Saturday, August 22, 2015

Help needed for publishing book

Soleilmavis is an interesting author ranging from Chinese history, Biblical speculation and psy-ops mind control. She needs money to publish in a wider audience and she is offering a free eBook from her three selections to get it done.

JRH 8/22/15
Help needed for publishing book

By Soleilmavis Liu
August 21, 2015

I would like to remind you that I am giving out free ebook "The Queen of the South in Matthew 12:42" (no matter that you donate the money or not).

You can read some reviews of the book from the following link: [Blog Editor: Cross posting link below Go Fund Me post]

This book starts from discussing Neolithic Chinese Culture and how it had influenced civilizations in the Ends of the Earth during the Neolithic Age.

This book also talks about Queen of Sheba and the Queen of the South, and why the Bible says that "the Queen of the South came from the Ends of the Earth."

If you want to read the free ebook, please write to

Money raised for publishing my three books. All donors will receive three free ebooks.

"The Queen of the South in Matthew 12:42" is a strong and well-reasoned piece that demonstrates who the Queen of the South is, by using plenty of historical facts. It lets readers understand where the Ends of the Earth are, how the Queen of the South will come from the Ends of the Earth, and what the judgment is. Ultimately, readers will come to know God's great plan regarding the Queen of the South, but Satan and his followers will persecute her.

Soleilmavis hopes that her presentation sheds new light on this important person, who will play a decisive role in the history. This book is a step in that direction.

"Twelve Years in the Grave - Mind Control with Electromagnetic Spectrums, the Invisible Modern Concentration Camp", is helping the public understand voice-to-skull, and remote electromagnetic mind control technologies. It provides the sound facts and evidence about the secret abuse and torture with such technologies.

Readers of her book have come to learn of these technologies and the crimes, which - if not exposed and publicized, in the future humanity would no longer know the meaning of physical inviolability and privacy.

The Struggles of an Ordinary Man - The Turbulent History of China Through a Farmer’s Eyes from 1930 to 2000” is the true record of seventy years of modern history in rural areas of the Eastern Shandong Peninsula from the 1930s to 2000, including the Anti-Japanese War (1938-1945), China’s War of Liberation (1945-1949), the development of China after liberation (1950-1957), the Great Leap Forward Movement (1958-1959), the Three-year Disaster (1960-1962), the Socialist Education Movement (1964-1965), the Great Cultural Revolution (1966-1976), and the reform and opening up of China (1978-2000).

Please go to the link for more details of the ebooks.

I would greatly appreciate it if you might share to facebook, twitter, linkedin, google+, your forums, websites.

Go to Go Fund Me to donate
Free eBook for Review: The Queen of the South in Matthew 12:42

Posted by Soleilmavis Liu
Mar 18, 2015

The Bible prophesies the Queen of the South will rise at the judgment, but did not give her name or any other detail about her.

The Queen of the South in Matthew 12:42, authored by Soleilmavis Liu, is a strong and well-reasoned piece that demonstrates who the Queen of the South is, by using plenty of historical facts. It lets readers understand where the Ends of the Earth are, how the Queen of the South will come from the Ends of the Earth, and what the judgment is. Ultimately, readers will come to know God’s great plan regarding the Queen of the South. However, Satan and his followers will persecute her.

Soleilmavis hopes that her presentation sheds new light on this important person, who will play a decisive role in the history. This book is a step in that direction.

I am giving free ebooks and looking for reviews on the following bookselling websites:

Email me at for free ebooks.

Most Helpful Customer Reviews in Amazon website.

Like another Dan Brown By Liana M. on March 16, 2015

The Bible tells us that the Queen of the South will rise at the Ends of the Earth during the Judgment. But what exactly is the Judgment and where are the Ends of the Earth? Perhaps mostly importantly – who is this mysterious Queen?

"The Queen of the South in Matthew 12:42” adopts an eclectic anthropological approach to the analysis of an age-old Biblical tale. In an exploration of ancient scripture, Chinese cultural myths, and contemporary scientific material, this eclectic read brings to mind the same level of ingenious insight seen in “The Da Vinci Code”. What make this book especially unique, however, are its many correlations with the author’s own life and identity.

Queen of the South will LIFT your spirits . . . it will ANGER you to the point of violence . . . and it will CAUSE you much stir By William Dean A. Garner on May 20, 2015

What a whirlwind of a story, written by a very special woman indeed!

When I first received this lovely book, I gave myself 10 minutes to see if I would enjoy it: the author's voice, presentation, storyline, etc. 15 hours later, I was neck deep, swimming around in unchartered waters, wondering what the heck just happened.

