Saturday, May 7, 2016


Tony Newbill Left a comment to my “It’s Time to PREVENT a Dem from POTUS” on the NCCR Blog. The same post at SlantRight 2.0 garnered 1918 views as of today. The essence of that post is that I am Cruzer but we Conservatives should unite under the Trump aegis to make sure crooked Hillary the closet Alinsky-Marxist is not elected to perpetuate the third term of the America-destroying Obama. Between Facebook Groups and Google+ Communities I was quite astonished that there so much Conservative venom against Trump that many said they would write-in Ted Cruz or simply not vote. By the way that sort of anti-Trump venom ensures crooked Hillary is elected POTUS making difficult to impossible for the USA to retrieve American Exceptionalism.

Tony Newbill takes an entirely different tact for encouraging a Trump vote. This quote provides an insight that Conservative purists at all costs should consider:

Trump is NOT a Globalist like the RINO/Liberal Commies that want to Globally Enslave us all together in a one Class society. He will Retool our Nation so we can self-supply ourselves once again and be free from the Globalist Controlling Oligarchy of Overpopulation Control Ideologues!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

JRH 5/7/16

Tony Newbill (as n3angus)

Here is why we the Individual Citizens have been pillaged of our affordable living standards and are seeking a politician that wants to correct this demise of the people.

Globalist peril vs. The Individual
(To read about Jon’s mega-collection, Exit From The Matrixclick here.)

First, the Globalist peril.

“Some even believe we are part of a secret cabal working against the best interests of the United States, characterizing my family and me as ‘internationalists’ and of conspiring with others around the world to build a more integrated global political and economic structure—one world, if you will. If that is the charge, I stand guilty, and I am proud of it.” –David Rockefeller, Memoirs, 2003

The man who wrote those words represents a family that has dominated banking, oil, modern medicine, behind-the-scenes politics, and powerhouses of Globalism (e.g., the Council on Foreign Relations) for a century.

Globalism asserts that no nation can be independent from “the family” of other nations, as if it were a matter of fact beyond dispute. A nation claiming its sovereignty thus becomes a lunatic traitor to the natural order of things.

What really binds nations to one another is propaganda, and treaties which are based on the same propaganda, resulting in engorged super-profits for mega-corporations.

Globalism is a secular piece of messianic hype. A Disneyesque altruism is the prow of the ship. Spend 10 minutes educating any street hustler on Globalist principles, and he would recognize it as a standard long con.

Obama’s recent warning to the Brits, that their withdrawing from the Globalist European Union would put them at the back of the line in negotiating a separate trade treaty with the United States, was sheer fiction.

Britain, or any nation, that has goods to sell and a desire to buy will find trade partners. An agreement could READ THE REST (Globalist peril vs. The Individual; By Jon Rappoport; Jon Rappoport’s Blog; 5/4/16)

Donald Trump is rallying together a Coalition that wants this correction to our standard of living that’s been attacked by the Globalist Ideologues like the Bill and Hillary Clinton fascism that has been allowed to exist now for as long as we the people have been ON DECLINE!!!!!

Clinton Cash - Official Trailer

Posted by Drake
Published on Apr 28, 2016

Clinton Cash - Official Trailer
Hillary Clinton documentary 2016

IT’S OVER Bill and HILLARY CLINTON and all your little CRONYS on both SIDES of the Political Aisle!!!!!!!!!!

Trump is NOT a Globalist like the RINO/Liberal Commies that want to Globally Enslave us all together in a one Class society. He will Retool our Nation so we can self-supply ourselves once again and be free from the Globalist Controlling Oligarchy of Overpopulation Control Ideologues!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

See all this Globalization is designed to bring a society of like-Minded supporters and a Crisis to open the door to destabilization and then Government Control to solve the problem THEY ARE CREATING!!!!!!!! You remember what Rahm Emanuel said don't you?????

Trump: Muslim Migration “Destroying Europe, I’m Not Gonna Let that Happen to the U.S.”
Fresh off his massive victory in Indiana, presumptive Republican nominee Donald Trump told MSNBC’s Morning Joe earlier today that he would stick by his controversial policy on Muslim immigration because the migrant crisis is “destroying Europe”.

