pakistan and Nigeria, with 10,000 of those murders occurring in Indonesia alone. Egypt's Coptic Christians have battled the worst attacks on their minority numbers since the 14th century, as seen through the Midnight Mass murders and the rioting of January 2010, after Hosni Mubarak's removal. And, last month,
Taliban suicide-bombers killed 85 worshippers
at All Saints' Church, which was founded in 1883 in Peshawar, Pakistan; Christians were also targeted by islamofascists during an attack on a shopping mall in Nairobi, Kenya, in which al-Shabaab terrorists released people who could answer questions about Islam and proceeded to kill 70 other people.

Most of Iraq's Christians have fled the country or been murdered, since Saddam Hussein's overthrow. In August 2004, five churches were bombed in Baghdad and Mosul. Seven more churches were bombed on one single day in July 2009, and the bombings have continued right through last week; with Assad's regime in Syria under attack by Al Qaeda and other Islamofascist groups, much the same scenario is currently playing itself out in Syria and an increase in religious cleansing will eventually turn Syria into another base and safe-haven for the world's islamofascists.

Christians... tortured, raped and murdered by being burned alive in fire-pits and beheaded in the most horrible fashion, as Muslims dance around their victims almost as though this is entertainment or a great noble deed. And these barbarians call themselves "civilized" and Islam "a religion of peace."

The islamofascists have a saying, "First the Saturday People, then the Sunday People," which means "first we kill the Jews, then we kill the Christians." When one looks at Islam in this context, through the words of its leaders, it is baffling to see such a lack of concern, anxiety, action or advocacy on the part of Christians in the United States.

America will be hard-pressed to win this war, as long as career politicians are willing to accept $2 million dollar bribes, like the $2 million then Sen. Joe Biden accepted from Iran in 2004, and as long as universities take $26 million dollar "donations" from Islamic princes, just as Harvard did in 2006; our education system and government has become ever more politicized, and they tolerate and even encourage the rise of anti-American, anti-Christian movements based on feelings of group grievance and victimhood, as some "teachers"/propagandists direct impressionable students to observe the "numerous misdeeds perpetrated by the U.S. against third world nations," and especially the Islamic world: This emboldens Muslims who see any U.S. compromise and conciliation as weakness and a sign of their own impending victory.

On September 12, 2006, at the University of Regensburg, Germany, Pope Benedict gave a wide-ranging lecture, titled "Faith, Reason, and the University-Memories and Reflections." Pope Benedict proclaimed that God cannot ask one to do something unreasonable, because He created reason. Benedict further explained that Islam, on the other hand, is predicated on the idea that God may overturn law and human reason. "Allah may demand immoral or unreasonable behavior, for he is all-powerful and demands absolute submission."

In this clash of civilizations, America needs to criticize any group, person or culture deserving of such criticism by their words and actions, especially if these actions include crimes against humanity. Americans and the Western world must drop the ethos of relativist respect for non-Western religions and cultures, especially when they do not deserve our respect and the term "respect" becomes a euphemism for "appeasement."

One must wonder over the silence of so many Western Christians, Protestant and Catholic alike, and our pastors and ministers and government officials. As noted by Representative Frank Wolf (R-VA) in January 2013, far too many are seemingly not "pained by these accounts of persecution", and they are not using their sphere of influence to raise the profile of this issue through sermons, articles and interviews. But, while Wolf castigated 300 Christian leaders for their "lack of engagement", two fine Christian leaders in Murfreesboro, TN, Reverend Darrell Whaley (Kingdom Ministries Worship Center) and Pastor Alan Jackson (World OutReach Church), had already been at the forefront of this battle for quite some time.

Dr. Justin Akujieze's words ring even more urgent now, than the day I met him (November 11, 2011), and he told a horrific, heart-wrenching story of the islamofascists essentially conquering the northern half of Nigeria. This same day, he also made an impassioned plea for his country and called for action: "Today is the last day and we must not wither. We must confront this (Islam) head-on and together we will win."

Many of us in America recognize the cautionary tale revealed in the words of Dietrich Bonhoeffer, a Lutheran pastor, who was executed for speaking out against the Nazis: "Silence in the face of evil is itself evil. Not to speak is to speak. Not to act is to act." And Islam today represents every bit as much evil as yesteryear's National Socialism.

1 Corinthians 6:2- Do ye not know that the saints shall judge the world? and if the world shall be judged by you, are ye unworthy to judge the smallest matters?

