Sunday, April 14, 2019

Israel’s Moral History – Pay Attention USA

John R. Houk
© April 14, 2019

America is a great nation struggling to maintain its greatness largely due a stark ideological divide between Left-Wing and Conservative visions.

History illustrates many great nations and (gasp) empires lost their greatness due to moral depreciation. One could probably write a book illustrating the rise and fall of nations related to a people’s declining moral values. Saying it with a large dose of un-academic slang, “I ain’t gonna write that book.”

Yet due to the nature of my faith one historical nation/kingdom that should get America’s attention is Israel and later the divided lower half – Judah.

Biblically a group of Hebrew slaves found deliverance from Egypt then journeyed to a land Promised to their Hebrew ancestors Abraham, Isaac and Jacob (rechristened Israel). After a period of a sort of confederated Judgeships, the Hebrew tribes united under one King who was Saul. Saul had some moral issues in obedience to God losing his crown which came upon David son of Jesse. David then his son Solomon maintained a unified Israel while alive.

David had a moral failure with another man’s wife that resulted in that wife becoming pregnant by David. That led David to set the husband up for a military suicide mission which was essentially murder by proxy. David married the slain husband’s wife Bathsheba. The child conceived in adultery and further tainted by murder was allowed by God to die. David and Bathsheba’s next son would eventually succeed his father David. David looked the other way as some of his older sons entered sinful avenues I won’t go into. BUT for clarity, David always owned up to his choices which God Almighty honored by calling David a man after His own heart.

Solomon turned into a ladies’ man by having a thousand wives and concubines of which many were foreign women who maintained their pagan religion violating Commandment number one: “You shall have no other gods before Me.” One might argue Solomon reigned with wisdom yet his marital choices undoubtedly planted the seeds of his descendants drawing away from God rather than near.

After Solomon’s death bad character training of the next king in Rehoboam led to Israel dividing into two kingdoms. The ten northern Hebrew tribes became Israel and descended into ungodly paganism to the point God allowed Assyria to conquer and depopulate the ten Hebrew tribes (between the years 734 BC – 724 BC). Often called the lost tribes of Israel now deemed with legends and myths about their lot in history.

The two southern Hebrew tribes of Judah and Benjamin formed the Kingdom of Judah that retained the royal lineage of David and Solomon. These descended Kings rippled back and forth kings supporting pagan religions and the faith Jewish heritage which eventually became today’s Judaism. With each pagan king Judah more and reflected what Biblical standards would expose as the moral depravity of the religious practices of pagan religions. God allows the Babylonian captivity (circa 586 BC) of most of Judah’s population especially those that might be called the intelligentsia. There have always been a Jewish people in the Holy Land but only as a remnant after deportations and repatriations. The Babylonian repatriation was a relatively short period after the Captivity. The Jewish repatriation after the Roman expulsion roughly between 70 AD and 135 AD did not occur until after the 1900s AD which accelerated after the WWI and WWII Allied victories resulting in the restoration of the nation of Israel in 1948 AD.

America’s history compared to the history of the Jewish people is like an American drip in a Jewish ocean. Nevertheless, the lessons the Jews learned the rough way is an example voting Americans – ESPECIALLY CHRISTIAN AMERICANS – should think deeply about.

Inspiring some of that deep thought is Greg Holt looking at how spiritual darkness is creeping over America if not reversed by some light, could lead to destruction for America’s greatness and Christianity’s Liberty.

JRH 4/14/19
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APRIL 14, 2019

From my forthcoming book:

Spiritual Darkness is Destroying America and the Church

Colossians 3:23-24 And whatsoever ye do, do it heartily, as to the Lord, and not unto men; 24 Knowing that of the Lord ye shall receive the reward of the inheritance: for ye serve the Lord Christ. (KJV)

The American people as a nation are at an important crossroads with equally important decisions to make.  The decisions that we make as a nation from here on out will have significant and irrevocable consequences.  This writer hopes that people will wake up from their slumber, and that other people will turn aside from their apathy and indifference.  The decisions made will affect all the people of this nation as a whole, and that includes those who are innocent.

We the People have increasingly turned away from our Father, and God is not pleased with this decision.  Without necessary changes to our national attitudes and actions, God will soon abandon us to our own devices and the result will not be pretty.  America is at an historical point, the point where the nation of the United States could literally come to an end, as in cease to exist.  I imagine some will read my words here and immediately dismiss them as ridiculous, reaching the conclusion that I am exaggerating – let me assure the reader, I am not.

