Thursday, July 28, 2011

New York Times reader kills dozens in Norway

Ann Coulter

Ann Coulter nails Leftists in the media as well as Leftists in general that have deceptively associated Anders Breivik with Bible believing Christians and Anti-Jihad/Anti-Islamist writers in America. Coulter takes aim at the big dog of newspaper rags the New York Times. BREIVIK WAS NO BIBLE BELIEVING CHRISTIAN!

JRH 7/28/11

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Breivik Massacres because of Islam

Anders Behring Breivik as assassin

It’s Anti-Jihad/Anti-Islamist Bloggers Fault?
John R. Houk
© July 26, 2011

Anders Behring Breivik is a name that will go down in history as the craziest or wickedest or both of men in history. Breivik may also go down in history as the individual icon that Leftists and Muslim apologists will utilize to condemn anti-jihadist and anti-islamist writers and bloggers as racist inciters of murder and massacres.

Breivik went on a murder spree in which the media at first told the world there were 93 victims. The victim count has continued to shrink since the original senseless murder of his fellow Norwegians. The last count I read was 76.

I have to be honest with you. I only heard of this act of terrorism in blips and pieces without paying attention. I simply presumed European Muslims went psycho again. Then I received an email from Brigitte Gabriel of ACT for America expressing her horror with the unmistakable certainty that she condemned this act of perfidy by Breivik. This is when I began to surf the Net for a bit more detail clarity.

At this moment I only knew the perpetrator was a Norwegian. So, I Googled “Norwegian terrorist” and Breivik’s name came up soon enough. As I was preparing to type his name to perhaps bring up more info on Breivik I noticed something disturbing. I noticed the MSM was associating Breivik as a Right Wing Christian fanatic that hates Muslims. I continued on to Google the terrorist’s full name.

Yep, there was no doubt. Breivik was heavily into anti-Islamic thinking to the level of hatred. He did not really identify with the Christian faith as much as he did with the civilization that has emerged from Christianity.

The Google listings made it clear that media organizations on both sides of the pond were going out of their way to blame American anti-Jihad/anti-Islamist bloggers for Breivik’s murder spree. Frankly this includes yours truly.

Breivik wrote a 1500 page manuscript of which some may have been plagiarized from actual Right Wing terrorists such as the Unabomber. The Left Wing Slanted ThinkProgress posted some rather pointed thoughts gleaned by Lee Fang.

… Many of the leading Islamophobes who inspired Breivik have also been responsible for a rising tide of hate campaigns, from the so-called “Ground Zero Mosque” hysteria to a disturbing trend of demonstrations against Muslim Americans across the country:

– Breivik cites neoconservative Islamophobe Frank Gaffney on opposition to Turkey joining the EU, and reprints a post from Gaffney’s think tank, the Center for Security Policy: Gaffney, a former Reagan official, is a regular on Fox News, a writer for the Washington Times op-ed page, a sought-after speaker at major conservative conferences, and a ubiquitous talking head on talk radio. His think tank created a website to orchestrate protests against the the (sic) so-called “Ground Zero Mosque” in Manhattan. When he is not arguing that President Obama is a secret agent of the Muslim Brotherhood or claiming that radical Muslims have infiltrated the top levels of American government, he is calling for people who practice Islam to be prosecuted under sedition laws.

– Breivik cites blogger Pamella (sic) Geller several times in his manifesto, reprints articles praising her: Geller, the writer behind the popular anti-Muslim blog Atlas Shrugs, has been perhaps the most proactive anti-Muslim activist, given the fact she was the first to smear the planned Park51 community center as a “victory mosque” and was involved in demonstrations against the construction before most of the media gained an interest. As Geller travels the country promoting her belief that Muslims are an inherent threat to American society, she has been connected to protests against mosques in California, Tennessee, and other states.

– Breivik posts a 45-minute interview with Brigitte Gabriel, a leading organizer of grassroots anti-Muslim activism: Gabriel is the author of several popular anti-Muslim books, is the founder of ACT! For America, a group Gabriel created to engineer a permanent activism base for efforts to scapegoat Muslim Americans. Her group has collaborated with Tea Party groups, pushed bans on Sharia law in states, and mobilized a vicious hate rally in Orange County earlier this year. In an interview with ThinkProgress, Gabriel confessed that she regularly advises Homeland Security Committee Chairman Rep. Peter King (R-NY).

