Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Bundy Ranch Reports You Probably Didn’t Hear from MSM

Cliven Bundy
Cliven Bundy

John R. Houk
© April 23, 2014

Below is some information that hopefully brings some clarity that the Mainstream Media (MSM) if failing to report to the American public. If you have been paying closer attention than I you may have already realized the BLM attack on Bundy Ranch and the Bundy cattle is yet more nefarious scandals from the Democratic Party. Particularly from Senator Harry Reid (NV-D) who is the Senate Majority Leader. As the Senate Majority Leader you have to realize that places Read into one of the most powerful positions in the U.S. government. Senator Reid is no rookie to nefarious scandals but he seems to be made of the same Teflon that many powerful Dems of the past and present. Including the Clinton family and our current President of the United States Barack Hussein Obama. I’d say it would be a good guess Obama has his hands in the Leftist cookie jar of terminating property rights and Liberty that Senator Reid seems more associated with in this current exploitation of We the People.

These posts are largely the work of Justin O. Smith who as a contributor had sent his own report on the BLM vs. Bundy Ranch standoff, “Violations of the Constitution”. I have also incorporated corroborating reports outside of my Smith conduit ending with a WND report that shows how the MSM is smearing Cliven Bundy’s image with false or warped quotations to make him look like a violent Right Wing terrorist. That imaging by the MSM and Senator Harry Reid is a load of evil propaganda on the scale of the evil Nazi propagandist Joseph Goebbels.

If you tell a lie big enough and keep repeating it, people will eventually come to believe it. The lie can be maintained only for such time as the State can shield the people from the political, economic and/or military consequences of the lie. It thus becomes vitally important for the State to use all of its powers to repress dissent, for the truth is the mortal enemy of the lie, and thus by extension, the truth is the greatest enemy of the State.” – Joseph Goebbels

After you read the below reports you should be shocked on the path of so-called “Change” President Obama and comrades are taking the USA.

JRH 4/22/14
Cliven Bundy Update from Daughter

Posted by Justin O. Smith
Statement by Shiree Bundy Cox
April 11, 2014

Here's a statement made by the daughter of Cliven Bundy! It will help many get what's going on___

At least it should___

Words from Shiree Bundy Cox:

I have had people ask me to explain my dad's stance on this BLM fight. Here it is in as simple of terms as I can explain it. There is so much to it, but here it s in a nut shell. My great grandpa bought the rights to the Bunkerville allotment back in 1887 around there. Then he sold them to my grandpa who then turned them over to my dad in 1972. These men bought and paid for their rights to the range and also built waters, fences and roads to assure the survival of their cattle, all with their own money, not with tax dollars. These rights to the land use is called preemptive rights.

Somewhere down the line, to keep the cows from over grazing, came the bureau of land management. They were supposed to assist the ranchers in the management of their ranges while the ranchers paid a yearly allotment which was to be used to pay the BLM wages and to help with repairs and improvements of the ranches. My dad did pay his grazing fees for years to the BLM until they were no longer using his fees to help him and to improve. Instead they began using these money's against the ranchers. They bought all the rest of the ranchers in the area out with they're own grazing fees. When they offered to buy my dad out for a penance he said no thanks and then fired them because they weren't doing their job. He quit paying the BLM but, tried giving his grazing fees to the county, which they turned down. So my dad just went on running his ranch and making his own improvements with his own equipment and his own money, not taxes.

In essence the BLM was managing my dad out of business. Well when buying him out didn't work, they used the endangered species card. You've already heard about the desert tortuous. Well that didn't work either, so then began the threats and the court orders, which my dad has proven to be unlawful for all these years. Now they’re desperate. It's come down to buying the brand inspector off and threatening the County Sheriff. Everything their doing at this point is illegal and totally against the constitution of the United States of America.

Now you may be saying," how sad, but what does this have to do with me?" Well, I'll tell you. They will get rid of Cliven Bundy, the last man standing on the Bunkerville allotment and then they will close all the roads so no one can ever go on it again. Next, it's Utah's turn. Mark my words, Utah is next.

