Friday, August 6, 2010

Is it Hate to Expose Inherent Islamic Violence?

John R. Houk
© August 6, 2010

I know I come across as a hater with my thoughts of Islam. Especially Muslims have to believe I am hater because I am not nice about Islam’s considered holy writings nor Islam’s founding Prophet Mohammed.

The thing is I believe Islam is one of the greatest evil deceptions invented by man or demon inflicted on humanity. In the mind of a Muslim that sentence alone would place me in the realm of hater. Leftists and Muslims might describe me as an Islamophobe.

The word “Islamophobe” connotes one who has an unreasonable fear of Islam. I do not fear Islam! I do hate the doctrines and precepts of Islam in a sort of righteous anger.

When Jesus went through the Outer Courts of the Temple with an improvised lash, He did not walk through the area calming demonstrating His displeasure of the practices going on there. AND Jesus did not walk through the Temple Out Court with a sword slice the heads of those who offended Jesus for their practices. Rather Jesus went through the Temple “in anger and sin not” mode using the lash to chase moneychangers and marketers who promoted materialistic profit preying on the Jewish devotees of YHWH the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob (Israel). Jesus’ anger was over turning the Temple into a den of thieves exploiting the faithful for gain instead of guiding the faithful through the precepts of the house of prayer.

This “anger and sin not” mode is the fine line stance I attempt to take toward Islam. Individuals that have embraced Islam do so under the deluded devotion that Allah is peace, the merciful, the forgiving one and many other Divine characteristics that Christians would attribute to a Loving God.

Unfortunately many and perhaps most Muslims (considering the West determines most Muslims are not radically violent) are not aware their own writings establish hatred toward non-Muslims especially toward that which a monotheistic religion would call polytheistic. Mohammed’s hatred of Jews is demonstrated for all to read in the Quran and commented on in the Hadith and Sira, stands out like a sore thumb to those that dare not to skip over those writings. Indeed by Islam’s own dualistic theology the hatred abrogates the love by virtue of being chronologically written after the peaceful/love suras. Also Islam’s dualism in the mind of an Islamic theologian finds no contradiction in a sura that would proclaim to honor the “People of the Book” (i.e. Jews and Christians) to demanding their extermination in the chronologically later suras. In the mind of a Muslim the Quran is perfect and abrogation allows the Quran to be applied to a situation as it fits the Ummah (Islamic community).

Westerners do not have this filter of dualism and do not view Islamic contradictions as a harmonic singularity. It is either peace or violence in the Western mind. Peace is good and violence is bad. Good and bad cannot be viewed as intrinsically harmonious.

Statistically a huge majority of Muslims in the 21st century subscribe to the peace-love suras and fight sin as an inner struggle to strive to win in their submission to Allah. This is commendable; however the lack of Muslim condemnation of specific Islamic terrorist organizations is something heard or read in extremely miniscule amounts. Sure Muslims will condemn terrorism or homicidal suicides in general; however condemning a terrorist movement that perpetuates acts of murderous terrorism are rarely condemned. In fact the majority of Muslims publicly condemn the act of terrorism but praise the Islamic terrorist in their fight to keep Islam supreme or purge those who are viewed as unjustly encroaching on areas Muslims consider their domain of supremacist influence. Hence the cause of Hamas and other Islamic terrorists may be publicly reprimanded for terror and homicidal suicide but praised for their cause to remove non-Muslims from that which is considered to be Islamic territory. It is the reason that Muslim Brotherhood/Wahhabi influenced organizations such as al Qaeda or the Taliban are heroes confronting non-Muslim (kafir) military and influence in Islamic domains (dar al-Islam).

Keep in mind that the majority of Mosques in America (and probably Europe) are financed by Muslim Brotherhood/Wahhabi wealth which acts as an infiltration that promotes Islamic revival of the purist Prophet Mohammed kind. If you read the Quran, Hadith, Sira and so forth the Mohammed agenda is brutal conquest, forced conversion, humiliation or death of those who refuse to convert and slavery (brutal labor for the male and sex slavery for the women). That is the ancient legacy of Mohammed on the world that was continued by the Caliphs that followed Mohammed after his death.

Those Muslims that have been assigned the appellation of Radical Islam in reality are promoting an Islamic reform to the return of a purist Islam as propagated by Mohammed and the “Rightly Guided Caliphs” (Islamic view and critical view). There have been Muslims who have used the term “reform” to eliminate the violent nature in Islam primarily as promoted by Sharia Law; however this crowd is even more miniscule than Radical Muslims and the “Moderate” Muslims who stick to the dualistic theology that harmonizes both peace and violence have pretty much ignored the anti-Sharia Muslims.

Be wary of some Muslim groups that proclaim to be reforming Islam. Many of these groups idea of reform is the purist form that demands an examination of Hadith, Sira and Sunna to be compared to the wording of the Quran. Thus if the Islamic holy writings are not in alignment with the Quran they are invalid. This does not answer the problem of dualistic peace/violence in the Quran. One example is which is essentially a purified Islamic Supremacist organization demanding the reforms I mentioned. A prominent member of is Edip Yuksel which has gone out of his way to label legitimate critics of Islamic theology as haters.

The question is: Do I hate Muslims? No.

Do I hate Islam? Yes.

Do I trust Islamic proselytizers? No.

Do I demand violence be brought upon Muslims because of their evil religion? No.

Do I believe Islam should be given special accommodations in the name of multicultural diversity while preventing the majority Christian religion from praying in public forums? No.

Do I view Islam as a threat to American Liberty and Freedom? Definitely!

Ben’s Blog has a good post about the violent nature of Islam that is embedded in the dualistic Quran and/or the other holy writings observed by Muslims. Take a gander.

JRH 8/6/10


  1. Good article. I use the example of 'Good' southerners who fought for slavery, even though few actually owned slaves.

    The fact that many Muslims are 'good' is irrelevant. Many, if not most will fight for what they see as their culture, or way of life.

    What makes this war so large is that political Islam is at war against us. It can only be a matter of time before this war explodes.

  2. Joe I believe it has exploded and America's Left is in denial when there is a capability to place some serious damage on Islamic terrorist hot zones.