– Breivik extensively quotes Robert Spencer, a leading anti-Muslim writer sponsored by David Horowitz: Spencer’s blog Jihad Watch, along with Geller’s site (Spencer and Geller created the group “Stop Islamization of America” to distribute action alerts), have driven anti-Muslim memes in the news for years. Sponsored by David Horowitz’s think tank, Jihad Watch has led efforts to purge the Republican Party of Muslim Americans and is a constant purveyor of strange anti-Muslim claims, like one recently that former Rep. Anthony Weiner (D-NY) had secretly converted to Islam. Despite his links to Holocaust deniers and other unsavory individuals, Spencer provides punditry for Fox News, National Review, and other top conservative media organs. ThinkProgress has found his books sold at CPAC, the College Republican conference, and events for Young Americans for Freedom.

– Breivik linked ten times to video clips for the movie Obsession, a documentary created by a secretive group called the Clarion Fund: In 2008, a mysterious organization called the Clarion Fund mailed the documentary Obsession to 28 million households in swing states leading up to the election. The movie argues that Muslims are waging a war against America, and will stop at nothing to destroy western civilization. Clarion has subsequently produced more films, which are distributed and publicized widely by Geller, Gabriel, Spencer and other leading anti-Muslim activists. The group is chaired by a number of prominent Islamophobes, including Gaffney and Daniel Pipes.

Lee Fang’s tone has become the norm of the Left oriented MSM and Leftist bloggers in general. Fang included a dozen or so resource links in the excerpt I used above to strengthen his position on we wicked Islamophobes – you will have to go ThinkProgress to check out Fang’s sources. Breivik’s murder spree is going to become an excuse to vilify anti-jihadist/anti-Islamist bloggers as racist spewers of hate. I am surprised Fang did not include Dutch MP Geert Wilders that had just won a free speech issue in Netherlands for the right to speak the truth about Islam in Documentary, writing and in public.

In Europe Breivik’s massacre quite possibly will reverse the success of Wilders’ victory in Court. Some Leftists are comparing the incident to the plight of Muslims in the West.

That plight goes something like this: The amount of Muslims that are violent calling for Jihad against Westerners, Americans, Christians and Jews is a small minority of Muslims. It is unfair to blame all Muslims as violent because a fraction of Muslims are violent.

The Leftist bloggers and writers trying to sound above the fray has pointed out that Breivik is not representative of Christianity and that this should be a wake-up call by the West – Americans in particular – to not look with disdain upon Islam when only a handful of Muslim preach and act out violent Jihad.

I have read in places that the percentage of Muslims that are radicalized is roughly 7% to 10%. For the sake of argument let’s go with 7% as radicalized Muslims. According to a Pew study released on 1/27/11 the Muslim population in 2010 was 1.6 billion. Seven percent of 1.6 billion is 112 million (112,000,000). That is a lot of people willing to act out violently to perpetuate the purist Islamic agenda of Mohammed in spreading Islam violently.

There are about 2.26 billion Christians (2009) in the World with about 235 million Christians in the USA (CIA World Fact Book: 75% Christian of 313,232,000 U.S. population). Of those 235 million Christians how many can be labeled as Christian Extremists that promote or act out violence to turn the world to Christianity? In full disclosure Google did not cooperate in finding those percentages or numbers of Christian Extremists. Perhaps I did not input the key correct words in my search. What I did find was a bit disheartening.

In my efforts to find statistics on Christian Extremism I found many links pointing to Breivik with denunciations of Christians who dislike Islam in general. The next thing I discovered is that many Christians and Christian organizations that stand for Biblical Morality and Family Values were lumped into the same groups as White Supremacists, Aryan Nation, Christian Nationalism or any group that would deem themselves affiliated to Christianity but promote the use of violence to bring about an American or global transformation based on the hate of those labeled as “the other” in thinking, believing or racial lines.

