Tuesday, February 19, 2019

America's Back Is Against The Wall

Justin tells me a friend found two of his Facebook posts and melded them together into one post at The Federal Observer under the title, “Are you offended?

Justin O. Smith

Justin liked what his friend put together and submitted it to post on my blogs with two different titles to choose from. Both titles are appropriate so I used both as a primary and a subtitle.

Justin’s submission is a passionate opinion defending America and calling for support for President Donald Trump. The Trump support is under the premise of – Just think where America would be now if Trump had lost.

That would be Crooked Hillary perpetuating a corrupt Obama legacy, further corrupting the U.S. government drawing our nation closer and closer to a Marxist-Socialist despotic state devoid of the Freedom and Liberty envisioned by our Founding Fathers.

If you love America, you’ll love this opinion. If you support the Dem Party Agenda or believe the Mainstream Media lies, you undoubtedly will despise this opinion.

Where do you stand?

JRH 2/19/18
Your generosity is always appreciated:
America's Back Is Against The Wall
Fire With Fire ... By Ballot Or Bullet

By Justin O. Smith
Sent 2/18/2019 2:04 PM

Some of You out there are so anti-Trump, You would destroy the Republic rather than give him any credit for trying to save the Republic. I get it. I stand against him on some issues myself.

But to castigate him for upholding existing immigration laws and trying to provide border security, build the wall and more is just insane. You castigate him for using U.S. LAWS that CONGRESS PASSED, IN THE SAME EXACT MANNER THAT ALL PREVIOUS PRESIDENTS HAVE DONE.

He had the absolute Righteous and Legal authority to act within His National Emergency Powers as President of the United States.

And then when I go into detail on the topic You attack me as having “been played”. If You cannot discuss this topic or any other topic on the merits of the facts without focusing on me, The Messenger, JUST LEAVE.

I used the catch-phrase and self-identified as “Never Trump” in only one article, when I was supporting Senator Ted Cruz, only to drive home the point on how opposed I was to his candidacy. And as I previously noted, I find him weak in some areas, especially pertaining to the Bill of Rights.

However – THANK GOD HE WON!!!

Seeing what would have been in his place had he lost — from the weak-kneed Never Trumper status quo establishment RINO types to the Red, Radical Communist Hillary is enough to give anyone the heebie-jeebies.


[Blog Editor: Speaker Paul Ryan Betrayals:

o   Rep. Gohmert: Paul Ryan Told GOP to Run Against Trump in 2016; By Theodore Bunker; Newsmax; 12/20/18 12:34 PM 

Keep attacking Trump when it is certainly unwarranted, and You will be aiding the Democratic Party and adding one more step towards a Commie takeover of America, placing all Americans’ backs against the wall trying to fight off the ensuing tyranny.

Never in all my years did I ever think I would see so many Americans completely turn their backs on everything good and decent, that our country was founded and built upon; from honoring our Judeo-Christian roots and our philosophy that emanated from the Western Enlightenment and the Christian Bible to our God-given Rights and Life itself and the idea that marriage is between one man and one woman, and on to our freedom, the Constitution, our national sovereignty and God Himself.

“What has happened to our country? We elect Muslims who want to impeach OUR President, we want our children born without an identity, we allow thousands of people to cross our borders illegally — committing heinously evil crimes — we call a Wall immoral, and yet we condone ripping babies piece by piece out of their mother’s womb. How much more immoral can we become?

We cry for compassion as homeless Veterans and seniors suffer, yet we have compassion for invaders who are here illegally and will never serve or pay a dime.

“Americans need to STAND UP and take this country back. The time for talking about it is OVER.” ~ Ed, an American Patriot.

Yes … little by little … and now at breakneck speed, the Red, Radical Democrats have always intended to destroy our Republic, since 1913, at least, and they are on an all or nothing all-out effort to complete its destruction, using tactics they sweetly refer to as “transformation”. Evil comes like a thief in the night, and it has overcome America at the moment.

We must pray for America and help God help Us, by fighting back with everything we’ve got, peacefully if possible and to the death if necessary; failure is no option.

Fire with Fire … By ballot or bullet … at this point, I care not which … I aim to keep this America I love so well free. I owe it to my Children and Their Children’s Children.

By Justin O. Smith
Edited by John R. Houk
Source links or text embraced brackets are by the Editor.

© Justin O. Smith

Here is some info on Justin Smith courtesy of The Federal Observer at the end of its version of Justin’s opinion:

Justin O. Smith has lived in Tennessee off and on most of his adult life, and graduated from Middle Tennessee State University in 1980, with a B.S. and a double major in International Relations and Cultural Geography – minors in Military Science and English, for what it’s worth. His real education started from that point on.

Smith worked 8 years for the LaVergne Fire Department – two years as their clean-up boy – and became a working fireman at age 16, working his way through college and subsequently joining the U.S. Army.

Since then he primarily has contracted construction and traveled – spending quite a bit of time up and down the Columbia River Gorge, in the Puget Sound [and] on Whidby Island and down around Ft. Lauderdale and South Beach. Justin currently writes a weekly column for The Rutherford Reader in Murfreesboro, TN, which he calls home, in addition to being a frequent contributor to the Federal Observer – and spend as much time as possible with his two beautiful and intelligent daughters and five grandchildren. Justin Love God, Family and Our Majestic and Wonderful America, and am a Son of Liberty.

[Blog Editor: I grew up in Washington and the reason I linked some information on Justin’s Washington State journeys. To get an idea how big and ling the Columbia River is, I grew up in Ellensburg located in Central Washington about 20-miles east is an unincorporated town of Vantage which is on the shores of parts of the Columbia River. I spent a good deal of my childhood and teenage days in the Vantage (surrounding area view), the Gorge at George, Wanapum Dam, Mattawa-WA (dirt biking & isolated areas for teenage frolicking), and Wanapum Recreation Park area. Fond memories indeed.]

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