Then there's the issue of the cattle that are at this moment being stolen. See even if dad hasn't paid them, those cattle do belong to him. Regardless where they are they are my father’s property. His herd has been part of that range for over a hundred years, long before the BLM even existed. Now the Feds think they can just come in and remove them and sell them without a legal brand inspection or without my dad's signature on it. They think they can take them over two boarders, which is illegal, ask any trucker. Then they plan to take them to the Richfield Auction and sell them. All with our tax money. They have paid off the contract cowboys and the auction owner as well as the Nevada brand inspector with our tax dollars. See how slick they are?
From Justin O. Smith on Bundy’s Daughter and a Cross Post

(4/21/14 8:37 PM)
Via Facebook Message

Hey John, Concerning the email and the cross post on Bundy's daughter's statement___ Good deal John. People need the REAL TRUTH and they surely are not even getting it from the likes of Bill O'Reilly, Brit Hume or FoxNews, and they damned certain aren't getting it from the Progressive Marxofascist media of MSNBC. And Thanks John.

If WE allow the federal government to trample on property rights and the Constitution in such egregious fashion, when they are so obviously acting in a lawless, illegal and unConstitutional manner, then there will be no stopping them when they come for our private property. Perhaps the lines are not so clear cut or perhaps we don't have near the support base that the Bundys were fortunate enough to organize.

All America must stay vigilant, because this was merely an opening salvo in a Greater War, a Massive All Out Assault on All of Our Private Property Rights … coming down the pike at light-speed at the Commands of Obama, Exec Order 13575, and the Marxofascist Progressive political hacks of the EPA.


God Bless You and God Bless America.

Your Friend, Justin
Chat Conversation End
Sent from Mobile
The Real Story Behind The Bundy Ranch Harassment with Dana Show
April 11, 2014

By now you’re familiar with the standoff between the federal government, i.e. the Bureau of Land Management, and 67 year-old rancher Cliven Bundy. (If not, check the backstory and my radio interview with him here.) The BLM asserts their power through the expressed desire to protect the endangered desert tortoise, a tortoise so “endangered” that their population can no longer be contained by the refuge constructed for them so the government is closing it and euthanizing over a thousand tortoises. The tortoises, the excuse that BLM has given for violating claims to easements and running all but one lone rancher out of southern Nevada, is doing fine. In fact, the tortoise has lived in harmony with cattle in the Gold Butte, Clark County Nevada for over a hundred years, or as long as Cliven Bundy’s family has lived on the land as ranchers. In fact, the real threat to it is urbanization, not cattle.

A tortoise isn’t the reason why BLM is harassing a 67 year-old rancher. They want his land. The tortoise wasn’t of concern when Harry Reid worked BLM to literally change the boundaries of the tortoise’s habitat to accommodate the development of his top donor, Harvey Whittemore. Whittemore was convicted of illegal campaign contributions to Senator Reid. Reid’s former senior adviser is now the head of BLM. Reid is accused of using the new BLM chief as a puppet to control Nevada land (already over 84% of which is owned by the federal government) and pay back special interests. BLM has proven that they’ve a situational concern for the desert tortoise as they’ve had no problem waiving their rules concerning wind or solar power development. Clearly these developments have vastly affected a tortoise habitat more than a century-old, quasi-homesteading grazing area. If only Clive Bundy were a big Reid donor.

BLM has also tried to argue that the rules have changed, long after Bundy claims he secured rights and paid his dues to Clark County, Nevada. BLM says they supersede whatever agreement Bundy had prior; they demanded that he reduce his living, his thousand-some-odd head of cattle down to a tiny herd of 150. It’s easy for the government to grant itself powers of overreach, but it doesn’t make it right. Many bad things are done in the name of unjust laws. Just look at Obamacare. This heavy-handed tactic has run the other ranchers from the area and now Bundy is the last one. He’s the last one because he stood up to the federal government.

So why does BLM want to run Bundy off this land and is Reid connected?
I discussed this on “Kelly File” tonight, video via Jim Hoft.

[Blog Editor: This is the part Justin Smith shared]

*UPDATE: Those who say Bundy is a “deadbeat” are making inaccurate claims. Bundy has in fact paid fees to Clark County, Nevada in an arrangement pre-dating the BLM. The BLM arrived much later, changed the details of the setup without consulting with Bundy — or any other rancher — and then began systematically driving out cattle and ranchers. Bundy refused to pay BLM, especially after they demanded he reduce his herd’s head count down to a level that would not sustain his ranch. Bundy OWNS the water and forage rights to this land. He paid for these rights. He built fences, established water ways, and constructed roads with his own money, with the approval of Nevada and BLM. When BLM started using his fees to run him off the land and harassing him, he ceased paying. So should BLM reimburse him for managing the land and for the confiscation of his water and forage rights?

Cliven Bundy’s problem isn’t that he didn’t pay — he did — or that his cattle bother tortoises — they don’t — it’s that he’s not a Reid donor.