A classic example of this one group fits all mentality is the Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC). The SPLC has gone out of its way to label Pro-Life groups and Family Values groups as hate groups because they stand for Biblical Morality; e.g. abortion is murder or homosexuality is a sin. Adding fuel to the fire the SPLC is beginning to attack Anti-Jihad/Anti-Islamist bloggers as bigoted racist hating Islamophobes while ignoring the prominence of Jew-hatred in a significant amount of American-Mosques and American-Islamic organizations that promote themselves as moderate Muslims. I am not talking about defending Islamic religion as something that is threatening to life and limb of Muslims. Rather the typical literature is placing the old Czarist Russian propaganda tool of The Protocols of the Elders of Zion as a fact that Jews are conspiring to bring the entire world under Jewish hegemony. Hello! Jews as a faith are an insular group as far as Orthodoxy goes. These guys want to live in their parcel of land serving the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob while being left alone. There is no desire to conquer to spread Judaism. Orthodox Jews in the West pretty much keep to themselves making an effort to be separate from non-Jews. Now this insular-inclusivity may not be the same among Jews which are Conservative, Reformed or Jews proud of their heritage and yet not religious whatsoever.
If I was a Muslim wishing to expose the nature of Christianity according to the Bible I would be saying something like, “Beware of those Christians that make a man a son of Allah and have elevated him to a position co-equal with Allah. That man was stolen from our Quran and plagiarized as Prophet Jesus. They claim Prophet Jesus died on a Cross and came back alive bodily three days later. We Muslims know that Prophet Jesus never died on a Cross and lived a full life teaching the ways of merciful Allah. Those Christian fellas will tell you there Allahs but some all three are mysteriously on Allah. And yada yada and yada yada.”

This would be Muslim exposing the difference between Christian theology and Islamic theology. However, you will not read such an exposé contrasting one truth as better than another.

Anti-Jihadist/Anti-Islamist will take texts from the Quran, Hadith and Sira and expound in context on how those holy words are there because Mohammed was the example to follow to spread Islam not only as a superior truth but to force others to accept the superiority of Allah and his Prophet Mohammed with a rigor that is still honored today – IN THE PRESENT – that require denial of human rights if Islam is insulted or dishonored according an evolving Sharia Law derived from Islamic jurists over the centuries. Friends, that apple Sharia Law has not rolled too far from the medieval concepts of rights and justice amended by an Arab reformer known as Mohammed. Let’s be honest though Mohammed did great things to reform a lot of practices that were not cool in Arabic culture. On the other hand Mohammed used religion to indoctrinate followers into believing they were operating in the will of a deity to war, collect booty, slaves and turn the conquered into people without rights as they were indoctrinated into the cult of Islam. Those that converted to Islam discovered a better life. Those that chose loyalty to their old faith continued in abject drudgery which included a tax for alleged protection. Does anyone ever ask, “Protection from what?” Surely the protection was not needed from the Religion of Peace, right?

A Muslim apologist will usually obfuscate the text of Quran, Hadith and Sira by taking Old Testament acts of violence ordered by God for Jews to come and claim their Promised Land. Let’s say those years were violent and atrocious which the Jews did at the command of God. Jews ended the genocidal conquest after the Land was conquered which was not completed incidentally. How does that compare to the Islamic call for perpetual Jihad until the whole earth is Islamic.

Ok the whole point is that Breivik is a murderer that needs to be punished, but to blame Anti-Jihadist/Anti-Islamic bloggers is ludicrous. Breivik at best is demented and at worst insane. I mean the guy became hate-filled. His hate may have grown after reading the expositions of bloggers, but the bloggers that are serious about truth in no way incited Breivik to kill around 70 people at an island camp that were not even Muslim. If this was a film the disclaimer can read: No Muslims were harmed in this movie.

JRH 7/26/11
The Norway terrorist

By Brigitte Gabriel
Sent: 7/25/2011 4:35 PM
Sent by ACT for America

We in ACT! for America join those around the world who are shocked and deeply saddened by the mass murder spree in Norway. We grieve for those killed, for their families, and for their friends.

This touches me very personally. I have seen friends murdered by terrorists and I have felt the unspeakable pain of that loss.

We also join those around the world who condemn, in the strongest words possible, the unconscionable actions of Anders Behring Breivik.

