Tuesday, November 3, 2009

What will Iran Deal Rejection Lead To?

John R. Houk
© November 3, 2009

Iran was supposed to have given a final decision to a document it approved in principle stipulating Iran would ship most of its nuclear fuel to Russia for enrichment rather than do the process in Iran. Iran made the deal October 21, 2009 with the deadline being October 22. Theoretically this was to alleviate Western fears of developing nuclear warheads for Iran’s already tested ICBM’s. I expressed the thoughts that neither Iran nor Russia could be trusted in such a deal.

October 22 has come and gone with Iran claiming IAEA ElBaradei made no such deadline. Rather ElBaradei merely suggested a response time.

Of course this a typical stall tactic employed quite successfully by Iran whenever the psycho-ruling Shi’ite Clerics felt international pressure needed a bit of smoke and mirrors.

As of November 2 it is obvious Iran is backing away from the plan agreed on in principle on October 21. Officially Iran has is still claiming adherence to the plan with only a few minor details being changed. The reality is the minor details is a full about face counter-proposal. This indicates that Iran still has every intention of constructing nuclear weapons. If this is the case as I believe then John Bolton’s advice for a pre-emptive strike by Israel is well founded.

Probably for political purposes the Obama Administration via Secretary State Clinton has publicly taken the stand there will be no other deal for Iran. There indications that the Obama Administration are drawing up plans for stiff sanctions to be imposed on Iran. This leaves one to wonder: What are the stiffer sanctions Obama intends to use? If they are as toothless as in the past then why even bother to have sanctions. Simply do what Obama’s Administration has been hoping anyway; i.e. give Iran a rubber stamp of inevitability as a regional nuke power and mold foreign policy accordingly.

Will Israel become a Lone Ranger and strike Iran when it understands completely where Obama foreign policy is leading concerning Iranian nuclear weapons?

There is an Iran nuclear analysis provided by AP writer Brian Murphy concerning Iranian President Ahmadinejad toward the West, America and Israel. The part of the analysis that struck me is that Ahmadinejad is willing to go the extra distance in his arrogant disdain of American power as a deterrent. So I ask again, “What will Israel do?”

JRH 11/3/09 (Hat Tip: United Against Nuclear Iran)

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