Trump’s proposal to place a temporary halt on Muslim immigration to the United States was perhaps his most incendiary of the campaign, but the New York billionaire shows no signs of walking it back.

Asked if he still believed “Muslims should be banned from entering the country until we can figure out what’s going on,” Trump said that he didn’t care if the policy hurt his chances in a general election.

“Look at what’s happening. It’s terrible what they have done to some of these countries of they are going to destroy — they are destroying Europe. I’m not going to let that happen to the United States,” said Trump, chiding Obama for refusing to even use the term “radical Islamic terrorism”.

Posted by MSNBC
Published on May 4, 2016

Republican presidential candidate and likely GOP nominee, Donald Trump, joins Morning Joe the morning after his big Indiana win to discuss everything from why George Will is a 'major loser' to what kind of person he may want for a VP pick.

Heralding the fact that “a civilian in the truest sense got the nomination of a major party,” Trump asserted he had been guided by “common sense” and that he would continue to follow that path.

“We have to be READ THE REST (Trump: Muslim Migration “Destroying Europe, I’m Not Gonna Let that Happen to the U.S.”; By Paul Joseph Watson; D.C. Clothesline; 5/4/16)

All these Conservative guys run around thinking all you gotta do is return to the Values and Principles of the Conservative Platform and all will be fine, but on a Global scale you are wrong. From a Sovereign nation basis, you are right, but both cannot exist anymore on the same platform!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! And that reason is Supply and Demand and who’s producing more than they demand and today we have a world that’s in the near future Predicting demand out pacing more than it can produce!!!!! From a Sovereign basis we the people in the USA have first a sustainable population growth and abundances of resources. So the question becomes what do you want? To continue with the current globalization of your abundance or a Return to self-reliance and domestically supplied abundant USA that can support your Values and Principles of the Conservative Platform?????

Trump has Reason to push back on the 2-big-2-fail Fascist Establishment .... as they have always been at the root of Economic Repression and Depression causing everyone's standard of Living demise!!!!! And they do these things for a reason .... control!!!!!!!!!!
Guess who is complaining that condominiums in Donald Trump’s latest big project are ridiculously overpriced.

Donald Trump is.

But he isn’t cutting the prices. He says the banks won’t let him.

The project is the Trump International Hotel and Tower in Chicago, which is to be the second-tallest building in that city (after the Sears Tower). By Mr. Trump’s account, sales were going great until “the real estate market in Chicago suffered a severe downturn” and the bankers made it worse by “creating the current financial crisis.”

Those assertions are made in a fascinating lawsuit filed by Mr. Trump, the real estate developer, television personality and best-selling author, in an effort to avoid paying $40 million that he personally guaranteed on a construction loan that Deutsche Bank says is due and payable.

Rather than have to pay the $40 million, Mr. Trump thinks the bank should pay him $3 billion for undermining the project and damaging his reputation.

He points to a “force majeure” clause in the lending agreement READ THE REST (Trump Sees Act of God in Recession; By FLOYD NORRIS; NY Times; 12/4/08)

Here is why we see the 2-big-2-fail Establishment Fascists CAUSE Economic REPRESSION during times like Election Cycles to generate Fear within the electorate that gives way to the Voters voting for more Government instead of Less:

Commentary: 2,000 scientists focus on the wrong problem, not world’s biggest

SAN LUIS OBISPO, Calif. (MarketWatch) — Warning: Mother “Earth didn’t replace the dinosaurs after they died” in the last great species extinction, reports Nobel physicist Robert Laughlin. She “just moved on and became something different.” But so what, you say, that was 65 million years ago. Right?

Wrong. Today humans are the new dinosaurs, the next species slated for extinction, warn 2,000 United Nations scientists. Soon. We’re also causing the extinction, even accelerating a new timetable. Signing our own death warrant. Not millions of years in the future, but this century. Thanks to our secret love of climate change. Yes, we’re all closet science deniers.

Laughlin put it: “Humans have already triggered the sixth great period of species extinction in Earth’s history.” Get it? We’re to blame. We are the engine driving a new species extermination. The human race is in a suicidal run to self-destruction. We can’t blame it on the great American conspiracy of climate-science deniers, Big Oil, the Koch Bros, U.S. Chamber of Commerce and Congress. It’s us.