Not surprisingly, Brevik’s 1,500 page manifesto is being combed for clues as to why he would perpetrate such a heinous act of terrorism.

For instance, a
New York Times article states Breivik was “deeply influenced by a small group of American bloggers and writers who have warned for years about the threat from Islam…” He also frequently quoted the Unabomber.

Predictably, and sadly, there are those who have started the drumbeat that rhetoric critical of radical Islam is the cause of this tragedy. We have seen ludicrous online posts conjuring up comparisons to Breivik and conservative American political leaders that I won’t dignify by reprinting here.

This is reminiscent of what happened after the Tucson shooting spree, when many in the press jumped to conclusions that Jared Loughner was a “right winger” or a “tea party activist.”

column by Mark Tapson
in FrontPageMagazine has some very important points in this regard.

Breivik is a terrorist. His targeting of helpless schoolchildren makes him no better than the slaughterers at Beslan…. There is no connection between the legitimate, courageous, lawful work of notable anti-jihadists and such evil. No true Christian, conservative, or responsible critic of jihad would condone Breivik’s despicable, cowardly acts or deem them to be in accordance with our beliefs and values. Much less would we celebrate those acts, unlike our Islamist counterparts.

In my home country of Lebanon I saw first-hand what happens when terrorism and violence is used to undermine democracy. When 9/11 happened, I made a vow that I would not allow what happened to my country of birth happen to my adopted country.

This is why the mission of the organization I founded, ACT! for America, has ALWAYS been and will ALWAYS be a call to constructive, peaceful and democratic citizen action through education, community action, and legislation.

Always devoted,

Brigitte Gabriel
Ideologically-driven illogic

Sent by ACT for America
Sent: 7/26/2011 1:18 PM

The ideologically-driven illogic of New York Times columnist Roger Cohen

New York Times columnist Roger Cohen exceeded all of our expectations in his remarkably illogical column below (SlantRight Editor: Not included in this post) entitled “Breivik and His Enablers.” Space does not permit a detailed analysis of what he wrote, but here are the high points.

1.  He uses the phrase “racist Islamophobia,” and just to be sure we don’t miss the point, he later writes of “anti-Muslim racism.” As Cohen surely knows, Islam isn’t a “race” any more than Christianity is. But playing the race card to demonize those with whom you disagree has become standard operating procedure for people like Cohen.

2.  He foolishly and falsely compares Breivik’s illusions of creating a new Knights Templar order to the call for the restoration of the caliphate by Osama bin Laden. The problem for Cohen, however, is that there is a global Islamist movement for the restoration of the caliphate, led by the Muslim Brotherhood. As far as we know, there is no worldwide movement to resurrect the Crusades.

3.  Cohen calls Rep. Peter King and former Speaker of the House Newt Gingrich “ideological fellow travelers” of Breivik. King’s “crime,” of course, is to have the audacity to hold congressional hearings investigating Islamic radicalization in America. Cohen can’t just disagree with King’s actions; he has to demonize King by calling him a “fellow traveler” with a maniacal mass murdering terrorist.

4.  Cohen writes, “Muslims have not done enough…to denounce those who deformed their religion in the name of jihadist murder.” For Cohen to claim that the practice of violent jihad is a deformation of Islamic doctrine betrays an astonishing ignorance of that doctrine as well as its history.

We would suggest, for starters, that Cohen read the history behind why Thomas Jefferson purchased a Koran. (The short answer is that he wanted to understand why the Barbary Pirates were engaging in what they called “jihad” against Americans.) He could then move on to Andrew Bostom’s The Legacy of Jihad.

No doubt we will see more of the ideologically-driven illogic displayed in Cohen’s column. The reason is simple: the apologists for radical Islam cannot defend the facts about radical Islam, so their only play is to attempt to silence anyone who exposes the truth. This includes the shameful exploitation of a horrendous tragedy in Norway.
Breivik Massacres because of Islam
John R. Houk
© July 26, 2011

The Norway terrorist – and - Ideologically-driven illogic

ACT for America is an issues advocacy organization dedicated to effectively organizing and mobilizing the most powerful grassroots citizen action network in America, a grassroots network committed to informed and coordinated civic action that will lead to public policies that promote America’s national security and the defense of American democratic values against the assault of radical Islam. We are only as strong as our supporters, and your volunteer and financial support is essential to our success. Thank you for helping us make America safer and more secure. 