**One last thought: For those conservatives saying that since BLM arrived in the late 90s, it’s the law now, well, so is Obamacare.

By Jim Stone
April 15, 2014
[Justin Share-Comment: This EXPLAINS A GREAT DEAL BEHIND THE BLM's MOTIVATION......Bribes, Water Rights and a whole lot of MONEY INVOLVED!]

Immediate family friend of the Bundy's tells it all in a mail sent to

This is the jackpot of details you have never seen anywhere else, and if you did, they originated here, spread it around, ARCHIVE AND POST! (please link back to here when posting elsewhere) A Rancher TELLS ALL:

B Hunt wrote:

I live in SW Utah. I grew up on a ranch less than 100 miles from the Bundy's ranch. My father knows Cliven Bundy. I know Cliven's son Ryan. This is not a hoax, it is an action of force by the BLM.

The BLM was going to sell the cattle at one of the smallest cattle markets in Utah. No cattle markets in Nevada would take the cattle without a properly signed brand inspection (which the BLM cannot obtain without Cliven Bundy's signature). The BLM paid the owner of the Utah cattle market $300,000 to do the sale ('R' Livestock Connection in Monroe, Utah, owned by one Scott G. Robbins, according to the Utah Business Entity Search). Utah Governor Herbert stepped in and forbid them from bringing the cattle into Utah without the legally required health and brand inspections (which again, require Bundy's signature) and that no feral cattle are allowed to be imported at all (per Utah statute). Because Bundy claims ownership over maybe 350-500 head of branded cattle, the other 500-700 estimated head of cattle would all be considered feral. BLM officially backed off, but we suspect they are still secretly shipping them through Utah without any permission to do so, to "private" buyers in Colorado. The contract cowboys that the BLM hired to do the roundup are from Sampson Livestock in Meadow, Utah (traitors one and all).

From what I understand, Cliven Bundy owns both the Water Rights and Grazing Rights to all of the land where his cattle run. If Bundy failed to use them, the Grazing Rights would revert to the BLM and would be retired, while the Water Rights would revert to the State of Nevada, likely to be sold to the highest bidder (which would probably be a bidding war between mineral companies that are behind this action with the BLM and the City of Las Vegas which is thirsty for water and has had multiple attempts to buy water--through eminent domain from Utah farmers and ranchers--from Utah, which were all blocked by the Utah Legislature and Utah Governor Herbert). Chances are, the BLM has already filed a claim on the water rights so that they can sell to the highest bidder (instead of the state) and are trying to get the cattle off to show that Bundy cannot use the water beneficially (much like what the US Forest Service and BLM both tried to do to Wayne Hage).

Now, for Cliven Bundy, he's not fighting this for his cattle or his own livelihood. He recognizes that he will probably die before this fight is over. He has said multiple times that he is fighting this to wake people up about the tyranny of the Federal Government and also to help wake up the western states about getting the rights to their own land back from the federal government, which has repeatedly shut down ranchers and closed off land. (MO = 1st, get all the ranchers, farmers, Native Americans, and foresters that use the land for positive, sustainable production off of the land; 2nd, grab up all the resources; 3rd, close off the lands to public access including camping, hiking, horseback riding, hunting, fishing, boating, shooting, etc.; 4th, sell off the resources to the highest bidder regardless of what that will do to the land, the local environment, or the economy; 5th, collect royalties on the resources in perpetuity; 6th, reduce and eliminate all SLS and PILT payments to the states, impoverishing them beyond belief.)

Anyway, thanks for posting about this. It is important for us to be able to raise the appropriate resistance.

My Response:

Thank you for sending your valuable insight. This contained the details we were all missing.

From this we can now firmly conclude:

1. The BLM's actions are not only flatly illegal, they are unlawful, and not only unlawful, they are so unlawful that it took bribing someone with a $300,000 payoff to get them to accept stolen cattle from a Government agency. I do not think that could be topped ANYWHERE else in the world, other than with something like a Mexican drug cartel.

So we have a clear cut case of unlawful and prosecutable actions by the BLM in this case.

2. The real goal is to shut down public access to these lands. Obviously Cliven Bundy was not a jerk, and he let people go back there to explore. I myself have done a LOT of back country exploring, and noticed in the early 2000's that they closed down all the back roads about a half mile before the destination they used to go to [in order] to discourage people from exploring the wilderness. Rather than drive the whole way, you had to get out and walk a considerable distance to scenes such as Swazy's leap, Paul Bunyans Wood Pile, and practically anywhere else you would want to go while out 4 Wheeling. And in the desert sun, that long of a walk was usually tough to do. This resulted in these types of locations no longer being visited, which effectively equaled a shut down.