We just keep buying gas guzzlers, keep investing retirement money in Exxon Mobil, keep making more and more babies, forever in denial of the widening gap between perpetual economic growth and more babies living on a planet of rapidly diminishing resources.

Humans are the new dinosaurs ... even scheduled our own extinction

But they’re solving the wrong problems. As problem solvers, the U.N.’s army of 2,000 climate scientists aren’t much different than ExxonMobil’s CEO Rex Tillerson. He admits climate change is real. But he believes it’s just an “engineering problem and there will be an engineering solution.” Same at the U.N. Tillerson also doesn’t trust those “climate models to predict the magnitude of the impact.” Like the U.N. scientific models. Instead, Tillerson has faith that humans will “adapt to a sea-level rise.” After all, humans “have spent our entire existence adapting. We’ll adapt.”

Earth’s real problem, too many babies ... but we can’t admit the truth

What’s wrong? Everybody on Earth is in denial about our biggest problem ... population growth. Too many new babies, a net of 75 million a year. And we’re all closet deniers — leaders, investors, billionaires, the 99%, everybody. Yes, even Bill McKibben’s global team. The U.N.’s 2,000 scientists know overpopulation is Earth’s only real problem.

Get it? Earth has only one real problem, there’s the one main dependent variable in the scientific equation. But we refuse to focus on it. So, yes, even scientists are science deniers too. They know population growth is the killer issue, but are avoiding it too. …

But how? Bill Gates says let’s cap global population at 8.3 billion, even as his vaccine and contraceptive plans extend life expectancy. Columbia University’s Earth Institute Director Jeff Sachs says even 5 billion is unsustainable. To stop adding more is tough enough. But how do eliminate two billion from today’s seven billion total? Voluntary? Remember China’s one-child plan didn’t work.

Everybody knows, but we fear world’s biggest problem has no solution!

Worst-case scenario: There is no solution. Overpopulation is going to drive us off a cliff. Even worse, seems READ ENTIRETY (World’s top problem is overpopulation, not climate; By Paul B. Farrell; Market Watch; 10/14/13 7:27 a.m. ET)

And when you talk about returning the USA to a more Valued and Principled Conservative Platform you cannot accomplish this when you have this kind of Globalism controlling the international message to effect the masses with fear at the moment because we have NO Industrial ability left to be a stand-alone nation. You need to REBUILD our Industrial Ability First to Give the Value and Principle concept of Conservatism MEANING. This is why you lose the message when the Market Crashers of the Oligarchy take your message away from you every time they want to at the critical Voting stage, because everyone’s self-reliance from a Domestic Market based Industrial economic structure is GONE. And has been replaced with a Government handout. And you speak about Values and Principles inside an EMPTY Machine SHOP that was gutted and sent to a Foreign producer so your Values and Principles mean nothing right then to the Voter.

I believe we will see another created market Crash again like we saw in 2008 when it looked like McCain was pulling ahead of Obama, and here’s what they will use to say is the problem:

Seen the other way around, the dollar is losing its value against all of them [i.e. Yes and Euro]. The NBF Economics and Strategy team in a note to clients:

After hitting a 13-year high in January, the trade-weighted US dollar has subsequently lost steam, hammered by soft US economic data and hence diminished odds of Fed rate hikes. Speculators have reinforced the greenback’s decline by taking their net long positions to the lowest since 2014.

So they ask:

Can the mighty greenback bounce back? Considering markets are currently pricing in almost zero rate hikes this year, the big dollar could indeed rally if the Fed unexpectedly changes its tone and adopts a more hawkish stance.

But over the short term, they see a “persistence of USD weakness.”

So folks are dumping the dollar, and last week they were dumping stocks too, and they’re chasing after the opportunity to profit from risk. They’re betting on a spike in fear and on a calamity in the markets. 

“If things don’t make common sense, sooner or later, they come home to roost.” That’s how John Thornton, who’d retired as president of Goldman Sachs in 2003 and who’s now a prof at Tsinghua University in Beijing, explained it to Yahoo Finance:

“So I feel as though we’re sitting in 2016 with many of the same problems that we’ve had for the last eight or 10 years, they haven’t been addressed very forcefully, we’re living on borrowed time. And sooner or later, that ends in tears.”

