Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Intro to Raise Your Voice America! /or Execrate Islamic "Education"

Essam Fathy, Abdou Katih & Ossama Bahloul
Essam Fathy, Abdou Katih & Ossama Bahloul
John R. Houk
© August 14, 2012

Islamic Center of Murfreesboro (ICM) has won its legal battle to open their Mosque that was built even though there was a cease construction order on the State level in Tennessee. ICM went over the heads of the State level courts and got a Federal Judge to allow construction so the Mosque could open in time for the Islamic holy month of Ramadan.

If you live outside of Tennessee you might ask: So what? What’s the big deal? The First Amendment guarantees Religious Freedom to worship as we please, right?

Well you see the thing is the leadership of the ICM Mosque is a bunch of Radical Muslims that support the Muslim Brotherhood agenda for a Caliphate to rule the world under Islamic Supremacist intolerance for Religious Freedom, Free Speech and a whole slew of Civil Rights that Americans otherwise take for granted.

This Radical Islamic Mosque seems to have the Local and State authorities in their pockets because along with the Tennessee media they were in the tank to support the Sharia loving and anti-Constitution (no matter what a Muslim says – Sharia is anti-Constitution) ICM.

Justin O. Smith has some thoughts on the infiltration of Radical Islam into taxpayer supported institutions particularly in education relating to the ICM experience of using the Constitution to destroy the Constitution.

JRH 8/14/12
Raise Your Voice America! /or Execrate Islamic "Education"

By Justin O. Smith
August 13, 2012 at 2:05pm

Willful ignorance, a lack of real analysis and discernment and perspective, and the denial of documented history has been the mainstay of 'The Tennessean', as it uses contributors from the Univ of California at San Diego and Washington & Lee School of Law who have thrown ill-informed accusations of "racism" and "fear of losing influence" to counter arguments against building the Islamic Center of Murfreesboro, Sharia finance within U.S./Tenn governments and Sharia compliant rules and guidance for U.S./Tenn schools and textbooks. By conflating "racism" and a battle to halt the entry of the totalitarian, freedom-killing and anti-Human Rights core tenets of Sharia doctrine and Islam into the U.S. legal system, they have shown that they are truly ignorant of the ideas that comprise Sharia law and the evil and the threats that this Islamic ideology represents in America, or they are fully cognizant of the consequences of their actions and have joined the Left-Muslim alliance in an effort to neutralize and/or destroy the founding ideas of our nation, based on the marriage of Equality and Freedom and Christianity!

Essam Fathy, head of the ICM building committee, Imam Ossama Bahloul and Saleh Sbenaty, MTSU professor and ICM spokesperson, are sometimes heard praising Our U.S. Constitution. And why wouldn't they? This Sacred Document is their tool to our own destruction, as it is being used to advance the fascism of Sharia law and Islam... beguiled by the dhimmis, advocates and appeasers of Islam, such as Mayor Earnest Burgess and Tennessee Governor Bill Haslam. Bahloul recently stated after the ICM opened, "...religious freedom is a fact existing in this nation." If not for the fact that so many within the ICM are known Muslim Brotherhood members and Hamas supporters, I would find Bahloul almost believable. But, these men are less interested in "religious freedom" than they are in seeing the validation of Islam and forcing America's majority to accept Islam's demands. Otherwise, they would not be collaborating with CAIR and Abdoulrahman Kittah to implement and enact their Islamic agenda for schools and textbooks through the Rutherford County legal counsel, Angela McCloud.

The ICM's own views bely their assertions of a belief in Freedom and the U.S. Constitution, and those views are remarkably close in sentiment to Aliya Izetbegovic's views. From the ICM's 2008 website: "The main focus is to insure the Masjid/mosque has a stronghold on our community and to expand beyond religious teachings...We must work hard so that the ICM has a prominent role in the development and progression of not only Murfreesboro, but Middle Tennessee."

Consistent with Islamic thought and motivation and aligned with Sayeed Qubt's teachings, 'The Islamic Declaration' (1970) became a driving force in the Bosnian "civil war" when author Aliya Izetbegovic won the 1990 elections. Aliya asserted that Islam was incompatible with non-Islamic systems and that peace and coexistence could never occur between the Islamic "religion" and non-Islamic social and political institutions; wherever it takes root, Aliya contended Islam must create an Islamic republic, once it is strong enough. In this state, "it is particularly important that education and the media should be in the hands of people whose Islamic moral and intellectual authority is indisputable."