If one is at all a student of history, one will see that when any and all societies reached the point of godlessness, when immorality ruled the day, when corruption was the norm not the exception, and good people were treated like criminals – this is the point where every single kingdom ever known fell, and was replaced by another.  It happened to the Romans, the Babylonians, the Medes, the Persians, and even to Israel.  The U.S. will be no different.

Time is running out for this once great nation.  In some ways we are still great, but in the ways that really matter, well we are not.  If that statement offends you, well you need a large dose of reality.  The U.S. has become a cesspool of immorality and is rapidly becoming strongly anti-God and anti-Christian.  These comments will no doubt upset some of you, and that’s fine, you don’t have to agree with me.  There are still great people in this country, good people that do good things.  However, collectively as a nation we are deeply corrupted and immoral – and most of us have no use for God.

Even the churches in this country have become seriously corrupted.  So many have lost their way, straying from the Word of God and embracing ungodly things like homosexuality.  If these churches are not willfully embracing the LGBT agenda, they are at the very least looking the other way and not teaching that it is a serious sin against God either.

Please don’t misunderstand what is being said here, these people (LGBT) are not to be mistreated or hated, but rather they should be welcomed into the church and loved by those of us who believe and follow Jesus.  This writer knows that this is a tall order and can be hard to do, but if those (all those) who do not know Christ are not exposed to those who do – how can they be expected to change?  How can they be saved?  At the same time, these people are not to be allowed into any position of authority within the Church until such time as they have repented of their ways and have given themselves fully and completely to Jesus Christ.

Far too many do not understand that it is of paramount importance – the Gospel message of Jesus Christ must not be changed, it must not be cheapened and added on to, or taken away from.  What the Bible proclaimed 2000 years ago, we need to proudly stand and proclaim that very same message today.  The Gospel is not a cheap suit to be taken off and exchanged with another one at will.  Jesus is the same yesterday, today and always – and so is His Gospel message.  It is unalterable, and unchanging, and its message remains the same.

This cannot be stressed enough, the Gospel of Jesus Christ absolutely must not be changed.  If the Words of Christ offend you, change your opinion.  If you think the Gospel must be changed for the times, you are deluded.  If your thought is that the Gospel must be watered down in order to be more attractive to unbelievers, you are an idiot.  We are here talking about the very words of God!  Not the mere inconsequential words of man who is here today and gone tomorrow.  There will be a swift and severe penalty for those that change the Word of Christ.

Matthew 24:35 Heaven and earth shall pass away, but my words shall not pass away.(KJV)

All of those in the Church must make a decision and make it soon, to follow the true and Living God, or to follow their own interpretation of God – which is no god at all.  There is only One God, and He is the God of the Bible, not the fake god so many churches of today worship in vain.  Just as all Scripture was given by divine inspiration – so too our perception of, and belief in God must be defined by the Word of God, and not by any man’s liberal interpretation of the Bible.

There is of course resistance to the idea (even within the Church) that the Bible absolutely must drive our beliefs and our values, meaning that our worldview is determined by the Bible and its teachings.  Some say that the Bible was written by men (this includes people in the Church) without divine inspiration and is therefore fallible.  Others will say that the Bible is outdated to our present time period. Yet others will say that there is no way to know which version of the Bible is authentic.

To this utter nonsense I will reply:

Does anyone who has any belief in God truly think that God was and is not perfectly capable of preserving His Word to us no matter how long ago it was written?  The very idea that the God who created the entire universe and created man out of the dust of the Earth – that this God is not capable of preserving His Words to us, is entirely laughable.  This is not a god I would follow, if this supposed god can’t even preserve his own written words to us – how is this god going to follow through on the rest of what he promised, such as eternal life with him in Heaven?  No, the God I follow has preserved His Word and He keeps His promises – guaranteed.
Israel’s Moral History – Pay Attention USA
John R. Houk
© April 14, 2019
America is at a Crossroads, What Choice Will You Make?

Greg Holt - Since 2013, True Conservative Pundit has featured the insightful writing and reporting of Greg Holt.  His writing has been featured on American Prophet, Conservative Firing Line, DC Clothesline, Godfather Politics, Capitol Hill Outsider, Sons of Liberty Media, Rev. Austin Miles, and others.  Greg is also the Publisher and Editor of Inspirational Christian Blogs
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