Sunday, July 24, 2011

The New York Homosexual Mafia

Ruben Diaz - NY Assembly Senate

John R. Houk
© July 24, 2011

Not long ago the State of New York joined five other States in the Union making the ungodly act of same-sex marriage as part of the law of the land. The sadness about this reprobate law is that it could have easily been defeated.

The Republicans hold a two seat advantage in the Senate of the New York Assembly meaning the GOP is the majority Party. According to Senate Assembly rules the Majority Leader can prevent any bill from an up and down vote on the Senate Floor. The Senate majority Leader Dean Skelos failed in Christian morality by allowing such a sinful Bill to come to the Floor for a vote.

The next failure was that some Republicans defected from family values and voted with Democrats to pass the Bill.

The irony of the legal depravity in New York was the primary anti-same-sex Senator was a liberal Democrat from South Bronx. Senator Ruben Diaz is also a Pentecostal Minister and actually did his part in promoting Christians to bus into Albany to show their support for traditional marriage. How a Pentecostal Preacher can be a liberal Democrat boggles my mind but God bless him for being more vocal than Republicans who are supposed to represent family values.

The Senate passed the Marriage Equality Depravity Act 2011 with a 33-29 vote. Of the 29 nays Senator Ruben Diaz was the only Democrat. The votes that brought homosexual validation to the State of New York were Republicans:

·       James Alesi

·       Mark Grisanti

·       Roy MacDonald

·       Stephen Saland

Even this Marriage Equality Depravity Act passed and was signed by Governor Cuomo five minutes before midnight on June 24th. Senator Diaz became the recipient of some of the most vile hate mail (mostly email) using prolific negative metaphors and even death threats. I am guessing the homosexuals that demand tolerance for their depraved lifestyle are not so tolerant of a Christian voting to the values of Christianity as espoused in God’s Holy Word.

Senator Diaz writes about this in a press release from his website:

Unashamed To Be A Christian
By Senator Reverend Ruben Diaz
July 7, 2011

On June 24th I voted my conscience and opposed Governor Andrew Cuomo's key piece of social legislation in the New York State Senate that redefines our marriage laws away from the traditional definition of one man and one woman. I was the only Democrat in the Senate to vote against this legislation, and I wear my vote as a badge of honor.

I have been congratulated by religious leaders and constituents not only from my district, but from districts all over New York State. I have received messages of encouragement and gratitude from people throughout the United States. Alberto Martinez tweeted: "Jesus said: 'Whoever is ashamed of Him and His words, the Son of Man will also be ashamed of such person at His coming.' Bravo Senator Diaz." All of these supporters know that I am unashamed to be a Christian. If we talk the talk, we must walk the walk.

Although Republican Senate Leader Dean Skelos ushered the gay marriage vote to the floor in order to make the 11:00PM news, and even though the vote passed, the hatred that has spewed in my direction before June 24th continues.

Yesterday I received a series of five emails in my Senate account from one person that read like homicidal rantings: "You eat shit. You are shit." "There is no worse person on Earth than you. God has told me so." "You worthless pile of human excrement!!!" "I hope you die! I hope you die soon! I'm waiting for you to die!" "Satan would sooner nail a stake through your heart than admit to knowing you. Your very own lover!!!"

To err on the side of caution and especially since one of the messages awaits my demise, those emails were properly reported to the FBI.

Those messages suggest that even though the gay marriage vote passed, that author did not get what he wanted which suggests to me that for some reason, I am the embodiment of his disappointment.  He may also be upset because I am unashamed of my vote.

Last Tuesday, a website posted an article titled: "Sen. Ruben Douchebag: I Made History." The tag labels that follow that online piece are as vulgar as possible. I quote them here not to amplify their vulgarity, but to let people know the ever-growing hatred freely expressed by those who claim to promote tolerance: "assholery, batshittery, bigotry, bovine spongiform encephalopathy, douchenozzles, evil, and f***weasels".

