Monday, September 20, 2010

Are the Snake and the Rabbit Compatible?

John R. Houk
© September 20, 2010

Here are some comments on the post, “Can Homosexuals be Conservatives?” The comments are from the multiple blogs in which I posted my random thoughts based on a debate between WND’s Joseph Farah and GOProud’s Christopher Barron.
Comment by JA

A conservative can be a homosexual just as much as a liberal or independent, can be one.

Can a conservative, liberal or independent be a Christian? He can, but doesn't have to be.
Comment by GIT-R-DONE!
Can a homosexual be a Christian without a war going on in his innards? NO! Not a good candidate for office. He/she would have too many spiritual & social conflicts to be a good representative of the people. And especially to remain conservative once in office. The two are in constant conflict.
Comment by DJ
World English Dictionary
conservative (kənˈsɜːvətɪv)

— adj

1. favouring the preservation of established customs, values, etc, and opposing innovation

2. of, characteristic of, or relating to conservatism

3. tending to be moderate or cautious: a conservative estimate

4. conventional in style or type: a conservative suit

5. med Compare radical (of treatment) designed to alleviate symptoms

6. physics a field of force, system, etc, in which the work done moving a body from one point to another is independent of the path taken between them: electrostatic fields of force are conservative

— n
7. a person who is reluctant to change or consider new ideas; conformist

8. a supporter or advocate of conservatism

— adj , — n
9. a less common word for preservative


— adv


— n

Conservative (kənˈsɜːvətɪv)

— adj
1. of, supporting, or relating to a Conservative Party

2. of, relating to, or characterizing Conservative Judaism

— n
3. a supporter or member of a Conservative Party

Sure you can. Don't forget not all conservatives are Christians. The word is losing it's value to where now we have Christian/conservative and just plain conservative....I agree with GIT...if people think they can be a practicing homosexual and be a Christian they are being seriously mislead by the society we live in.
Comment by JA
I agree with Git too. I just think the question is so strange. Anyone can be a homosexual, with or without regards to their political beliefs. The real hot question would be: Can a person of faith in Christ, be a homosexual? My answer to that is: Many have been, but have changed their orientation after knowing Christ as their Lord.
JRH Thoughts

These are interesting thoughts fellow readers. Another question came up: Can one be a Conservative (inclusive of fiscal policy, Original Constitutional Intent, Conservative values which are intrinsic to Christianity) and not be a Christian? This is a wide open question with many variables. In America Conservative politics and Christianity are symbiotic in relationship. Yet one can be an atheistic Conservative by espousing the principles of Conservatism. This is to say an atheist Conservative would support the Christian values which are inherent in Conservatism while denying the existence of God or perhaps as the Deists of the American Founding Fathers the direct action of God in human affairs. Founding Father Deists considered themselves Christians and believed in the Creator of the Bible yet doubted a Supreme Being directly moved the events of the present. Confusingly the Deist Christian believed in Divine Providence yet the outcome of material existence depended on humanity lining up with Providence and not Providence moving the affairs of humanity. Thus a Deist Christian of America (European Deists did differ) fully believed the tenets of the Christian Bible should be followed without believing in the supernatural miracles of the Old Testament and the New Testament.

Christian Deists, devout Christians and nominal Christians among the Founding Fathers and the early Republic agreed that Christianity is the basis for the rule of law in America. Without Christian morality the Founding Fathers believed America would be corrupt and cease to be the good envisioned by the founders of this new experiment in Constitutional government by the enfranchised people.

In this line of thinking an atheist can be a Conservative.

I cannot see how a homosexual can be a Conservative without following the tenets of Christianity influencing the rule of law and societal morality. A self-proclaimed homosexual-Conservative is kind of like a picture of a carnivorous snake telling a rabbit, "I believe in the same things you do my cuddly rabbit friend. Draw near so we can dialogue together about our mutual beliefs." The rabbit draws near assured that his mortal enemy has changed his scales to think just like Rabbit. As Rabbit draws near to carnivorous snake, the snake’s well meaning good intentions are overcome by the serpentine desire to sup on the innocent Rabbit. As the Conservative Snake and Conservative Rabbit draw near on mutual principles the twisted instinct of Carnivorous snake devours innocent Rabbit.

JRH 9/20/10

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