I got the same feeling when I first read the advance reading copy of Dan Brown's The Da Vinci Code, which he asked me to look over and edit; this was back in late 2001, methinks. I was so blown away by the story, I called his editor Jason Kaufman at Doubleday and told him he had an international bestseller on his hands. He said, "We hope so." The rest is history. . . .

I soooo wish there was a great editor out there to ring right now and tell her, "You have an international bestseller on your hands!"

Alas, this wonderful story will have to find its own way to the surface, after thousands of years in hiding. . . .

Ms. Soleilmavis Liu is the most unusual and special woman I've ever met. And I discovered it, little by little, reading this beautiful and important story, perhaps the most important story that many will not touch or even hear about. History sometimes ensures this: the most moving and compelling documents are suppressed from the masses because these documents are blasphemous and crippling to the powers that be. The Jesuits have done this for nearly 500 years, and it appears that they are trying the same with Ms. Lui's brilliant work here.

The book is very well researched and thought out . . . compellingly told . . . logically unfolded until she hits you between the eyes near the end, which lasts another 100 pages, fully and completely explaining and defending her assertions.

Queen of the South will lift your spirits . . . it will anger you to the point of violence . . . and it will cause much strife within you, especially if you are deeply religious or even spiritual. The message is simple: more than 2,000 years ago, a message from sent from the stars: a very special young woman would be tasked with the most important duty of her time, and she would fulfill it to her own detriment.

Today, all the prophesies are playing out as originally written thousands of years ago, but no one is listening. Perhaps we should pick up this wonderful book and indulge for a few days, and discover the most important lesson of our life.

I highly recommend Ms. Liu's brilliant book to every person on Mother Earth. Ignore it at your own peril. . . .

More intriguing interpretations of the scriptures like this needed By DBesim [?] on May 27, 2015

Format: Paperback I was contacted by the Soleilmavis Liu, the author of this book, who kindly asked me to read and review the book. I'm pleased it has been getting some positive responses but as the book stands on its own the prophesies that Liu is making here are indeed incredibly bold. The book itself reads partly like a text book and there are huge chunks of writing and paragraphing that repeat again and again throughout the book, so as I read on I found myself thinking 'she's already mentioned this..' There is also a chapter where the author talks about the number twelve, and in another incredibly bold prophesy Soleilmavis says that there should be evidence to prove there are twelve planets in our solar system (four undiscovered planets) because, she argues, that twelve is a special number with astrological significance (twelve months, two twelve-hour cycles in a day, twelve animals in the Chinese zodiac).

The prophesies that Soleilmavis makes about the Queen of the South is also incredibly bold as she attempts to interpret what exactly these scriptures mean. We need a lot more interpretations made about the significance of these scriptures such as Soleilmavis makes because, frankly, we do not have enough of them, We need more interpretations because too few writers are prepared to make psychic readings that are futuristic such as Soleilmavis has done. Too few authors are as bold to take on and interpret these scriptures as Soleilmavis has done and to present these reckonings in an enlightening way as she has done. Finally, Soleilmavis talks about the Queen of the South being a good girl, a strong student and academic, entering a university in the Yunnan province and then becoming a victim of electromagnetic technologies. If you would like to read another autobiographical account of being a victim of electromagnetic technologies then I recommend 1996, by Gloria Naylor, who is a victim of this awful experience as well as some other textbooks which Soleilmavis has also written herself. In a way Soleilmavis's account of who the Queen of the South is starts to become autobiographical by chapter eleven. No longer futuristic but someone who is more relevant to the present day. Herself. This book is certainly intriguing and will make you want to turn back and re-read through the pages again once more.

Fasten your seat belt and read this book! By Donald Hsu on July 4, 2015

Format: Paperback A wonderful book, with fascinating twists and turns. Most of the Chinese historical data were well researched and documented. Then the book covered the personal life of the author and her family. Satan, mind control and other threats will keep you in your seat. Fasten your seatbelt, it is a thrilling ride.

I met Ms. Liu at E-Leader Shanghai conference at Fudan University School of Management, January 2015, She presented two scholarly papers from her research effort. Her papers were highly regarded by the audience.

Now I read this book. I have a better understanding of what she went through in her life. I have nothing but praise for her work, integrity, moral values, and perseverance among all the hardship she endured. I recommend this book to everyone!
Support Soleilmavis Liu at Go Fund Me

Edited by John R. Houk
Soleilmavis’ blog: peacepink

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