I am amazed that the author of that site continues to fixate on me as he does. I was told that he even tweeted about me just one hour after the supposed May 21 rapture: "An hour past #Rapture in New York City and this town is still infested with Sen. Ruben Diaz and his filthy ilk. #Disappointed."

For all intents and purposes I am a stranger to this person, yet for some reason I have his full attention. As a religious leader I thank the Lord that he continues to pay attention to my efforts to spread the Word of God. I hope and pray that since he seems to be a grown man, he will try to no longer promote vulgarity, indecency and hatred online or elsewhere.

After the June 24 vote, so many people who disguise themselves as victims and decry bullies hide behind their computer screens and demonstrate what is called "keyboard courage" by posting hateful and vicious comments about me.

In the great spirit of interfaith unity I will continue to work to promote what the late Pope John Paul II called the Culture of Life and continue to highlight the actions of the opposition which is still not pleased even with their declared victory in New York against traditional marriage.

For my part, I will continue to be unashamed to be a Christian.

The homosexual lobby used threats and strong tactics to smash their same-sex depravity law through the New York Assembly and to Governor Cuomo’s pen. I guess one can call this the tactics of homosexual mafia.

Here is a rather lengthy description of the process that has brought shame to New York that you probably did not read in the Mainstream Media that has been brainwashing Americans to accept the homosexual lifestyle.

JRH 7/24/11 (Hat Tip: Solid Snake)

Friday, July 22, 2011

Let’s Help Geller Beat Lawfare

Pamela Geller lg

John R. Houk
© July 22, 2011

Remember how Rifqa Bary’s purist Muslim (i.e. Radical Islamic) parents tried to force their 16 year old daughter home after she fled for her life to Florida? Rifqa had converted to Christianity in Ohio and was found out by the family. In essence apostacizing in Islam according to the Quran and Hadith is reason enough for a death sentence. Rifqa feared she would be the victim of an honor killing so she departed with the help of a charismatic Church in Florida.

This is where things got a little thorny in the legal realm.

Once Mo Bary found out where her daughter was he proceeded with legal measures to extradite her from Florida back to Ohio proclaiming all the time that his precious baby-girl, (by now) 17 year old Rifqa had nothing to fear from her crazy – err – doting parents.

Pamela Geller continuously kept Rifqa in the news with her blogging efforts. Geller is a renowned anti-jihadist and anti-Islamist blogger. Geller receives vitriol from Leftists and Muslim apologists much like Ann Coulter does with her anti-Left Conservative humor. Geller is a hero by showing no fear to the violence and legal jihad that flows toward people who take a stand against the evil portions of the Quran, Hadith, Sira and Sharia Law.

Rifqa stuck to her guns and claimed her father had accosted her prior to fleeing to Florida. One thing Rifqa feared was if she was returned to her parents that they would ship off to Sri Lanka. The Bary’s were legal resident aliens. If Rifqa was sent back to Sri Lanka she felt the honor killing would be carried out there.

Rifqa managed to stay free from her Parents in Ohio by being remanded to juvenile detention until a Judge could decide her fate. The stall tactic worked for as soon as Rifqa turned 18 she applied for her own resident status which was granted. Wisely Rifqa Bary has drifted from the public eye to continue to evade the threat of an honor killing.

So why do I rehash this legal victory for Rifqa Bary?

Bary’s lawyer in Ohio sued Pamela Geller for her part in keeping Rifqa free. Attorney Omar Tarazi is claiming defamation. Tarazi is taking the stand that his connections with CAIR does not he has a connection with Islamic terrorists. The suit against Geller is for 10 MILLION bucks.

Pamela Geller and is becoming a victim of Legal Jihad or what call Lawfare. The lawyer(s) handling the Bary’s side has had connections to CAIR. CAIR is the certified unindicted co-defendant from the Holy Land Foundation (HLF) case in which key HLF people were found guilty of funneling money to Hamas the Islamic terrorist organization representing the Muslim Brotherhood in Gaza (Gazastan-Hamastan).