3. The motives are for profit. Rather than manage the lands responsibly, the BLM is stealing it from its rightful holders via corrupt actions and legal loop holes, and selling it off to corporate interests. This is cold hard proof that America is not a democracy, or more importantly a Republic, it is in fact a fascist dictatorship where corruption rules and rights, freedom and honor are irrelevant.

The BLM killed hundreds of desert tortoises on purpose

They say they had to kill them because they did not have the funds to care for them. Here are two really good solutions to that "problem." 1. Just take them out in the desert and turn them loose. -OR- 2. They could have taken the three million dollars they said the Bundy raid will cost them, CALLED OFF THE RAID, and SAVED THE TURTLES with that three million. If they had three million to destroy Bundy, they had it for the turtles as well but did not use it for that because tyranny comes first.

Steeped in arrogance and incompetence, once again a Federal agency fails to see the obvious. Or perhaps they do see it but they could care less about nature and instead operate as the enforcement arm of a band of high ranking thugs.

The truth, in the words of a Bundy


[Blog Editor: Jim Stone posts the same exact info that Justin Smith did toward the very top. Except Stone gives “Mike Combs” the credit as the source. I am loathe to repeat the same thing I discovered from a Justin Smith Facebook post. So if you wish you can scroll of for Shiree Bundy Cox’s thoughts. Then I’m uncertain if the next sentence is from Jim Stone, Mike Combs or Shiree Bundy Cox; however it is not in Justin Smith’s recounting of the Bundy daughter’s explanation.]

Well, this is it in a nut shell. Thanks

April 10 2014

Bundy Ranch is REAL

UPDATE: The Nevada Militia has shown up at the Bundy ranch to kick the BLM out. The governor of Nevada celebrated the arrival of the militia and spoke in support of the Bundys, issuing the statement "No cow justifies the atmosphere of intimidation which currently exists nor the limitation of constitutional rights that are sacred to all Nevadans".

As I suspected, the Bundy's ranch is on land that the Fed wants to mine for minerals and they need the water that is reserved for the cattle to conduct mining operations. The land has been assessed to have high grade deposits of minerals that are good for military applications and the Fed wants the Bundys out of the way. Adding to the problem is that much of the land is prime real estate, and the Fed wants it to sell it off. EVEN MORE DAMNING is that the best and most prime real estate is actually owned by the Bundy's which means the BLM is trespassing on much of it anyway. It is neither state nor federal land. There have been numerous attempts to kick the Bundy's off their property so a tycoon can come in and put a residential development in. So as is the norm, a turtle or fly or slug or whatever has been used as an excuse for an eviction, when multibillion dollar corporations wanting the land for mining operations and real estate tycoons wanting the most prime areas are the real reason, and the muscle of the government most likely bought by campaign contributions is being used to get the Bundy's off the land after the Bundy's refused really good offers for it from potential buyers.

The BLM is getting so anxious to get the cows off the land that they are running many of them to death, and that is why the backhoes are there to bury them. The BLM has hired Blackwater mercenaries to snipe anyone who "does not belong" there.

Bundy Ranch comments:

"Feds say it will cost 3 million dollars to round up the cattle and dispose of them"

My response: I have the solution to the problem. Hire a bunch of cattle rustlers to go in there and steal all the cattle. They will GLADLY do it for FREE. Then just give the Bundy's the "three million" for their grief.

"Feds say this is being done to save the desert tortoise"

My response: I don't think cows eat turtles. If the cows were devastating competition for them, they would have been gone in the 1800's.

About the "free speech" zone: Has tyranny gone so far that it even has to control where people shout to the desert wind? Obviously so, which is why that same tyranny thinks cows threaten turtles now. Or is it that the land those cows graze on is in fact being sold to China? Maybe Warren Buffet wants it. Who knows? But turtles rule. And they will taste good in China.

UPDATE: The cattle are not being killed and buried, they are in fact being taken by BLM supported cattle rustlers, as I said would be common sense. These rustlers have been given brand new trucks and trailers to do it, and they are selling the cattle at auction FOR PROFIT. THEY ARE SELLING THEM AT AUCTION, THE SAME WAY THE BUNDY FAMILY WOULD HAVE TO MAKE A LIVING. So HOW DO YOU GET A $3 MILLION LOSS OUT OF STEALING A FORTUNE IN CATTLE AND SELLING IT? GOOD QUESTION, THE ONLY ANSWER TO WHICH IS OBVIOUS OUT OF CONTROL CORRUPTION.