But that “uneasy” feeling, as he called it, isn’t unique, nor is his fear that the global economy is “living on borrowed time,” or that the whole package will “end in tears.” We have felt that way for a while.

So people are once again fleeing into gold, silver, and READ ENTIRETY (What the Heck is Going on With the Dollar and “Fear?” By Wolf Richter; Wolf Street; 5/1/16)

And this will Play out again soon so Hillary can reboot the message of hope with More Government to stabilize the Markets. It will be at that Point that if we stand a chance to keep the USA a Sovereign Nation our only rebuttal will be a choice to Retool our Industrial and Mining Interests with a New Domestic Resource Economic plan. OR otherwise we will see the full force of a One World Order Emerge from this Oligarchy that’s taken over our Nations Government and Corporate faculties!!!!!!!!!

It’s going to take SHEAR WILL of a LEADER to stand up against these Ideologues who want a Globalized Control over everyone’s LIVES and that’s going to take a Retooling of our Industrial abilities or we will soon Officially become SERFs (means Controlled rate of Consumption) to a Global Oligarchy that will be the End Times we Fear!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Hilary and Bill Clinton and the RINO Establishment are why they exist:

Washington (CNN)Hillary Clinton's coziness with Wall Street has long given progressives pause on her potential presidential candidacy. But her family's foundation's ties to banks that have been under investigation for everything from interest rate manipulation scandals to breaking Iran sanctions could further deepen the trust gap between the Democratic front-runner and those who think banks would have too much say over her policies.

A CNN review of public event listings for the Clinton Global Initiative's Annual Meeting found partnerships with at least six banks that were under investigation, involved in litigation or had been fined by government agencies and regulators at the time of the meeting.

In every case, the bank in question was listed as a sponsor of the event even after the investigations were widely reported in the media.

Of the array of sponsors, a few banks were perennial supporters, including British bank Standard Chartered, Goldman Sachs and Germany's Deutsche Bank, all of which were listed as mid-level backers of the event every year from 2009 on. French bank Credit Agricole was a supporter of the event from 2009-2012.

Banks violated Iran sanctions

In August of 2010, the Justice Department announced Barclays would pay nearly $300 million in fines for breaking sanctions against Iran, Cuba, Sudan and others. The next month, it was — for the first time — a "strategic partner" for that year's annual event.

In 2012, the CGI annual event featured three major banking partners that were also facing penalties and investigations for breaking Iran sanctions.

Standard Chartered paid a total $667 million, when all was said and done, to various regulators to settle allegations it violated Iran sanctions. The READ ENTIRETY (Foundation's ties to troubled banks; By Alexandra Jaffe; CNN; 3/3/15 Updated 6:03 AM ET)

Panama Papers - Hillary connection to Deutsche Bank
Concerning the Panama Papers scandal, let's start putting two and two together.

1. Hillary Clinton lobbied for the Panama-United States Trade Promotion Agreement, and WAS WARNED it would make money laundering and tax evasion easier for rich folks and bad guys.

2. Deutsche Bank is up to its eyeballs in this s**t [Blog Editor: Yup, I edited the profanity]  

3. After resigning as SoS, Hillary Clinton personally made $485,000 speaking to - don't hold your breath, you know where I'm going with this - Deutsche Bank.

No nuance. It’s really simple. Hillary Clinton did Deutche [sic] Bank a big lucrative solid, and they returned the favor when it was legally permissible.

PS — I edited the headline to correct the spelling of Deutsche Bank. And I’d like to thank everyone — including the flaggers and the haters — for the lively discussion here. (Panama Papers - Hillary connection to Deutsche Bank; By michaelheister; Daily Kos [Left Wing Online Rag]; 4/5/16 10:10 AM CDT)

Trump being a Victim of the 2-big-2-fail Fascist Establishment is the only one that can Push Back on the Crony Corrupt Oligarchy!!!!!!

Edited by John R. Houk
All text enclosed by brackets are by the Editor.

© Tony Newbill

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