As pointed out by Julia Gorin writing for Political Mavens: Are we going to allow Geller to fight this legal battle alone? Dear God in Heaven I pray not! Geller has a pro-bono lawyer; nonetheless legal costs arise and the money has to come from somewhere. If you are one wishing to take a stand against Islamic Lawfare you have to truly consider donating some dough to Geller’s Defense to overcome her being buried by moneyed lawyers that will keep legal motions going to bankrupt Geller and her lawyer with legal fees perhaps without even losing the case to the Bary family.

JRH 7/22/11 (Hat Tip: Grendel Report)

Thursday, July 21, 2011

The Ark Restored Unto Israel

Ark-Covenant and Solomon

Norma Zager writes of the Ark of the Covenant from a Jewish perspective. Zager’s little essay is awesome! It is a perspective to NOT redivide Jerusalem by giving the Old City half to Muslims who wish only to possess it so the Jews do not.

JRH 7/21/11

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Judea-Samaria: Disputed or Occupied?

Judea-Samaria Map

John R Houk
© July 20, 2011

Israel's Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs Danny Ayalon explains the reality of the non-existence of an Arab nation known a Palestine. The area called the West Bank by geopoliticians did not exist prior to 1967. The area was part of the British Mandate for Palestine which originally included present day Israel, Jordan, Gaza and the Golan Heights in 1917. The reason for the existence of the British Mandate for Palestine was to provide the return of Jews to their homeland according to the Balfour Declaration and the now defunct League of Nations.

Between 1917 and 1948 Jews came back to the land they were ejected from their home by the Romans. Arabs originally could care less about returning Jews until the influence of the Grand Mufti Amin el-Husseini infected the area with a combination of Arab Nationalism, Hitler’s Nazi principles toward Jews and a bit of the return to purist Islam of the Muslim Brotherhood. By 1939 el-Husseini Muslim Arabs were stirred into becoming hostile toward the Jews returning to their homeland.

The year 1939 was the beginning of WWII for the British. Rioting between Jews and Arabs was not a pleasant thought to judge by the British. The British were counting on the Arab allies that had been made during and after WWI to keep Nazi Germany from acquiring the then increasingly important oil that was just beginning to flow toward the West. The Brits would have completely sided with the Arabs of the Mandate for Palestine had not el-Husseini became the voice of Nazi Germany to the Arab World during WWII as well as organizing European Muslims of the Balkan area to fight for Germany and kill Jews.

Great Britain’s (United Kingdom) National Interests became more important than the promises made to Jews. The math was simple: There were more Muslim-Arabs in strategic areas necessary for Great Britain and the Allied Nations to have resources to defeat Hitler’s Germany as well as to prevent the Nazis from using those same strategic areas. The 2000 years of guilt for Western oppression of Jews was overcome by the necessity of keeping evil from ruling a large chunk of the world.

Then facts began to arise that were too great for the Allied victors of WWII to keep from their citizens. Jews were exterminated to the tune of nearly SIX MILLION by Hitler’s Final Solution. After WWII tons of Jews wanted to move back to their homeland. The British continued with the halt of Jewish Aliyah (moving back to the Land of the Jews) that began just after 1929 to appease Muslims now in full swing toward Jew-hatred. When it became apparent that the British would now not support a Jewish State, Jewish militancy went on the rise to meet Muslim terrorism with Jewish terrorism. The Brits became fed up with the scenario and left their Mandate for Palestine arbitrarily in the same year that Jewish leaders managed to unite the various Jewish militants together and unilaterally declare Israel as a sovereign nation in 1948. The same year Muslim Arab nations in the British orbit of influence invaded the new nation of Israel with the intention of killing all the Jews and splitting the rest of the British Mandate of Palestine between each invading nation.

It didn’t work out that way though. The undermanned and under gunned Israel Defense Forces (IDF) managed a defeat all of the invaders except Transjordan (now Jordan). Transjordan’s army was called the Arab Legion and was British trained and British led. That means a British general led the Arab Legion to the gates of Jerusalem’s Old City in which laid the then immense Jewish Quarter. I am not clear if the IDF stalled the Arab Legion advance or if the British Officers chose not to proceed further because of the losses of the other Arab invading armies. In either case Transjordan was in possession of part of the British Mandate of Palestine. Soon after an Israeli-Transjordanian armistice Transjordan formally annexed the area they captured and renamed their nation Jordan. The reasoning being Jordan was in possession of both sides of the Jordan River with old Transjordan being on the East Bank and newly conquered areas of the old British Mandate on the West Bank. Hence there is the name West Bank.
There were several wars between Muslim nations and Israel all to exterminate the Jewish State. In 1967 the Muslim Arab nations were again massing their forces in an attempt to drive Jews into the sea. The 1967 war is called the Six-Day War. Egypt began a blockade of Israel’s Red Sea port as well as massing of troops along the Israel border. Syria also began to mass forces but added shelling toward the Israeli side of its border. Jordan was reluctant to be a part of the hostility against Israel but felt they had to engage against Israel as a show of Arab-Muslim unity against Israel.