By Justin O. Smith
© Justin O. Smith
Edited by John R. Houk
All links provided by Editor

Saturday, October 26, 2013

Between a Rock and a Hard Place

Sura 4-89 Foolish Infidels
Shamim Masih writes about the perils he faces as a Christian Human Rights activist in Radical Muslim dominated Pakistan. The perils presented are not a pretty picture. Such unjust imagery should not only infuriate Christians in the West, but the very circumstance it exists should spur Western nations into international activism against the Islam that uses Supremacist Sharia Law to persecute non-Muslims within Islamic dominated nations. These days the Christians are the primary target of Islamic Supremacist persecution. Shamim looks to the USA as the most known Christian nation to act. I fear the combination of the Leftist war on Christianity and a growing weariness of foreign wars in the USA will not spark the American government toward any succor for Pakistan Christians.

JRH 10/26/13
Between a Rock and a Hard Place

By Shamim Masih
Sent: 10/25/2013 10:57 PM

ISLAMABAD: Doing journalism in a country like Pakistan, which is dominated by Muslim religious extremist, is not easy, especially when you write about religious minorities. Pakistan is perhaps ranked the third most dangerous country for reporting. The country also has one of the highest numbers of journalists threatened, kidnapped and killed.

Before partition, the vision of the Muhammad Ali Jinnah [Interesting bio on Jinnah] was of a nation that would adopt secularism to accommodate its historically multi-religious and culturally diverse population. The Christians [that] chose to stay back were assured of security and basic equal rights. Sadly, what is happening is at total variance to the vision. Today, the very existence of these communities are under threats. It seems that Pakistan exists as an Islamic state, comprising only of Sunni-State [similar to] Saudi Arabia. Pakistan has been carrying out the most insidious ethnic cleaning over the last four decades right under the eyes of the world.

My aim is to create a peaceful environment in the society and to help eliminate human rights violation/persecution through my writing as I bring the plight of those brave people under spotlight of the whole world.

Pakistan, where those working to change an incredibly hostile climate for free speech have found themselves under fierce attack. So in this situation journalists do not dare to write about these activities.

Being a Christian journalist, it is indeed become more dangerous to write on minorities’ issues. Many newsrooms forbid their journalists from reporting these kinds of incidents. So it happens with me as well. Apart from my routine work, I usually write on minorities issues. So during my working with different papers in the country (knowingly I [am] not mentioning the names), my editor told me to keep it a low profile or stop it for a while, and if I had to, it [i.e. articles] would go without a byline.

Threat is routine matter; I even don’t mention these kind of phone calls or anything like this. People know me and know that even if it is without a byline, that I am writing it. Sometimes, they ask me, to whom you are working for? My answer is simple, for Christ Jesus. No one can stop me until it is God’s will. I work as a diplomatic correspondent, also covering the foreign office and Parliament House additionally [to the work] I do for my paper. Apart from my office responsibilities, I raise the voice of the most deprived portion of the society. They are usually called “chooras” (derogatory term used for Christians in Pakistan, also among the poorest sections of society and consigned to menial janitorial jobs). Sometimes they use this word – chooras - for me as well, even if it is not in my presence but I know the mentality of the stiff mind-set.

It is quite distressing to see a region that has for millenniums been the hub of civilization and religious integration, with an abiding heritage of multi-ethnicity and linguistic/cultural diversity, degenerate into a fanatical society in such a short span of time. It is astounding to see how some fanatical groups have converted rich diversity into a liability. But it will make no difference; threats are the hazards of this job [while] living in an increasingly intolerant society. The most painful is the attitude of Christian religious leadership [and their] behavior towards [their] congregation. Missionary schools have expelled the Christian students from their school. Christian institutions have hired a squad of Muslims while Christian skilled and deserving youngsters are jobless. Those who are responsible are not the visionary intellectuals and thinkers of the society; [there] are fringe elements seeking to further their business, economic and political interests by playing politics of sectarian hatred.

The world needs to take cognizance of the genocide that is slowly taking place in Pakistan. The responsibility on the United State of America is all the more acute; while being concerned about all the groups that are suffering, special attention has to be given to the Christian communities and to the people who are really deserving.    

Be Blessed,
Shamim Masih
Edited by John R. Houk
Brackets indicate Editor Additions

© Shamim Masih
Snapshot of Human Rights Activism from 2011
Christian Rights Activist
Freelance Journalist
Secretary General 
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