The area is 600,000 acres. That is HUGE. And if you get out of your car on any of the roads you are immediately arrested and taken to federal prison, for committing a federal crime. Infrared sensors are in place all throughout the desert now, and there are numerous private corporate "Blackwater" snipers on the hills. No one has been shot yet, but the state is certainly set for that.

Rising up peacefully is NOT the answer. You cannot peacefully remove any tyranny, tyranny laughs at people who think "peace" can bring about change in a system enforced by state sponsored violence. They brought the guns to the party FIRST.
-Original post- After looking over some of the videos and seeing what is going on out in Nevada, I firmly believe this is no hoax.

Citing illegal land usage, the BLM moved in on a ranch which has been in place since the Wild West days, and had paid cattle rustlers go in and steal the cattle. Some of the cattle were also killed and buried with backhoes. The only difference between this and Waco is that at Waco people were actually targeted and killed, and with the Bundy ranch, a family legacy was destroyed. Both were grave rights violations.

I believe that what happened with the Bundy ranch was the result of continuous encroaching regulations and arrogance of the government, and that the Bundy family actually still had a truthful right to continue using the land under the law. Most likely the BLM was given unlawful orders to destroy the ranch and its cattle and they followed through on them. I am still looking into this story and will post updates. I have been to many protests, and know the CIA ones from the real ones. The video Farganne posted was of a real one, I have no idea why he doubts it.

This is a mirror image of the destruction of the hog farmers in Michigan, where a totally out of control government rolls around in arrogance like the pigs they killed will roll in _____

MUST SEE: Citizens Rise Up – The Real Nevada Story the Media Won’t Show You (Video)

By Gina Cassini
April 13, 2014

Nevada Standoff: April 12th – A historic day when the people rose up and forced tyrants to retreat.

The media’s version of the end of the Bundy Ranch siege is that the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) simply “left” the ranch and “returned” the cattle out of the goodness of their hearts. CBS News even outrageously reported that the BLM “released the cattle to help restore order and avoid violence“! This despite widely-seen video of BLM thugs tasing Bundy’s son and shoving a pregnant woman to the ground. And the protesters never threatened violence in any way during the nearly one-week siege.

The real story was that the BLM refused to give back the cattle, and would not leave the property or disarm, to which they had agreed. The result was an epic standoff that reporter David Knight described as being like “something out of a movie.”

Supporters of Bundy advanced on a position held by BLM agents despite threats that they would be shot at, eventually forcing BLM feds to release 100 cattle that had been stolen from Bundy as part of a land grab dispute that threatened to escalate into a Waco-style confrontation.

WATCH and then SHARE using the links above…

Posted by John B
Published April 13, 2014

Here is the video you WILL NOT SEE on the mainstream media. The BLM did NOT simply "leave" and return the Bundy cattle. They were going to KEEP the cattle --- until a group of brave patriots and cowboys from 7 Western states stood up to sniper guns and FORCED the release themselves.

Shared April 14, 2014

This is as American as it gets!
Posted April 12, 2014

This is as American as it gets! The Cavalry today at the #BundyRanch!! This is from Stand with The Bundys ~ video by Sam Suazo ~ (had to save it and repost it as the group's closed) — with Maureen McKnight.

Hat Tip: Jim Lester via Operation “American Spring” set for May 16, 2014: Target Washington, D.C.
April 21, 2014 9:55pm

Posted by PrePackagedNews
Published Apr 18, 2014

Please read this whole description to subscribe to Next News Network, All the links provided ... great channel to follow, X Employee Reid Bunkerville at the BUNDY RANCH | You saw his proof. Now meet BLM Whistleblower Rusty Hill who uncovered the corporations and shady land deals connected to Reid Bunkerville LLC, Zion Bank Corp, and BLM lands surrounding the Bundy properties.