The sliver of a nation known as Israel was watching as its enemies were about to begin an invasion by Egypt and Syria that was meant to be a genocidal war against Jews. Should Israel play the waiting game of defense in which the odds were heavy that Israel would cease to exist? NO!

Israel attacked Egypt and Syria preemptively laying waste to their air forces. Egypt called for Jordan to start a front with the lie that the Egyptian army had successfully began their invasion and Syria was to follow suit. Against Jordan’s better judgment coupled with some bad Intel Jordan began their invasion. Israel spanked Jordan’s army forcing a retreat across the Jordan River acquiring back the Old City of Jerusalem (aka East Jerusalem) and the area Jordan termed as the West Bank.

So one has to ask: How can the area renamed as the West Bank by Jordan become called an occupied area when that part of the Mandate of Palestine was itself occupied by Jordan’s British led army?

Most Israeli citizens call the area Judea and Samaria as relative to Biblical Scriptures. Deputy Defense Minister Danny Ayalon claims at worst the area should not be designated as occupied but rather as disputed territory.

JRH 7/20/11 (Hat Tip: Milonga De Una Mora Judia)

“The Undefeated’s” Excellent Box Draw

John R. Houk
© July 20, 2011

One of my sons speaks the Sarah Palin like he has mucky gravel in his mouth. We were having a discussion about the success or failure of the Palin friendly movie “The Undefeated.”

I told that in comparison to other movies “The Undefeated” did just fine regardless of Left Wing critics and movie critics that are in the tank filled with Palin Derangement Syndrome.

My son simply replied that the weekend of July 17, 2011 the Palin friendly movie only grossed $65,132. I am guessing his point was that “The Undefeated” was not even microscopically close to the big box office leader of “Harry Potter.”

The following is the number 1, number 2 and “The Undefeated” numbers for the weekend of 7/17/11 by average gross. Note that the Number 2 grossing movie had an estimated less per/theater average than “The Undefeated”. (Source: Box Office Mojo and one of my sons (for “The Undefeated”).

Harry Potter
Theaters: 4,375
Average per/Theater: $38700
Theaters: 3,917
Average per/Theater: $5445
The Undefeated
Theaters: 10
Average per/Theater: $6500

The Undefeated” really was not close to “Harry Potter” with the per/theater average; however the Palin documentary fared better than: “Transformers” which was number two in the gross. I would have to say did a superior job on its opening weekend.

JRH 7/20/11

Muslims Burn Christians Alive

Cote d'Ivoire on African Continent map 2

John R. Houk
© July 20, 2011

I don’t know how long this YouTube video will be up. It demonstrates the Religion of Peace burning Christians alive in the African nation of Cote d’Ivoire.

Religious Divisions of Cote d’Ivoire:

In 2002, approximately 30% of the population were Christian, with the majority (about 19%) affiliated with the Roman Catholic Church. There are a number of Protestant denominations represented in the country, including Methodist, Baptist, Assemblies of God, and the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. About 1% belong to the Harrist Church, a Protestant denomination founded in 1913 by the Liberian minister William Hade Harris. There are also a number of syncretic religions combining Christian tenets with African traditional customs and beliefs. These include the Church of the Prophet Papa Nouveau and Eckankar. About 39% of the population are Muslim, nearly 12% practice traditional indigenous religions, and about 17% claim no religious preference or affiliation. There are a small number of Buddhists.

Horrific graphic warning, but it is the truth of Sharia Law and Islam.

JRH 7/20/11 (Hat Tip: Infidels United)