Monday, August 23, 2010

Rauf Deceives American Dhimmis about his Islamic Ideology

Do not be duped: Imam Feisal Abdul Rauf is NOT a moderate Muslim of the kind the West dreams exist. He is one of those Muslims that will speak one thing to his listeners in America and another thing to his fellow Muslims in Arabic. I cannot believe there is not the same outcry about a person who supports America’s enemies is given a pass to build a Mosque near Ground Zero in the name of Freedom of Religion.

Walid Shoebat translated some recent comments Rauf made in Egypt from Arabic to English exploding the myth that he and his so-called bridge of understanding (Cordoba Initiative) between Islam and the West to be HOGWASH.

JRH 8/23/10 (Visit Foundation, Walid Shoebat for continued Ground Zero Mosque updates in video)

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