This is Why The BLM Wants Cliven Bundy's Ranch Gone

Check out 1865, a little History of How we Legally have no Rights to any American Land Ranch Facebook

Cliven Bundy's YouTube Channel
Cliven D. Bundys Range War
Contact the Nevada State Governor and tell him we don't want Agenda 21
Clark County Sheriffs Number. 1-702-828-3233

Directions to Bundy Ranch in NV
Bundy Ranch Directions to in NV 10252109_691608087563344_669004420819185­1126_n Clark County Sheriffs Number. 1-702-828-3233

The Act of 1865, Land Grab

Mirror w/ More Links Here:
======= The Declaration of Independence (1776) ========
That whenever any Form of Government "Becomes Destructive" of these ends, it is the "Right of the People" to Alter or to Abolish It, and to Institute New Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to affect their Safety and Happiness. Prudence, indeed, will dictate that Governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes; and accordingly all experience hath shewn, that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed. But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security.--Such has been the patient sufferance of these Colonies; and such is now the necessity which constrains them to alter their former Systems of Government. The history of the present King of Great Britain is a history of repeated injuries and usurpations, all having in direct object the establishment of an absolute Tyranny over these States. To prove this, let Facts be submitted to a candid world.Clarke County info mapper:

Calling Reid a 'warmonger,' Nevada rancher reveals why he's unafraid of feds

By Sarah Kupelian
April 22, 2014

Cliven Bundy doesn’t normally do interviews on Sundays. But this Easter Sunday, the 67-year-old Nevada cattle rancher stepped out of his church, leaned up against the side wall and talked to America about what really matters to him deep down, revealing a side to him not normally seen in media interviews.

The first order of business, of course, was the Nevada standoff that has mesmerized the nation, and his response to Sen. Harry Reid’s incendiary accusation that the Bundy side are a bunch of “domestic terrorists.”

“The thing about what Harry Reid’s saying,” the rancher told radio talker Dianne Linderman on Talk Radio Network’s nationally syndicated “Everything That Matters” show, is that “he seems to be a warmonger, saying let’s have civil war!”

In fact, Bundy said, “We people are not gonna put up with that no more. We’re not gonna have them guns pointin’ at us anymore. Not when we’re talking about an army of ‘We the People’ against ‘We the People.’ We can’t allow that to happen in America. That’s civil war!”

Bundy confirmed that he and the ranchers and others standing with him, tired of being abused by a government with unlimited power, are ultimately willing to die for their stance. But, he added, “I do respect the United States government. I pledge allegiance to that flag and honor it very much. But [the government] has its place. It doesn’t have its place in the state of Nevada and … Clark County, and that’s where my ranch is. The federal government has no power and no ownership of this land, and they don’t want to accept that.”

Then, maybe because it was Easter Sunday, the interview went in a very different direction.

Asked by Linderman what makes him so unafraid in his current situation, Bundy replied:

“I don’t stand alone. I have all of the prayers from lots of people around the world, and I feel those prayers. And those prayers take the tremble out of my legs. And I can stand strong and straight. And you know the spirit from our heavenly Father, I seek that every morning on my knees. And he gives me some guidance, and I go forth and I actually feel good. My health is good, my spirit is good and I feel strength. I do, I feel strength, I feel even happiness. And I have no idea where I’m going with this. It’s a day-by-day spiritual thing for me.”

Toward the end of the interview, Linderman asked, “One more question: Is there anything you’d like to say to the American people? Because I truly believe you’re a patriot.”
“You know,” replied Bundy, “I woke up, I got out of my house, went down to my trail and watched the sun come up over the hills and the mountains here. And, of course, I thought of Jesus. And then the thought that I thought was that we the people of America, not only of America but of the whole world, what Jesus would want us to do, was forgive. Forgive our enemies, and He’ll take care of all the rest. So my message to the world today is: Forgive your neighbors, forgive your wives, forgive your husbands and children, and feel the love of Jesus. That’s what He suffered for.

“I thank the people for their prayers and, again, I put my faith in my heavenly father and … we’re OK.”

Bundy’s wife, Carol, expressed the same faith to this writer when booking the radio interview: “This is the Lord’s battle,” she said. “He is calling the shots, and we are just standing here.”

Listen to Dianne Linderman’s entire 18-minute Easter interview with Cliven Bundy:

[Blog Editor: Most of my blogs will not allow WND embedded video. You will have to go to the WND article to listen to it.]

Bundy Ranch Reports You Probably Didn’t Hear from MSM
John R. Houk
© April 23, 2014
Cliven Bundy Update from Daughter

The Real Story Behind The Bundy Ranch Harassment with Dana Show


Copyright 2014,

MUST SEE: Citizens Rise Up – The Real Nevada Story the Media Won’t Show You (Video)

© 2014 Top Right News. All Rights Reserved.
This is as American as it gets!

Debbie Paulson Facebook Video of Bundy Ranch Calvary

Former BLM Employee Reid Bunkerville & the Military Industrial Complex at Bundy Ranch


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