Before the war, Bosnian Muslims were highly secular in their perspectives, but returning mujhadeen/holy warriors from Afghanistan and an insertion of foreign Islamic fundamentalists soon influenced a shift. Muslims were promoted as the dominate group, although short of a majority. Islam expanded in the schools, and new textbooks emphasized the benefits of Ottoman rule. The government encouraged the Islamic religion and gave Muslims preference in hirings and promotions, in much the same manner as Pres. Obama's administration has proceeded. More importantly, the Bosnian military became Islamicized!

Just exactly what are the great contributions Islam has made to American society that its "scholars" should be given access and even any limited control over textbook contents? ... A new "terror" lexicon and innumerable plots against the U.S.? Does anyone really think it's a good idea to allow them access to our children's minds? We've already seen their Islamic schools in action at Dar al-Hijrah and the Saudi Islamic Centers in Virginia that exhibit textbooks rife with the most vile anti-Semitism and anti-American Islamic racism and propaganda.

In 1977, the Hamburg Symposium for the Euro-Arab Dialogue opened with a flurry of speeches expressing contempt for anyone questioning the doctrines of Islam, while exhalting (sic) the Islamic civilization as a "beacon of light." The Arab delegates exploited the opportunity for claiming once more the Islamic origins of Judaism and Christianity, for promoting Abraham as a prophet of Allah and Jesus Christ as a failed earlier version of Mohammed. And nobody had the strength of will and conviction to oppose this lie with an indignant yell, "Have you lost your mind?"

Why would we give any credence to Islamic imams' suggestions for our schools when their own "religion"/ideology is based on lies, and they consistently rewrite history to suit their agendas? Along with their Palestinian myth, Islamic scolars (sic) would have us believe, erroneously, that paper was invented by Muslims rather than the Chinese and that Damascus and Baghdad made Pericle's Athens and Augustus' Rome look like squalid villages. Most educated, intelligent people reconize (sic) that the study of blood circulation originated with Hippocrates, But Islamic scholars promote Ibn Sina, a Muslim, as the pioneer of this science.

America has already witnessed Muslim students force the removal of crucifixes from the walls of Catholic universities. How much longer before they demand that ordinary U.S. citizens cannot openly display their crosses, just as they have done in the U.K.? Along with the symbols of competing religions, Islam would like to ban the blasphemous works of Voltaire and Victor Hugo; biology too must be banned because it is "immodest" and deals with the human body and sex. And, of course, they cannot participate in gymnastics or swimming.

While some of our public schools and educators attempt to teach the full equality of men and women, private Islamic schools still teach the following: Women should be subservient to men, and Muslims must keep their distance from infidels. Muslims should view the democratic societies in which they live with contempt and regard them as transitory, destined to be replaced by an Islamic caliphate governed according to Sharia law. And, the reinforce the sexual morality that young Muslims learn at home, which allows polygamy for men, prescribes stoning to death female adulterers and rape victims but not the rapists, and demands the deaths of homosexuals.

America is infected by a plague of islamofascism in collusion with an indigenous fascism. Our presumed educators and school board officials scatter the infection even in elementary and pre-schools where showing a Nativity scene or a Santa with toys is considered an insult to Muslim children; and, exponentially more intensified in the high schools and exacerbated in the universities, the lies are perpetuated through indoctrination as history is rewritten and falsified. Islam is presented to Americans as a religion of tolerance, peace and mercy as seen in MTSU's philosophy department. Historical fact notes "the Big Lie" and tells quite a different story."

Far too many Americans are enduring this despotism on all levels of government, from the White House and the Dept of Justice right down to the Rutherford County Commission and School Board and the ICM Board, either from ignorance, fear or pure complacent apathy. Many do not realize that their silence or submission helps the new combined nazifascism of the Left-Muslim alliance to grow. I hope You are listening America, because I don't want to be like one of the forgotten anti-fascists who warned against Mussolini and Hitler seventy or eighty years ago. And those who ignored the warning suffered the shame and infamy of their choices!

How much longer will it be before our educators demand of our children that anytime they may have an occassion (sic) to write the name "Mohammed," it must be followed with "PBUH"... "peace be upon him"?!? This battle is for nothing less than the very essence of Freedom... Freedom's nature!

By Justin O. Smith

Intro to Raise Your Voice America!/or Execrate Islamic "Education"
John R. Houk
© August 14, 2012
Raise Your Voice America!/or Execrate Islamic "Education"

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